Compare commits


No commits in common. "master" and "v1.18.2" have entirely different histories.

46 changed files with 590 additions and 1984 deletions

View File

@ -7,8 +7,6 @@

.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
name: Bug report
about: Create a report to help us improve KeeWeb
title: ''
labels: 'bug'
assignees: ''
**Describe the bug**
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
**To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Go to '...'
2. Click on '....'
3. Scroll down to '....'
4. See error
**Expected behavior**
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Your user-agent (from Settings/Help section)
**Kdbx File**
Does it happen on Demo or New database?
If you have a test db without your personal data, please attach it.
Please open dev tools in your browser and attach output log from Console tab. If you are using a desktop app, devtools can be opened from Settings/General/Advanced.

View File

@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
name: "🐛 Bug Report"
description: Create a report to help us improve KeeWeb!
title: "🐛 Bug: <title>"
labels: [
"Type ◦ Bug"
- type: markdown
value: |
1. Please speak `English`.
2. Make sure you are using the latest version and take a moment to check that your issue hasn't been reported before.
3. It's really important to provide pertinent details and logs,
incomplete details will be handled as an invalid report.
<br />
- type: dropdown
id: priority-type
label: Priority
description: |
How critical is the issue?
Do not abuse this. Issues that completely break KeeWeb would be classified as critical.
If you are requesting a new feature, then it would be low or normal.
- "Low"
- "Normal"
- "High"
- "Urgent"
required: true
- type: input
id: ver-keeweb
label: "Version: KeeWeb"
description: |
Version of KeeWeb you are running
Version is located in Settings Help App Information
placeholder: "Ex: v1.18.7"
required: true
- type: dropdown
id: build-env
label: Environment
description: |
What environment are you running KeeWeb as?
- "Web"
- "Desktop"
- type: dropdown
id: build-os
label: Operating System
description: |
Select which OS you are running:
- "Windows"
- "Mac"
- "Linux"
- type: dropdown
id: issue-target
label: Range of issue
description: |
Where does this issue occur?
Before submitting your bug report, try to see if the issue also occurs on the official demo site at
- "The issue occurs on my own setup AND demo site"
- "The issue only occurs on my own setup, demo site works correctly"
- type: dropdown
id: issue-db-type
label: Database Type
description: |
What type of database are you having this issue with?
- "Issue occurs only on new databases"
- "Issue occurs only on existing databases"
- "Issue occurs on both new and existing databases"
- type: textarea
id: logs-env
label: Environment Copy/Paste
description: |
Copy all information from Settings Help inside KeeWeb
render: shell
- type: textarea
id: description
label: Description
description: |
Please provide a description of your issue here.
required: true
- type: textarea
id: steps-reproduce
label: Steps To Reproduce
description: |
Describe the steps that need taken by the developer(s) to get the error / issue you're experiencing.
value: |
required: true
- type: textarea
id: expected-behavior
label: Expected Behavior
description: |
Describe what you expect KeeWeb to actually do if it were working properly
value: |
required: true
- type: textarea
id: logs-console
label: Logs
description: |
List any error messages you received in the developer console.
Developer console for **web** can be opened with **SHIFT + CTRL + I**
Open **dev tools** in your browser and attach output log from **CONSOLE** tab. If you are using a desktop app, devtools can be opened from Settings General Advanced.
render: shell
- type: textarea
id: references
label: Referenced Issues
description: |
List any existing issues this ticket may be associated with.
Structure each issue as:
- #3
value: |
- #
- type: textarea
id: attachment-db
label: "Attachments: Database kdbx File"
description: |
Attach a test database below that does give you the described issue.
Ensure it has no real security information within it as it will be publicly visible to all.
- type: textarea
id: attachment-screenshots
label: "Attachments: Screenshots"
description: |
Please provide screenshots of any errors or the issue you're having.
Gifs are even better.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
name: Feature request
about: Suggest an idea for this project
title: ''
labels: 'enhancement'
assignees: ''
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]
**Describe the solution you'd like**
A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.
**Describe alternatives you've considered**
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.
**Additional context**
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

View File

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
name: "💡 Feature Request"
description: Got a suggestion? Submit your request here.
title: "💡 Feature: <title>"
labels: [
"Type ◦ Feature"
- type: markdown
value: |
1. Please speak English.
2. Please take a moment to check that your feature hasn't already been suggested.
3. Be detailed but to the point.
- type: textarea
id: text-description
label: Feature Description
description: |
Explain your feature. Be detailed.
If your feature addresses a problem; explain the problem.
placeholder: |
I would like to request ...
required: true
- type: textarea
id: text-alternatives
label: Alternatives Considered
description: |
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.
required: false
- type: textarea
id: attachment-screenshots
label: "Attachments: Screenshots"
description: |
If possible, provide screenshots.
Want a feature placed in a specific location? Mark it in a screenshot.
Want something modified? Try creating a mockup.
The more details about how it should look, the better.
Not required, but appreciated.

View File

@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ jobs:
tagRegex: "^v(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)$"
tagRegexGroup: 1
- name: Setup GCloud
uses: google-github-actions/setup-gcloud@v0.7.0
uses: google-github-actions/setup-gcloud@master
version: '285.0.0'
service_account_key: ${{ secrets.GCP_SA_KEY }}
@ -418,9 +418,9 @@ jobs:
- name: Purge CloudFlare cache
if: ${{ github.repository == 'keeweb/keeweb' }}
CF_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.CF_TOKEN }}
run: |
curl -sS -X POST "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $CF_TOKEN" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"purge_everything":true}'

View File

@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Cloudflare Pages Update Website
# Pushes a new version of the website to Cloudflare
# If editing this workflow, all you need to edit are the INPUT values and the global
# ENV variables. No need to go any deeper.
# - run-name && name
# - ENV:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
run-name: "☁️ CF Deploy"
name: "☁️ CF"
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
branches: [ master ]
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The default values set for each input should not need to be changed as they are
# already set to the correct values.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
description: "Project Name"
required: true
default: 'app-keeweb'
type: string
description: "Build Output Dir"
required: true
default: 'gh-pages'
type: string
description: "Root Dir"
required: true
default: './'
type: string
description: "Wrangler Version"
required: true
default: '3'
type: string
description: 'Website Branch'
required: true
default: 'gh-pages'
type: choice
- gh-pages
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# PROJECT_NAME : This is the project name used in Cloudflare.
# DOMAIN : purely cosmetic which displays as the label of some steps
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PROJECT_NAME: ${{ github.event.inputs.PROJECT_NAME || 'app-keeweb' }}
DIR_BUILD_OUTPUT: ${{ github.event.inputs.DIRECTORY_BUILD_OUTPUT || 'gh-pages' }}
DIR_WORKING: ${{ github.event.inputs.DIRECTORY_WORKING || './' }}
WRANGLER_VERSION: ${{ github.event.inputs.WRANGLER_VERSION || '2' }}
BRANCH: ${{ github.event.inputs.BRANCH || 'gh-pages' }}
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
name: >-
☁️ Publish Website
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
upload_github: ${{ steps.task_cloudflare_project_create_github.outputs.SUCCESS }}
upload_assets: ${{ steps.task_cloudflare_project_create_assets.outputs.SUCCESS }}
existing_site: ${{ steps.task_cloudflare_project_check.outputs.EXISTING }}
contents: read
deployments: write
id-token: write
- name: "✅ Start Publish"
id: task_cfpublish_start
run: |
echo "Publishing new version of ${{ env.DOMAIN }} to Cloudflare Pages service"
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Job > Publish > Checkout
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "☑️ Checkout gh-pages"
id: task_cfpublish_checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
ref: gh-pages
path: gh-pages
fetch-depth: 0
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Job > Publish > Commit Dist
# used in original build script for keeweb
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#- name: "Commit dist to gh-pages"
# working-directory: gh-pages
# run: |
# git rm -r '*'
# cp -r ../html/* .
# mkdir -p .github/workflows
# echo $GITHUB_SHA > build.txt
# date >> build.txt
# git add .
# git config --local ""
# git config --local "GitHub Action"
# git commit -am v${{ steps.get_tag.outputs.tag }}
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Job > Publish > Push
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#- name: "Push gh-pages"
# uses: keeweb/github-push-action@master
# with:
# github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# branch: gh-pages
# directory: gh-pages
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Job > Publish > Restore mtime
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#- name: Restore git mtime
# working-directory: gh-pages
# run: python3 ../keeweb/.github/actions/scripts/
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "⚙️ Setup Node"
id: task_cfpublish_node_setup
uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: '20.x'
scope: '@aetherinox'
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "📦 NPM Install Wrangler"
id: task_cloudflare_npm_install
run: |
npm install -g npm@latest
npm install --global wrangler
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# this step checks to see if your project already exists on cloudflare
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "☁️ CF Check Project"
id: task_cloudflare_project_check
shell: bash
run: |
check=$(curl -s -X GET "${{ secrets.CF_ACCOUNT_ID }}/pages/projects/${{ inputs.PROJECT_NAME || env.PROJECT_NAME }}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${{ secrets.CF_TOKEN }}" \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" | jq -r '.success')
echo "EXISTING=$check" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This step will only success if you've already linked your Github account to cloudflare.
# if you attempt to push this deployment to any github repo that is not linked to
# cloudflare; the step will fail, and then execute step
# task_cloudflare_project_create_assets
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "☁️ CF Create Project Linked Github (if nonexistent)"
id: task_cloudflare_project_create_github
shell: bash
if: |
${{ steps.task_cloudflare_project_check.outputs.EXISTING != 'true' }}
run: |
check=$(curl -s -X POST "${{ secrets.CF_ACCOUNT_ID }}/pages/projects" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${{ secrets.CF_TOKEN }}" \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-d '{"name": "${{ inputs.PROJECT_NAME || env.PROJECT_NAME }}", "production_branch": "${{ inputs.BRANCH || env.BRANCH || 'master' }}", "source": {"type": "github", "config": {"owner": "${{ github.repository_owner }}", "repo_name": "${{ }}"}}}' | jq -r '.success')
echo "SUCCESS=$check" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "Mode (Link Github): $check"
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# this step should execute only if the previous step failed.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "☁️ CF Create Project Upload Assets (if nonexistent)"
id: task_cloudflare_project_create_assets
shell: bash
if: |
steps.task_cloudflare_project_check.outputs.EXISTING != 'true' && ( ${{ steps.task_cloudflare_project_create_github.outputs.SUCCESS == 'false' || failure()}} )
run: |
check=$(curl -s -X POST "${{ secrets.CF_ACCOUNT_ID }}/pages/projects" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${{ secrets.CF_TOKEN }}" \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-d '{"name":"${{ inputs.PROJECT_NAME || env.PROJECT_NAME }}", "production_branch":"${{ inputs.BRANCH || env.BRANCH || 'master' }}"}' | jq -r '.success')
echo "SUCCESS=$check" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "Mode (Upload Assets): $check"
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# outlines which method was used to create the project
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "☁️ CF Create Project Summary"
id: task_cloudflare_project_summary
shell: bash
run: |
if [ ${{ steps.task_cloudflare_project_create_github.outputs.SUCCESS }} == 'true' ]; then
echo ""
echo "Project ${{ env.PROJECT_NAME }} linked to a Github account"
echo ""
elif [ ${{ steps.task_cloudflare_project_create_assets.outputs.SUCCESS }} == 'true' ]; then
echo "========================================================================="
echo ""
echo " Project ${{ env.PROJECT_NAME }} NOT linked to a Github account."
echo " Uploading assets to Cloudflare"
echo ""
echo "========================================================================="
echo "If you wish to sync the assets from Github to Cloudflare, you must ensure"
echo "you have connected your Github account to cloudflare and that you're"
echo "uploading from the same account that is linked."
elif [ ${{ steps.task_cloudflare_project_check.outputs.EXISTING }} == 'true' ]; then
echo ""
echo "Site already exists on Cloudflare, updating ${{ env.PROJECT_NAME }}"
echo ""
echo ""
echo "Error occured creating ${{ env.PROJECT_NAME }}"
echo ""
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Job > Publish > Cloudflare Wrangler
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#- name: "☁️ CF Publish"
# uses: cloudflare/wrangler-action@v3
# with:
# apiToken: ${{ secrets.CF_TOKEN }} # Cloudflare API Token at
# accountId: ${{ secrets.CF_ACCOUNT_ID }} # Cloudflare account ID available on right side of CF website
# workingDirectory: ${{ inputs.DIRECTORY_WORKING || env.DIR_WORKING || './' }} # Working directory
# command: pages deploy ${{ inputs.DIRECTORY_BUILD_OUTPUT || env.DIR_BUILD_OUTPUT || './' }} --project-name=${{ inputs.PROJECT_NAME || env.PROJECT_NAME }} --commit-dirty=true
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Cloudflare Pages Action
# a new version has been supplied above to switch from
# cloudflare/pages-action@v1 -> cloudflare/wrangler-action@v3
# the new action uses NodeJS 20, instead of 16.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "☁️ CF Publish ${{ env.DOMAIN }}"
uses: aetherinox/cloudflare-publish-action@latest
apiToken: ${{ secrets.CF_TOKEN }} # Cloudflare API Token at
accountId: ${{ secrets.CF_ACCOUNT_ID }} # Cloudflare account ID available on right side of CF website
projectName: ${{ inputs.PROJECT_NAME || env.PROJECT_NAME }} # Project name assigned at creation. view on workers-and-pages section of CF website
directory: ${{ inputs.DIRECTORY_BUILD_OUTPUT || env.DIR_BUILD_OUTPUT || './' }} # Output directory for built website
gitHubToken: ${{ secrets.SELF_TOKEN_CL }} # Optional: Enable this if you want to have GitHub Deployments triggered
branch: ${{ inputs.BRANCH || env.BRANCH || 'master' }} # Branch website published to; by default this will be the branch which triggered this workflow
workingDirectory: ${{ inputs.DIRECTORY_WORKING || env.DIR_WORKING || './' }} # Working directory
wranglerVersion: ${{ inputs.WRANGLER_VERSION || env.WRANGLER_VERSION || '3' }} # Optional: Change the Wrangler version, allows you to point to a specific version or a tag such as `beta`
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Cloudflare > Purge Cache
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "☁️ CF Purge Cache"
id: task_cloudflare_purge_cache
run: |
check=$(curl -s -X POST "${{ secrets.CF_ZONE_SITE_MAIN }}/purge_cache" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${{ secrets.CF_TOKEN }}" \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-d '{"purge_everything":true}' | jq -r '.success')
echo "SUCCESS=$check" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "Purge Cache: $check"
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
name: >-
🆗 Successful Deployment
needs: job-cfpublish
UPLOAD_GITHUB: ${{ needs.job-cfpublish.outputs.upload_github }}
UPLOAD_ASSETS: ${{ needs.job-cfpublish.outputs.upload_assets }}
EXISTING_SITE: ${{ needs.job-cfpublish.outputs.existing_site }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Job > Complete > Get publish timestamp
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "🕛 Get Timestamp"
id: task_complete_timestamp_get
run: |
echo "NOW=$(date +'%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S')" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Job > Complete > Summary of publish
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "🆗 CF Pages Deployment: ${{ env.DOMAIN }}"
id: task_complete_summary
run: |
echo ""
echo ""
echo "| Name | Result |" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "| ------------------------------- | ----------------------- |" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "| **Cloudflare Project ID** | ${{ env.PROJECT_NAME }} |" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "| **Domain** | ${{ env.DOMAIN }} |" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "| **Deploy Time** | ${{ env.NOW }} |" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
if [ ${{ env.EXISTING_SITE }} == 'true' ]; then
echo "| **Update Type** | 🟩 Update Existing |" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
if [ ${{ env.UPLOAD_GITHUB }} == 'true' ]; then
echo "| **Update Type** | 🇬 Create (Link Github) |" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
elif [ ${{ env.UPLOAD_ASSETS }} == 'true' ]; then
echo "| **Update Type** | 📦 Create (Asset Upload) |" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "| **Update Type** | ❌ Could not push to Cloudflare |" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY

View File

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
name: Verify
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version-file: '.nvmrc'
cache: 'npm'
- name: Install npm modules
run: npm ci
- name: Lint
run: npm run lint
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version-file: '.nvmrc'
cache: 'npm'
- name: Install npm modules
run: npm ci
- name: Test
run: npm test

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -16,8 +16,7 @@ Donate: [OpenCollective](, [GitHub](ht
## Status
The app is quite stable now. Basic stuff, as well as more advanced operations, should be rather reliable.
Looking for a new maintainer, see [#2022](
The app is quite stable now. Basic stuff, as well as more advanced operations, should be rather reliable.
## Self-hosting

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
{ storage: 'teams', search: },

View File

@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ const AutoType = {
processEventWithFilter(evt) {
let entries = evt.filter.getEntries();
const entries = evt.filter.getEntries();
if (entries.length === 1 && AppSettingsModel.directAutotype) {
this.hideWindow(() => {
this.runAndHandleResult({ entry: entries[0] },;
@ -255,19 +255,6 @@ const AutoType = {
if (entries.length === 0) {
if (evt.filter.useUrl) {
evt.filter.useUrl = false;
if (evt.filter.title && AppSettingsModel.autoTypeTitleFilterEnabled) {
evt.filter.useTitle = true;
entries = evt.filter.getEntries();
if (entries.length === 0 && evt.filter.useTitle) {
evt.filter.useTitle = false;
const humanReadableTarget = evt.filter.title || evt.filter.url;
const topMessage = humanReadableTarget
? Locale.autoTypeMsgMatchedByWindow.replace('{}', humanReadableTarget)

View File

@ -209,10 +209,6 @@ const YubiKey = {
complete: (err, stdout) => {
this.process = null;
if (window.debugYubiKey) {'received codes', err, stdout);
if (this.aborted) {
return callback('Aborted');

View File

@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ async function findEntry(request, returnIfOneMatch, filterOptions) {
if (!entries.length) {
if (AppSettingsModel.extensionFocusIfEmpty) {
filter.useUrl = false;
if (filter.title && AppSettingsModel.autoTypeTitleFilterEnabled) {
if (filter.title) {
filter.useTitle = true;
entries = filter.getEntries();
if (!entries.length) {
@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ const ProtocolHandlers = {
const otpPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
selectEntryFieldView?.on('result', () => reject(makeError(Errors.userRejected)));
selectEntryFieldView.on('result', () => reject(makeError(Errors.userRejected)));, otp) => {
if (otp) {
@ -536,7 +536,9 @@ const ProtocolHandlers = {
try {
totp = await otpPromise;
} finally {
if (selectEntryFieldView) {
return encryptResponse(request, {

View File

@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ const Launcher = {
quitOnRealQuitEventIfMinimizeOnQuitIsEnabled() {
return !!this.pendingUpdateFile;
return !!(this.platform() === 'darwin' || this.pendingUpdateFile);
minimizeApp() {

View File

@ -37,17 +37,4 @@ const OneDriveApps = {
const MsTeamsApps = {
Local: {
id: '8fbe2245-13d5-446f-bedc-74c3b2e1f635'
Production: {
id: '8fbe2245-13d5-446f-bedc-74c3b2e1f635'
Desktop: {
id: '8fbe2245-13d5-446f-bedc-74c3b2e1f635',
secret: 'F02~HYaWs-~7MndJcVRtv9~h-50Brk_9ho'
export { DropboxApps, GDriveApps, OneDriveApps, MsTeamsApps };
export { DropboxApps, GDriveApps, OneDriveApps };

View File

@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ const DefaultAppSettings = {
colorfulIcons: false, // use colorful custom icons instead of grayscale
useMarkdown: true, // use Markdown in Notes field
directAutotype: true, // if only one matching entry is found, select that one automatically
autoTypeTitleFilterEnabled: true, // enable the title filtering in auto-type by default
titlebarStyle: 'default', // window titlebar style
lockOnMinimize: true, // lock the app when it's minimized
lockOnCopy: false, // lock the app after a password was copied
@ -87,13 +86,7 @@ const DefaultAppSettings = {
onedrive: true, // enable OneDrive integration
onedriveClientId: null, // custom OneDrive client id
onedriveClientSecret: null, // custom OneDrive client secret
onedriveTenantId: null, // custom OneDrive tenant id
msteams: false, // enable Microsoft Teams integration
msteamsClientId: null, // custom Microsoft Teams client id
msteamsClientSecret: null, // custom Microsoft Teams client secret
msteamsTenantId: null // custom Microsoft Teams tenant id
onedriveClientSecret: null // custom OneDrive client secret
export { DefaultAppSettings };

View File

@ -23,14 +23,17 @@ const Links = {
HaveIBeenPwnedPrivacy: '',
KWCForFirefox: '',
KWCForSafari: ''
KWCForSafari: '',
KPXCForFirefox: '',
export { Links };

View File

@ -43,7 +43,6 @@
"dropbox": "Dropbox",
"gdrive": "Google Drive",
"onedrive": "OneDrive",
"msteams": "Microsoft Teams",
"menuAllItems": "All Items",
"menuColors": "Colors",
"menuTrash": "Trash",
@ -433,8 +432,7 @@
"setGenColorfulIcons": "Colorful custom icons in the list",
"setGenUseMarkdown": "Markdown in notes",
"setGenUseGroupIconForEntries": "Automatically use group icon for new entries",
"setGenDirectAutotype": "If only one matching entry is found, select that one automatically for auto-type",
"setGenAutoTypeTitleFilterEnabled": "Filter entries by title in auto-type",
"setGenDirectAutotype": "If only one matching entry is found, select that one automatically for Autotype",
"setGenFunction": "Function",
"setGenAutoSyncOnClose": "Automatically save and sync on close",
"setGenAutoSyncTimer": "Automatically save and sync periodically",

View File

@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
"or": "ou",
"history": "historique",
"template": "modèle",
"templates": "templates",
"notImplemented": "Non Implémenté",
"saveChanges": "Sauvegarder les modifications",
"discardChanges": "Annuler les modifications",
@ -47,7 +46,6 @@
"menuColors": "Couleurs",
"menuTrash": "Corbeille",
"menuSetGeneral": "Général",
"menuSetBrowser": "Navigateur",
"menuSetAbout": "À propos",
"menuSetDevices": "Appareils",
"menuAlertNoTags": "Aucun tag",
@ -62,7 +60,7 @@
"sysMenuServices": "Services",
"sysMenuHide": "Cacher {}",
"sysMenuHideOthers": "Cacher autres",
"sysMenuUnhide": "Montrer tout",
"sysMenuUnhide": "Montrer tous",
"sysMenuQuit": "Quitter {}",
"sysMenuEdit": "Editer",
"sysMenuUndo": "Annuler",
@ -82,8 +80,6 @@
"alertCopy": "Copier",
"alertClose": "Fermer",
"alertDoNotAsk": "Ne plus me le redemander",
"alertAllow": "Autoriser",
"alertDeny": "Refuser",
"appBeta": "ATTENTION: version beta, aperçu seulement",
"footerOpen": "Ouvrir/Nouveau",
"footerSyncError": "Erreur de synchronisation",
@ -143,7 +139,6 @@
"keyChangeMessageExpired": "La clé maître pour cette base de donnée est expirée. Merci de saisir une nouvelle clé.",
"keyChangeRepeatPassword": "Mot de passe, encore une fois",
"keyEnter": "Entrée",
"keyEsc": "Esc",
"iconFavTitle": "Télécharger et utiliser le favicon du site web",
"iconSelCustom": "Sélectionner une icône personnalisée",
"listEmptyTitle": "Vide",
@ -272,7 +267,6 @@
"detMore": "plus",
"detClickToAddField": "cliquez pour ajouter un nouveau champ",
"detMenuAddNewField": "Ajouter nouveau champ",
"detMenuAddNewWebsite": "Ajouter un autre site",
"detMenuShowEmpty": "Montrer les champs vides",
"detMenuHideEmpty": "Cacher les champs vides",
"detMenuAddField": "Ajouter {}",
@ -346,7 +340,6 @@
"autoTypeSelectionHintOpt": "Entrez seulement le compte",
"autoTypeSelectionHintShift": "Autres champs",
"autoTypeSelectionOtp": "code à usage unique",
"autoTypeUnlockMessage": "Déverrouiller pour saisir automatiquement",
"appSecWarn": "Non sécurisé !",
"appSecWarnBody1": "Vous avez chargé cette appli avec une connexion non sécurisée. Quelqu'un peut vous observer et voler vos mots de passe. Nous vous recommandons fortement d'arrêter cette connexion, à moins que vous ne compreniez exactement ce que vous faites.",
"appSecWarnBody2": "Oui, votre base est chiffrée mais personne ne peut garantir que l'application n'a pas été modifiée avant d'arriver à vous.",
@ -621,38 +614,6 @@
"setPlTranslateLink": "traduire l'appli dans votre langue",
"setPlAutoUpdate": "Mise à jour automatique",
"setPlLoadGallery": "Charger le catalogue",
"setBrowserTitle": "Navigateur",
"setBrowserIntroDesktop": "KeeWeb peut entrer des mots de passe en utilisant la saisie automatique, cependant, une extension peut être un moyen plus pratique de le faire. KeeWeb prend en charge deux extensions de navigateur:",
"setBrowserIntroKeeWebConnect": "l'extension officielle KeeWeb est construite avec les fonctionnalités de KeeWeb, mais vous risquez de manquer certaines fonctionnalités avancées que l'on peut trouver dans l'autre extension.",
"setBrowserIntroKeePassXcBrowser": "cette extension a été développée pour KeePassXC, elle existe depuis un moment et est assez fiable. L'extension ne fait pas partie de KeeWeb et il peut y avoir des problèmes de compatibilité.",
"setBrowserIntroWeb": "Installez notre extension de navigateur pour remplir automatiquement les mots de passe de KeeWeb sur différentes pages. L'extension de navigateur se connectera à un onglet KeeWeb de votre navigateur pour récupérer les mots de passe. Cliquez ici pour télécharger l'extension:",
"setBrowserNotEnabled": "L'intégration du navigateur n'est pas activée, les extensions ne pourront pas se connecter à KeeWeb. Utilisez les cases à cocher ci-dessous pour l'activer:",
"setBrowserEnablePerBrowser": "Activer l'intégration dans le navigateur en cochant ci dessous:",
"setBrowserFocusIfLocked": "Ouvrir KeeWeb si le navigateur essaye de se connecter alors que aucun fichier n'est ouvert",
"setBrowserFocusIfEmpty": "Afficher la liste si aucune correspondance n'est trouvée avec l'URL",
"setBrowserOtherBrowsers": "Autres navigateurs",
"setBrowserExtensionFor": "pour {}",
"setBrowserExtensionNotSupported": "Non supporté",
"setBrowserExtensionHelp": "Comment installer ?",
"setBrowserExtensionInstall": "Installer l'application",
"setBrowserExtensionKPXCWarnHeader": "{} cessera de fonctionner",
"setBrowserExtensionKPXCWarnBody1": "Malheureusement, il n'est pas possible de connecter une extension à plusieurs applications. Si vous connectez l'extension à KeeWeb, nous remplacerons son association d'application, ce qui signifie que l'intégration avec {} cessera de fonctionner. Même si vous décochez cette case, l'association avec {} ne sera pas restaurée. Pour le faire fonctionner à nouveau, configurez l'intégration du navigateur dans les paramètres de {}.",
"setBrowserExtensionKPXCWarnBody2": "Configurer l'extension pour utiliser KeeWeb?",
"setBrowserSessions": "Sessions",
"setBrowserSessionsEmpty": "Aucune session connectée",
"setBrowserSessionsIntro": "Ces extensions sont connectées à KeeWeb",
"setBrowserSessionsActiveTooltip": "Session active",
"setBrowserSessionsActiveText": "Cette session est active. Elle peut échanger des données avec KeeWeb selon les permissions:",
"setBrowserSessionsInactiveTooltip": "session inactive",
"setBrowserSessionsInactiveText": "Cette session est inactive. L'extension est connectée à KeeWeb, cependant, elle n'a pas essayé d'échanger des données. Lorsque l'extension demande quelque chose, vous pourrez choisir ce que vous souhaitez partager.",
"setBrowserSessionsDeniedTooltip": "Accès interdit",
"setBrowserSessionsDeniedText": "Cette session est inactive. L'extension est connectée à KeeWeb mais vous avez refusé l'accès aux données.",
"setBrowserSessionsConnectedDate": "Connecté",
"setBrowserSessionsTerminate": "Clôturer la session",
"setBrowserSessionsAccessToFiles": "Autoriser l'accès aux fichiers",
"setBrowserSessionsNoFileAccess": "L'extension n'a accès à aucun fichier, elle ne pourra pas récupérer les mots de passe de KeeWeb.",
"setBrowserSessionsPasswordsRead": "Accès aux mot de passe",
"setBrowserSessionsPasswordsWritten": "Mots de passe enregistrés",
"setDevicesTitle": "Appareils",
"setDevicesEnableUsb": "Autoriser les interactions avec les appareils USB",
"setDevicesYubiKeyIntro": "Il est recommandé de lire {} avant d'utiliser une YubiKey.",
@ -687,12 +648,12 @@
"setHelpProblems2": "ou {}",
"setHelpOpenIssue": "faire connaître le problème sur GitHub",
"setHelpContactLink": "contactez le développeur directement",
"setHelpAppInfo": "Informations",
"setHelpAppInfo": "Information",
"setHelpOtherPlatforms": "Autres plateformes",
"setHelpDesktopApps": "Applis Desktop",
"setHelpWebApp": "Appli web",
"setHelpUpdates": "Mises à jour",
"setHelpTwitter": "Twitter",
"setHelpTwitter": "Appli twitter",
"dropboxSetupDesc": "Une configuration particulière est nécessaire pour utiliser Dropbox dans une application auto-hébergée. Merci de créer votre propre application Dropbox et d'inscrire sa clé ci-dessous.",
"dropboxAppKey": "Clé Dropbox",
"dropboxAppKeyDesc": "Copier la clé de votre appli Dropbox (Réglages développeur)",
@ -708,8 +669,6 @@
"dropboxLinkFull": "Tout Dropbox ou n'importe quel dossier",
"dropboxLinkCustom": "Votre appli Dropbox",
"gdriveSharedWithMe": "Partagé avec moi",
"gdriveSharedDrives": "Lecteurs partagés",
"gdriveTeamDrives": "Team drives",
"webdavSaveMethod": "Méthode de sauvegarde",
"webdavSaveMove": "Envoyer un fichier temporaire et le déplacer",
"webdavSavePut": "Écraser le fichier kdbx avec PUT",
@ -738,39 +697,5 @@
"yubiKeyDisabledErrorHeader": "L'USB est désactivé",
"yubiKeyDisabledErrorBody": "Yubikey est nécessaire pour ouvrir ce fichier, merci d'activer les appareils USB dans les paramètres",
"yubiKeyErrorWithCode": "Erreur Yubikey code {}.",
"bioOpenAuthPrompt": "ouvrir \"{}\"",
"extensionErrorNoOpenFiles": "Aucun fichier ouvert",
"extensionErrorUserRejected": "La requête a été refusée",
"extensionErrorNoMatches": "Aucune correspondance",
"extensionErrorAlertDisplayed": "Impossible de poser une question maintenant car une autre boîte de dialogue est affichée, veuillez réessayer",
"extensionConnectHeader": "Échange de données avec l'extension",
"extensionConnectIntro": "Une extension de navigateur qui a pour nom {} essaie d'échanger des données avec KeeWeb.",
"extensionConnectUnknownActivity": "KeeWeb ne vérifie pas que l'application connectée est ce qu'elle prétend être. N'approuvez la demande que si vous en connaissez l'origine.",
"extensionConnectFiles": "Lors de cette session, autoriser l'accès à:",
"extensionConnectAllOtherFiles": "Tous les autres fichiers",
"extensionConnectAllFiles": "Tous les fichiers",
"extensionConnectAskGet": "Demandez avant d'envoyer les mots de passe à l'extension:",
"extensionConnectAskGetMultiple": "s'il y a plus d'une correspondance",
"extensionConnectAskGetAlways": "Toujours",
"extensionConnectAskSave": "Demandez avant d'enregistrer de nouveaux mots de passe dans KeeWeb:",
"extensionConnectAskSaveAlways": "Toujours",
"extensionConnectAskSaveAuto": "quand ce n'est pas possible de sauvegarder automatiquement",
"extensionConnectSettingsAreForSession": "Les paramètres que vous sélectionnez ici ne sont valides que pour la session en cours. Vous pouvez afficher et gérer les sessions dans les paramètres de KeeWeb.",
"extensionUnlockMessage": "Déverrouiller pour connecter l'extension du navigateur",
"extensionNewGroupHeader": "Nouveau groupe",
"extensionNewGroupBody": "{} essaye de créer un nouveau groupe. Autoriser cela?",
"extensionNewGroupPath": "Dossier du groupe",
"extensionNewGroupFile": "Ce groupe sera créé dans:",
"extensionSaveEntryHeader": "Sauvegarder mot de passe",
"extensionSaveEntryBody": "{} essaye de sauvegarder un mot de passe. Autoriser cela?",
"extensionSaveEntryAuto": "Sauvegarder les autres mots de passe automatiquement lors de cette session",
"extensionSaveEntryNewGroup": "nouveau groupe",
"extensionSelectPasswordFor": "Sélectionner un mot de passe pour {}",
"selectEntryHeader": "Sélectionner une entrée",
"selectEntryEnterHint": "Utiliser la ligne sélectionnée",
"selectEntryTypingHint": "Ecrire pour filtrer",
"selectEntryContains": "Contient le texte",
"selectEntrySubdomains": "Sous-domaines",
"selectEntryFieldHeader": "Sélectionnez un champ",
"selectEntryFieldTouch": "Appuyez sur le bouton de votre appareil pour générer un code à usage unique."
"bioOpenAuthPrompt": "ouvrir \"{}\""

View File

@ -467,7 +467,6 @@ class EntryModel extends Model {
if (otpUrl.isProtected) {
otpUrl = otpUrl.getText();
// called only if secret provided, no formatted url
if (Otp.isSecret(otpUrl.replace(/\s/g, ''))) {
otpUrl = Otp.makeUrl(otpUrl.replace(/\s/g, '').toUpperCase());
} else if (otpUrl.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf('otpauth:', 0) !== 0) {

View File

@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ class FileModel extends Model {
removeKeyFile() {
this.db.credentials.keyFileHash = null;
const changed = !!this.oldKeyFileHash;
if (!changed && this.db.credentials.passwordHash === this.oldPasswordHash) {
this.db.meta.keyChanged = this.oldKeyChangeDate;
@ -677,10 +677,10 @@ class FileModel extends Model {
addCustomIcon(iconData) {
const uuid = kdbxweb.KdbxUuid.random();
this.db.meta.customIcons.set(, {
this.db.meta.customIcons[uuid] = {
data: kdbxweb.ByteUtils.arrayToBuffer(kdbxweb.ByteUtils.base64ToBytes(iconData)),
lastModified: new Date()
return uuid.toString();

View File

@ -221,30 +221,22 @@ class StorageOneDrive extends StorageBase {
_getOAuthConfig() {
let clientId = this.appSettings.onedriveClientId;
let clientSecret = this.appSettings.onedriveClientSecret;
let tenant = this.appSettings.onedriveTenantId;
if (!clientId) {
if (Features.isDesktop) {
({ id: clientId, secret: clientSecret, tenantId: tenant } = OneDriveApps.Desktop);
({ id: clientId, secret: clientSecret } = OneDriveApps.Desktop);
} else if (Features.isLocal) {
({ id: clientId, secret: clientSecret, tenantId: tenant } = OneDriveApps.Local);
({ id: clientId, secret: clientSecret } = OneDriveApps.Local);
} else {
id: clientId,
secret: clientSecret,
tenantId: tenant
} = OneDriveApps.Production);
({ id: clientId, secret: clientSecret } = OneDriveApps.Production);
tenant = tenant || 'common';
let scope = 'files.readwrite';
if (!this.appSettings.shortLivedStorageToken) {
scope += ' offline_access';
return {
url: `${tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize`,
tokenUrl: `${tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/token`,
url: '',
tokenUrl: '',

View File

@ -1,365 +0,0 @@
import { StorageBase } from 'storage/storage-base';
import { MsTeamsApps } from 'const/cloud-storage-apps';
import { Features } from 'util/features';
// /me/joinedTeams
//{group id}/drive/root/children
class StorageTeams extends StorageBase {
name = 'msteams';
enabled = true;
uipos = 50;
icon = 'user-friends';
_graphUrl = '';
_groupsUrl = `${this._graphUrl}/me/joinedTeams`;
_baseUrl = `${this._graphUrl}/groups`;
getPathForName(fileName) {
return '/drive/root:/' + fileName + '.kdbx';
genUrlAddress(groupId, path) {
if (groupId) {
return this._baseUrl + '/' + groupId + (path ? '/' + path.replace(/^\/+/, '') : '');
} else {
return this._groupsUrl;
genUrl(path) {
if (!path) {
const groupId = null;
const dir = null;
const url = this.genUrlAddress(groupId, dir);
return [groupId, dir, url];
const parts = path.replace(/^\/+/, '').split('/');
if (parts.length === 0) {
const groupId = null;
const dir = null;
const url = this.genUrlAddress(groupId, dir);
return [groupId, dir, url];
} else if (parts.length === 1) {
const groupId = parts[0];
const dir = null;
const url = this.genUrlAddress(groupId, dir);
return [groupId, dir, url];
} else {
path = path.replace(/\/drive\/root\:/, '');
const groupId = parts[0];
const dir = ('/' + parts.slice(1).join('/')).replace(/^\/+/, '');
const url = this.genUrlAddress(groupId, dir);
return [groupId, dir, url];
load(path, opts, callback) {
this._oauthAuthorize((err) => {
if (err) {
return callback && callback(err);
this.logger.debug('Load', path);
const ts = this.logger.ts();
const urlParts = this.genUrl(path);
const groupId = urlParts[0];
path = urlParts[1];
const url = urlParts[2];
if (!groupId) {
const err = 'no group id defined';
return callback && callback(err);
responseType: 'json',
success: (response) => {
const downloadUrl = response['@microsoft.graph.downloadUrl'];
let rev = response.eTag;
if (!downloadUrl || !response.eTag) {
'Load error',
'no download url',
return callback && callback('no download url');
url: downloadUrl,
responseType: 'arraybuffer',
skipAuth: true,
success: (response, xhr) => {
rev = xhr.getResponseHeader('ETag') || rev;
this.logger.debug('Loaded', path, rev, this.logger.ts(ts));
return callback && callback(null, response, { rev });
error: (err) => {
this.logger.error('Load error', path, err, this.logger.ts(ts));
return callback && callback(err);
error: (err) => {
this.logger.error('Load error', path, err, this.logger.ts(ts));
return callback && callback(err);
stat(path, opts, callback) {
this._oauthAuthorize((err) => {
if (err) {
return callback && callback(err);
this.logger.debug('Stat', path);
const ts = this.logger.ts();
const urlParts = this.genUrl(path);
const groupId = urlParts[0];
path = urlParts[1];
const url = urlParts[2];
if (!groupId) {
const err = 'no group id defined';
return callback && callback(err);
responseType: 'json',
success: (response) => {
const rev = response.eTag;
if (!rev) {
this.logger.error('Stat error', path, 'no eTag', this.logger.ts(ts));
return callback && callback('no eTag');
this.logger.debug('Stated', path, rev, this.logger.ts(ts));
return callback && callback(null, { rev });
error: (err, xhr) => {
if (xhr.status === 404) {
this.logger.debug('Stated not found', path, this.logger.ts(ts));
return callback && callback({ notFound: true });
this.logger.error('Stat error', path, err, this.logger.ts(ts));
return callback && callback(err);
save(path, opts, data, callback, rev) {
this._oauthAuthorize((err) => {
if (err) {
return callback && callback(err);
this.logger.debug('Save', path, rev);
const ts = this.logger.ts();
const urlParts = this.genUrl(path);
const groupId = urlParts[0];
path = urlParts[1];
const url = urlParts[2] + ':/content';
if (!groupId) {
const err = 'no group id defined';
return callback && callback(err);
method: 'PUT',
responseType: 'json',
headers: rev ? { 'If-Match': rev } : null,
statuses: [200, 201, 412],
success: (response, xhr) => {
rev = response.eTag;
if (!rev) {
this.logger.error('Save error', path, 'no eTag', this.logger.ts(ts));
return callback && callback('no eTag');
if (xhr.status === 412) {
this.logger.debug('Save conflict', path, rev, this.logger.ts(ts));
return callback && callback({ revConflict: true }, { rev });
this.logger.debug('Saved', path, rev, this.logger.ts(ts));
return callback && callback(null, { rev });
error: (err) => {
this.logger.error('Save error', path, err, this.logger.ts(ts));
return callback && callback(err);
list(dir, callback) {
this._oauthAuthorize((err) => {
if (err) {
return callback && callback(err);
this.logger.debug('List', dir);
const ts = this.logger.ts();
const urlParts = this.genUrl(dir);
const groupId = urlParts[0];
dir = urlParts[1];
const urlPath = groupId ? (dir ? ':/children' : '/drive/root/children') : '';
const url = urlParts[2] + urlPath;
const self = this;
self._groupId = groupId;
responseType: 'json',
success: (response) => {
if (!response || !response.value) {
this.logger.error('List error', this.logger.ts(ts), response);
return callback && callback('list error');
this.logger.debug('Listed', this.logger.ts(ts));
let fileList;
if (!self._groupId) {
fileList = response.value
.filter((f) => f.displayName)
.map((f) => ({
name: f.displayName,
path: '/' +,
dir: true
} else {
fileList = response.value
.filter((f) =>
.map((f) => ({
path: `/${self._groupId}${f.parentReference.path}/${}`,
rev: f.eTag,
dir: !!f.folder
return callback && callback(null, fileList);
error: (err) => {
this.logger.error('List error', this.logger.ts(ts), err);
return callback && callback(err);
remove(path, callback) {
this.logger.debug('Remove', path);
const ts = this.logger.ts();
const urlParts = this.genUrl(path);
const groupId = urlParts[0];
path = urlParts[1];
const url = urlParts[2];
if (!groupId) {
const err = 'no group id defined';
return callback && callback(err);
method: 'DELETE',
responseType: 'json',
statuses: [200, 204],
success: () => {
this.logger.debug('Removed', path, this.logger.ts(ts));
return callback && callback();
error: (err) => {
this.logger.error('Remove error', path, err, this.logger.ts(ts));
return callback && callback(err);
mkdir(path, callback) {
this._oauthAuthorize((err) => {
if (err) {
return callback && callback(err);
this.logger.debug('Make dir', path);
const ts = this.logger.ts();
const urlParts = this.genUrl(path);
const groupId = urlParts[0];
path = urlParts[1];
const url = urlParts[2] + '/drive/root/children';
if (!groupId) {
const err = 'no group id defined';
return callback && callback(err);
const data = JSON.stringify({ name: path.replace('/drive/root:/', ''), folder: {} });
method: 'POST',
responseType: 'json',
statuses: [200, 204],
dataType: 'application/json',
success: () => {
this.logger.debug('Made dir', path, this.logger.ts(ts));
return callback && callback();
error: (err) => {
this.logger.error('Make dir error', path, err, this.logger.ts(ts));
return callback && callback(err);
logout(enabled) {
_getOAuthConfig() {
let clientId = this.appSettings.msteamsClientId;
let clientSecret = this.appSettings.msteamsClientSecret;
let tenant = this.appSettings.msteamsTenantId;
if (!clientId) {
if (Features.isDesktop) {
({ id: clientId, secret: clientSecret, tenantId: tenant } = MsTeamsApps.Desktop);
} else if (Features.isLocal) {
({ id: clientId, secret: clientSecret, tenantId: tenant } = MsTeamsApps.Local);
} else {
({ id: clientId, secret: clientSecret, tenantId: tenant } = MsTeamsApps.Production);
tenant = tenant || 'common';
let scope = 'Sites.ReadWrite.All Team.ReadBasic.All';
if (!this.appSettings.shortLivedStorageToken) {
scope += ' offline_access';
return {
url: `${tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize`,
tokenUrl: `${tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/token`,
pkce: true,
width: 600,
height: 500
export { StorageTeams };

View File

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import { StorageFile } from 'storage/impl/storage-file';
import { StorageFileCache } from 'storage/impl/storage-file-cache';
import { StorageGDrive } from 'storage/impl/storage-gdrive';
import { StorageOneDrive } from 'storage/impl/storage-onedrive';
import { StorageTeams } from 'storage/impl/storage-teams';
import { StorageWebDav } from 'storage/impl/storage-webdav';
import { createOAuthSession } from 'storage/pkce';
@ -18,7 +17,6 @@ const ThirdPartyStorage = {
dropbox: new StorageDropbox(),
gdrive: new StorageGDrive(),
onedrive: new StorageOneDrive(),
msteams: new StorageTeams(),
webdav: new StorageWebDav()

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ class CsvParser {
this.result = []; = this.handleBeforeValue;
this.index = 0;
while ( && this.index <= this.csv.length) {
while ( && this.index < this.csv.length) { =;
if (this.lines.length <= 1) {

View File

@ -135,12 +135,12 @@ Otp.leftPad = function (str, len) {
Otp.parseUrl = function (url) {
const match = /^otpauth:\/\/(\w+)(?:\/([^\?]+)\?|\?)(.*)/i.exec(url);
const match = /^otpauth:\/\/(\w+)\/([^\?]+)\?(.*)/i.exec(url);
if (!match) {
throw 'Not OTP url';
const params = {};
const label = decodeURIComponent(match[2] ?? 'default');
const label = decodeURIComponent(match[2]);
if (label) {
const parts = label.split(':');
params.issuer = parts[0].trim();
@ -148,8 +148,7 @@ Otp.parseUrl = function (url) {
params.account = parts[1].trim();
params.type = match[1].toLowerCase(); // returns "totp"
// match[3] = secret=XXXXXXXXXXXXX&period=30&digits=6&algorithm=SHA1
params.type = match[1].toLowerCase();
match[3].split('&').forEach((part) => {
const parts = part.split('=', 2);
params[parts[0].toLowerCase()] = decodeURIComponent(parts[1]);

View File

@ -8,11 +8,6 @@ class RandomNameGenerator {
function charCodeToHtml(char) {
// convert certain special chars like space into to non-breaking space
// ' ' to &#nbsp;
if (char === 32 || char === 8193 || char === 8239) {
char = 160;
return Math.random() < 0.2 ? String.fromCharCode(char) : `&#x${char.toString(16)};`;

View File

@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ const ExpectedFieldRefByteLength = ExpectedFieldRefChars.length;
kdbxweb.ProtectedValue.prototype.isProtected = true;
kdbxweb.ProtectedValue.prototype.forEachChar = function (fn) {
const value = this.value;
const salt = this.salt;
const value = this._value;
const salt = this._salt;
let b, b1, b2, b3;
for (let i = 0, len = value.length; i < len; i++) {
b = value[i] ^ salt[i];
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ kdbxweb.ProtectedValue.prototype.equals = function (other) {
return false;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if ((this.value[i] ^ this.salt[i]) !== (other.value[i] ^ other.salt[i])) {
if ((this._value[i] ^ this._salt[i]) !== (other._value[i] ^ other._salt[i])) {
return false;
@ -181,8 +181,8 @@ kdbxweb.ProtectedValue.prototype.saltedValue = function () {
if (!this.byteLength) {
return 0;
const value = this.value;
const salt = this.salt;
const value = this._value;
const salt = this._salt;
let salted = '';
for (let i = 0, len = value.length; i < len; i++) {
const byte = value[i] ^ salt[i];
@ -193,8 +193,8 @@ kdbxweb.ProtectedValue.prototype.saltedValue = function () {
kdbxweb.ProtectedValue.prototype.dataAndSalt = function () {
return {
data: [...this.value],
salt: [...this.salt]
data: [...this._value],
salt: [...this._salt]

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class SettingsBrowserView extends View {
} else {
const extensionBrowserFamily = Features.extensionBrowserFamily;
data.extensionBrowserFamily = Features.extensionBrowserFamily;
data.extensionDownloadLink = Links[`KWCFor${extensionBrowserFamily}`];
data.extensionDownloadLink = Links[`KeeWebConnectFor${extensionBrowserFamily}`];
@ -72,9 +72,6 @@ class SettingsBrowserView extends View {
enabled: !!AppSettingsModel[`extensionEnabled${ext.alias}${browser}`],
installUrl: Links[`${ext.alias}For${browser}`]
if (ext.alias === 'KPXC') {
ext.manualUrl = Links.ExtensionHelpForKPXC;
if (!ext.installUrl) {
if (browser === 'Other') {
ext.helpUrl = Links.ExtensionHelpForOtherBrowsers;

View File

@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ class SettingsGeneralView extends View {
'change .settings__general-use-markdown': 'changeUseMarkdown',
'change .settings__general-use-group-icon-for-entries': 'changeUseGroupIconForEntries',
'change .settings__general-direct-autotype': 'changeDirectAutotype',
'change .settings__general-autotype-title-filter': 'changeAutoTypeTitleFilter',
'change .settings__general-field-label-dblclick-autotype':
'change .settings__general-device-owner-auth': 'changeDeviceOwnerAuth',
@ -136,7 +135,6 @@ class SettingsGeneralView extends View {
useMarkdown: AppSettingsModel.useMarkdown,
useGroupIconForEntries: AppSettingsModel.useGroupIconForEntries,
directAutotype: AppSettingsModel.directAutotype,
autoTypeTitleFilterEnabled: AppSettingsModel.autoTypeTitleFilterEnabled,
fieldLabelDblClickAutoType: AppSettingsModel.fieldLabelDblClickAutoType,
supportsTitleBarStyles: Features.supportsTitleBarStyles,
@ -433,11 +431,6 @@ class SettingsGeneralView extends View {
AppSettingsModel.directAutotype = directAutotype;
changeAutoTypeTitleFilter(e) {
const autoTypeTitleFilterEnabled = || false;
AppSettingsModel.autoTypeTitleFilterEnabled = autoTypeTitleFilterEnabled;
changeFieldLabelDblClickAutoType(e) {
const fieldLabelDblClickAutoType = || false;
AppSettingsModel.fieldLabelDblClickAutoType = fieldLabelDblClickAutoType;

View File

@ -78,7 +78,6 @@
&__table {
flex: 1;
width: 100%;
height: 0;
overflow: hidden;
border-collapse: collapse;
table-layout: fixed;

View File

@ -334,11 +334,8 @@
&__donate-btn {
$donate-border-color: #89abed;
background: #fff;
border: 2px solid $donate-border-color;
border-bottom: 2px solid $donate-border-color;
border: 2px solid #89abed;
border-radius: 2.8rem;
text-align: center;
display: inline-block;
@ -348,10 +345,6 @@
height: 2.8rem;
margin-bottom: $base-padding-v * 2;
&:hover {
border-bottom: 2px solid $donate-border-color;
&-bottom {
pointer-events: none;

View File

@ -82,7 +82,6 @@ $fa-var-file-image: next-fa-glyph();
$fa-var-file-video: next-fa-glyph();
$fa-var-file-audio: next-fa-glyph();
$fa-var-onedrive: next-fa-glyph();
$fa-var-user-friends: next-fa-glyph();
$fa-var-question: next-fa-glyph();
$fa-var-sign-out-alt: next-fa-glyph();
$fa-var-sync-alt: next-fa-glyph();

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<p>{{#res 'setAboutFirst'}}<a href="" target="_blank">Antelle</a>{{/res~}}&nbsp;
{{~#res 'setAboutSecond'}}<a href="{{licenseLink}}" target="_blank">MIT</a>{{/res}}
{{#res 'setAboutSource'}}<a href="{{repoLink}}" target="_blank">GitHub <i class="fa fa-github-alt bottom"></i></a>{{/res}}</p>
<a href="{{donationLink}}" target="_blank" class="settings__donate-btn">
<a href="{{donationLink}}" target="_blank" class="settings__donate-btn no-border">
<span class="settings__donate-btn-top">Become a</span><span class="settings__donate-btn-bottom">Backer</span>
<p>{{res 'setAboutBuilt'}}:</p>

View File

@ -24,42 +24,33 @@
{{#each perBrowser.extensions as |setting|}}
{{#if setting.manualUrl}}
<a href="{{setting.manualUrl}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"
class="settings__browser-extension-link icon-link"
title="{{res 'setBrowserExtensionHelp'}}"
<i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i>
{{#if setting.supported}}
<input type="checkbox"
{{#if setting.enabled}}checked{{/if}}
data-extension="{{setting.alias}}" />
<label for="check-enable-{{setting.alias}}-for-{{perBrowser.browser}}"></label>
{{#if setting.supported}}
<input type="checkbox"
{{#if setting.enabled}}checked{{/if}}
data-extension="{{setting.alias}}" />
<label for="check-enable-{{setting.alias}}-for-{{perBrowser.browser}}"></label>
<i class="fa fa-times muted-color" title="{{res 'setBrowserExtensionNotSupported'}}"></i>
<i class="fa fa-times muted-color" title="{{res 'setBrowserExtensionNotSupported'}}"></i>
{{#if setting.enabled}}
{{#if setting.helpUrl}}
<a href="{{setting.helpUrl}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"
class="settings__browser-extension-link icon-link"
title="{{res 'setBrowserExtensionHelp'}}"
<i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i>
{{#if setting.enabled}}
{{#if setting.helpUrl}}
<a href="{{setting.helpUrl}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"
class="settings__browser-extension-link icon-link"
title="{{res 'setBrowserExtensionHelp'}}"
<i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i>
{{#if setting.installUrl}}
<a href="{{setting.installUrl}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"
class="settings__browser-extension-link icon-link"
title="{{res 'setBrowserExtensionInstall'}}"
<i class="fa fa-download"></i>
{{#if setting.installUrl}}
<a href="{{setting.installUrl}}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"
class="settings__browser-extension-link icon-link"
title="{{res 'setBrowserExtensionInstall'}}"
<i class="fa fa-download"></i>

View File

@ -169,11 +169,6 @@
id="settings__general-direct-autotype" {{#if directAutotype}}checked{{/if}} />
<label for="settings__general-direct-autotype">{{res 'setGenDirectAutotype'}}</label>
<input type="checkbox" class="settings__input input-base settings__general-autotype-title-filter"
id="settings__general-autotype-title-filter" {{#if autoTypeTitleFilterEnabled}}checked{{/if}} />
<label for="settings__general-autotype-title-filter">{{res 'setGenAutoTypeTitleFilterEnabled'}}</label>
<input type="checkbox" class="settings__input input-base settings__general-field-label-dblclick-autotype"
id="settings__general-field-label-dblclick-autotype" {{#if fieldLabelDblClickAutoType}}checked{{/if}} />

View File

@ -3,19 +3,21 @@ module.exports = function (grunt) {
const done = this.async();
const opt = this.options();
const file = this.files[0].src[0];
const path = require('path');
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
(async function () {
grunt.log.writeln('Running tests...');
const fullPath = 'file://' + path.resolve(file);
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
headless: opt.headless,
executablePath: process.env.CHROME_BIN || null,
args: ['--disable-dev-shm-usage']
headless: opt.headless
grunt.log.writeln('puppeteer launched...');
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto(fullPath);
async function check() {
const result = await page.evaluate(() => {
const { output, done } = window;

View File

@ -97,11 +97,7 @@ const settingsPromise = loadSettingsEncryptionKey().then((key) => {
logProgress('loading settings key');
return loadConfig('app-settings').then((settings) => {
try {
appSettings = settings ? JSON.parse(settings) : {};
} catch (e) {
logStartupMessage(`Error loading app settings: ${e}`);
appSettings = settings ? JSON.parse(settings) : {};
logProgress('reading app settings');
@ -202,9 +198,7 @@ main.minimizeApp = function (menuItemLabels) {
if (!appIcon) {
const image = electron.nativeImage.createFromPath(path.join(__dirname, 'img', imagePath));
appIcon = new electron.Tray(image);
if (process.platform !== 'darwin') {
appIcon.on('click', restoreMainWindow);
appIcon.on('click', restoreMainWindow);
const contextMenu = electron.Menu.buildFromTemplate([
{ label: menuItemLabels.restore, click: restoreMainWindow },
{ label: menuItemLabels.quit, click: closeMainWindow }
@ -378,9 +372,6 @@ function restoreMainWindow() {
function showAndFocusMainWindow() {
if (appIcon) {
if (mainWindowMaximized) {
} else {
@ -453,11 +444,7 @@ function restoreMainWindowPosition() {
const fileName = path.join(main.getPath('userData'), windowPositionFileName);
fs.readFile(fileName, 'utf8', (e, data) => {
if (data) {
try {
mainWindowPosition = JSON.parse(data);
} catch (e) {
logStartupMessage(`Error loading main window position: ${e}`);
mainWindowPosition = JSON.parse(data);
if (mainWindow && mainWindowPosition) {
if (mainWindowPosition.width && mainWindowPosition.height) {
@ -663,9 +650,7 @@ function setUserDataPaths() {
if (isDev && process.env.KEEWEB_IS_PORTABLE) {
try {
isPortable = !!JSON.parse(process.env.KEEWEB_IS_PORTABLE);
} catch {}
isPortable = !!JSON.parse(process.env.KEEWEB_IS_PORTABLE);
logProgress('portable check');
@ -675,22 +660,15 @@ function setUserDataPaths() {
const portableConfigPath = path.join(portableConfigDir, portableConfigFileName);
if (fs.existsSync(portableConfigPath)) {
try {
const portableConfig = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(portableConfigPath, 'utf8'));
const portableUserDataDir = path.resolve(
const portableConfig = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(portableConfigPath, 'utf8'));
const portableUserDataDir = path.resolve(portableConfigDir, portableConfig.userDataDir);
if (!fs.existsSync(portableUserDataDir)) {
fs.mkdirSync(portableUserDataDir, { recursive: true });
main.setPath('userData', portableUserDataDir);
usingPortableUserDataDir = true;
} catch (e) {
logStartupMessage(`Error loading portable config: ${e}`);
if (!fs.existsSync(portableUserDataDir)) {
fs.mkdirSync(portableUserDataDir, { recursive: true });
main.setPath('userData', portableUserDataDir);
usingPortableUserDataDir = true;
@ -936,9 +914,7 @@ function loadLocale() {
if (appSettings?.locale === localeValues?.locale) {
} catch (e) {
logStartupMessage(`Error loading locale: ${e}`);
} catch {}
locale.on('changed', () => {

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "KeeWeb",
"version": "1.18.7",
"version": "1.18.2",
"description": "Free cross-platform password manager compatible with KeePass",
"main": "main.js",
"homepage": "",

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module.exports.ExtensionIds = {
Origins: {
KeeWebConnectChrome: 'chrome-extension://pikpfmjfkekaeinceagbebpfkmkdlcjk/',
KeeWebConnectEdge: 'chrome-extension://nmggpehkjmeaeocmaijenpejbepckinm/',
KeeWebConnectFirefox: '',
KeeWebConnectFirefox: '',
KeeWebConnectSafari: 'safari-keeweb-connect',
KeePassXcBrowserFirefox: '',
KeePassXcBrowserChrome: 'chrome-extension://oboonakemofpalcgghocfoadofidjkkk/',

View File

@ -306,29 +306,24 @@ async function processFirstMessageFromSocket(socket, message) {
let parentProcessInfo;
try {
try {
parentProcessInfo = await getProcessInfo(message.ppid);
} catch (e) {
logger.error(`Cannot get info for PID ${message.ppid}: ${e}`);
throw e;
if (process.platform === 'win32' && parentProcessInfo.appName === 'cmd') {
try {
parentProcessInfo = await getProcessInfo(parentProcessInfo.ppid);
} catch (e) {
`Cannot get info for PID ${parentProcessInfo.ppid}: ${e}, assuming cmd is the launcher`
parentProcessInfo = await getProcessInfo(message.ppid);
} catch (e) {
logger.warn('Cannot get process info, assuming the connection is not identified');
logger.error(`Cannot get info for PID ${message.ppid}: ${e}`);
appName = parentProcessInfo
? AppNames[parentProcessInfo.appName] ?? parentProcessInfo.appName
: 'Unidentified browser';
if (process.platform === 'win32' && parentProcessInfo.appName === 'cmd') {
try {
parentProcessInfo = await getProcessInfo(parentProcessInfo.ppid);
} catch (e) {
`Cannot get info for PID ${parentProcessInfo.ppid}: ${e}, assuming cmd is the launcher`
appName = AppNames[parentProcessInfo.appName] ?? parentProcessInfo.appName;
appName = appName[0].toUpperCase() + appName.substr(1);
@ -398,11 +393,7 @@ function sendMessageToSocket(socket, message) {
const lengthBytes = Buffer.from(lengthBuf);
const data = Buffer.concat([lengthBytes, responseData]);
try {
} catch (e) {
logger.error(`Error writing to socket ${state.socketId}`, e);
function sendToRenderer(event, socketId, data) {

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ function installDarwinUpdate(updateFilePath) {
function installWin32Update(updateFilePath) {
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ function installWin32Update(updateFilePath) {
const ps = spawnDetached('cmd');
ps.stdin.end(`${updateCommand}\nexit\n`, 'utf8', () => {;;

package-lock.json generated

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "keeweb",
"version": "1.18.7",
"version": "1.18.2",
"description": "Free cross-platform password manager compatible with KeePass",
"main": "Gruntfile.js",
"private": true,
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
"@babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining": "^7.13.12",
"@babel/preset-env": "^7.14.1",
"@fortawesome/fontawesome-free": "^5.15.3",
"@keeweb/keeweb-native-messaging-host": "",
"@keeweb/keeweb-native-messaging-host": "",
"@keeweb/keeweb-native-modules": "",
"adm-zip": "^0.5.5",
"argon2-browser": "1.15.4",
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
"cross-env": "^7.0.3",
"css-loader": "^5.2.4",
"dompurify": "^2.2.8",
"electron": "^13.6.9",
"electron": "^12.0.7",
"electron-builder": "^22.11.1",
"electron-evil-feature-patcher": "^1.2.1",
"electron-notarize": "^1.0.0",
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
"jquery": "3.6.0",
"json-loader": "^0.5.7",
"jsqrcode": "github:antelle/jsqrcode#0.1.3",
"kdbxweb": "^2.0.4",
"kdbxweb": "^2.0.1",
"load-grunt-tasks": "5.1.0",
"lodash": "^4.17.21",
"marked": "^2.0.3",
@ -110,23 +110,20 @@
"scripts": {
"start": "grunt",
"lint": "grunt eslint",
"test": "grunt test",
"build-beta": "grunt --beta && cp dist/index.html ../keeweb-beta/index.html && cd ../keeweb-beta && git add index.html && git commit -a -m 'beta' && git push origin master",
"electron": "cross-env KEEWEB_IS_PORTABLE=0 ELECTRON_DISABLE_SECURITY_WARNINGS=1 KEEWEB_EMULATE_HARDWARE_ENCRYPTION=persistent KEEWEB_HTML_PATH=http://localhost:8085 electron desktop --no-sandbox",
"dev": "grunt dev",
"dev-legacy": "cross-env NODE_OPTIONS='--openssl-legacy-provider' grunt dev",
"dev-desktop-macos": "grunt dev-desktop-darwin --skip-sign",
"dev-desktop-macos-signed": "grunt dev-desktop-darwin-signed",
"dev-desktop-windows": "grunt dev-desktop-win32 --skip-sign",
"dev-desktop-linux": "grunt dev-desktop-linux --skip-sign",
"babel-helpers": "babel-external-helpers -l 'slicedToArray,toConsumableArray,defineProperty,typeof' -t global > app/lib/babel-helpers.js",
"set-legacy": "export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider"
"babel-helpers": "babel-external-helpers -l 'slicedToArray,toConsumableArray,defineProperty,typeof' -t global > app/lib/babel-helpers.js"
"author": {
"name": "Antelle",
"email": "",
"url": ""
"url": ""
"engines": {
"node": ">=10.0"
@ -143,4 +140,4 @@
"last 1 ChromeAndroid version",
"Electron > 6.0.1"

View File

@ -1,33 +1,5 @@
Release notes
##### v1.18.7 (2021-07-18)
`+` added Microsoft Teams storage
`+` added a possibility to override tenant in Microsoft OneDrive
`!` disabled automatic installation of KeePassXC-Browser extension
`+` added an option to diagnose YubiKey code listing issues
`-` fix #1845: fixed a visible crash on socket write error
##### v1.18.6 (2021-05-19)
`-` fix #1824: saving KDBX3 files with compression disabled
`-` fix #1818: extension connection error if browser cannot be identified
`-` fix #1820: minimize on close on macOS
##### v1.18.5 (2021-05-14)
`-` fix #1816: old Chromium support, such as Android Edge
`-` fix #1817: crash on files with large attachments as KDBX3
##### v1.18.4 (2021-05-12)
`+` #1814: option to disable auto-type title filter by default
`-` #1808: restore KeeWeb from system tray on extension request
`-` fix #1810: extension connection on old macOS (10.11)
`-` fix #1813: custom icon selection
`-` fix #1811: app doesn't quit during update
##### v1.18.3 (2021-05-09)
`-` fix #1804: filling OTP in browser extensions
`*` fix #1805: auto-unchecking auto-type filters if nothing found
`*` fix #1806: fixed a possible config loading error during startup
##### v1.18.2 (2021-05-08)
`-` fix #1802: opening files with saved keyfiles