--- - name: "[mySQL] - Service is installed." package: "name=mariadb-server state=present" register: db_install - name: "[mySQL] - the python module mysqldb is present" # needed by mysql_* ansible modules package: name=python-mysqldb state=present - block: - name: "[mySQL] - generate mysql root Password:" set_fact: mysql_root_pwd="{{ lookup( '/mysql_root.pwd' ) }}" when: mysql_root_pwd is not defined - name: "[mySQL] - Update mysql root password" mysql_user: name: root host: "{{ item }}" password: "{{ mysql_root_pwd }}" login_user: root login_password: "" check_implicit_admin: yes priv: "*.*:ALL,GRANT" with_items: - - ::1 - localhost ignore_errors: yes - name: "[mySQL] - Delete the anonymous user." mysql_user: user: "" state: "absent" login_password: "{{ mysql_root_pwd }}" login_user: root ignore_errors: yes - name: "[mySQL] - Removes the MySQL test database" mysql_db: name: test state: absent login_password: "{{ mysql_root_pwd }}" login_user: root ignore_errors: yes when: db_install.changed - name: "[mySQL] - Check credentials" stat: "path=/root/.my.cnf" register: mycred - block: - name: "[mySQL] - Make the file .my.cnf" file: path=/root/.my.cnf state=touch mode="0640" - name: "[mySQL] - Add content to .my.cnf" blockinfile: dest: /root/.my.cnf block: | [client] user=root password="{{ mysql_root_pwd }}" when: mycred.stat.exists is defined and not mycred.stat.exists - name: "[mySQL] - Generate database user Password." set_fact: db_pwd="{{ lookup( '/db_admin.pwd' ) }}" when: db_pwd is not defined - name: "[mySQL] - Add Database {{ db_name }}." mysql_db: name={{ db_name }} state=present - name: "[mySQL] - Configure the database user." mysql_user: name: "{{ db_admin }}" password: "{{ db_pwd }}" priv: "{{ db_name }}.*:ALL" state: present