--- - import_tasks: tasks/apt_install.yml - import_tasks: tasks/ufw_tcp.yml - import_tasks: mariadb.yml - name: Copy apache config copy: src=000-default.conf dest=/etc/apache2/sites-available/ owner=root group=root mode=655 - name: Clone repository git: repo=https://git.2li.ch/ibz/web_AI-5.git dest="/vagrant" force=yes version=production - name: Set Permissions on the repository file: dest=/vagrant owner=ansible group=ansible recurse=yes - name: Install pip packages pip: name: - django-extensions - Pillow - pyaml - django-bootstrap3 executable: pip3 - name: Run the setup script to add some final touches shell: "/vagrant/ansible/roles/web_AI-5/tasks/setup_script.sh" - name: Creates directory file: path: /srv/media state: directory owner: www-data group: www-data mode: 0755 - name: Restart apache service service: name=apache2 state=restarted