import { Events } from 'framework/events'; import { StartProfiler } from 'comp/app/start-profiler'; import { FileInfoCollection } from 'collections/file-info-collection'; import { AppRightsChecker } from 'comp/app/app-rights-checker'; import { ExportApi } from 'comp/app/export-api'; import { SingleInstanceChecker } from 'comp/app/single-instance-checker'; import { Updater } from 'comp/app/updater'; import { UsbListener } from 'comp/app/usb-listener'; import { FeatureTester } from 'comp/browser/feature-tester'; import { FocusDetector } from 'comp/browser/focus-detector'; import { IdleTracker } from 'comp/browser/idle-tracker'; import { KeyHandler } from 'comp/browser/key-handler'; import { PopupNotifier } from 'comp/browser/popup-notifier'; import { Launcher } from 'comp/launcher'; import { SettingsManager } from 'comp/settings/settings-manager'; import { Alerts } from 'comp/ui/alerts'; import { Timeouts } from 'const/timeouts'; import { AppModel } from 'models/app-model'; import { AppSettingsModel } from 'models/app-settings-model'; import { RuntimeDataModel } from 'models/runtime-data-model'; import { UpdateModel } from 'models/update-model'; import { PluginManager } from 'plugins/plugin-manager'; import { Features } from 'util/features'; import { KdbxwebInit } from 'util/kdbxweb/kdbxweb-init'; import { Locale } from 'util/locale'; import { AppView } from 'views/app-view'; import 'hbs-helpers'; import { AutoType } from './auto-type'; import { Storage } from './storage'; StartProfiler.milestone('loading modules'); const ready = (Launcher && Launcher.ready) || $; ready(() => { StartProfiler.milestone('document ready'); const appModel = new AppModel(); StartProfiler.milestone('creating app model'); Promise.resolve() .then(loadConfigs) .then(initModules) .then(loadRemoteConfig) .then(ensureCanRun) .then(initStorage) .then(showApp) .then(postInit) .catch(e => { appModel.appLogger.error('Error starting app', e); }); function ensureCanRun() { if (Features.isFrame && !appModel.settings.allowIframes) { return Promise.reject( 'Running in iframe is not allowed (this can be changed in the app config).' ); } return FeatureTester.test() .catch(e => { Alerts.error({ header: Locale.appSettingsError, body: Locale.appNotSupportedError, pre: e, buttons: [], esc: false, enter: false, click: false }); throw 'Feature testing failed: ' + e; }) .then(() => { StartProfiler.milestone('checking features'); }); } function loadConfigs() { return Promise.all([ AppSettingsModel.load(), UpdateModel.load(), RuntimeDataModel.load(), FileInfoCollection.load() ]).then(() => { StartProfiler.milestone('loading configs'); }); } function initModules() { KeyHandler.init(); PopupNotifier.init(); KdbxwebInit.init(); FocusDetector.init(); AutoType.init(); = ExportApi; return PluginManager.init().then(() => { StartProfiler.milestone('initializing modules'); }); } function showSettingsLoadError() { Alerts.error({ header: Locale.appSettingsError, body: Locale.appSettingsErrorBody, buttons: [], esc: false, enter: false, click: false }); } function loadRemoteConfig() { return Promise.resolve() .then(() => { SettingsManager.setBySettings(appModel.settings); const configParam = getConfigParam(); if (configParam) { return appModel .loadConfig(configParam) .then(() => { SettingsManager.setBySettings(appModel.settings); }) .catch(e => { if (!appModel.settings.cacheConfigSettings) { showSettingsLoadError(); throw e; } }); } }) .then(() => { StartProfiler.milestone('loading remote config'); }); } function initStorage() { for (const prv of Object.values(Storage)) { prv.init(); } StartProfiler.milestone('initializing storage'); } function showApp() { return Promise.resolve().then(() => { const skipHttpsWarning = localStorage.skipHttpsWarning || appModel.settings.skipHttpsWarning; const protocolIsInsecure = ['https:', 'file:', 'app:'].indexOf(location.protocol) < 0; const hostIsInsecure = location.hostname !== 'localhost'; if (protocolIsInsecure && hostIsInsecure && !skipHttpsWarning) { return new Promise(resolve => { Alerts.error({ header: Locale.appSecWarn, icon: 'user-secret', esc: false, enter: false, click: false, body: Locale.appSecWarnBody1 + '\n\n' + Locale.appSecWarnBody2, buttons: [{ result: '', title: Locale.appSecWarnBtn, error: true }], complete: () => { showView(); resolve(); } }); }); } else { showView(); return new Promise(resolve => requestAnimationFrame(resolve)); } }); } function postInit() { Updater.init(); SingleInstanceChecker.init(); AppRightsChecker.init(); IdleTracker.init(); UsbListener.init(); setTimeout(() => { PluginManager.runAutoUpdate(); }, Timeouts.AutoUpdatePluginsAfterStart); } function showView() { new AppView(appModel).render(); StartProfiler.milestone('first view rendering'); Events.emit('app-ready'); StartProfiler.milestone('app ready event');; } function getConfigParam() { const metaConfig = document.head.querySelector('meta[name=kw-config]'); if (metaConfig && metaConfig.content && metaConfig.content[0] !== '(') { return metaConfig.content; } const match =[?&]config=([^&]+)/i); if (match && match[1]) { return match[1]; } } });