const { readXoredValue, makeXoredValue } = require('./scripts/util/byte-utils'); const { reqNative } = require('./scripts/util/req-native'); const YubiKeyVendorIds = [0x1050]; const attachedYubiKeys = []; let usbListenerRunning = false; let usbListenerInitialized = false; let autoType; let callback; const messageHandlers = { start() {}, startUsbListener() { if (usbListenerRunning) { return; } if (!usbListenerInitialized) { const usbDetection = reqNative('usb-detection'); usbDetection.registerAdded(usbDeviceAttached); usbDetection.registerRemoved(usbDeviceDetached); usbDetection.startMonitoring(); usbListenerInitialized = true; } fillAttachedYubiKeys(); usbListenerRunning = true; }, stopUsbListener() { if (!usbListenerRunning) { return; } usbListenerRunning = false; attachedYubiKeys.length = 0; }, getYubiKeys(config) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const ykChapResp = reqNative('yubikey-chalresp'); ykChapResp.getYubiKeys(config, (err, yubiKeys) => { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(yubiKeys); } }); }); }, yubiKeyChallengeResponse(yubiKey, challenge, slot, callbackId) { const ykChalResp = reqNative('yubikey-chalresp'); challenge = Buffer.from(challenge); ykChalResp.challengeResponse(yubiKey, challenge, slot, (error, result) => { if (error) { error = errorToTransport(error); if (error.code === ykChalResp.YK_ENOKEY) { error.noKey = true; } if (error.code === ykChalResp.YK_ETIMEOUT) { error.timeout = true; } } if (result) { result = [...result]; } return callback('yubiKeyChallengeResponseResult', { callbackId, error, result }); }); }, yubiKeyCancelChallengeResponse() { const ykChalResp = reqNative('yubikey-chalresp'); ykChalResp.cancelChallengeResponse(); }, argon2(password, salt, options) { const argon2 = reqNative('argon2'); password = readXoredValue(password); salt = readXoredValue(salt); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { argon2.hash(password, salt, options, (err, res) => { password.fill(0); salt.fill(0); if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(makeXoredValue(res)); } }); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }); }, kbdGetActiveWindow(options) { return getAutoType().activeWindow(options); }, kbdGetActivePid() { return getAutoType().activePid(); }, kbdShowWindow(win) { return getAutoType().showWindow(win); }, kbdText(str) { return getAutoType().text(str); }, kbdTextAsKeys(str, mods) { return kbdTextAsKeys(str, mods); }, kbdKeyPress(code, modifiers) { return getAutoType().keyPress(kbdKeyCode(code), kbdModifier(modifiers)); }, kbdShortcut(code) { return getAutoType().shortcut(kbdKeyCode(code)); }, kbdKeyMoveWithModifier(down, modifiers) { return getAutoType().keyMoveWithModifier(down, kbdModifier(modifiers)); }, kbdKeyPressWithCharacter(character, code, modifiers) { const typer = getAutoType(); typer.keyMoveWithCharacter(true, character, code, kbdModifier(modifiers)); typer.keyMoveWithCharacter(false, character, code, kbdModifier(modifiers)); }, kbdEnsureModifierNotPressed() { return getAutoType().ensureModifierNotPressed(); } }; function isYubiKey(device) { return YubiKeyVendorIds.includes(device.vendorId); } function usbDeviceAttached(device) { if (!usbListenerRunning) { return; } if (isYubiKey(device)) { attachedYubiKeys.push(device); reportYubiKeys(); } } function usbDeviceDetached(device) { if (!usbListenerRunning) { return; } if (isYubiKey(device)) { const index = attachedYubiKeys.findIndex((yk) => yk.deviceAddress === device.deviceAddress); if (index >= 0) { attachedYubiKeys.splice(index, 1); } reportYubiKeys(); } } function fillAttachedYubiKeys() { const usbDetection = reqNative('usb-detection'); usbDetection.find((ignoredError, devices) => { if (devices) { attachedYubiKeys.push(...devices.filter(isYubiKey)); reportYubiKeys(); } return undefined; }); } function reportYubiKeys() { callback('yubikeys', attachedYubiKeys.length); } function getAutoType() { if (!autoType) { const keyboardAutoType = reqNative('keyboard-auto-type'); autoType = new keyboardAutoType.AutoType(); autoType.setCheckPressedModifiers(false); } return autoType; } function kbdKeyCode(code) { const { KeyCode } = reqNative('keyboard-auto-type'); const kbdCode = KeyCode[code]; if (!kbdCode) { throw new Error(`Bad code: ${code}`); } return kbdCode; } function kbdModifier(modifiers) { const { Modifier } = reqNative('keyboard-auto-type'); let modifier = Modifier.None; if (modifiers) { for (const mod of modifiers) { if (!Modifier[mod]) { throw new Error(`Bad modifier: ${mod}`); } modifier |= Modifier[mod]; } } return modifier; } function kbdTextAsKeys(str, modifiers) { const modifier = kbdModifier(modifiers); let ix = 0; const typer = getAutoType(); const tx = typer.beginBatchTextEntry(); try { for (const kc of typer.osKeyCodesForChars(str)) { const char = str[ix++]; let effectiveModifier = modifier; if (kc?.modifier) { typer.keyMoveWithModifier(true, kc.modifier); effectiveModifier |= kc.modifier; } if (kc) { typer.keyMoveWithCharacter(true, null, kc.code, effectiveModifier); typer.keyMoveWithCharacter(false, null, kc.code, effectiveModifier); } else { typer.keyMoveWithCharacter(true, char, null, effectiveModifier); typer.keyMoveWithCharacter(false, char, null, effectiveModifier); } if (kc?.modifier) { typer.keyMoveWithModifier(false, kc.modifier); } } } finally { tx.done(); } } function handleMessage({ callId, cmd, args }) { Promise.resolve() .then(() => { const handler = messageHandlers[cmd]; if (handler) { return handler(...args); } else { throw new Error(`Handler not found: ${cmd}`); } }) .then((result) => { callback('result', { callId, result }); }) .catch((error) => { error = errorToTransport(error); callback('result', { callId, error }); }); } function errorToTransport(error) { const obj = { name:, message: error.message, stack: error.stack, code: error.code }; for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(error)) { obj[key] = val; } return obj; } function startInOwnProcess() { callback = (cmd, ...args) => { try { process.send({ cmd, args }); } catch {} }; process.on('message', handleMessage); process.on('disconnect', () => { process.exit(0); }); } function startInMain(channel) { channel.on('send', handleMessage); callback = (cmd, ...args) => { channel.emit('message', { cmd, args }); }; const { app } = require('electron'); app.on('will-quit', () => { if (usbListenerInitialized) { reqNative('usb-detection').stopMonitoring(); } }); } module.exports = { startInOwnProcess, startInMain };