Thanks for taking the time to contribute! :gift: Please follow these steps: 1. work on the right branch: it must be `develop` for new features and `master` for hotfixes 2. make sure the feature you add is not listed in [banned features]( 3. check compatibility with [the project roadmap]( and key features: you should not break anything 4. if your feature is introducing a lot of new UI or changing any UX or design concept, please open an issue to discuss it first 5. please respect existing style in code, styles, and markup (hint: install and enable [editorconfig]( in your editor) 6. don't add any dependencies 7. test your code: it must work in all browsers, Windows, OSX, and Linux 8. if your code is platform-dependent, please add corresponding switches 9. respect each platform: don't create a behaviour that breaks interface guidelines or user expectations 10. run `grunt` and make sure it's passing 11. replace this message with the actual description