import * as kdbxweb from 'kdbxweb'; import { Model } from 'framework/model'; import { AppSettingsModel } from 'models/app-settings-model'; import { KdbxToHtml } from 'comp/format/kdbx-to-html'; import { IconMap } from 'const/icon-map'; import { BuiltInFields } from 'const/entry-fields'; import { AttachmentModel } from 'models/attachment-model'; import { Color } from 'util/data/color'; import { Otp } from 'util/data/otp'; import { Ranking } from 'util/data/ranking'; import { IconUrlFormat } from 'util/formatting/icon-url-format'; import { omit } from 'util/fn'; import { EntrySearch } from 'util/entry-search'; const UrlRegex = /^https?:\/\//i; const FieldRefRegex = /^\{REF:([TNPAU])@I:(\w{32})}$/; const FieldRefFields = ['title', 'password', 'user', 'url', 'notes']; const FieldRefIds = { T: 'Title', U: 'UserName', P: 'Password', A: 'URL', N: 'Notes' }; const ExtraUrlFieldName = 'KP2A_URL'; class EntryModel extends Model { constructor(props) { super(props); this._search = new EntrySearch(this); } setEntry(entry, group, file) { this.entry = entry; = group; this.file = file; if (this.uuid === { this._checkUpdatedEntry(); } // we cannot calculate field references now because database index has not yet been built this.hasFieldRefs = false; this._fillByEntry(); this.hasFieldRefs = true; } _fillByEntry() { const entry = this.entry; this.set({ id: this.file.subId(, uuid: }, { silent: true }); this.fileName =; this.groupName =; this.title = this._getFieldString('Title'); this.password = this._getPassword(); this.notes = this._getFieldString('Notes'); this.url = this._getFieldString('URL'); this.displayUrl = this._getDisplayUrl(this._getFieldString('URL')); this.user = this._getFieldString('UserName'); this.iconId = entry.icon; this.icon = this._iconFromId(entry.icon); this.tags = entry.tags; this.color = this._colorToModel(entry.bgColor) || this._colorToModel(entry.fgColor); this.fields = this._fieldsToModel(); this.attachments = this._attachmentsToModel(entry.binaries); this.created = entry.times.creationTime; this.updated = entry.times.lastModTime; this.expires = entry.times.expires ? entry.times.expiryTime : undefined; this.expired = entry.times.expires && entry.times.expiryTime <= new Date(); this.historyLength = entry.history.length; this.titleUserLower = `${this.title}:${this.user}`.toLowerCase(); this._buildCustomIcon(); this._buildSearchText(); this._buildSearchTags(); this._buildSearchColor(); this._buildAutoType(); if (this.hasFieldRefs) { this.resolveFieldReferences(); } } _getPassword() { const password = this.entry.fields.get('Password') || kdbxweb.ProtectedValue.fromString(''); if (!password.isProtected) { return kdbxweb.ProtectedValue.fromString(password); } return password; } _getFieldString(field) { const val = this.entry.fields.get(field); if (!val) { return ''; } if (val.isProtected) { return val.getText(); } return val.toString(); } _checkUpdatedEntry() { if (this.isJustCreated) { this.isJustCreated = false; } if (this.canBeDeleted) { this.canBeDeleted = false; } if (this.unsaved && +this.updated !== +this.entry.times.lastModTime) { this.unsaved = false; } } _buildSearchText() { let text = ''; for (const value of this.entry.fields.values()) { if (typeof value === 'string') { text += value.toLowerCase() + '\n'; } } this.entry.tags.forEach((tag) => { text += tag.toLowerCase() + '\n'; }); this.attachments.forEach((att) => { text += att.title.toLowerCase() + '\n'; }); this.searchText = text; } _buildCustomIcon() { this.customIcon = null; this.customIconId = null; if (this.entry.customIcon) { this.customIcon = IconUrlFormat.toDataUrl( this.file.db.meta.customIcons.get( ); this.customIconId = this.entry.customIcon.toString(); } } _buildSearchTags() { this.searchTags = => tag.toLowerCase()); } _buildSearchColor() { this.searchColor = this.color; } _buildAutoType() { this.autoTypeEnabled = this.entry.autoType.enabled; this.autoTypeObfuscation = this.entry.autoType.obfuscation === kdbxweb.Consts.AutoTypeObfuscationOptions.UseClipboard; this.autoTypeSequence = this.entry.autoType.defaultSequence; this.autoTypeWindows =; } _convertAutoTypeItem(item) { return { window: item.window, sequence: item.keystrokeSequence }; } _iconFromId(id) { return IconMap[id]; } _getDisplayUrl(url) { if (!url) { return ''; } return url.replace(UrlRegex, ''); } _colorToModel(color) { return color ? Color.getNearest(color) : null; } _fieldsToModel() { return omit(this.getAllFields(), BuiltInFields); } _attachmentsToModel(binaries) { const att = []; for (let [title, data] of binaries) { if (data && data.ref) { data = data.value; } if (data) { att.push(AttachmentModel.fromAttachment({ data, title })); } } return att; } _entryModified() { if (!this.unsaved) { this.unsaved = true; if (this.file.historyMaxItems !== 0) { this.entry.pushHistory(); } this.file.setModified(); } if (this.isJustCreated) { this.isJustCreated = false; this.file.reload(); } this.entry.times.update(); } setSaved() { if (this.unsaved) { this.unsaved = false; } if (this.canBeDeleted) { this.canBeDeleted = false; } } matches(filter) { return this._search.matches(filter); } getAllFields() { const fields = {}; for (const [key, value] of this.entry.fields) { fields[key] = value; } return fields; } getHistoryEntriesForSearch() { return this.entry.history; } resolveFieldReferences() { this.hasFieldRefs = false; FieldRefFields.forEach((field) => { const fieldValue = this[field]; const refValue = this._resolveFieldReference(fieldValue); if (refValue !== undefined) { this[field] = refValue; this.hasFieldRefs = true; } }); } getFieldValue(field) { field = field.toLowerCase(); let resolvedField; [...this.entry.fields.keys()].some((entryField) => { if (entryField.toLowerCase() === field) { resolvedField = entryField; return true; } return false; }); if (resolvedField) { let fieldValue = this.entry.fields.get(resolvedField); const refValue = this._resolveFieldReference(fieldValue); if (refValue !== undefined) { fieldValue = refValue; } return fieldValue; } } _resolveFieldReference(fieldValue) { if (!fieldValue) { return; } if (fieldValue.isProtected && fieldValue.isFieldReference()) { fieldValue = fieldValue.getText(); } if (typeof fieldValue !== 'string') { return; } const match = fieldValue.match(FieldRefRegex); if (!match) { return; } return this._getReferenceValue(match[1], match[2]); } _getReferenceValue(fieldRefId, idStr) { const id = new Uint8Array(16); for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) { id[i] = parseInt(idStr.substr(i * 2, 2), 16); } const uuid = new kdbxweb.KdbxUuid(id); const entry = this.file.getEntry(this.file.subId(; if (!entry) { return; } return entry.entry.fields.get(FieldRefIds[fieldRefId]); } setColor(color) { this._entryModified(); this.entry.bgColor = Color.getKnownBgColor(color); this._fillByEntry(); } setIcon(iconId) { this._entryModified(); this.entry.icon = iconId; this.entry.customIcon = undefined; this._fillByEntry(); } setCustomIcon(customIconId) { this._entryModified(); this.entry.customIcon = new kdbxweb.KdbxUuid(customIconId); this._fillByEntry(); } setExpires(dt) { this._entryModified(); this.entry.times.expiryTime = dt instanceof Date ? dt : undefined; this.entry.times.expires = !!dt; this._fillByEntry(); } setTags(tags) { this._entryModified(); this.entry.tags = tags; this._fillByEntry(); } renameTag(from, to) { const ix = this.entry.tags.findIndex((tag) => tag.toLowerCase() === from.toLowerCase()); if (ix < 0) { return; } this._entryModified(); this.entry.tags.splice(ix, 1); if (to) { this.entry.tags.push(to); } this._fillByEntry(); } setField(field, val, allowEmpty) { const hasValue = val && (typeof val === 'string' || (val.isProtected && val.byteLength)); if (hasValue || allowEmpty || BuiltInFields.indexOf(field) >= 0) { this._entryModified(); val = this.sanitizeFieldValue(val); this.entry.fields.set(field, val); } else if (this.entry.fields.has(field)) { this._entryModified(); this.entry.fields.delete(field); } this._fillByEntry(); } sanitizeFieldValue(val) { if (val && !val.isProtected) { // // eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex val = val.replace(/[\x00-\x08\x0B-\x0C\x0E-\x1F\uFFF0-\uFFFF]/g, ''); } return val; } hasField(field) { return this.entry.fields.has(field); } addAttachment(name, data) { this._entryModified(); return this.file.db.createBinary(data).then((binaryRef) => { this.entry.binaries.set(name, binaryRef); this._fillByEntry(); }); } removeAttachment(name) { this._entryModified(); this.entry.binaries.delete(name); this._fillByEntry(); } getHistory() { const history = (rec) { return EntryModel.fromEntry(rec,, this.file); }, this); history.push(this); history.sort((x, y) => x.updated - y.updated); return history; } deleteHistory(historyEntry) { const ix = this.entry.history.indexOf(historyEntry); if (ix >= 0) { this.entry.removeHistory(ix); this.file.setModified(); } this._fillByEntry(); } revertToHistoryState(historyEntry) { const ix = this.entry.history.indexOf(historyEntry); if (ix < 0) { return; } this.entry.pushHistory(); this.unsaved = true; this.file.setModified(); this.entry.fields = new Map(); this.entry.binaries = new Map(); this.entry.copyFrom(historyEntry); this._entryModified(); this._fillByEntry(); } discardUnsaved() { if (this.unsaved && this.entry.history.length) { this.unsaved = false; const historyEntry = this.entry.history[this.entry.history.length - 1]; this.entry.removeHistory(this.entry.history.length - 1); this.entry.fields = new Map(); this.entry.binaries = new Map(); this.entry.copyFrom(historyEntry); this._fillByEntry(); } } moveToTrash() { this.file.setModified(); if (this.isJustCreated) { this.isJustCreated = false; } this.file.db.remove(this.entry); this.file.reload(); } deleteFromTrash() { this.file.setModified(); this.file.db.move(this.entry, null); this.file.reload(); } removeWithoutHistory() { if (this.canBeDeleted) { const ix =; if (ix >= 0) {, 1); } this.file.reload(); } } detach() { this.file.setModified(); this.file.db.move(this.entry, null); this.file.reload(); return this.entry; } moveToFile(file) { if (this.canBeDeleted) { this.removeWithoutHistory(); = file.groups[0]; this.file = file; this._fillByEntry(); this.entry.times.update();;; this.isJustCreated = true; this.unsaved = true; this.file.setModified(); } } initOtpGenerator() { let otpUrl; if (this.fields.otp) { otpUrl = this.fields.otp; if (otpUrl.isProtected) { otpUrl = otpUrl.getText(); } // called only if secret provided, no formatted url if (Otp.isSecret(otpUrl.replace(/\s/g, ''))) { otpUrl = Otp.makeUrl(otpUrl.replace(/\s/g, '').toUpperCase()); } else if (otpUrl.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf('otpauth:', 0) !== 0) { // KeeOTP plugin format const args = {}; otpUrl.split('&').forEach((part) => { const parts = part.split('=', 2); args[parts[0]] = decodeURIComponent(parts[1]).replace(/=/g, ''); }); if (args.key) { otpUrl = Otp.makeUrl(args.key, args.step, args.size); } } } else if (this.entry.fields.get('TOTP Seed')) { // TrayTOTP plugin format let secret = this.entry.fields.get('TOTP Seed'); if (secret.isProtected) { secret = secret.getText(); } if (secret) { let settings = this.entry.fields.get('TOTP Settings'); if (settings && settings.isProtected) { settings = settings.getText(); } let period, digits; if (settings) { settings = settings.split(';'); if (settings.length > 0 && settings[0] > 0) { period = settings[0]; } if (settings.length > 1 && settings[1] > 0) { digits = settings[1]; } } otpUrl = Otp.makeUrl(secret, period, digits); this.fields.otp = kdbxweb.ProtectedValue.fromString(otpUrl); } } if (otpUrl) { if (this.otpGenerator && this.otpGenerator.url === otpUrl) { return; } try { this.otpGenerator = Otp.parseUrl(otpUrl); } catch { this.otpGenerator = null; } } else { this.otpGenerator = null; } } setOtp(otp) { this.otpGenerator = otp; this.setOtpUrl(otp.url); } setOtpUrl(url) { this.setField('otp', url ? kdbxweb.ProtectedValue.fromString(url) : undefined); this.entry.fields.delete('TOTP Seed'); this.entry.fields.delete('TOTP Settings'); } getEffectiveEnableAutoType() { if (typeof this.entry.autoType.enabled === 'boolean') { return this.entry.autoType.enabled; } return; } getEffectiveAutoTypeSeq() { return this.entry.autoType.defaultSequence ||; } setEnableAutoType(enabled) { this._entryModified(); this.entry.autoType.enabled = enabled; this._buildAutoType(); } setAutoTypeObfuscation(enabled) { this._entryModified(); this.entry.autoType.obfuscation = enabled ? kdbxweb.Consts.AutoTypeObfuscationOptions.UseClipboard : kdbxweb.Consts.AutoTypeObfuscationOptions.None; this._buildAutoType(); } setAutoTypeSeq(seq) { this._entryModified(); this.entry.autoType.defaultSequence = seq || undefined; this._buildAutoType(); } getGroupPath() { let group =; const groupPath = []; while (group) { groupPath.unshift(group.title); group = group.parentGroup; } return groupPath; } cloneEntry(nameSuffix) { const newEntry = EntryModel.newEntry(, this.file); const uuid = newEntry.entry.uuid; newEntry.entry.copyFrom(this.entry); newEntry.entry.uuid = uuid; newEntry.entry.times.update(); newEntry.entry.times.creationTime = newEntry.entry.times.lastModTime; newEntry.entry.fields.set('Title', this.title + nameSuffix); newEntry._fillByEntry(); this.file.reload(); return newEntry; } copyFromTemplate(templateEntry) { const uuid = this.entry.uuid; this.entry.copyFrom(templateEntry.entry); this.entry.uuid = uuid; this.entry.times.update(); this.entry.times.creationTime = this.entry.times.lastModTime; this.entry.fields.set('Title', ''); this._fillByEntry(); } getRank(filter) { const searchString = filter.textLower; if (!searchString) { // no search string given, so rank all items the same return 0; } const checkProtectedFields = filter.advanced && filter.advanced.protect; const fieldWeights = { 'Title': 10, 'URL': 8, 'UserName': 5, 'Notes': 2 }; const defaultFieldWeight = 2; const allFields = Object.keys(fieldWeights).concat(Object.keys(this.fields)); return allFields.reduce((rank, fieldName) => { const val = this.entry.fields.get(fieldName); if (!val) { return rank; } if (val.isProtected && (!checkProtectedFields || !val.length)) { return rank; } const stringRank = Ranking.getStringRank(searchString, val); const fieldWeight = fieldWeights[fieldName] || defaultFieldWeight; return rank + stringRank * fieldWeight; }, 0); } getHtml() { return KdbxToHtml.entryToHtml(this.file.db, this.entry); } canCheckPasswordIssues() { return !this.entry.customData?.has('IgnorePwIssues'); } setIgnorePasswordIssues() { if (!this.entry.customData) { this.entry.customData = new Map(); } this.entry.customData.set('IgnorePwIssues', '1'); this._entryModified(); } getNextUrlFieldName() { const takenFields = new Set( [...this.entry.fields.keys()].filter((f) => f.startsWith(ExtraUrlFieldName)) ); for (let i = 0; ; i++) { const fieldName = i ? `${ExtraUrlFieldName}_${i}` : ExtraUrlFieldName; if (!takenFields.has(fieldName)) { return fieldName; } } } getAllUrls() { const urls = this.url ? [this.url] : []; const extraUrls = Object.entries(this.fields) .filter(([field]) => field.startsWith(ExtraUrlFieldName)) .map(([, value]) => (value.isProtected ? value.getText() : value)) .filter((value) => value); return urls.concat(extraUrls); } static fromEntry(entry, group, file) { const model = new EntryModel(); model.setEntry(entry, group, file); return model; } static newEntry(group, file, opts) { const model = new EntryModel(); const entry = file.db.createEntry(; if (AppSettingsModel.useGroupIconForEntries && group.icon && group.iconId) { entry.icon = group.iconId; } if (opts && opts.tag) { entry.tags = [opts.tag]; } model.setEntry(entry, group, file); model.entry.times.update(); model.unsaved = true; model.isJustCreated = true; model.canBeDeleted = true; group.addEntry(model); file.setModified(); return model; } static newEntryWithFields(group, fields) { const entry = EntryModel.newEntry(group, group.file); for (const [field, value] of Object.entries(fields)) { entry.setField(field, value); } return entry; } } EntryModel.defineModelProperties({}, { extensions: true }); export { EntryModel, ExtraUrlFieldName };