const Backbone = require('backbone'); const AutoTypeParser = require('./auto-type-parser'); const AutoTypeFilter = require('./auto-type-filter'); const AutoTypeHelperFactory = require('./auto-type-helper-factory'); const Launcher = require('../comp/launcher'); const Alerts = require('../comp/alerts'); const AutoTypeSelectView = require('../views/auto-type/auto-type-select-view'); const Logger = require('../util/logger'); const Locale = require('../util/locale'); const Timeouts = require('../const/timeouts'); const AppSettingsModel = require('../models/app-settings-model'); const logger = new Logger('auto-type'); const clearTextAutoTypeLog = localStorage.autoTypeDebug; const AutoType = { helper: AutoTypeHelperFactory.create(), enabled: !!(Launcher && Launcher.autoTypeSupported), selectEntryView: false, pendingEvent: null, running: false, init(appModel) { if (!this.enabled) { return; } this.appModel = appModel; Backbone.on('auto-type', this.handleEvent, this); Backbone.on('main-window-blur main-window-will-close', this.resetPendingEvent, this); }, handleEvent(e) { const entry = (e && e.entry) || null; logger.debug('Auto type event', entry); if (this.running) { logger.debug('Already running, skipping event'); return; } if (entry) { this.hideWindow(() => { this.runAndHandleResult({ entry }); }); } else { if (this.selectEntryView) { return; } if (Launcher.isAppFocused()) { return Alerts.error({ header: Locale.autoTypeError, body: Locale.autoTypeErrorGlobal, skipIfAlertDisplayed: true }); } this.selectEntryAndRun(); } }, runAndHandleResult(result) {, err => { if (err) { Alerts.error({ header: Locale.autoTypeError, body: Locale.autoTypeErrorGeneric.replace('{}', err.toString()) }); } }); if (AppSettingsModel.instance.get('lockOnAutoType')) { Backbone.trigger('lock-workspace'); } }, run(result, callback) { this.running = true; const sequence = result.sequence || result.entry.getEffectiveAutoTypeSeq(); logger.debug('Start', sequence); const ts = logger.ts(); try { const parser = new AutoTypeParser(sequence); const runner = parser.parse(); logger.debug('Parsed', this.printOps(runner.ops)); runner.resolve(result.entry, err => { if (err) { this.running = false; logger.error('Resolve error', err); return callback && callback(err); } logger.debug('Resolved', this.printOps(runner.ops)); if (result.entry.autoTypeObfuscation) { try { runner.obfuscate(); } catch (e) { this.running = false; logger.error('Obfuscate error', e); return callback && callback(e); } logger.debug('Obfuscated'); } => { this.running = false; if (err) { logger.error('Run error', err); return callback && callback(err); } logger.debug('Complete', logger.ts(ts)); return callback && callback(); }); }); } catch (ex) { this.running = false; logger.error('Parse error', ex); return callback && callback(ex); } }, validate(entry, sequence, callback) { try { const parser = new AutoTypeParser(sequence); const runner = parser.parse(); runner.resolve(entry, callback); } catch (ex) { return callback(ex); } }, printOps(ops) { return '[' +, this).join(',') + ']'; }, printOp(op) { const mod = op.mod ? Object.keys(op.mod).join('') : ''; if (op.type === 'group') { return mod + this.printOps(op.value); } if (op.type === 'text') { let value = op.value; if (!clearTextAutoTypeLog) { value = value.replace(/./g, '*'); } return mod + value; } return mod + op.type + ':' + op.value; }, hideWindow(callback) { logger.debug('Hide window'); if (Launcher.isAppFocused()) { Launcher.hideApp(); setTimeout(callback, Timeouts.AutoTypeAfterHide); } else { callback(); } }, getActiveWindowInfo(callback) { logger.debug('Getting window info'); return this.helper.getActiveWindowInfo((err, windowInfo) => { if (err) { logger.error('Error getting window info', err); } else { if (!windowInfo.url) { // try to find a URL in the title const urlMatcher = new RegExp( 'https?:\\/\\/(www\\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\\+~#=]{2,256}\\.[a-z]{2,4}\\b([-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\\+.~#?&//=]*)' ); const urlMatches = urlMatcher.exec(windowInfo.title); windowInfo.url = urlMatches && urlMatches.length > 0 ? urlMatches[0] : null; } logger.debug('Window info',, windowInfo.title, windowInfo.url); } return callback(err, windowInfo); }); }, activeWindowMatches(windowInfo, callback) { if (!windowInfo || ! { logger.debug('Skipped active window check because window id is unknown'); return callback(true); } this.getActiveWindowInfo((err, activeWindowInfo) => { if (!activeWindowInfo) { logger.debug('Error during active window check, something is wrong', err); return callback(false); } if ( !== { `Active window doesn't match: ID is different. ` + `Expected ${}, got ${}` ); return callback(false, activeWindowInfo); } if (activeWindowInfo.url !== windowInfo.url) { `Active window doesn't match: url is different. ` + `Expected "${windowInfo.url}", got "${activeWindowInfo.url}"` ); return callback(false, activeWindowInfo); }'Active window matches'); callback(true, activeWindowInfo); }); }, selectEntryAndRun() { this.getActiveWindowInfo((e, windowInfo) => { const filter = new AutoTypeFilter(windowInfo, this.appModel); const evt = { filter, windowInfo }; if (!this.appModel.files.hasOpenFiles()) { this.pendingEvent = evt; this.appModel.files.once('update', this.processPendingEvent, this); logger.debug('auto-type event delayed'); this.focusMainWindow(); } else { this.processEventWithFilter(evt); } }); }, focusMainWindow() { setTimeout(() => Launcher.showMainWindow(), Timeouts.RedrawInactiveWindow); }, processEventWithFilter(evt) { const entries = evt.filter.getEntries(); if (entries.length === 1 && AppSettingsModel.instance.get('directAutotype')) { this.hideWindow(() => { this.runAndHandleResult({ entry: }); }); return; } this.focusMainWindow(); evt.filter.ignoreWindowInfo = true; this.selectEntryView = new AutoTypeSelectView({ model: { filter: evt.filter } }).render(); this.selectEntryView.on('result', result => { logger.debug('Entry selected', result);'result'); this.selectEntryView.remove(); this.selectEntryView = null; this.hideWindow(() => { if (result) { this.activeWindowMatches(evt.windowInfo, (matches, activeWindowInfo) => { if (matches) { this.runAndHandleResult(result); } }); } }); }); this.selectEntryView.on('show-open-files', () => { this.selectEntryView.hide(); Backbone.trigger('open-file'); Backbone.once( 'closed-open-view', () => {; this.selectEntryView.setupKeys(); }, this ); }); }, resetPendingEvent() { if (this.pendingEvent) { this.pendingEvent = null;'update', this.processPendingEvent, this); logger.debug('auto-type event cancelled'); } }, processPendingEvent() { if (!this.pendingEvent) { return; } logger.debug('processing pending auto-type event'); const evt = this.pendingEvent;'update', this.processPendingEvent, this); this.pendingEvent = null; this.processEventWithFilter(evt); } }; module.exports = AutoType;