name: "🐛 Bug Report" description: Create a report to help us improve KeeWeb! title: "🐛 Bug: " labels: [ "Type ◦ Bug" ] body: - type: markdown attributes: value: | 1. Please speak `English`. 2. Make sure you are using the latest version and take a moment to check that your issue hasn't been reported before. 3. It's really important to provide pertinent details and logs, incomplete details will be handled as an invalid report. <br /> - type: dropdown id: priority-type attributes: label: Priority description: | How critical is the issue? Do not abuse this. Issues that completely break KeeWeb would be classified as critical. If you are requesting a new feature, then it would be low or normal. options: - "Low" - "Normal" - "High" - "Urgent" validations: required: true - type: input id: ver-keeweb attributes: label: "Version: KeeWeb" description: | Version of KeeWeb you are running Version is located in Settings › Help › App Information placeholder: "Ex: v1.18.7" validations: required: true - type: dropdown id: build-env attributes: label: Environment description: | What environment are you running KeeWeb as? options: - "Web" - "Desktop" - type: dropdown id: build-os attributes: label: Operating System description: | Select which OS you are running: options: - "Windows" - "Mac" - "Linux" - type: dropdown id: issue-target attributes: label: Range of issue description: | Where does this issue occur? Before submitting your bug report, try to see if the issue also occurs on the official demo site at options: - "The issue occurs on my own setup AND demo site" - "The issue only occurs on my own setup, demo site works correctly" - type: dropdown id: issue-db-type attributes: label: Database Type description: | What type of database are you having this issue with? options: - "Issue occurs only on new databases" - "Issue occurs only on existing databases" - "Issue occurs on both new and existing databases" - type: textarea id: logs-env attributes: label: Environment Copy/Paste description: | Copy all information from Settings › Help inside KeeWeb render: shell - type: textarea id: description attributes: label: Description description: | Please provide a description of your issue here. validations: required: true - type: textarea id: steps-reproduce attributes: label: Steps To Reproduce description: | Describe the steps that need taken by the developer(s) to get the error / issue you're experiencing. value: | - - - - validations: required: true - type: textarea id: expected-behavior attributes: label: Expected Behavior description: | Describe what you expect KeeWeb to actually do if it were working properly value: | - - - - validations: required: true - type: textarea id: logs-console attributes: label: Logs description: | List any error messages you received in the developer console. Developer console for **web** can be opened with **SHIFT + CTRL + I** Open **dev tools** in your browser and attach output log from **CONSOLE** tab. If you are using a desktop app, devtools can be opened from Settings › General › Advanced. render: shell - type: textarea id: references attributes: label: Referenced Issues description: | List any existing issues this ticket may be associated with. Structure each issue as: - #NUMBER - #3 value: | - # - type: textarea id: attachment-db attributes: label: "Attachments: Database kdbx File" description: | Attach a test database below that does give you the described issue. Ensure it has no real security information within it as it will be publicly visible to all. - type: textarea id: attachment-screenshots attributes: label: "Attachments: Screenshots" description: | Please provide screenshots of any errors or the issue you're having. Gifs are even better.