import { Events } from 'framework/events'; import { Features } from 'util/features'; import { Locale } from 'util/locale'; import { ThemeWatcher } from 'comp/browser/theme-watcher'; import { AppSettingsModel } from 'models/app-settings-model'; import { Launcher } from 'comp/launcher'; import { Logger } from 'util/logger'; const logger = new Logger('settings-manager'); const SettingsManager = { neutralLocale: null, activeLocale: 'en-US', activeTheme: null, allLocales: { 'en-US': 'English', 'de-DE': 'Deutsch', 'fr-FR': 'Français' }, allThemes: { dark: 'setGenThemeDark', light: 'setGenThemeLight', sd: 'setGenThemeSd', sl: 'setGenThemeSl', fb: 'setGenThemeFb', bl: 'setGenThemeBl', db: 'setGenThemeDb', lb: 'setGenThemeLb', te: 'setGenThemeTe', lt: 'setGenThemeLt', dc: 'setGenThemeDc', hc: 'setGenThemeHc' }, // changing something here? don't forget about desktop/app.js autoSwitchedThemes: [ { name: 'setGenThemeDefault', dark: 'dark', light: 'light' }, { name: 'setGenThemeSol', dark: 'sd', light: 'sl' }, { name: 'setGenThemeBlue', dark: 'fb', light: 'bl' }, { name: 'setGenThemeBrown', dark: 'db', light: 'lb' }, { name: 'setGenThemeTerminal', dark: 'te', light: 'lt' }, { name: 'setGenThemeHighContrast', dark: 'dc', light: 'hc' } ], customLocales: {}, init() { Events.on('dark-mode-changed', () => this.darkModeChanged()); }, setBySettings() { this.setTheme(AppSettingsModel.theme); this.setFontSize(AppSettingsModel.fontSize); const locale = AppSettingsModel.locale; try { if (locale) { this.setLocale(AppSettingsModel.locale); } else { this.setLocale(this.getBrowserLocale()); } } catch (ex) {} }, getDefaultTheme() { return 'dark'; }, setTheme(theme) { if (!theme) { if (this.activeTheme) { return; } theme = this.getDefaultTheme(); } for (const cls of document.body.classList) { if (/^th-/.test(cls)) { document.body.classList.remove(cls); } } if (AppSettingsModel.autoSwitchTheme) { theme = this.selectDarkOrLightTheme(theme); } document.body.classList.add(this.getThemeClass(theme)); const metaThemeColor = document.head.querySelector('meta[name=theme-color]'); if (metaThemeColor) { metaThemeColor.content = window.getComputedStyle(document.body).backgroundColor; } if (Features.isMac) { const prevVibrancy = this.getThemeVibrancy(this.activeTheme); const newVibrancy = this.getThemeVibrancy(theme); if (prevVibrancy !== newVibrancy) { // Launcher.getMainWindow().setBackgroundColor('#00000000'); // this doesn't work Launcher.getMainWindow().setVibrancy(newVibrancy); } } this.activeTheme = theme; logger.debug('Theme changed', theme); Events.emit('theme-applied'); }, getThemeClass(theme) { return 'th-' + theme; }, getThemeVibrancy(theme) { return theme === 'dark' ? 'sidebar' : null; }, selectDarkOrLightTheme(theme) { for (const config of this.autoSwitchedThemes) { if (config.light === theme || config.dark === theme) { return ThemeWatcher.dark ? config.dark : config.light; } } return theme; }, darkModeChanged() { if (AppSettingsModel.autoSwitchTheme) { for (const config of this.autoSwitchedThemes) { if (config.light === this.activeTheme || config.dark === this.activeTheme) { const newTheme = ThemeWatcher.dark ? config.dark : config.light; logger.debug('Setting theme triggered by system settings change', newTheme); this.setTheme(newTheme); break; } } } }, setFontSize(fontSize) { const defaultFontSize = Features.isMobile ? 14 : 12; = defaultFontSize + (fontSize || 0) * 2 + 'px'; }, setLocale(loc) { if (!loc || loc === this.activeLocale) { return; } let localeValues; if (loc !== 'en-US') { if (this.customLocales[loc]) { localeValues = this.customLocales[loc]; } else { localeValues = require('../../locales/' + loc + '.json'); } } if (!this.neutralLocale) { this.neutralLocale = { ...Locale }; } Object.assign(Locale, this.neutralLocale, localeValues); this.activeLocale = loc; Events.emit('set-locale', loc); }, getBrowserLocale() { const language = (navigator.languages && navigator.languages[0]) || navigator.language; if (language && language.startsWith('en')) { return 'en-US'; } return language; } }; export { SettingsManager };