# KeePass web app (unofficial) This webapp is a browser and desktop password manager compatible with KeePass databases. It doesn't require any server or additional resources. The app can run either in browser, or as a desktop app. ![screenshot](https://habrastorage.org/files/bfb/51e/d8d/bfb51ed8d19847d8afb827c4fbff7dd5.png) # Quick Links Apps: [Web](https://antelle.github.io/keeweb/) [Desktop](https://github.com/antelle/keeweb/releases/latest) Timeline: [Release Notes](release-notes.md) [TODO](https://github.com/antelle/keeweb/wiki/TODO) On one page: [Features](features.md) [FAQ](https://github.com/antelle/keeweb/wiki/FAQ) Twitter: [kee_web](https://twitter.com/kee_web) # Status The app is already rather stable but might still need polishing, testing and improvements before v1 release, which is expected to happen in Feb 2016. Please see [TODO](https://github.com/antelle/keeweb/wiki/TODO) for more details. # Self-hosting Everything you need to host this app on your server is any static file server. The app is a single HTML file + cache manifest (optionally; for offline access). You can download the latest distribution files from [gh-pages](https://github.com/antelle/keeweb/tree/gh-pages) branch. To make Dropbox work in your self-hosted app: 1. [create](https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps/create) a Dropbox app 2. find your app key (in Dropbox App page, go to Settings/App key) 3. change Dropbox app key in index.html file: `sed -i.bak s/qp7ctun6qt5n9d6/your_app_key/g index.html` (or, if you are building from source, change it [here](app/scripts/comp/dropbox-link.js#L12)) # Building The app can be built with grunt: `grunt` (html file will be in `dist/`). Desktop apps are built with `grunt desktop`. This works only in mac osx as it builds dmg; requires wine. To run Electron app without building installer, install electron package (`npm install electron-prebuilt -g`), build the app with `grunt` and start in this way: ```bash $ grunt $ electron electron --htmlpath=tmp ``` For debug build: 1. run `grunt` 2. run `grunt watch` 3. open `tmp/index.html` # Contributing Please, read [contribution guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md). # License [MIT](https://github.com/antelle/keeweb/blob/master/MIT-LICENSE.txt)