'use strict'; var Backbone = require('backbone'), GroupCollection = require('../collections/group-collection'), GroupModel = require('./group-model'), IconUrl = require('../util/icon-url'), kdbxweb = require('kdbxweb'), demoFileData = require('base64!../../resources/Demo.kdbx'); var FileModel = Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults: { id: '', name: '', keyFileName: '', passwordLength: 0, path: '', storage: null, modified: false, dirty: false, open: false, created: false, demo: false, groups: null, oldPasswordLength: 0, oldKeyFileName: '', passwordChanged: false, keyFileChanged: false, syncing: false, syncError: null, syncDate: null }, db: null, entryMap: null, groupMap: null, initialize: function() { this.entryMap = {}; this.groupMap = {}; }, open: function(password, fileData, keyFileData, callback) { var len = password.value.length, byteLength = 0, value = new Uint8Array(len * 4), salt = kdbxweb.Random.getBytes(len * 4), ch, bytes; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { ch = String.fromCharCode(password.value.charCodeAt(i) ^ password.salt[i]); bytes = kdbxweb.ByteUtils.stringToBytes(ch); for (var j = 0; j < bytes.length; j++) { value[byteLength] = bytes[j] ^ salt[byteLength]; byteLength++; } } password = new kdbxweb.ProtectedValue(value.buffer.slice(0, byteLength), salt.buffer.slice(0, byteLength)); try { var credentials = new kdbxweb.Credentials(password, keyFileData); var start = performance.now(); kdbxweb.Kdbx.load(fileData, credentials, (function(db, err) { if (err) { console.error('Error opening file', err.code, err.message, err); callback(err); } else { this.db = db; this.readModel(this.get('name')); this.setOpenFile({ passwordLength: len }); if (keyFileData) { kdbxweb.ByteUtils.zeroBuffer(keyFileData); } console.log('Opened file ' + this.get('name') + ': ' + Math.round(performance.now() - start) + 'ms, ' + db.header.keyEncryptionRounds + ' rounds, ' + Math.round(fileData.byteLength / 1024) + ' kB'); callback(); } }).bind(this)); } catch (e) { console.error('Error opening file', e, e.code, e.message, e); callback(e); } }, create: function(name) { var password = kdbxweb.ProtectedValue.fromString(''); var credentials = new kdbxweb.Credentials(password); this.db = kdbxweb.Kdbx.create(credentials, name); this.readModel(); this.set({ open: true, created: true, name: name }); }, openDemo: function(callback) { var password = kdbxweb.ProtectedValue.fromString('demo'); var credentials = new kdbxweb.Credentials(password); var demoFile = kdbxweb.ByteUtils.arrayToBuffer(kdbxweb.ByteUtils.base64ToBytes(demoFileData)); kdbxweb.Kdbx.load(demoFile, credentials, (function(db) { this.db = db; this.readModel(); this.setOpenFile({passwordLength: 4, demo: true, name: 'Demo' }); callback(); }).bind(this)); }, setOpenFile: function(props) { _.extend(props, { open: true, oldKeyFileName: this.get('keyFileName'), oldPasswordLength: props.passwordLength, passwordChanged: false, keyFileChanged: false }); this.set(props); this._oldPasswordHash = this.db.credentials.passwordHash; this._oldKeyFileHash = this.db.credentials.keyFileHash; this._oldKeyChangeDate = this.db.meta.keyChanged; }, readModel: function(topGroupTitle) { var groups = new GroupCollection(); this.set({ id: this.db.getDefaultGroup().uuid.toString(), groups: groups, defaultUser: this.db.meta.defaultUser, recycleBinEnabled: this.db.meta.recycleBinEnabled, historyMaxItems: this.db.meta.historyMaxItems, historyMaxSize: this.db.meta.historyMaxSize, keyEncryptionRounds: this.db.header.keyEncryptionRounds }, { silent: true }); this.db.groups.forEach(function(group) { var groupModel = this.getGroup(group.uuid.id); if (groupModel) { groupModel.setGroup(group, this); } else { groupModel = GroupModel.fromGroup(group, this); } if (topGroupTitle) { groupModel.set({title: topGroupTitle}); } groups.add(groupModel); }, this); this.buildObjectMap(); }, buildObjectMap: function() { var entryMap = {}; var groupMap = {}; this.forEachGroup(function(group) { groupMap[group.id] = group; group.forEachOwnEntry(null, function(entry) { entryMap[entry.id] = entry; }); }, true); this.entryMap = entryMap; this.groupMap = groupMap; }, reload: function() { this.buildObjectMap(); this.readModel(this.get('name')); this.trigger('reload', this); }, mergeOrUpdate: function(fileData, callback) { kdbxweb.Kdbx.load(fileData, this.db.credentials, (function(remoteDb, err) { if (err) { console.error('Error opening file to merge', err.code, err.message, err); } else { if (this.get('modified')) { try { this.db.merge(remoteDb); this.set('dirty', true); } catch (e) { console.error('File merge error', e); return callback(e); } } else { this.db = remoteDb; this.reload(); } } callback(err); }).bind(this)); }, getLocalEditState: function() { return this.db.getLocalEditState(); }, setLocalEditState: function(editState) { this.db.setLocalEditState(editState); }, close: function() { this.set({ keyFileName: '', passwordLength: 0, modified: false, dirty: false, open: false, created: false, groups: null, passwordChanged: false, keyFileChanged: false, syncing: false }); }, getEntry: function(id) { return this.entryMap[id]; }, getGroup: function(id) { return this.groupMap[id]; }, forEachEntry: function(filter, callback) { var top = this; if (filter.trash) { top = this.getGroup(this.db.meta.recycleBinUuid ? this.db.meta.recycleBinUuid.id : null); } else if (filter.group) { top = this.getGroup(filter.group); } if (top) { if (top.forEachOwnEntry) { top.forEachOwnEntry(filter, callback); } if (!filter.group || filter.subGroups) { top.forEachGroup(function (group) { group.forEachOwnEntry(filter, callback); }); } } }, forEachGroup: function(callback, includeDisabled) { this.get('groups').forEach(function(group) { if (callback(group) !== false) { group.forEachGroup(callback, includeDisabled); } }); }, getTrashGroup: function() { return this.db.meta.recycleBinEnabled ? this.getGroup(this.db.meta.recycleBinUuid.id) : null; }, setModified: function() { if (!this.get('demo')) { this.set({ modified: true, dirty: true }); } }, getData: function(cb) { this.db.cleanup({ historyRules: true, customIcons: true }); var that = this; this.db.save(function(data, err) { if (err) { console.error('Error saving file', that.get('name'), err); } cb(data, err); }); }, getXml: function(cb) { this.db.saveXml(cb); }, setSyncProgress: function() { this.set({ syncing: true }); }, setSyncComplete: function(path, storage, error, savedToCache) { if (!error) { this.db.removeLocalEditState(); } var modified = this.get('modified') && !!error; var dirty = this.get('dirty') && !savedToCache; this.set({ created: false, path: path || this.get('path'), storage: storage || this.get('storage'), modified: modified, dirty: dirty, syncing: false, syncError: error }); this.setOpenFile({ passwordLength: this.get('passwordLength') }); this.forEachEntry({}, function(entry) { entry.unsaved = false; }); }, setPassword: function(password) { this.db.credentials.setPassword(password); this.db.meta.keyChanged = new Date(); this.set({ passwordLength: password.byteLength, passwordChanged: true }); this.setModified(); }, resetPassword: function() { this.db.credentials.passwordHash = this._oldPasswordHash; if (this.db.credentials.keyFileHash === this._oldKeyFileHash) { this.db.meta.keyChanged = this._oldKeyChangeDate; } this.set({ passwordLength: this.get('oldPasswordLength'), passwordChanged: false }); }, setKeyFile: function(keyFile, keyFileName) { this.db.credentials.setKeyFile(keyFile); this.db.meta.keyChanged = new Date(); this.set({ keyFileName: keyFileName, keyFileChanged: true }); this.setModified(); }, generateAndSetKeyFile: function() { var keyFile = kdbxweb.Credentials.createRandomKeyFile(); var keyFileName = 'Generated'; this.setKeyFile(keyFile, keyFileName); return keyFile; }, resetKeyFile: function() { this.db.credentials.keyFileHash = this._oldKeyFileHash; if (this.db.credentials.passwordHash === this._oldPasswordHash) { this.db.meta.keyChanged = this._oldKeyChangeDate; } this.set({ keyFileName: this.get('oldKeyFileName'), keyFileChanged: false }); }, removeKeyFile: function() { this.db.credentials.keyFileHash = null; var changed = !!this._oldKeyFileHash; if (!changed && this.db.credentials.passwordHash === this._oldPasswordHash) { this.db.meta.keyChanged = this._oldKeyChangeDate; } this.set({ keyFileName: '', keyFileChanged: changed }); }, setName: function(name) { this.db.meta.name = name; this.db.meta.nameChanged = new Date(); this.set('name', name); this.get('groups').first().setName(name); this.setModified(); }, setDefaultUser: function(defaultUser) { this.db.meta.defaultUser = defaultUser; this.db.meta.defaultUserChanged = new Date(); this.set('defaultUser', defaultUser); this.setModified(); }, setRecycleBinEnabled: function(enabled) { enabled = !!enabled; this.db.meta.recycleBinEnabled = enabled; if (enabled) { this.db.createRecycleBin(); } this.set('setRecycleBinEnabled', enabled); this.setModified(); }, setHistoryMaxItems: function(count) { this.db.meta.historyMaxItems = count; this.set('historyMaxItems', count); this.setModified(); }, setHistoryMaxSize: function(size) { this.db.meta.historyMaxSize = size; this.set('historyMaxSize', size); this.setModified(); }, setKeyEncryptionRounds: function(rounds) { this.db.header.keyEncryptionRounds = rounds; this.set('keyEncryptionRounds', rounds); this.setModified(); }, emptyTrash: function() { var trashGroup = this.getTrashGroup(); if (trashGroup) { trashGroup.getOwnSubGroups().slice().forEach(function(group) { this.db.move(group, null); }, this); trashGroup.group.entries.forEach(function(entry) { this.db.move(entry, null); }, this); trashGroup.get('entries').reset(); } }, getCustomIcons: function() { return _.mapObject(this.db.meta.customIcons, function(customIcon) { return IconUrl.toDataUrl(customIcon); }); }, addCustomIcon: function(iconData) { var id = kdbxweb.KdbxUuid.random(); this.db.meta.customIcons[id] = kdbxweb.ByteUtils.arrayToBuffer(kdbxweb.ByteUtils.base64ToBytes(iconData)); return id.toString(); } }); module.exports = FileModel;