import kdbxweb from 'kdbxweb'; import { View } from 'framework/views/view'; import { Events } from 'framework/events'; import { AutoType } from 'auto-type'; import { CopyPaste } from 'comp/browser/copy-paste'; import { KeyHandler } from 'comp/browser/key-handler'; import { OtpQrReader } from 'comp/format/otp-qr-reader'; import { Alerts } from 'comp/ui/alerts'; import { Keys } from 'const/keys'; import { Timeouts } from 'const/timeouts'; import { AppSettingsModel } from 'models/app-settings-model'; import { GroupModel } from 'models/group-model'; import { Features } from 'util/features'; import { Locale } from 'util/locale'; import { FileSaver } from 'util/ui/file-saver'; import { Tip } from 'util/ui/tip'; import { Copyable } from 'framework/views/copyable'; import { Scrollable } from 'framework/views/scrollable'; import { DetailsAddFieldView } from 'views/details/details-add-field-view'; import { DetailsAttachmentView } from 'views/details/details-attachment-view'; import { DetailsAutoTypeView } from 'views/details/details-auto-type-view'; import { DetailsHistoryView } from 'views/details/details-history-view'; import { DropdownView } from 'views/dropdown-view'; import { createDetailsFields } from 'views/details/details-fields'; import { FieldViewCustom } from 'views/fields/field-view-custom'; import { IconSelectView } from 'views/icon-select-view'; import { isEqual } from 'util/fn'; import template from 'templates/details/details.hbs'; import emptyTemplate from 'templates/details/details-empty.hbs'; import groupTemplate from 'templates/details/details-group.hbs'; class DetailsView extends View { parent = '.app__details'; fieldViews = []; fieldCopyTip = null; events = { 'click .details__colors-popup-item': 'selectColor', 'click .details__header-icon': 'toggleIcons', 'click .details__attachment': 'toggleAttachment', 'click .details__header-title': 'editTitle', 'click .details__history-link': 'showHistory', 'click .details__buttons-trash': 'moveToTrash', 'click .details__buttons-trash-del': 'deleteFromTrash', 'click .details__back-button': 'backClick', 'click .details__attachment-add': 'attachmentBtnClick', 'change .details__attachment-input-file': 'attachmentFileChange', 'dragover .details': 'dragover', 'dragleave .details': 'dragleave', 'drop .details': 'drop', 'contextmenu .details': 'contextMenu' }; constructor(model, options) { super(model, options); this.initScroll(); this.listenTo(Events, 'entry-selected', this.showEntry); this.listenTo(Events, 'copy-password', this.copyPassword); this.listenTo(Events, 'copy-user', this.copyUserName); this.listenTo(Events, 'copy-url', this.copyUrl); this.listenTo(Events, 'copy-otp', this.copyOtp); this.listenTo(Events, 'toggle-settings', this.settingsToggled); this.listenTo(Events, 'context-menu-select', this.contextMenuSelect); this.listenTo(Events, 'set-locale', this.render); this.listenTo(Events, 'qr-read', this.otpCodeRead); this.listenTo(Events, 'qr-enter-manually', this.otpEnterManually); this.onKey( Keys.DOM_VK_C, this.copyPasswordFromShortcut, KeyHandler.SHORTCUT_ACTION, false, true ); this.onKey(Keys.DOM_VK_B, this.copyUserName, KeyHandler.SHORTCUT_ACTION); this.onKey(Keys.DOM_VK_U, this.copyUrl, KeyHandler.SHORTCUT_ACTION); this.onKey(Keys.DOM_VK_2, this.copyOtp, KeyHandler.SHORTCUT_OPT); if (AutoType.enabled) { this.onKey(Keys.DOM_VK_T, () => this.autoType(), KeyHandler.SHORTCUT_ACTION); } this.onKey( Keys.DOM_VK_DELETE, this.deleteKeyPress, KeyHandler.SHORTCUT_ACTION, false, true ); this.onKey( Keys.DOM_VK_BACK_SPACE, this.deleteKeyPress, KeyHandler.SHORTCUT_ACTION, false, true ); this.once('remove', () => { this.removeFieldViews(); }); } removeFieldViews() { this.fieldViews.forEach((fieldView) => fieldView.remove()); this.fieldViews = []; this.hideFieldCopyTip(); } render() { Tip.destroyTips(this.$el); this.removeScroll(); this.removeFieldViews(); this.removeInnerViews(); if (!this.model) { this.template = emptyTemplate; super.render(); return; } if (this.model instanceof GroupModel) { this.template = groupTemplate; super.render(); return; } const model = { deleted: this.appModel.filter.trash, ...this.model }; this.template = template; super.render(model); this.setSelectedColor(this.model.color); this.addFieldViews(); this.createScroll({ root: this.$el.find('.details__body')[0], scroller: this.$el.find('.scroller')[0], bar: this.$el.find('.scroller__bar')[0] }); this.$el.find('.details').removeClass('details--drag'); this.dragging = false; if (this.dragTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.dragTimeout); } this.pageResized(); this.showCopyTip(); } getFieldView(name) { return this.fieldViews.find((fv) => === name); } addFieldViews() { const { fieldViews, fieldViewsAside } = createDetailsFields(this); const hideEmptyFields = AppSettingsModel.hideEmptyFields; const fieldsMainEl = this.$el.find('.details__body-fields'); const fieldsAsideEl = this.$el.find('.details__body-aside'); for (const views of [fieldViews, fieldViewsAside]) { for (const fieldView of views) { fieldView.parent = views === fieldViews ? fieldsMainEl[0] : fieldsAsideEl[0]; fieldView.render(); fieldView.on('change', this.fieldChanged.bind(this)); fieldView.on('copy', this.fieldCopied.bind(this)); fieldView.on('autotype', (e) => this.autoType(e.source.model.sequence)); if (hideEmptyFields) { const value = fieldView.model.value(); if (!value || value.length === 0 || value.byteLength === 0) { if (this.model.isJustCreated) { const fieldsHiddenForNewEntriesWhenEmpty = [ '$URL', '$Notes', 'Tags', 'Expires', 'History' ]; if ( !fieldsHiddenForNewEntriesWhenEmpty.includes( ) { continue; } } fieldView.hide(); } } } } this.fieldViews = fieldViews.concat(fieldViewsAside); if (!this.model.external) { this.moreView = new DetailsAddFieldView(); this.moreView.render(); this.moreView.on('add-field', this.addNewField.bind(this)); this.moreView.on('more-click', this.toggleMoreOptions.bind(this)); } } addNewField() { this.moreView.remove(); this.moreView = null; let newFieldTitle = Locale.detNetField; if (this.model.fields[newFieldTitle]) { for (let i = 1; ; i++) { const newFieldTitleVariant = newFieldTitle + i; if (!this.model.fields[newFieldTitleVariant]) { newFieldTitle = newFieldTitleVariant; break; } } } const fieldView = new FieldViewCustom( { name: '$' + newFieldTitle, title: newFieldTitle, newField: newFieldTitle, multiline: true, value() { return ''; } }, { parent: this.$el.find('.details__body-fields')[0] } ); fieldView.on('change', this.fieldChanged.bind(this)); fieldView.render(); fieldView.edit(); this.fieldViews.push(fieldView); } toggleMoreOptions() { if (this.views.dropdownView) { this.views.dropdownView.remove(); this.views.dropdownView = null; } else { setTimeout(() => { const dropdownView = new DropdownView(); this.listenTo(dropdownView, 'cancel', this.toggleMoreOptions); this.listenTo(dropdownView, 'select', this.moreOptionsSelect); const hideEmptyFields = AppSettingsModel.hideEmptyFields; const moreOptions = []; if (hideEmptyFields) { this.fieldViews.forEach((fieldView) => { if (fieldView.isHidden()) { moreOptions.push({ value: 'add:' +, icon: 'pencil-alt', text: Locale.detMenuAddField.replace('{}', fieldView.model.title) }); } }, this); moreOptions.push({ value: 'add-new', icon: 'plus', text: Locale.detMenuAddNewField }); moreOptions.push({ value: 'toggle-empty', icon: 'eye', text: Locale.detMenuShowEmpty }); } else { moreOptions.push({ value: 'add-new', icon: 'plus', text: Locale.detMenuAddNewField }); moreOptions.push({ value: 'toggle-empty', icon: 'eye-slash', text: Locale.detMenuHideEmpty }); } moreOptions.push({ value: 'otp', icon: 'clock', text: Locale.detSetupOtp }); if (AutoType.enabled) { moreOptions.push({ value: 'auto-type', icon: 'keyboard', text: Locale.detAutoTypeSettings }); } moreOptions.push({ value: 'clone', icon: 'clone', text: Locale.detClone }); moreOptions.push({ value: 'copy-to-clipboard', icon: 'copy', text: Locale.detCopyEntryToClipboard }); const rect = this.moreView.labelEl[0].getBoundingClientRect(); dropdownView.render({ position: { top: rect.bottom, left: rect.left }, options: moreOptions }); this.views.dropdownView = dropdownView; }); } } moreOptionsSelect(e) { this.views.dropdownView.remove(); this.views.dropdownView = null; switch (e.item) { case 'add-new': this.addNewField(); break; case 'toggle-empty': { const hideEmptyFields = AppSettingsModel.hideEmptyFields; AppSettingsModel.hideEmptyFields = !hideEmptyFields; this.render(); break; } case 'otp': this.setupOtp(); break; case 'auto-type': this.toggleAutoType(); break; case 'clone': this.clone(); break; case 'copy-to-clipboard': this.copyToClipboard(); break; default: if (e.item.lastIndexOf('add:', 0) === 0) { const fieldName = e.item.substr(4); const fieldView = this.fieldViews.find((f) => === fieldName);; fieldView.edit(); } } } getUserNameCompletions(part) { return this.appModel.completeUserNames(part); } setSelectedColor(color) { this.$el .find('.details__colors-popup > .details__colors-popup-item') .removeClass('details__colors-popup-item--active'); const colorEl = this.$el.find('.details__header-color')[0]; for (const cls of colorEl.classList) { if (cls.indexOf('color') > 0 && cls.lastIndexOf('details', 0) !== 0) { colorEl.classList.remove(cls); } } if (color) { this.$el .find('.details__colors-popup > .' + color + '-color') .addClass('details__colors-popup-item--active'); colorEl.classList.add(color + '-color'); } } selectColor(e) { let color = $('.details__colors-popup-item').data('color'); if (!color) { return; } if (color === this.model.color) { color = null; } this.model.setColor(color); this.entryUpdated(); } toggleIcons() { if (this.model.external) { return; } if (this.views.sub && this.views.sub instanceof IconSelectView) { this.render(); return; } this.removeSubView(); const subView = new IconSelectView( { iconId: this.model.customIconId || this.model.iconId, url: this.model.url, file: this.model.file }, { parent: this.scroller[0], replace: true } ); this.listenTo(subView, 'select', this.iconSelected); subView.render(); this.pageResized(); this.views.sub = subView; } toggleAttachment(e) { const attBtn = $('.details__attachment'); const id ='id'); const attachment = this.model.attachments[id]; if (e.altKey || e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) { this.downloadAttachment(attachment); return; } if (this.views.sub && this.views.sub.attId === id) { this.render(); return; } this.removeSubView(); const subView = new DetailsAttachmentView(attachment, { parent: this.scroller[0], replace: true }); subView.attId = id; subView.render(this.pageResized.bind(this)); subView.on('download', () => this.downloadAttachment(attachment)); this.listenTo(subView, 'close', this.render.bind(this)); this.views.sub = subView; attBtn.addClass('details__attachment--active'); } removeSubView() { this.$el.find('.details__attachment').removeClass('details__attachment--active'); if (this.views.sub) { this.views.sub.remove(); delete this.views.sub; } } downloadAttachment(attachment) { const data = attachment.getBinary(); if (!data) { return; } const mimeType = attachment.mimeType || 'application/octet-stream'; const blob = new Blob([data], { type: mimeType }); FileSaver.saveAs(blob, attachment.title); } iconSelected(sel) { if (sel.custom) { if ( !== this.model.customIconId) { this.model.setCustomIcon(; this.entryUpdated(); } else { this.render(); } } else if ( !== this.model.iconId) { this.model.setIcon(; this.entryUpdated(); } else { this.render(); } } showEntry(entry) { this.model = entry; this.initOtp(); this.render(); if (entry && !entry.title && entry.isJustCreated) { this.editTitle(); } } initOtp() { this.matchingOtpEntry = null; if (!this.model) { return; } this.model.initOtpGenerator?.(); if (this.model.external) { return; } this.matchingOtpEntry = this.appModel.getMatchingOtpEntry(this.model); this.matchingOtpEntry?.initOtpGenerator(); } copyKeyPress(editView) { if (!editView || this.isHidden()) { return false; } if (!window.getSelection().toString()) { const fieldText = editView.getTextValue(); if (!fieldText) { return; } if (!CopyPaste.simpleCopy) { CopyPaste.createHiddenInput(fieldText); } const copyRes = CopyPaste.copy(fieldText); this.fieldCopied({ source: editView, copyRes }); return true; } return false; } copyPasswordFromShortcut(e) { if (this.model.external) { this.copyOtp(); e.preventDefault(); } const copied = this.copyKeyPress(this.getFieldView('$Password')); if (copied) { e.preventDefault(); } } copyPassword() { this.copyKeyPress(this.getFieldView('$Password')); } copyUserName() { this.copyKeyPress(this.getFieldView('$UserName')); } copyUrl() { this.copyKeyPress(this.getFieldView('$URL')); } copyOtp() { const otpField = this.getFieldView('$otp'); if (this.model.external) { if (!otpField) { return false; } otpField.copyValue(); return true; } this.copyKeyPress(otpField); } showCopyTip() { if (this.helpTipCopyShown) { return; } this.helpTipCopyShown = AppSettingsModel.helpTipCopyShown; if (this.helpTipCopyShown) { return; } AppSettingsModel.helpTipCopyShown = true; this.helpTipCopyShown = true; const label = this.moreView.labelEl; const tip = new Tip(label, { title: Locale.detCopyHint, placement: 'right' });; this.fieldCopyTip = tip; setTimeout(() => { tip.hide(); }, Timeouts.AutoHideHint); } settingsToggled() { this.hideFieldCopyTip(); } fieldChanged(e) { if (e.field) { if (e.field[0] === '$') { let fieldName = e.field.substr(1); if (fieldName === 'otp') { if (this.otpFieldChanged(e.val)) { this.entryUpdated(); return; } } else if (e.newField) { if (fieldName) { this.model.setField(fieldName, undefined); } fieldName = e.newField; let i = 0; while (this.model.hasField(fieldName)) { i++; fieldName = e.newField + i; } const allowEmpty =; this.model.setField(fieldName, e.val, allowEmpty); this.entryUpdated(); return; } else if (fieldName === 'File') { const newFile = this.appModel.files.get(e.val); this.model.moveToFile(newFile); this.appModel.activeEntryId =; this.entryUpdated(); Events.emit('entry-selected', this.model); return; } else if (fieldName) { this.model.setField(fieldName, e.val); } } else if (e.field === 'Tags') { this.model.setTags(e.val); this.appModel.updateTags(); } else if (e.field === 'Expires') { const dt = e.val || undefined; if (!isEqual(dt, this.model.expires)) { this.model.setExpires(dt); } } this.entryUpdated(true); this.fieldViews.forEach(function (fieldView, ix) { if ( fieldView instanceof FieldViewCustom && !fieldView.model.newField && !this.model.hasField(fieldView.model.title) ) { fieldView.remove(); this.fieldViews.splice(ix, 1); } else { fieldView.update(); } }, this); } else if (e.newField) { this.render(); return; } if ( { this.focusNextField(; } } otpFieldChanged(value) { let oldValue = this.model.fields.otp; if (oldValue && oldValue.isProtected) { oldValue = oldValue.getText(); } if (value && value.isProtected) { value = value.getText(); } if (oldValue === value) { this.render(); return false; } this.model.setOtpUrl(value); return true; } dragover(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); const dt = e.dataTransfer; if ( !dt.types || (dt.types.indexOf ? dt.types.indexOf('Files') === -1 : !dt.types.contains('Files')) ) { dt.dropEffect = 'none'; return; } dt.dropEffect = 'copy'; if (this.dragTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.dragTimeout); } if (this.model && !this.dragging) { this.dragging = true; this.$el.find('.details').addClass('details--drag'); } } dragleave() { if (this.dragTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.dragTimeout); } this.dragTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.$el.find('.details').removeClass('details--drag'); this.dragging = false; }, 100); } drop(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (!this.model) { return; } if (this.dragTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.dragTimeout); } this.$el.find('.details').removeClass('details--drag'); this.dragging = false; const files = || e.dataTransfer.files; this.addAttachedFiles(files); } attachmentBtnClick() { this.$el.find('.details__attachment-input-file')[0].click(); } attachmentFileChange(e) { this.addAttachedFiles(; } addAttachedFiles(files) { for (const file of files) { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = () => { this.addAttachment(, reader.result); }; reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file); } } addAttachment(name, data) { this.model.addAttachment(name, data).then(() => { this.entryUpdated(); }); } deleteKeyPress(e) { if (this.views.sub && this.views.sub.attId !== undefined) { e.preventDefault(); const attachment = this.model.attachments[this.views.sub.attId]; this.model.removeAttachment(attachment.title); this.render(); } } editTitle() { if (this.model.external) { return; } const input = $('') .addClass('details__header-title-input') .attr({ autocomplete: 'off', spellcheck: 'false', placeholder: 'Title' }) .val(this.model.title); input.bind({ blur: this.titleInputBlur.bind(this), input: this.titleInputInput.bind(this), keydown: this.titleInputKeydown.bind(this), keypress: this.titleInputInput.bind(this) }); $('.details__header-title').replaceWith(input); input.focus()[0].setSelectionRange(this.model.title.length, this.model.title.length); } titleInputBlur(e) { this.setTitle(; } titleInputInput(e) { e.stopPropagation(); } titleInputKeydown(e) { KeyHandler.reg(); e.stopPropagation(); const code = e.keyCode || e.which; if (code === Keys.DOM_VK_RETURN) { $('blur'); this.setTitle(; } else if (code === Keys.DOM_VK_ESCAPE) { $('blur'); if (this.model.isJustCreated) { this.model.removeWithoutHistory(); Events.emit('refresh'); return; } this.render(); } else if (code === Keys.DOM_VK_TAB) { e.preventDefault(); $('blur'); this.setTitle(; if (!e.shiftKey) { this.focusNextField({ field: '$Title' }); } } } setTitle(title) { if (this.model.title instanceof kdbxweb.ProtectedValue) { title = kdbxweb.ProtectedValue.fromString(title); } if (title !== this.model.title) { this.model.setField('Title', title); this.entryUpdated(true); } const newTitle = $('

').text(title || '(no title)'); this.$el.find('.details__header-title-input').replaceWith(newTitle); } entryUpdated(skipRender) { Events.emit('entry-updated', { entry: this.model }); this.initOtp(); if (!skipRender) { this.render(); } } focusNextField(config) { let found = false, nextFieldView; if (config.field === '$Title' && !config.prev) { found = true; } const start = config.prev ? this.fieldViews.length - 1 : 0; const end = config.prev ? -1 : this.fieldViews.length; const inc = config.prev ? -1 : 1; for (let i = start; i !== end; i += inc) { const fieldView = this.fieldViews[i]; if ( === config.field) { found = true; } else if (found && !fieldView.readonly && !fieldView.isHidden()) { nextFieldView = fieldView; break; } } if (nextFieldView) { nextFieldView.edit(); } } showHistory() { this.removeSubView(); const subView = new DetailsHistoryView(this.model, { parent: this.scroller[0], replace: true }); this.listenTo(subView, 'close', this.historyClosed.bind(this)); subView.render(); this.pageResized(); this.views.sub = subView; } historyClosed(e) { if (e.updated) { this.entryUpdated(); } else { this.render(); } } moveToTrash() { const doMove = () => { this.model.moveToTrash(); Events.emit('refresh'); }; if (Features.isMobile) { Alerts.yesno({ header: Locale.detDelToTrash, body: Locale.detDelToTrashBody, icon: 'trash-alt', success: doMove }); } else { doMove(); } } clone() { const newEntry = this.model.cloneEntry(' ' + Locale.detClonedName); Events.emit('select-entry', newEntry); } copyToClipboard() { CopyPaste.copyHtml(this.model.getHtml()); } deleteFromTrash() { Alerts.yesno({ header: Locale.detDelFromTrash, body: Locale.detDelFromTrashBody, hint: Locale.detDelFromTrashBodyHint, icon: 'minus-circle', success: () => { this.model.deleteFromTrash(); Events.emit('refresh'); } }); } backClick() { Events.emit('toggle-details', false); } contextMenu(e) { const canCopy = document.queryCommandSupported('copy'); const options = []; if (canCopy) { if (this.model.external) { options.push({ value: 'det-copy-otp', icon: 'copy', text: Locale.detMenuCopyOtp }); } else { options.push({ value: 'det-copy-password', icon: 'copy', text: Locale.detMenuCopyPassword }); } options.push({ value: 'det-copy-user', icon: 'copy', text: Locale.detMenuCopyUser }); } if (!this.model.external) { options.push({ value: 'det-add-new', icon: 'plus', text: Locale.detMenuAddNewField }); options.push({ value: 'det-clone', icon: 'clone', text: Locale.detClone }); if (canCopy) { options.push({ value: 'copy-to-clipboard', icon: 'clipboard', text: Locale.detCopyEntryToClipboard }); } } if (AutoType.enabled) { options.push({ value: 'det-auto-type', icon: 'keyboard', text: Locale.detAutoType }); } Events.emit('show-context-menu', Object.assign(e, { options })); } contextMenuSelect(e) { switch (e.item) { case 'det-copy-password': this.copyPassword(); break; case 'det-copy-user': this.copyUserName(); break; case 'det-copy-otp': this.copyOtp(); break; case 'det-add-new': this.addNewField(); break; case 'det-clone': this.clone(); break; case 'det-auto-type': this.autoType(); break; case 'copy-to-clipboard': this.copyToClipboard(); break; } } setupOtp() {; } otpCodeRead(otp) { this.model.setOtp(otp); this.entryUpdated(); } otpEnterManually() { if (this.model.fields.otp) { const otpField = this.fieldViews.find((f) => === '$otp'); if (otpField) { otpField.edit(); } } else { this.moreView.remove(); this.moreView = null; const fieldView = new FieldViewCustom( { name: '$otp', title: 'otp', newField: 'otp', value: kdbxweb.ProtectedValue.fromString('') }, { parent: this.$el.find('.details__body-fields')[0] } ); fieldView.on('change', this.fieldChanged.bind(this)); fieldView.render(); fieldView.edit(); this.fieldViews.push(fieldView); } } toggleAutoType() { if (this.views.autoType) { this.views.autoType.remove(); delete this.views.autoType; return; } this.views.autoType = new DetailsAutoTypeView(this.model); this.views.autoType.render(); } autoType(sequence) { const entry = this.model; const hasOtp = sequence?.includes('{TOTP}') || (entry.external && !sequence); if (hasOtp) { const otpField = this.getFieldView('$otp'); otpField.refreshOtp((err) => { if (!err) { Events.emit('auto-type', { entry, sequence, context: { resolved: { totp: otpField.otpValue } } }); } }); } else { Events.emit('auto-type', { entry, sequence }); } } } Object.assign(DetailsView.prototype, Scrollable); Object.assign(DetailsView.prototype, Copyable); export { DetailsView };