import { Model } from 'framework/model'; import { Events } from 'framework/events'; import { MenuSectionCollection } from 'collections/menu/menu-section-collection'; import { Colors } from 'const/colors'; import { Keys } from 'const/keys'; import { GroupsMenuModel } from 'models/menu/groups-menu-model'; import { MenuSectionModel } from 'models/menu/menu-section-model'; import { StringFormat } from 'util/formatting/string-format'; import { Locale } from 'util/locale'; import { Launcher } from 'comp/launcher'; class MenuModel extends Model { constructor() { super(); this.menus = {}; this.allItemsSection = new MenuSectionModel([ { locTitle: 'menuAllItems', icon: 'th-large', active: true, shortcut: Keys.DOM_VK_A, filterKey: '*' } ]); this.allItemsItem = this.allItemsSection.items[0]; this.groupsSection = new GroupsMenuModel(); this.colorsSection = new MenuSectionModel([ { locTitle: 'menuColors', icon: 'bookmark', shortcut: Keys.DOM_VK_C, cls: 'menu__item-colors', filterKey: 'color', filterValue: true } ]); this.colorsItem = this.colorsSection.items[0]; const defTags = [this._getDefaultTagItem()]; this.tagsSection = new MenuSectionModel(defTags); this.tagsSection.set({ scrollable: true, drag: true }); this.tagsSection.defaultItems = defTags; this.trashSection = new MenuSectionModel([ { locTitle: 'menuTrash', icon: 'trash-alt', shortcut: Keys.DOM_VK_D, filterKey: 'trash', filterValue: true, drop: true } ]); Colors.AllColors.forEach((color) => { const option = { cls: 'fa ' + color + '-color', value: color, filterValue: color }; this.colorsSection.items[0].addOption(option); }); = new MenuSectionCollection([ this.allItemsSection, this.colorsSection, this.tagsSection, this.groupsSection, this.trashSection ]); this.generalSection = new MenuSectionModel([ { locTitle: 'menuSetGeneral', icon: 'cog', page: 'general', active: true } ]); this.shortcutsSection = new MenuSectionModel([ { locTitle: 'shortcuts', icon: 'keyboard', page: 'shortcuts' } ]); this.pluginsSection = new MenuSectionModel([ { locTitle: 'plugins', icon: 'puzzle-piece', page: 'plugins' } ]); if (Launcher) { this.devicesSection = new MenuSectionModel([ { locTitle: 'menuSetDevices', icon: 'usb', page: 'devices' } ]); } this.aboutSection = new MenuSectionModel([ { locTitle: 'menuSetAbout', icon: 'info', page: 'about' } ]); this.helpSection = new MenuSectionModel([ { locTitle: 'help', icon: 'question', page: 'help' } ]); this.filesSection = new MenuSectionModel(); this.filesSection.set({ scrollable: true, grow: true }); this.menus.settings = new MenuSectionCollection( [ this.generalSection, this.shortcutsSection, this.pluginsSection, this.devicesSection, this.aboutSection, this.helpSection, this.filesSection ].filter((s) => s) ); this.sections =; Events.on('set-locale', this._setLocale.bind(this)); Events.on('select-next-menu-item', this._selectNext.bind(this)); Events.on('select-previous-menu-item', this._selectPrevious.bind(this)); this._setLocale(); } select(sel) { const sections = this.sections; for (const section of sections) { this._select(section, sel.item); } if (sections === { this.colorsItem.options.forEach((opt) => { = opt === sel.option; }); const selColor = sel.item === this.colorsItem && sel.option ? sel.option.value + '-color' : ''; this.colorsItem.cls = 'menu__item-colors ' + selColor; const filterKey = sel.item.filterKey; const filterValue = (sel.option || sel.item).filterValue; const filter = {}; filter[filterKey] = filterValue; Events.emit('set-filter', filter); } else if (sections === this.menus.settings) { Events.emit('set-page', { page:, file: sel.item.file }); } } _selectPrevious() { let previousItem = null; const processSection = (section) => { if (section.visible === false) { return true; } if ( { previousItem = section; } const items = section.items; if (items) { items.forEach((it) => { if ( && previousItem) {{ item: previousItem }); return false; } return processSection(it); }); } }; const sections = this.sections; sections.forEach((section) => processSection(section)); } _selectNext() { let activeItem = null; const processSection = (section) => { if (section.visible === false) { return true; } if ( && activeItem && section !== activeItem) {{ item: section }); activeItem = null; return false; } const items = section.items; if (items) { items.forEach((it) => { if ( { activeItem = it; } return processSection(it); }); } }; const sections = this.sections; sections.forEach((section) => processSection(section)); } _select(item, selectedItem) { const items = item.items; if (items) { for (const it of items) { = it === selectedItem; this._select(it, selectedItem); } } } _setLocale() { for (const menu of [, this.menus.settings]) { for (const section of menu) { for (const item of section.items) { if (item.locTitle) { item.title = StringFormat.capFirst(Locale[item.locTitle]); } } } } this.tagsSection.defaultItems[0] = this._getDefaultTagItem(); } _getDefaultTagItem() { return { title: StringFormat.capFirst(Locale.tags), icon: 'tags', defaultItem: true, disabled: { header: Locale.menuAlertNoTags, body: Locale.menuAlertNoTagsBody, icon: 'tags' } }; } setMenu(type) { this.sections = this.menus[type]; } } MenuModel.defineModelProperties( { sections: null, menu: null }, { extensions: true } ); export { MenuModel };