# TODO ## v0.5 Dec - [ ] conflict-free 2-way merge sync - [ ] rethink locking and storage concept - [ ] tech debt: unify storage providers - [ ] tech debt: reload after db operations ## v0.6 Dec-Jan - [ ] secure inputs for all passwords - [ ] mobile bugfixes - [ ] advanced search - [ ] help/tips - [ ] tech debt: refactor app-view - [ ] tech debt: string globalization - [ ] tech debt: binaries and history ## v1.0 Feb - [ ] QA ## Future - [ ] auto-type for desktop - [ ] file type associations - [ ] one-time passwords - [ ] audit - [ ] generation templates - [ ] entry templates - [ ] drag entries across files - [ ] customizable table view - [ ] i18n - [ ] allow to increase font size - [ ] different storage options - [ ] keepasshttp - [ ] mobile apps - [ ] external crypto devices support - [ ] draggable items in left panel - [ ] user themes support - [ ] plugins - [ ] auto-tests