import { Events } from 'framework/events'; import { View } from 'framework/views/view'; import { YubiKey } from 'comp/app/yubikey'; import { Features } from 'util/features'; import { Locale } from 'util/locale'; import { Timeouts } from 'const/timeouts'; import template from 'templates/open-chal-resp.hbs'; class OpenChalRespView extends View { template = template; events = { 'click .open-chal-resp__item': 'itemClick' }; constructor() { super(); this.listenTo(Events, 'usb-devices-changed', this.usbDevicesChanged); this.checkDevices(); } render() { let error = this.error; const isEmpty = this.yubiKeys && !this.yubiKeys.length; if (isEmpty) { error = Locale.openChalRespErrorEmpty; } super.render({ error, showEmptyMacWarning: isEmpty && Features.isMac, yubiKeys: this.yubiKeys, loading: !this.yubiKeys && !this.error }); } usbDevicesChanged() { setTimeout(() => { if (!this.removed) { this.checkDevices(); } }, Timeouts.ExternalDeviceAfterReconnect); } checkDevices() { YubiKey.list((err, yubiKeys) => { if (this.removed) { return; } this.error = err; this.yubiKeys = []; if (yubiKeys) { for (const { fullName, vid, pid, serial, slot1, slot2 } of yubiKeys) { for (const slot of [slot1 ? 1 : 0, slot2 ? 2 : 0].filter((s) => s)) { this.yubiKeys.push({ fullName, vid, pid, serial, slot }); } } } this.render(); }); } itemClick(e) { const el ='[data-serial]'); const vid = +el.dataset.vid; const pid =; const serial = +el.dataset.serial; const slot = +el.dataset.slot; this.emit('select', { vid, pid, serial, slot }); } } export { OpenChalRespView };