import 'util/kdbxweb/protected-value-ex'; import { shuffle } from 'util/fn'; class RandomNameGenerator { randomCharCode() { return 97 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 26); } } function charCodeToHtml(char) { // convert certain special chars like space into to non-breaking space // ' ' to &#nbsp; if (char === 32 || char === 8193 || char === 8239) { char = 160; } return Math.random() < 0.2 ? String.fromCharCode(char) : `&#x${char.toString(16)};`; } const PasswordPresenter = { present(length) { return new Array(length + 1).join('•'); }, presentValueWithLineBreaks(value) { if (!value) { return ''; } let result = ''; value.forEachChar((ch) => { result += ch === 10 ? '\n' : '•'; }); return result; }, asDOM(value) { const items = []; const gen = new RandomNameGenerator(); let ix = 0; value.forEachChar((char) => { const charHtml = charCodeToHtml(char); items.push({ html: charHtml, order: ix }); if (Math.random() > 0.5) { const fakeChar = gen.randomCharCode(); const fakeCharHtml = charCodeToHtml(fakeChar); items.push({ html: fakeCharHtml, order: -1 }); } ix++; }); shuffle(items); const topEl = document.createElement('div'); = 'flex'; = 'hidden'; = 'ellipsis'; for (const item of items) { const el = document.createElement('div'); el.innerHTML = item.html; if (item.order >= 0) { = item.order; } else { = 'none'; } topEl.appendChild(el); } return topEl; } }; export { PasswordPresenter };