from datetime import datetime import urllib.request import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET today ="%Y-%m-%d") """ this method calls a rss/XML Resource of Currency's and parses it to our needed exchange rate values. The return is a dictionary carring Key:Value pairs of new currencys. """ def get_exchange_rate(): # During weekends there are no updates. # To develop i need a testresource. # In that case i comment the Online Resource block and uncomment the # development Block... # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Online Resource block: # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # SNB_URL = '' # urlsocket = urllib.request.urlopen(SNB_URL) # root = ET.parse(urlsocket) # root = ET.ElementTree(root) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # development block: # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ root = ET.ElementTree(file='rss') ns = {'rdf': '', 'none': '', 'dc': '', 'dcterms': '', 'cb': '' } # Pathvariables to XML Namespaces none_path = 'none:item/' rate_path = 'cb:statistics/cb:exchangeRate/' observation_path = 'cb:statistics/cb:exchangeRate/cb:observation/' # THE FILE DATE: xml_datetime_string = root.find('none:channel/dcterms:created', ns).text # because of few knowlede just trim end of string to avoid error xml_datestring = xml_datetime_string.split('T')[0] # parse string to date object: xml_date =, "%Y-%m-%d")) for item in root.findall('none:item', ns): # THE CURRENCY DATE: datetime_str = item.find('dc:date', ns).text # convert string to date object: # date = datetime.strptime(''.join(datetime_str.rsplit(':', 1)), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z").strftime("%Y-%m-%d") # only the values of today are used so check for date: if date == today: title = item.find('none:title', ns).text base_currency = item.find(rate_path + 'cb:baseCurrency', ns).text target_currency = item.find(rate_path + 'cb:targetCurrency', ns).text CHFvalue = float(item.find(observation_path + 'cb:value', ns).text) CHFvalue = float(CHFvalue) # convert to float FOREIGNvalue = CHFvalue # copy to new value to have both. unit = item.find(observation_path + 'cb:unit', ns).text decimals = int(item.find(observation_path + 'cb:decimals', ns).text) # because it's dangerous to check for present, i check for none # here and have to do something in there so i set the target to 0. if item.find(observation_path + 'cb:unit_mult', ns) is None: unit_mult = float("1.0") else: # shift left by 2 digits with "/" # # because some currencys differ widly from CHF unit_mult = item.find(observation_path + 'cb:unit_mult', ns).text # unit_mult defaults to '0' so we check for 8 decimal # values (2..-6) they represent the fracton value to # calculate the correct decimalpoint. if unit_mult == '2': # thinking of Bitcoins unit_mult = '0.01' if unit_mult == '1': unit_mult = '0.10' if unit_mult == '-1': unit_mult = '10' if unit_mult == '-2': # Japan Yen unit_mult = '100' if unit_mult == '-3': unit_mult = '1000' if unit_mult == '-4': unit_mult = '10000' if unit_mult == '-5': unit_mult = '100000' if unit_mult == '-6': # indian rupies unit_mult = '1000000' unit_mult = float(unit_mult) # convert to float # calculate the Currency to CHF: FOREIGNvalue = 1 / CHFvalue FOREIGNvalue *= unit_mult CHFvalue = CHFvalue / unit_mult # truncate it to decimal values provided by the xml: FOREIGNvalue_round = round(FOREIGNvalue, 5) # Print nice setup of all calculated currencys for Dev: # print("date:", date, " 1 ", target_currency, " costs: ", # CHFvalue, "CHF and 1 ", base_currency, " costs: ", # FOREIGNvalue_round, target_currency) exchange_rates = {target_currency: FOREIGNvalue_round} # Print the Dictionary: # print(exchange_rates) return(exchange_rates) else: break # for development its preferable to see that the for loop is done: # print('no more fresh data!')