const electron = require('electron'); const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const { EventEmitter } = require('events'); let perfTimestamps = global.perfTimestamps; perfTimestamps.push({ name: 'loading app requires', ts: process.hrtime() }); const app =; let mainWindow = null; let appIcon = null; let ready = false; let appReady = false; let restartPending = false; let mainWindowPosition = {}; let updateMainWindowPositionTimeout = null; let mainWindowMaximized = false; let usbBinding = null; const windowPositionFileName = 'window-position.json'; const portableConfigFileName = 'keeweb-portable.json'; const isDev = !__dirname.endsWith('.asar'); const gotTheLock = app.requestSingleInstanceLock(); if (!gotTheLock) { app.quit(); } perfTimestamps?.push({ name: 'single instance lock', ts: process.hrtime() }); let usingPortableUserDataDir = false; let execPath; setUserDataPaths(); let openFile = process.argv.filter((arg) => /\.kdbx$/i.test(arg))[0]; const htmlPath = (isDev && process.env.KEEWEB_HTML_PATH) || 'file://' + path.join(__dirname, 'index.html'); const showDevToolsOnStart = process.argv.some((arg) => arg.startsWith('--devtools')) || process.env.KEEWEB_OPEN_DEVTOOLS === '1'; const loginItemSettings = process.platform === 'darwin' ? app.getLoginItemSettings() : {}; const startMinimized = loginItemSettings.wasOpenedAsHidden || process.argv.some((arg) => arg.startsWith('--minimized')); const themeBgColors = { db: '#342f2e', fb: '#282c34', wh: '#fafafa', te: '#222', hc: '#fafafa', sd: '#002b36', sl: '#fdf6e3', macdark: '#1f1f20' }; const defaultBgColor = '#282C34'; perfTimestamps?.push({ name: 'defining args', ts: process.hrtime() }); setEnv(); setDevAppIcon(); let configEncryptionKey; let appSettings; const settingsPromise = loadSettingsEncryptionKey().then((key) => { configEncryptionKey = key; perfTimestamps?.push({ name: 'loading settings key', ts: process.hrtime() }); return loadConfig('app-settings').then((settings) => { appSettings = settings ? JSON.parse(settings) : {}; perfTimestamps?.push({ name: 'reading app settings', ts: process.hrtime() }); }); }); app.on('window-all-closed', () => { if (restartPending) { app.relaunch(); app.exit(0); } else { if (process.platform !== 'darwin') { app.quit(); } } }); app.on('ready', () => { perfTimestamps?.push({ name: 'app on ready', ts: process.hrtime() }); appReady = true; settingsPromise .then(() => { setSystemAppearance(); createMainWindow(); setGlobalShortcuts(appSettings); subscribePowerEvents(); deleteOldTempFiles(); hookRequestHeaders(); }) .catch((e) => { electron.dialog.showErrorBox('KeeWeb', 'Error loading app: ' + e); process.exit(2); }); }); app.on('open-file', (e, path) => { e.preventDefault(); openFile = path; notifyOpenFile(); }); app.on('activate', () => { if (process.platform === 'darwin') { if (appReady && !mainWindow) { createMainWindow(); } } }); app.on('before-quit', (e) => { if (app.hookBeforeQuitEvent) { e.preventDefault(); emitRemoteEvent('launcher-before-quit'); } }); app.on('will-quit', () => { electron.globalShortcut.unregisterAll(); }); app.on('second-instance', () => { if (mainWindow) { restoreMainWindow(); } }); app.on('web-contents-created', (event, contents) => { contents.on('new-window', async (e, url) => { e.preventDefault(); emitRemoteEvent('log', { message: `Prevented new window: ${url}` }); }); contents.on('will-navigate', (e, url) => { if (!url.startsWith('') && !url.startsWith(htmlPath)) { e.preventDefault(); emitRemoteEvent('log', { message: `Prevented navigation: ${url}` }); } }); }); app.restartApp = function () { restartPending = true; mainWindow.close(); setTimeout(() => { restartPending = false; }, 1000); }; app.minimizeApp = function (menuItemLabels) { let imagePath; mainWindow.hide(); if (process.platform === 'darwin') { app.dock.hide(); imagePath = 'mac-menubar-icon.png'; } else { imagePath = 'icon.png'; } mainWindow.setSkipTaskbar(true); if (!appIcon) { const image = electron.nativeImage.createFromPath(path.join(__dirname, imagePath)); appIcon = new electron.Tray(image); appIcon.on('click', restoreMainWindow); const contextMenu = electron.Menu.buildFromTemplate([ { label: menuItemLabels.restore, click: restoreMainWindow }, { label: menuItemLabels.quit, click: closeMainWindow } ]); appIcon.setContextMenu(contextMenu); appIcon.setToolTip('KeeWeb'); } }; app.minimizeThenHideIfInTray = function () { // This function is called when auto-type has displayed a selection list and a selection was made. // To ensure focus returns to the previous window we must minimize first even if we're going to hide. mainWindow.minimize(); if (appIcon) mainWindow.hide(); }; app.getMainWindow = function () { return mainWindow; }; app.setHookBeforeQuitEvent = (hooked) => { app.hookBeforeQuitEvent = !!hooked; }; app.setGlobalShortcuts = setGlobalShortcuts; app.reqNative = reqNative; app.showAndFocusMainWindow = showAndFocusMainWindow; app.loadConfig = loadConfig; app.saveConfig = saveConfig; function setSystemAppearance() { if (process.platform === 'darwin') { if (electron.nativeTheme.shouldUseDarkColors) { electron.systemPreferences.appLevelAppearance = 'dark'; } } perfTimestamps?.push({ name: 'setting system appearance', ts: process.hrtime() }); } function getDefaultTheme() { return process.platform === 'darwin' ? 'macdark' : 'fb'; } function createMainWindow() { const theme = appSettings.theme || getDefaultTheme(); const bgColor = themeBgColors[theme] || defaultBgColor; const windowOptions = { show: false, width: 1000, height: 700, minWidth: 700, minHeight: 400, titleBarStyle: appSettings.titlebarStyle, backgroundColor: bgColor, webPreferences: { backgroundThrottling: false, nodeIntegration: true, nodeIntegrationInWorker: true, enableRemoteModule: true } }; if (process.platform !== 'win32') { windowOptions.icon = path.join(__dirname, 'icon.png'); } mainWindow = new electron.BrowserWindow(windowOptions); perfTimestamps?.push({ name: 'creating main window', ts: process.hrtime() }); setMenu(); perfTimestamps?.push({ name: 'setting menu', ts: process.hrtime() }); mainWindow.loadURL(htmlPath); mainWindow.once('ready-to-show', () => { perfTimestamps?.push({ name: 'main window ready', ts: process.hrtime() }); if (startMinimized) { emitRemoteEvent('launcher-started-minimized'); } else {; } ready = true; notifyOpenFile(); perfTimestamps?.push({ name: 'main window shown', ts: process.hrtime() }); reportStartProfile(); if (showDevToolsOnStart) { mainWindow.webContents.openDevTools({ mode: 'bottom' }); } }); mainWindow.webContents.on('context-menu', onContextMenu); mainWindow.on('resize', delaySaveMainWindowPosition); mainWindow.on('move', delaySaveMainWindowPosition); mainWindow.on('restore', coerceMainWindowPositionToConnectedDisplay); mainWindow.on('close', mainWindowClosing); mainWindow.on('closed', mainWindowClosed); mainWindow.on('focus', mainWindowFocus); mainWindow.on('blur', mainWindowBlur); mainWindow.on('closed', () => { mainWindow = null; saveMainWindowPosition(); }); mainWindow.on('minimize', () => { emitRemoteEvent('launcher-minimize'); }); mainWindow.on('maximize', () => { mainWindowMaximized = true; }); mainWindow.on('unmaximize', () => { mainWindowMaximized = false; }); mainWindow.on('leave-full-screen', () => { emitRemoteEvent('leave-full-screen'); }); mainWindow.on('enter-full-screen', () => { emitRemoteEvent('enter-full-screen'); }); mainWindow.on('session-end', () => { emitRemoteEvent('os-lock'); }); perfTimestamps?.push({ name: 'configuring main window', ts: process.hrtime() }); restoreMainWindowPosition(); perfTimestamps?.push({ name: 'restoring main window position', ts: process.hrtime() }); } function restoreMainWindow() { if (process.platform === 'darwin' && !app.dock.isVisible()) {; } if (mainWindow.isMinimized()) { mainWindow.restore(); } mainWindow.setSkipTaskbar(false);; coerceMainWindowPositionToConnectedDisplay(); setTimeout(destroyAppIcon, 0); } function showAndFocusMainWindow() { if (mainWindowMaximized) { mainWindow.maximize(); } else {; } mainWindow.focus(); if (process.platform === 'darwin' && !app.dock.isVisible()) {; } } function closeMainWindow() { emitRemoteEvent('launcher-exit-request'); setTimeout(destroyAppIcon, 0); } function destroyAppIcon() { if (appIcon) { appIcon.destroy(); appIcon = null; } } function delaySaveMainWindowPosition() { if (updateMainWindowPositionTimeout) { clearTimeout(updateMainWindowPositionTimeout); } updateMainWindowPositionTimeout = setTimeout(updateMainWindowPosition, 500); } function updateMainWindowPositionIfPending() { if (updateMainWindowPositionTimeout) { clearTimeout(updateMainWindowPositionTimeout); updateMainWindowPosition(); } } function updateMainWindowPosition() { if (!mainWindow) { return; } updateMainWindowPositionTimeout = null; const bounds = mainWindow.getBounds(); if (!mainWindow.isMaximized() && !mainWindow.isMinimized() && !mainWindow.isFullScreen()) { mainWindowPosition.x = bounds.x; mainWindowPosition.y = bounds.y; mainWindowPosition.width = bounds.width; mainWindowPosition.height = bounds.height; } mainWindowPosition.maximized = mainWindow.isMaximized(); mainWindowPosition.fullScreen = mainWindow.isFullScreen(); mainWindowPosition.changed = true; } function saveMainWindowPosition() { if (!mainWindowPosition.changed) { return; } delete mainWindowPosition.changed; try { fs.writeFileSync( path.join(app.getPath('userData'), windowPositionFileName), JSON.stringify(mainWindowPosition), 'utf8' ); } catch (e) {} } function restoreMainWindowPosition() { const fileName = path.join(app.getPath('userData'), windowPositionFileName); fs.readFile(fileName, 'utf8', (e, data) => { if (data) { mainWindowPosition = JSON.parse(data); if (mainWindow && mainWindowPosition) { if (mainWindowPosition.width && mainWindowPosition.height) { mainWindow.setBounds(mainWindowPosition); coerceMainWindowPositionToConnectedDisplay(); } if (mainWindowPosition.maximized) { mainWindow.maximize(); mainWindowMaximized = true; } if (mainWindowPosition.fullScreen) { mainWindow.setFullScreen(true); } } } }); } function mainWindowBlur() { emitRemoteEvent('main-window-blur'); } function mainWindowFocus() { emitRemoteEvent('main-window-focus'); } function mainWindowClosing() { updateMainWindowPositionIfPending(); } function mainWindowClosed() { usbBinding?.removeAllListeners(); app.removeAllListeners('remote-app-event'); } function emitRemoteEvent(e, arg) { if (mainWindow && mainWindow.webContents) { app.emit('remote-app-event', { name: e, data: arg }); } } function setMenu() { if (process.platform === 'darwin') { const name = require('electron'); const template = [ { label: name, submenu: [ { role: 'about' }, { type: 'separator' }, { role: 'services', submenu: [] }, { type: 'separator' }, { accelerator: 'Command+H', role: 'hide' }, { accelerator: 'Command+Shift+H', role: 'hideothers' }, { role: 'unhide' }, { type: 'separator' }, { role: 'quit', accelerator: 'Command+Q' } ] }, { label: 'Edit', submenu: [ { accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+Z', role: 'undo' }, { accelerator: 'Shift+CmdOrCtrl+Z', role: 'redo' }, { type: 'separator' }, { accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+X', role: 'cut' }, { accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+C', role: 'copy' }, { accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+V', role: 'paste' }, { accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+A', role: 'selectall' } ] }, { label: 'Window', submenu: [ { accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+M', role: 'minimize' }, { accelerator: 'Command+W', role: 'close' } ] } ]; const menu = electron.Menu.buildFromTemplate(template); electron.Menu.setApplicationMenu(menu); } else { mainWindow.setMenuBarVisibility(false); mainWindow.setMenu(null); electron.Menu.setApplicationMenu(null); } } function onContextMenu(e, props) { if (props.inputFieldType !== 'plainText' || !props.isEditable) { return; } const Menu = electron.Menu; const inputMenu = Menu.buildFromTemplate([ { role: 'undo' }, { role: 'redo' }, { type: 'separator' }, { role: 'cut' }, { role: 'copy' }, { role: 'paste' }, { type: 'separator' }, { role: 'selectall' } ]); inputMenu.popup(mainWindow); } function notifyOpenFile() { if (ready && openFile && mainWindow) { const openKeyfile = process.argv .filter((arg) => arg.startsWith('--keyfile=')) .map((arg) => arg.replace('--keyfile=', ''))[0]; const fileInfo = JSON.stringify({ data: openFile, key: openKeyfile }); mainWindow.webContents.executeJavaScript( 'if (window.launcherOpen) { window.launcherOpen(' + fileInfo + '); } ' + ' else { window.launcherOpenedFile=' + fileInfo + '; }' ); openFile = null; } } function setGlobalShortcuts(appSettings) { const defaultShortcutModifiers = process.platform === 'darwin' ? 'Ctrl+Alt+' : 'Shift+Alt+'; const defaultShortcuts = { AutoType: { shortcut: defaultShortcutModifiers + 'T', event: 'auto-type' }, CopyPassword: { shortcut: defaultShortcutModifiers + 'C', event: 'copy-password' }, CopyUser: { shortcut: defaultShortcutModifiers + 'B', event: 'copy-user' }, CopyUrl: { shortcut: defaultShortcutModifiers + 'U', event: 'copy-url' }, CopyOtp: { event: 'copy-otp' }, RestoreApp: { action: restoreMainWindow } }; electron.globalShortcut.unregisterAll(); for (const [key, shortcutDef] of Object.entries(defaultShortcuts)) { const fromSettings = appSettings[`globalShortcut${key}`]; const shortcut = fromSettings || shortcutDef.shortcut; if (shortcut) { try { electron.globalShortcut.register(shortcut, () => { if (shortcutDef.event) { emitRemoteEvent(shortcutDef.event); } if (shortcutDef.action) { shortcutDef.action(); } }); } catch (e) {} } } perfTimestamps?.push({ name: 'setting global shortcuts', ts: process.hrtime() }); } function subscribePowerEvents() { electron.powerMonitor.on('suspend', () => { emitRemoteEvent('power-monitor-suspend'); }); electron.powerMonitor.on('resume', () => { emitRemoteEvent('power-monitor-resume'); }); electron.powerMonitor.on('lock-screen', () => { emitRemoteEvent('os-lock'); }); perfTimestamps?.push({ name: 'subscribing to power events', ts: process.hrtime() }); } function setUserDataPaths() { execPath = process.execPath; let isPortable = false; switch (process.platform) { case 'darwin': isPortable = !execPath.includes('/Applications/'); if (isPortable) { execPath = execPath.substring(0, execPath.indexOf('.app')); } break; case 'win32': isPortable = !execPath.includes('Program Files'); break; case 'linux': isPortable = !execPath.startsWith('/usr/') && !execPath.startsWith('/opt/'); break; } if (isDev && process.env.KEEWEB_IS_PORTABLE) { isPortable = !!JSON.parse(process.env.KEEWEB_IS_PORTABLE); } perfTimestamps?.push({ name: 'portable check', ts: process.hrtime() }); if (isPortable) { const portableConfigDir = path.dirname(execPath); const portableConfigPath = path.join(portableConfigDir, portableConfigFileName); if (fs.existsSync(portableConfigPath)) { const portableConfig = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(portableConfigPath, 'utf8')); const portableUserDataDir = path.resolve(portableConfigDir, portableConfig.userDataDir); if (!fs.existsSync(portableUserDataDir)) { fs.mkdirSync(portableUserDataDir); } app.setPath('userData', portableUserDataDir); usingPortableUserDataDir = true; } } perfTimestamps?.push({ name: 'userdata dir', ts: process.hrtime() }); } function setEnv() { if ( process.platform === 'linux' && ['Pantheon', 'Unity:Unity7'].indexOf(process.env.XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP) !== -1 ) { // process.env.XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP = 'Unity'; } app.commandLine.appendSwitch('disable-background-timer-throttling'); // disable all caching, since we're not using old profile data anyway app.commandLine.appendSwitch('disable-http-cache'); app.commandLine.appendSwitch('disable-gpu-shader-disk-cache'); app.allowRendererProcessReuse = true; perfTimestamps?.push({ name: 'setting env', ts: process.hrtime() }); } // TODO: delete after v1.15 function deleteOldTempFiles() { if (app.oldTempFilesDeleted) { return; } setTimeout(() => { const tempPath = path.join(app.getPath('userData'), 'temp'); if (fs.existsSync(tempPath)) { deleteRecursive(tempPath); } app.oldTempFilesDeleted = true; // this is added to prevent file deletion on restart }, 1000); } function deleteRecursive(dir) { for (const file of fs.readdirSync(dir)) { const filePath = path.join(dir, file); if (fs.lstatSync(filePath).isDirectory()) { deleteRecursive(filePath); } else { fs.unlinkSync(filePath); } } fs.rmdirSync(dir); } function setDevAppIcon() { if (isDev && htmlPath && process.platform === 'darwin') { const icon = electron.nativeImage.createFromPath( path.join(__dirname, '../graphics/512x512.png') ); app.dock.setIcon(icon); } } // When sending a PUT XMLHttpRequest Chromium includes the header "Origin: file://". // This confuses some WebDAV clients, notably OwnCloud. // The header is invalid, so removing it everywhere it occurs should do no harm. function hookRequestHeaders() { electron.session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders((details, callback) => { if ( !details.url.startsWith('ws:') && !details.url.startsWith('') ) { delete details.requestHeaders.Origin; } callback({ requestHeaders: details.requestHeaders }); }); perfTimestamps?.push({ name: 'setting request handlers', ts: process.hrtime() }); } // If a display is disconnected while KeeWeb is minimized, Electron does not // ensure that the restored window appears on a display that is still connected. // This checks to be sure the title bar is somewhere the user can grab it, // without making it impossible to minimize and restore a window keeping it // partially off-screen or straddling two displays if the user desires that. function coerceMainWindowPositionToConnectedDisplay() { const eScreen = electron.screen; const displays = eScreen.getAllDisplays(); if (!displays || !displays.length) return; const windowBounds = mainWindow.getBounds(); const contentBounds = mainWindow.getContentBounds(); const tbLeft = windowBounds.x; const tbRight = windowBounds.x + windowBounds.width; const tbTop = windowBounds.y; const tbBottom = contentBounds.y; // 160px width and 2/3s the title bar height should be enough that the user can grab it for (let i = 0; i < displays.length; ++i) { const workArea = displays[i].workArea; const overlapWidth = Math.min(tbRight, workArea.x + workArea.width) - Math.max(tbLeft, workArea.x); const overlapHeight = Math.min(tbBottom, workArea.y + workArea.height) - Math.max(tbTop, workArea.y); if (overlapWidth >= 160 && 3 * overlapHeight >= 2 * (tbBottom - tbTop)) return; } // If we get here, no display contains a big enough strip of the title bar // that we can be confident the user can drag it into visibility. Rather than // attempt to guess what the user wants, just center it on the primary display. // Try to keep the previous height and width, but clamp each to 90% of the workarea. const workArea = eScreen.getPrimaryDisplay().workArea; const newWidth = Math.min(windowBounds.width, Math.floor(0.9 * workArea.width)); const newHeight = Math.min(windowBounds.height, Math.floor(0.9 * workArea.height)); mainWindow.setBounds({ 'x': workArea.x + Math.floor((workArea.width - newWidth) / 2), 'y': workArea.y + Math.floor((workArea.height - newHeight) / 2), 'width': newWidth, 'height': newHeight }); updateMainWindowPosition(); } function reportStartProfile() { if (!perfTimestamps) { return; } const processCreationTime = process.getCreationTime(); const totalTime = Math.round( - processCreationTime); let lastTs = 0; const timings = perfTimestamps .map((milestone) => { const ts = milestone.ts; const elapsed = lastTs ? Math.round((ts[0] - lastTs[0]) * 1e3 + (ts[1] - lastTs[1]) / 1e6) : 0; lastTs = ts; return { name:, elapsed }; }) .slice(1); perfTimestamps = global.perfTimestamps = undefined; const startProfile = { totalTime, timings }; emitRemoteEvent('start-profile', startProfile); } function reqNative(mod) { const fileName = `${mod}-${process.platform}-${process.arch}.node`; const mainAsarPath = process.mainModule.path; const latestAsarPath = __dirname; const pathInsideAsar = `node_modules/@keeweb/keeweb-native-modules/${fileName}`; let fullPath = path.join(latestAsarPath, pathInsideAsar); if (!fs.existsSync(fullPath)) { fullPath = path.join(mainAsarPath, pathInsideAsar); } const binding = require(fullPath); if (mod === 'usb') { usbBinding = initUsb(binding); } return binding; } function initUsb(binding) { Object.keys(EventEmitter.prototype).forEach((key) => { binding[key] = EventEmitter.prototype[key]; }); binding.on('newListener', () => { if (binding.listenerCount('attach') === 0 && binding.listenerCount('detach') === 0) { binding._enableHotplugEvents(); } }); binding.on('removeListener', () => { if (binding.listenerCount('attach') === 0 && binding.listenerCount('detach') === 0) { binding._disableHotplugEvents(); } }); return binding; } function loadSettingsEncryptionKey() { return Promise.resolve().then(() => { if (usingPortableUserDataDir) { return null; } const explicitlyDisabledFile = path.join(app.getPath('userData'), 'disable-keytar'); if (fs.existsSync(explicitlyDisabledFile)) { // TODO: remove this fallback if everything goes well on v1.15 // This is a protective measure if everything goes terrible with native modules // For example, the app can crash and it won't be possible to use it at all return null; } const keytar = reqNative('keytar'); return keytar.getPassword('KeeWeb', 'settings-key').then((key) => { if (key) { return Buffer.from(key, 'hex'); } key = require('crypto').randomBytes(48); return keytar.setPassword('KeeWeb', 'settings-key', key.toString('hex')).then(() => { return migrateOldConfigs(key).then(() => key); }); }); }); } function loadConfig(name) { const ext = configEncryptionKey ? 'dat' : 'json'; const configFilePath = path.join(app.getPath('userData'), `${name}.${ext}`); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fs.readFile(configFilePath, (err, data) => { if (err) { if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { resolve(null); } else { reject(`Error reading config ${name}: ${err}`); } return; } try { if (configEncryptionKey) { const key = configEncryptionKey.slice(0, 32); const iv = configEncryptionKey.slice(32, 48); const crypto = require('crypto'); const cipher = crypto.createDecipheriv('aes-256-cbc', key, iv); data = Buffer.concat([cipher.update(data),]); } resolve(data.toString('utf8')); } catch (err) { reject(`Error reading config data ${name}: ${err}`); } }); }); } function saveConfig(name, data, key) { if (!key) { key = configEncryptionKey; } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { data = Buffer.from(data); if (key) { const crypto = require('crypto'); const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv( 'aes-256-cbc', key.slice(0, 32), key.slice(32, 48) ); data = Buffer.concat([cipher.update(data),]); } } catch (err) { return reject(`Error writing config data ${name}: ${err}`); } const ext = key ? 'dat' : 'json'; const configFilePath = path.join(app.getPath('userData'), `${name}.${ext}`); fs.writeFile(configFilePath, data, (err) => { if (err) { reject(`Error writing config ${name}: ${err}`); } else { resolve(); } }); }); } // TODO: delete in 2021 function migrateOldConfigs(key) { const knownConfigs = [ 'file-info', 'app-settings', 'runtime-data', 'update-info', 'plugin-gallery', 'plugins' ]; const promises = []; for (const configName of knownConfigs) { promises.push( loadConfig(configName).then((data) => { if (data) { return saveConfig(configName, data, key).then(() => { fs.unlinkSync(path.join(app.getPath('userData'), `${configName}.json`)); }); } }) ); } return Promise.all(promises); }