import morphdom from 'morphdom'; import EventEmitter from 'events'; import { Tip } from 'util/ui/tip'; import { KeyHandler } from 'comp/browser/key-handler'; import { Logger } from 'util/logger'; class View extends EventEmitter { parent = undefined; template = undefined; events = {}; model = undefined; options = {}; views = {}; hidden = false; removed = false; boundEvents = []; debugLogger = localStorage.debugViews ? new Logger('view', : undefined; constructor(model, options = {}) { super(); this.model = model; this.options = options; this.setMaxListeners(100); } render(templateData) { if (this.removed) { return; } let ts; if (this.debugLogger) { this.debugLogger.debug('Render start'); ts = this.debugLogger.ts(); } if (this.el) { Tip.destroyTips(this.el); } this.unbindEvents(); this.renderElement(templateData); this.bindEvents(); Tip.createTips(this.el); this.debugLogger && this.debugLogger.debug('Render finished', this.debugLogger.ts(ts)); return this; } renderElement(templateData) { const html = this.template(templateData); if (this.el) { const mountRoot = this.options.ownParent ? this.el.firstChild : this.el; morphdom(mountRoot, html); } else { let parent = this.options.parent || this.parent; if (parent) { if (typeof parent === 'string') { parent = document.querySelector(parent); } if (!parent) { throw new Error(`Error rendering ${}: parent not found`); } if (this.options.replace) { Tip.destroyTips(parent); parent.innerHTML = ''; } const el = document.createElement('div'); el.innerHTML = html; const root = el.firstChild; if (this.options.ownParent) { if (root) { parent.appendChild(root); } this.el = parent; } else { this.el = root; parent.appendChild(this.el); } } else { throw new Error( `Error rendering ${}: I don't know how to insert the view` ); } this.$el = $(this.el); // legacy } } bindEvents() { for (const [eventDef, method] of Object.entries( { const spaceIx = eventDef.indexOf(' '); let event, targets; if (spaceIx > 0) { event = eventDef.substr(0, spaceIx); const selector = eventDef.substr(spaceIx + 1); targets = this.el.querySelectorAll(selector); } else { event = eventDef; targets = [this.el]; } for (const target of targets) { const listener = e => { this.debugLogger && this.debugLogger.debug('Listener', method); this[method](e); }; target.addEventListener(event, listener); this.boundEvents.push({ target, event, listener }); } } } unbindEvents() { for (const boundEvent of this.boundEvents) { const { target, event, listener } = boundEvent; target.removeEventListener(event, listener); } } remove() { this.emit('remove'); this.removeInnerViews(); Tip.hideTips(this.el); this.el.remove(); this.removed = true; this.debugLogger && this.debugLogger.debug('Remove'); } removeInnerViews() { if (this.views) { for (const view of Object.values(this.views)) { if (view) { if (view instanceof Array) { view.forEach(v => v.remove()); } else { view.remove(); } } } this.views = {}; } } listenTo(model, event, callback) { const boundCallback = callback.bind(this); model.on(event, boundCallback); this.once('remove', () =>, boundCallback)); } stopListening(model, event, callback) { // TODO: remove a pending callback, callback); } hide() { Tip.hideTips(this.el); return this.toggle(false); } show() { return this.toggle(true); } toggle(visible) { this.debugLogger && this.debugLogger.debug(visible ? 'Show' : 'Hide'); if (visible === undefined) { visible = this.hidden; } this.hidden = !visible; this.emit(visible ? 'show' : 'hide'); if (this.el) { this.el.classList.toggle('show', !!visible); this.el.classList.toggle('hide', !visible); if (!visible) { Tip.hideTips(this.el); } } } isHidden() { return this.hidden; } isVisible() { return !this.hidden; } afterPaint(callback) { requestAnimationFrame(() => requestAnimationFrame(callback)); } onKey(key, handler, shortcut, modal, noPrevent) { KeyHandler.onKey(key, handler, this, shortcut, modal, noPrevent); this.once('remove', () => KeyHandler.offKey(key, handler, this)); } off(event, listener) { if (listener === undefined) { return super.removeAllListeners(event); } else { return, listener); } } } export { View };