'use strict'; var StorageBase = require('./storage-base'); var StorageWebDav = StorageBase.extend({ name: 'webdav', icon: 'server', enabled: true, uipos: 10, needShowOpenConfig: function() { return true; }, getOpenConfig: function() { return { fields: [ {id: 'path', title: 'openUrl', desc: 'openUrlDesc', type: 'text', required: true}, {id: 'user', title: 'openUser', desc: 'openUserDesc', placeholder: 'openUserPlaceholder', type: 'text'}, {id: 'password', title: 'openPass', desc: 'openPassDesc', placeholder: 'openPassPlaceholder', type: 'password'} ] }; }, load: function(path, opts, callback) { this._request({ op: 'Load', method: 'GET', path: path, user: opts ? opts.user : null, password: opts ? opts.password : null }, callback ? function(err, xhr, stat) { callback(err, xhr.response, stat); } : null); }, stat: function(path, opts, callback) { this._request({ op: 'Stat', method: 'HEAD', path: path, user: opts ? opts.user : null, password: opts ? opts.password : null }, callback ? function(err, xhr, stat) { callback(err, stat); } : null); }, save: function(path, opts, data, callback, rev) { var cb = function(err, xhr, stat) { if (callback) { callback(err, stat); callback = null; } }; var tmpPath = path.replace(/[^\/]+$/, function(m) { return '.' + m; }) + '.' + Date.now(); var saveOpts = { path: path, user: opts ? opts.user : null, password: opts ? opts.password : null }; var that = this; this._request(_.defaults({ op: 'Save:stat', method: 'HEAD' }, saveOpts), function(err, xhr, stat) { if (err) { return cb(err); } if (stat.rev !== rev) { that.logger.debug('Save error', path, 'rev conflict', stat.rev, rev); return cb({ revConflict: true }, xhr, stat); } that._request(_.defaults({ op: 'Save:put', method: 'PUT', path: tmpPath, data: data, nostat: true }, saveOpts), function(err) { if (err) { return cb(err); } that._request(_.defaults({ op: 'Save:stat', method: 'HEAD' }, saveOpts), function(err, xhr, stat) { if (err) { that._request(_.defaults({ op: 'Save:delete', method: 'DELETE', path: tmpPath }, saveOpts)); return cb(err, xhr, stat); } if (stat.rev !== rev) { that.logger.debug('Save error', path, 'rev conflict', stat.rev, rev); that._request(_.defaults({ op: 'Save:delete', method: 'DELETE', path: tmpPath }, saveOpts)); return cb({ revConflict: true }, xhr, stat); } var movePath = path; if (movePath.indexOf('://') < 0) { movePath = location.href.replace(/[^/]*$/, movePath); } that._request(_.defaults({ op: 'Save:move', method: 'MOVE', path: tmpPath, nostat: true, headers: { Destination: movePath, 'Overwrite': 'T' } }, saveOpts), function(err) { if (err) { return cb(err); } that._request(_.defaults({ op: 'Save:stat', method: 'HEAD' }, saveOpts), function(err, xhr, stat) { cb(err, xhr, stat); }); }); }); }); }); }, fileOptsToStoreOpts: function(opts, file) { var result = {user: opts.user, encpass: opts.encpass}; if (opts.password) { var fileId = file.get('uuid'); var password = opts.password; var encpass = ''; for (var i = 0; i < password.length; i++) { encpass += String.fromCharCode(password.charCodeAt(i) ^ fileId.charCodeAt(i % fileId.length)); } result.encpass = btoa(encpass); } return result; }, storeOptsToFileOpts: function(opts, file) { var result = {user: opts.user, password: opts.password}; if (opts.encpass) { var fileId = file.get('uuid'); var encpass = atob(opts.encpass); var password = ''; for (var i = 0; i < encpass.length; i++) { password += String.fromCharCode(encpass.charCodeAt(i) ^ fileId.charCodeAt(i % fileId.length)); } result.password = password; } return result; }, _request: function(config, callback) { var that = this; if (config.rev) { that.logger.debug(config.op, config.path, config.rev); } else { that.logger.debug(config.op, config.path); } var ts = that.logger.ts(); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.addEventListener('load', function() { if ([200, 201, 204].indexOf(xhr.status) < 0) { that.logger.debug(config.op + ' error', config.path, xhr.status, that.logger.ts(ts)); var err; switch (xhr.status) { case 404: err = { notFound: true }; break; case 412: err = { revConflict: true }; break; default: err = 'HTTP status ' + xhr.status; break; } if (callback) { callback(err, xhr); callback = null; } return; } var rev = xhr.getResponseHeader('Last-Modified'); if (!rev && !config.nostat) { that.logger.debug(config.op + ' error', config.path, 'no headers', that.logger.ts(ts)); if (callback) { callback('No Last-Modified header', xhr); callback = null; } return; } var completedOpName = config.op + (config.op.charAt(config.op.length - 1) === 'e' ? 'd' : 'ed'); that.logger.debug(completedOpName, config.path, rev, that.logger.ts(ts)); if (callback) { callback(null, xhr, rev ? { rev: rev } : null); callback = null; } }); xhr.addEventListener('error', function() { that.logger.debug(config.op + ' error', config.path, that.logger.ts(ts)); if (callback) { callback('network error', xhr); callback = null; } }); xhr.addEventListener('abort', function() { that.logger.debug(config.op + ' error', config.path, 'aborted', that.logger.ts(ts)); if (callback) { callback('aborted', xhr); callback = null; } }); xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer'; xhr.open(config.method, config.path); if (config.user) { xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Basic ' + btoa(config.user + ':' + config.password)); } if (config.headers) { _.forEach(config.headers, function(value, header) { xhr.setRequestHeader(header, value); }); } if (config.data) { var blob = new Blob([config.data], {type: 'application/octet-stream'}); xhr.send(blob); } else { xhr.send(); } } }); module.exports = new StorageWebDav();