from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.contrib.auth.forms import UserCreationForm from django.db import transaction from webshop.models import (Article, Category, Person, City, Picture, CartPosition, ShoppingCart) from webshop.forms import (RegistrationForm, AddToCartForm, CartForm, CheckoutForm) from webshop.utils import (get_categories, get_hidden_status_id, process_article_prices) from currencies.models import ExchangeRate, ExchangeRate_name from currencies.forms import CurrenciesForm def index(request): category_list = get_categories() currencies_form = CurrenciesForm article_view = True articles = Article.objects.all().exclude(status=get_hidden_status_id()) return_values = process_article_prices(request, articles) articles_list = return_values['articles_list'] currency_name = return_values['currency_name'] return render(request, 'webshop/index.html', {'category_list': category_list, 'articles_list': articles_list, 'currencies_form': currencies_form, 'article_view': article_view, 'currency_name': currency_name}) def articles_in_category(request, category_id): category_list = get_categories() selected_category = Category.objects.get(id=category_id) currencies_form = CurrenciesForm article_view = True articles = Article.objects.filter( return_values = process_article_prices(request, articles) articles_list = return_values['articles_list'] currency_name = return_values['currency_name'] return render(request, 'webshop/category.html', {'articles_list': articles_list, 'category_list': category_list, 'currencies_form': currencies_form, 'article_view': article_view, 'currency_name': currency_name, 'category': selected_category}) def restrict_cart_to_one_article(user_id, article_id, amount, operation): # if cart_id is not existent create a cart: cart_id, created_cart = ShoppingCart.objects.get_or_create(user=user_id) article = Article.objects.get(id=article_id) # transfair Article to CartPosition: cart_position, created_position = CartPosition.objects.get_or_create( article=article, defaults={'amount': amount, 'position_price': article.price_in_chf, 'cart': cart_id } ) if created_position is False: if operation == 'delete': cart_position.delete() if (operation == 'add') or (operation == 'replace'): if operation == 'add': new_amount = cart_position.amount + amount if operation == 'replace': new_amount = amount # ref two times check later !! # if article is in cart already update amount: cart_position = CartPosition.objects.filter( article=article_id).update( amount=new_amount ) def article_details(request, article_id): category_list = get_categories() currencies_form = CurrenciesForm amount = AddToCartForm rate = ExchangeRate article_view = True currency_name = "CHF" user_id = if 'currency' not in request.session: request.session['currency'] = None article = get_object_or_404(Article, pk=article_id) picture_list = Picture.objects.filter(article=article_id) if request.method == 'POST': # hier wird das Currency dropdown bearbeitet: if 'currencies' in request.POST: currencies_form = CurrenciesForm(request.POST) if currencies_form.is_valid(): cf = currencies_form.cleaned_data if cf['currencies']: selection = cf['currencies'] request.session['currency'] = currency_name = ExchangeRate_name.objects.get( else: request.session['currency'] = None # hier wird der Artikel in den Wahrenkorb transferiert: if 'amount' in request.POST: amount = AddToCartForm(request.POST) if amount.is_valid(): amount = amount.cleaned_data['amount'] operation = 'add' restrict_cart_to_one_article( user_id, article_id, amount, operation ) # write default value (1) to form field: amount = AddToCartForm() else: amount = AddToCartForm() if request.session['currency']: currency = request.session['currency'] article.price_in_chf =, article.price_in_chf) currency_name = ExchangeRate_name.objects.get(id=currency) return render(request, 'webshop/article_details.html', {'article': article, 'category_list': category_list, 'currencies_form': currencies_form, 'article_view': article_view, 'currency_name': currency_name, 'picture_list': picture_list, 'amount': amount }) @login_required def profile(request): category_list = get_categories() person = Person.objects.get(user=request.user) return render(request, 'registration/profile.html', {'person': person, 'category_list': category_list}) def registration(request): category_list = get_categories() if request.method == 'POST': profile_form = RegistrationForm(request.POST) user_form = UserCreationForm(request.POST) if (profile_form.is_valid() and user_form.is_valid()): with transaction.atomic(): pf = profile_form.cleaned_data uf = user_form.cleaned_data user = User.objects.create_user(uf['username'], pf['email'], uf['password2']) user.last_name = pf['last_name'] user.first_name = pf['first_name'] person = Person.objects.create( salutation=pf['salutation'], city=City.objects.get(zip_code=pf['zip_code'], name=pf['city']), street_name=pf['street_name'], street_number=pf['street_number'], user=user) return HttpResponseRedirect('/login/') else: profile_form = RegistrationForm user_form = UserCreationForm return render(request, 'registration/register.html', {'profile_form': profile_form, 'category_list': category_list, 'user_form': user_form}) def cart(request): category_list = get_categories() currencies_form = CurrenciesForm amount_form = CartForm rate = ExchangeRate article_view = True currency_name = "CHF" message = "" cart_position_list = [] amount_form_list = [] totalprice_list = [] total = 0 cart_position_list_zip = [] # here we configure the users Currency: if 'currency' not in request.session: request.session['currency'] = None else: currency = request.session['currency'] # Here we handle all POST Operations: if request.method == 'POST': # here we react to a currency dropdown change: if 'currencies' in request.POST: print('currencies') currencies_form = CurrenciesForm(request.POST) if currencies_form.is_valid(): cf = currencies_form.cleaned_data if cf['currencies']: print('currencies cf:', cf) selection = cf['currencies'] request.session['currency'] = currency_name = ExchangeRate_name.objects.get( print('currencies currency_name:', currency_name) else: request.session['currency'] = None # here we react to a change of amount per item in the Cart: if 'amount_form' in request.POST: amount_form = CartForm(request.POST) if amount_form.is_valid(): amount = amount_form.cleaned_data['amount_form'] article_id = request.POST.get('article_id') operation = 'replace' restrict_cart_to_one_article(, article_id, amount, operation ) # here we react to a change of amount per item in the Cart: if 'delete' in request.POST: delete = CartForm(request.POST) if delete.is_valid(): amount = delete.cleaned_data['amount_form'] article_id = request.POST.get('article_id') amount = 1 operation = 'delete' restrict_cart_to_one_article(, article_id, amount, operation ) # here we handle the normal cart view: # if cart_id is not existent create a cart: cart_id, created_cart = ShoppingCart.objects.get_or_create( user=request.user ) # get all items in the cart of this customer: cart_positions = CartPosition.objects.filter(cart=cart_id) if (cart_positions.count()) > 0: # make a list out of all articles: cart_position_list = list(cart_positions) # enumerate the list of articles and loop over items: for idx, cart_position in enumerate(cart_position_list): # scrap out the details to calculate Total of item and Summ of All: if currency: # get currencyname to display: currency_name = ExchangeRate_name.objects.get(id=currency) # get exchange_rate multiplyed: cart_position.article.price_in_chf = currency, cart_position.article.price_in_chf ) cart_position.position_price = currency, cart_position.position_price ) cart_position.calculate_position_price() totalprice_list.append(cart_position.position_price) amount_form = CartForm( initial={'amount_form': cart_position.amount} ) amount_form_list.append(amount_form) cart_position_list[idx] = cart_position cart_position_list_zip = zip(cart_position_list, amount_form_list) total = sum(totalprice_list) return render(request, 'webshop/cart.html', {'cart_position_list_zip': cart_position_list_zip, 'totalprice_list': totalprice_list, 'total': total, 'currencies_form': currencies_form, 'amount_form': amount_form, 'article_view': article_view, 'currency_name': currency_name, 'category_list': category_list, 'message': message, }) def checkout(request): category_list = get_categories() currencies_form = CurrenciesForm amount_form = CartForm rate = ExchangeRate article_view = True currency_name = "CHF" message = "" cart_position_list = [] amount_form_list = [] totalprice_list = [] total = 0 cart_position_list_zip = [] # here we configure the users Currency: if 'currency' not in request.session: request.session['currency'] = None else: currency = request.session['currency'] # Here we handle all POST Operations: if request.method == 'POST': # here we react to a currency dropdown change: if 'currencies' in request.POST: print('currencies') currencies_form = CurrenciesForm(request.POST) if currencies_form.is_valid(): cf = currencies_form.cleaned_data if cf['currencies']: print('currencies cf:', cf) selection = cf['currencies'] request.session['currency'] = currency_name = ExchangeRate_name.objects.get( print('currencies currency_name:', currency_name) else: request.session['currency'] = None # here we react to a change of amount per item in the Cart: if 'amount_form' in request.POST: amount_form = CartForm(request.POST) if amount_form.is_valid(): amount = amount_form.cleaned_data['amount_form'] article_id = request.POST.get('article_id') operation = 'replace' restrict_cart_to_one_article(, article_id, amount, operation ) # here we react to a change of amount per item in the Cart: if 'delete' in request.POST: delete = CartForm(request.POST) if delete.is_valid(): amount = delete.cleaned_data['amount_form'] article_id = request.POST.get('article_id') amount = 1 operation = 'delete' restrict_cart_to_one_article(, article_id, amount, operation ) # here we handle the normal cart view: # if cart_id is not existent create a cart: cart_id, created_cart = ShoppingCart.objects.get_or_create(user=request.user) # get all items in the cart of this customer: cart_positions = CartPosition.objects.filter(cart=cart_id) if (cart_positions.count()) > 0: # make a list out of all articles: cart_position_list = list(cart_positions) # enumerate the list of articles and loop over items: for idx, cart_position in enumerate(cart_position_list): # ************************************************* # !!! here i don't understand how its intended # to use the utils function. # cart_position = process_article_prices(request, cart_position) # ************************************************* # scrap out the details to calculate Total of item and Summ of All: if currency: # get currencyname to display: currency_name = ExchangeRate_name.objects.get(id=currency) # get exchange_rate multiplyed: cart_position.price_in_chf = currency, cart_position.article.price_in_chf ) totalprice_list.append(cart_position.price_in_chf) amount_form = CartForm( initial={'amount_form': cart_position.amount} ) amount_form_list.append(amount_form) cart_position_list[idx] = cart_position cart_position_list_zip = zip(cart_position_list, amount_form_list) total = sum(totalprice_list) checkout_form = CheckoutForm() registration_form = RegistrationForm() person = Person.objects.get( return render(request, 'webshop/checkout.html', {'cart_position_list_zip': cart_position_list_zip, 'totalprice_list': totalprice_list, 'total': total, 'currencies_form': currencies_form, 'amount_form': amount_form, 'checkout_form': checkout_form, 'registration_form': registration_form, 'article_view': article_view, 'currency_name': currency_name, 'category_list': category_list, 'message': message, 'person': person })