/* eslint-disable no-console */ const https = require('https'); const crypto = require('crypto'); const fs = require('fs'); const sign = require('./sign'); const keys = require('../keys/onesky.json'); const USE_FILES = false; const PROJECT_ID = '173183'; const API_URL = 'https://platform.api.onesky.io/1/projects/:project_id/translations/multilingual'; const API_URL_LANGUAGES = 'https://platform.api.onesky.io/1/projects/:project_id/languages'; const PHRASE_COUNT_THRESHOLD_PERCENT = 75; const ts = Math.floor(new Date() / 1000); const hashStr = ts + keys.secret; const hash = crypto.createHash('md5').update(hashStr).digest('hex'); const urlParams = { 'api_key': keys.public, 'timestamp': ts, 'dev_hash': hash, 'source_file_name': 'base.json', 'file_format': 'I18NEXT_MULTILINGUAL_JSON' }; const pluginManifest = fs.readFileSync('tmpl/manifest.json', 'utf8'); const pluginIndexPage = fs.readFileSync('tmpl/language-index.html', 'utf8'); const publicKey = fs.readFileSync('keys/public-key.pem', 'utf8') .match(/-+BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-+([\s\S]+?)-+END PUBLIC KEY-+/)[1] .replace(/\n/g, ''); const defaultCountries = { 'SE': 'sv' }; module.exports = function() { return new Promise(resolve => { loadLanguages(languages => loadTranslations(translations => resolve(processData(languages, translations)) ) ); }); async function loadLanguages(callback) { if (USE_FILES) { return callback(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./data/languages.json', 'utf8'))); } console.log('Loading language names...'); const url = API_URL_LANGUAGES.replace(':project_id', PROJECT_ID) + '?' + Object.keys(urlParams).map(param => param + '=' + urlParams[param]).join('&'); https.get(url, res => { if (res.statusCode !== 200) { console.error(`API error ${res.statusCode}`); return; } console.log('Response received, reading...'); const data = []; res.on('data', chunk => data.push(chunk)); res.on('end', () => { console.log('Data received, parsing...'); const json = Buffer.concat(data).toString('utf8'); const parsed = JSON.parse(json); fs.writeFileSync('data/languages.json', JSON.stringify(parsed, null, 2)); callback(parsed); }); }); } async function loadTranslations (callback) { if (USE_FILES) { return callback(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./data/translations.json', 'utf8'))); } console.log('Loading translations...'); const url = API_URL.replace(':project_id', PROJECT_ID) + '?' + Object.keys(urlParams).map(param => param + '=' + urlParams[param]).join('&'); https.get(url, res => { if (res.statusCode !== 200) { console.error(`API error ${res.statusCode}`); return; } console.log('Response received, reading...'); const data = []; res.on('data', chunk => data.push(chunk)); res.on('end', () => { console.log('Data received, parsing...'); const json = Buffer.concat(data).toString('utf8'); const parsed = JSON.parse(json); fs.writeFileSync('data/translations.json', JSON.stringify(parsed, null, 2)); callback(parsed); }); }); } async function processData (languages, translations) { let langCount = 0; let skipCount = 0; const enUs = translations['en-US'].translation; const totalPhraseCount = Object.keys(enUs).length; let errors = 0; const meta = {}; for (const lang of Object.keys(translations)) { const languageTranslations = translations[lang].translation; if (lang === 'en-US' || !languageTranslations) { continue; } const langPhraseCount = Object.keys(languageTranslations).length; const percentage = Math.round(langPhraseCount / totalPhraseCount * 100); let skip = percentage >= PHRASE_COUNT_THRESHOLD_PERCENT ? null : 'SKIP'; let languageJson = JSON.stringify(languageTranslations, null, 2); if (!skip && fs.existsSync(`docs/translations/${lang}/${lang}.json`)) { const oldJson = fs.readFileSync(`docs/translations/${lang}/${lang}.json`, { encoding: 'utf8' }); if (oldJson === languageJson) { skip = 'NO CHANGES'; } } const action = skip ? `\x1b[35m${skip}\x1b[0m` : '\x1b[36mOK\x1b[0m'; console.log(`[${lang}] ${langPhraseCount} / ${totalPhraseCount} (${percentage}%) -> ${action}`); const langInfo = languages.data.filter(x => x.code === lang)[0]; const region = (defaultCountries[langInfo.region] || langInfo.region).toLowerCase(); const langName = langInfo.locale === region ? langInfo.local_name.replace(/\s*\(.*\)/, '') : langInfo.local_name; const langNameEn = langInfo.locale === region ? langInfo.english_name.replace(/\s*\(.*\)/, '') : langInfo.english_name; if (skip) { skipCount++; if (skip !== 'SKIP') { const manifest = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(`docs/translations/${lang}/manifest.json`, 'utf8')); meta[lang] = {name: langName, nameEn: langNameEn, count: langPhraseCount, version: manifest.version}; } } else { langCount++; for (const name of Object.keys(languageTranslations)) { let text = languageTranslations[name]; let enText = enUs[name]; if (text instanceof Array) { if (!(enText instanceof Array)) { languageTranslations[name] = text.join('\n'); console.error(`[${lang}] \x1b[31mERROR:ARRAY\x1b[0m ${name}`); enText = [enText]; errors++; } text = text.join('\n'); enText = enText.join('\n'); } if (!enText) { console.warn(`[${lang}] SKIP ${name}`); delete languageTranslations[name]; continue; } const textMatches = text.match(/"/g); const textMatchesCount = textMatches && textMatches.length || 0; const enTextMatches = enText.match(/"/g); const enTextMatchesCount = enTextMatches && enTextMatches.length || 0; if (enTextMatchesCount !== textMatchesCount) { const textHl = text.replace(/"/g, '\x1b[33m"\x1b[0m'); console.warn(`[${lang}] \x1b[33mWARN:"\x1b[0m ${name}: ${textHl}`); } if (/[<>&]/.test(text)) { const textHl = text.replace(/([<>&])/g, '\x1b[31m$1\x1b[0m'); console.error(`[${lang}] \x1b[31mERROR:<>\x1b[0m ${name}: ${textHl}`); errors++; } if (text.indexOf('{}') >= 0 && enText.indexOf('{}') < 0) { const textHl = text.replace(/{}/g, '\x1b[31m{}\x1b[0m'); console.error(`[${lang}] \x1b[31mERROR:{}\x1b[0m ${name}: ${textHl}`); errors++; } if (enText.indexOf('{}') >= 0 && text.indexOf('{}') < 0) { const enTextHl = enText.replace(/{}/g, '\x1b[31m{}\x1b[0m'); console.error(`[${lang}] \x1b[31mERROR:NO{}\x1b[0m ${name}: ${text} <--> ${enTextHl}`); errors++; } } languageJson = JSON.stringify(languageTranslations, null, 2); const data = Buffer.from(languageJson); const signature = await sign(data).catch(e => { console.log('Sign error', e); process.exit(1); }); meta[lang] = {name: langName, nameEn: langNameEn, count: langPhraseCount}; if (fs.existsSync(`docs/translations/${lang}`)) { const manifest = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(`docs/translations/${lang}/manifest.json`, 'utf8')); if (manifest.resources.loc !== signature) { const parts = manifest.version.split('.'); manifest.version = parts[0] + '.' + (+parts[1] + 1) + '.0'; manifest.resources.loc = signature; fs.writeFileSync(`docs/translations/${lang}/manifest.json`, JSON.stringify(manifest, null, 2)); fs.writeFileSync(`docs/translations/${lang}/${lang}.json`, languageJson); } meta[lang].version = manifest.version; } else { fs.mkdirSync(`docs/translations/${lang}`); fs.writeFileSync(`docs/translations/${lang}/manifest.json`, pluginManifest .replace(/{lang}/g, lang) .replace(/{name_ascii}/g, langNameEn.replace(/\W+/g, '-').toLowerCase()) .replace(/{name_en}/g, langNameEn) .replace(/{name}/g, langName) .replace(/{signature}/g, signature) .replace(/{key}/g, publicKey) ); fs.writeFileSync(`docs/translations/${lang}/${lang}.json`, languageJson); fs.writeFileSync(`docs/translations/${lang}/index.html`, pluginIndexPage .replace(/{lang}/g, lang) .replace(/{name}/g, langName) ); meta[lang].version = '1.0.0'; } } } console.log(`Done: ${langCount} written, ${skipCount} skipped, ${errors} errors`); if (errors) { console.error('There were errors, please check the output.'); process.exit(1); } fs.writeFileSync('docs/translations/meta.json', JSON.stringify(meta, null, 2)); } }; if (require.main === module) { module.exports(); }