'use strict'; var Logger = require('../../util/logger'); var logger = new Logger('auto-type-obfuscator'); logger.setLevel(localStorage.autoTypeDebug ? Logger.Level.All : Logger.Level.Warn); var MaxFakeOps = 30; var MaxSteps = 1000; var MaxCopy = 2; var FakeCharAlphabet = 'ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnpqrstuvwxyz123456789O0oIl'; var AutoTypeObfuscator = function(chars) { this.chars = chars; this.inputChars = []; this.inputCursor = 0; this.inputSel = 0; this.ops = []; this.stepCount = 0; this.copyCount = 0; }; AutoTypeObfuscator.prototype.obfuscate = function() { while (!this.finished()) { this.step(); if (this.stepCount++ > MaxSteps) { throw 'Obfuscate failed'; } } for (var i = 0; i < this.chars.length; i++) { this.chars[i] = null; this.inputChars[i] = null; } return this.ops; }; AutoTypeObfuscator.prototype.finished = function() { return this.chars.length === this.inputChars.length && this.chars.every(function(ch, ix) { return this.inputChars[ix].ch === ch; }, this); }; AutoTypeObfuscator.prototype.step = function() { var isFake = this.stepCount < MaxFakeOps && Math.random() > this.stepCount / MaxFakeOps; if (isFake) { this.stepFake(); } else { this.stepReal(); } if (logger.getLevel() >= Logger.Level.Debug) { logger.debug('value', this.inputChars.map(function(ic) { return ic.ch; }).join('')); } }; AutoTypeObfuscator.prototype.stepFake = function() { var pos = Math.floor(Math.random() * (this.inputChars.length + 1)); var ch = FakeCharAlphabet[Math.floor(Math.random() * FakeCharAlphabet.length)]; logger.info('step.fake', pos, ch); this.moveToPos(pos); var insert = this.inputChars.length === 0 || Math.random() > 0.3; if (insert) { this.inputChar(ch); } else { var moveLeft = Math.random() > 0.5; var maxMove = moveLeft ? pos : this.inputChars.length - pos; if (maxMove === 0) { moveLeft = !moveLeft; maxMove = moveLeft ? pos : this.inputChars.length - pos; } var moveCount = Math.max(Math.floor(Math.pow(Math.random(), 3) * maxMove), 1); if (moveCount <= 1 && Math.random() > 0.5) { this.deleteText(moveLeft); } else { this.selectText(moveLeft, moveCount); if (Math.random() > 0.3) { this.deleteText(Math.random() > 0.5); } else { this.inputChar(ch); } } } }; AutoTypeObfuscator.prototype.stepReal = function() { var possibleActions = []; var inputRealPositions = []; var i; for (i = 0; i < this.chars.length; i++) { inputRealPositions.push(-1); } for (i = 0; i < this.inputChars.length; i++) { var ix = this.inputChars[i].ix; if (ix === undefined) { possibleActions.push({ del: true, pos: i }); } else { inputRealPositions[ix] = i; } } for (i = 0; i < this.chars.length; i++) { if (inputRealPositions[i] < 0) { var from = 0, to = this.inputChars.length; for (var j = 0; j < this.chars.length; j++) { if (j < i && inputRealPositions[j] >= 0) { from = inputRealPositions[j] + 1; } if (j > i && inputRealPositions[j] >= 0) { to = inputRealPositions[j]; break; } } possibleActions.push({ ins: true, ch: this.chars[i], ix: i, from: from, to: to }); } } var action = possibleActions[Math.floor(Math.random() * possibleActions.length)]; logger.info('step.real', inputRealPositions, action); if (action.del) { this.moveToPos(action.pos + 1); this.deleteText(true); } else { var insPos = action.from + Math.floor(Math.random() * (action.to - action.from)); this.moveToPos(insPos); if (this.copyCount < MaxCopy && Math.random() > 0.5) { this.copyCount++; this.copyPaste(action.ch); } else { this.inputChar(action.ch); } this.inputChars[insPos].ix = action.ix; } }; AutoTypeObfuscator.prototype.moveToPos = function(pos) { logger.debug('moveToPos', pos); while (this.inputCursor > pos) { this.moveLeft(); } while (this.inputCursor < pos) { this.moveRight(); } }; AutoTypeObfuscator.prototype.moveLeft = function() { logger.debug('moveLeft'); this.ops.push({ type: 'key', value: 'left' }); this.inputCursor--; this.inputSel = 0; }; AutoTypeObfuscator.prototype.moveRight = function() { logger.debug('moveRight'); this.ops.push({ type: 'key', value: 'right' }); this.inputCursor++; this.inputSel = 0; }; AutoTypeObfuscator.prototype.inputChar = function(ch) { logger.debug('inputChar', ch); this.ops.push({ type: 'text', value: ch }); this.inputChars.splice(this.inputCursor, this.inputSel, { ch: ch }); this.inputCursor++; this.inputSel = 0; }; AutoTypeObfuscator.prototype.copyPaste = function(ch) { logger.debug('copyPaste', ch); this.ops.push({type: 'cmd', value: 'copyPaste', arg: ch}); this.inputChars.splice(this.inputCursor, this.inputSel, { ch: ch }); this.inputCursor++; this.inputSel = 0; }; AutoTypeObfuscator.prototype.selectText = function(backward, count) { logger.debug('selectText', backward ? 'left' : 'right', count); var ops = []; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { ops.push({ type: 'key', value: backward ? 'left' : 'right' }); } if (ops.length === 1) { ops[0].mod = {'+': true}; this.ops.push(ops[0]); } else { this.ops.push({type: 'group', value: ops, mod: {'+': true}}); } if (backward) { this.inputCursor -= count; } this.inputSel = count; }; AutoTypeObfuscator.prototype.deleteText = function(backward) { logger.debug('deleteText', backward ? 'left' : 'right'); this.ops.push({ type: 'key', value: backward ? 'bs' : 'del' }); if (this.inputSel) { this.inputChars.splice(this.inputCursor, this.inputSel); this.inputSel = 0; } else { this.inputChars.splice(backward ? this.inputCursor - 1 : this.inputCursor, 1); if (backward) { this.inputCursor--; } } }; module.exports = AutoTypeObfuscator;