from django.shortcuts import render from datetime import datetime from django.views.generic.edit import UpdateView from currencies.models import (ExchangeRate, ExchangeRate_date, ExchangeRate_name) from currencies import exchange_rates from django.http import JsonResponse def currency_update(request): # if request.GET.get('currency_update', None) == 'CHF': data = {} else: currency = request.GET.get('currency_update', None) data = ExchangeRate.objects.filter( name__name=currency).values( 'exchange_rate_to_chf').latest( 'date__date') print('currency:', currency, 'data: ', data) return JsonResponse(data) def currencies(request): """this function fetches the data from swiss national bank evaluates if the values are already stored and prepares a view all dynamicaly. It can grow in terms of more Currencies over time automaticaly.""" message_offline = '' # Namespaces ns = {'rdf': '', 'none': '', 'dc': '', 'dcterms': '', 'cb': '' } SNB_URL = '' try: urlsocket = exchange_rates.get_rss(SNB_URL) except Exception as e: print('currencies/views.currencies() get_rss() error:', e) try: rss_tree = exchange_rates.parse_rss(urlsocket) except Exception as e: print('currencies/views.currencies() parse_rss() error:', e) try: raw_data = exchange_rates.get_exchange_rate(rss_tree, ns) except Exception as e: print('currencies/views.currencies() get_exchange_rate() error:', e) # because url seams to be not avalable we fetch a local file in root # didgeridoo/rss to get some older currencies. rss_tree = exchange_rates.pass_local_file() message_offline = """ Are you offline? - useing stored currencies. This does not efect you, but your purchase prices will be recalculated as soon as you submit your Order. """ try: raw_data = exchange_rates.get_exchange_rate(rss_tree, ns) except Exception as e: print("""currencies/views.currencies() get_exchange_rate.pass_local_file() error:""", e) today ="%Y-%m-%d") message_no = "Already querried: " length_of_message_no = len(message_no) message_yes = " Updated successfully: " length_of_message_yes = len(message_yes) # raw_data can be empty. In this case skip: if raw_data: for one_obj_of_list in raw_data: for exchange_rate_of_one_day in one_obj_of_list: date = exchange_rate_of_one_day['date'] currency = exchange_rate_of_one_day['currency'] exchangerate = exchange_rate_of_one_day['exchangerate'] # check for already existing exrates per day and add # to message that its already been saved. if ExchangeRate.objects.filter( date__date=date, name__name=currency): message_no += currency + ' on ' + date + ", " else: if ExchangeRate_date.objects.filter(date=date)[:1]: # if data and currency is not yet present, save it. try: # A: # lustigerweise gibt .values() den value und die id # zurück. Ohne .values() gibts nur den "value" date_dict = ExchangeRate_date.objects.filter( date=date).values() except Exception as e: print('currencies/views/exdate_exists \ %s (%s) on %s' % (e, type(e), today)) else: try: exdate = ExchangeRate_date.objects.create( date=date) except Exception as e: print('currencies/views/exdate_not_exists \ %s (%s) for %s' % (e, type(e), date)) if ExchangeRate_name.objects.filter( name=currency)[:1]: # if data and currency is not yet present, save it. try: name_dict = ExchangeRate_name.objects.filter( name=currency).values() except Exception as e: print('currencies/views/exname_exists \ %s (%s) on %s' % (e, type(e), currency)) else: try: exname = ExchangeRate_name.objects.create( name=currency) except Exception as e: print('currencies/views/exname_not_exists \ %s (%s) on %s' % (e, type(e), currency)) try: # save item to where id's match. exrate = ExchangeRate.objects.create( # name_id=name_id, name_id=ExchangeRate_name.objects.get( name=currency).id, # date_id=date_id, date_id=ExchangeRate_date.objects.get( date=date).id, exchange_rate_to_chf=exchangerate, ) message_yes += currency + ' on ' + date + ", " except Exception as e: print('currencies/views/exrate_create \ %s (%s) on %s for %s' % (e, type(e), currency, date)) # prepare messages: # python can not swap a char insinde a sting so i have # to invert and swap and then invert back: message_no = message_no[::-1] # invert the string message_no = message_no.replace(",", "!", 1) # replace first , with ! message_no = message_no[::-1] # invert the string back message_yes = message_yes[::-1] # invert the string message_yes = message_yes.replace(",", "!", 1) # replace f. , with ! message_yes = message_yes[::-1] # invert the string back # here we evaluate what kind of message is valid: if len(message_no) > length_of_message_no\ and len(message_yes) > length_of_message_yes: message = message_offline + message_no + message_yes elif len(message_no) > 24: message = message_offline + message_no elif len(message_yes) > 18: message = message_offline + message_yes elif == 6: message = """Die Abfrage wurde ohne ergebniss beendet. Es ist Samstag, die SNB publiziert nur an Arbeitstagen neue Kurse... """ elif == 7: message = """Die Abfrage wurde ohne ergebniss beendet. Es ist Sonntag, die SNB publiziert nur an Arbeitstagen neue Kurse... """ else: message = """Die Abfrage wurde ohne ergebniss beendet. """ # know we can query our data for presentaton: currency_list = ExchangeRate.objects.all() currency_USD_list = ExchangeRate.objects.filter( name__name='USD').order_by('date__date') currency_EUR_list = ExchangeRate.objects.filter( name__name='EUR').order_by('date__date') currency_JPY_list = ExchangeRate.objects.filter( name__name='JPY').order_by('date__date') currency_GBP_list = ExchangeRate.objects.filter( name__name='GBP').order_by('date__date') # and publish it on template: return render(request, 'currencies/index.html', {'currency_list': currency_list, 'currency_USD_list': currency_USD_list, 'currency_EUR_list': currency_EUR_list, 'currency_JPY_list': currency_JPY_list, 'currency_GBP_list': currency_GBP_list, 'message': message})