module.exports = function (grunt) { grunt.registerMultiTask('csp-hashes', 'Adds CSP hashes for inline JS and CSS', function () { const opt = this.options(); for (const file of this.files) { const html =[0], { encoding: null }); const { algo } = opt; const crypto = require('crypto'); const hashes = {}; for (const type of ['style', 'script']) { let index = 0; while (index >= 0) { index = html.indexOf(`><${type}>`, index); if (index > 0) { index += `><${type}>`.length; const endIndex = html.indexOf(``, index); if (endIndex < 0) { grunt.warn(`Not found: `); } const slice = html.slice(index, endIndex); index = endIndex; const hasher = crypto.createHash(algo); hasher.update(slice); const digest = hasher.digest('base64'); hashes[type] = hashes[type] || []; hashes[type].push(digest); } } } for (const [type, expected] of Object.entries(opt.expected)) { const actual = hashes[type] ? hashes[type].length : 0; if (actual !== expected) { grunt.warn(`Expected ${expected} ${type}(s), found ${actual}`); } } let htmlStr = html.toString('latin1'); for (const [type, digests] of Object.entries(hashes)) { const cspIndex = htmlStr.indexOf(`${type}-src 'self'`); if (cspIndex < 0) { grunt.warn(`Not found: ${type}-src`); } const digestsList = => `'${algo}-${digest}'`).join(' '); htmlStr = htmlStr.replace(`${type}-src 'self'`, `${type}-src ${digestsList}`); } grunt.log.writeln( 'Added CSP hashes:', Object.entries(hashes) .map(([k, v]) => `${v.length} ${k}(s)`) .join(', ') ); grunt.file.write(file.dest, Buffer.from(htmlStr, 'latin1')); } }); };