import kdbxweb from 'kdbxweb'; import { View } from 'framework/views/view'; import { Scrollable } from 'framework/views/scrollable'; import template from 'templates/import-csv.hbs'; import { EntryModel } from 'models/entry-model'; import { escape } from 'util/fn'; class ImportCsvView extends View { parent = '.app__body'; template = template; events = { 'click .back-button': 'returnToApp', 'click .import-csv__button-cancel': 'returnToApp', 'click .import-csv__button-run': 'runImport', 'change .import-csv__field-select': 'changeMapping', 'change .import-csv__target-select': 'changeGroup' }; knownFields = [ { field: 'Title', re: /title|\bname|account/i }, { field: 'UserName', re: /user|login/i }, { field: 'Password', re: /pass/i }, { field: 'URL', re: /url|site/i }, { field: 'Notes', re: /notes|comment|extra/i } ]; fieldMapping = []; targetGroup = undefined; constructor(model, options) { super(model, options); this.appModel = options.appModel; this.fileName = options.fileName; this.initScroll(); this.guessFieldMapping(); this.fillGroups(); } render() { super.render({ headers: this.model.headers, rows: this.model.rows, fieldMapping: this.fieldMapping, groups: this.groups }); this.createScroll({ root: this.$el.find('.import-csv__body')[0], scroller: this.$el.find('.scroller')[0], bar: this.$el.find('.scroller__bar')[0] }); this.pageResized(); } returnToApp() { this.emit('cancel'); } changeMapping(e) { const col =; const field =; const isBuiltIn = this.knownFields.some(f => f.field === field); const mapping = field ? (isBuiltIn ? 'builtin' : 'custom') : 'ignore'; this.fieldMapping[col] = { mapping, field }; if (field) { let ix = 0; for (const mapping of this.fieldMapping) { if (mapping.field === field && col !== ix) { mapping.type = 'ignore'; mapping.field = ''; const select = this.el.querySelector( `.import-csv__field-select[data-col="${ix}"]` ); select.value = ''; } ix++; } } } guessFieldMapping() { const usedFields = {}; for (const fieldName of => f.trim())) { if (!fieldName || /^(group|grouping)$/i.test(fieldName)) { this.fieldMapping.push({ type: 'ignore' }); continue; } let found = false; for (const { field, re } of this.knownFields) { if (!usedFields[field] && re.test(fieldName)) { this.fieldMapping.push({ type: 'builtin', field }); usedFields[field] = true; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { this.fieldMapping.push({ type: 'custom', field: fieldName }); } } } fillGroups() { this.groups = []; for (const file of this.appModel.files) { file.forEachGroup(group => { let title = escape(group.title); for (let parent = group; parent.parentGroup; parent = parent.parentGroup) { title = '  ' + title; } this.groups.push({ id:, fileId:, title }); }); } } changeGroup(e) { const groupId =; if (!groupId) { this.targetGroup = undefined; return; } const fileId =`option[value="${groupId}"]`).dataset.file; const file = this.appModel.files.get(fileId); this.targetGroup = file.getGroup(groupId); } runImport() { let group = this.targetGroup; let file = group ? group.file : undefined; if (!group) { const fileName = this.fileName.replace(/\.csv$/i, ''); file = this.appModel.createNewFile(fileName); group = file.groups[0]; } for (const row of this.model.rows) { const newEntry = EntryModel.newEntry(group, file); for (let ix = 0; ix < row.length; ix++) { let value = row[ix]; if (!value) { continue; } const mapping = this.fieldMapping[ix]; if (mapping.type === 'ignore' || !mapping.field) { continue; } if (mapping.field === 'password') { value = kdbxweb.ProtectedValue.fromString(value); } newEntry.setField(mapping.field, value); } } file.reload(); this.emit('done'); } } Object.assign(ImportCsvView.prototype, Scrollable); export { ImportCsvView };