@misc{git, month = {{01}}, note = {{\url{https://git-scm.com/}}}, author = {Linus Torvalds}, title = {{Git - Version Control System}}, year = {2018}, } @misc{ansible, month = {{01}}, note = {{\url{https://www.ansible.com/}}}, Urldate = {{2018-01-03}}, author = {Ansible, Red Hat}, title = {{Ansible - IT Automation Software}}, year = {2018}, } @misc{vagrant, month = {{01}}, note = {{\url{https://www.ansible.com/}}}, author = {HashiCorp Inc.}, title = {{Vagrant - Software Development Environment}}, year = {2018}, } @misc{latex, month = {{01}}, note = {{\url{https://www.latex-project.org/}}}, Urldate = {{2018-01-03}}, author = {Leslie Lamport}, title = {{LaTeX - A document preparation system}}, year = {2018}, } @misc{debian, month = {{01}}, note = {{\url{https://www.debian.org/}}}, Urldate = {{2018-01-03}}, author = {Debian Project}, title = {{Debian {--} The Universal Operating System}}, year = {2018}, } @misc{gplv3, month = {{01}}, note = {{\url{https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html}}}, Urldate = {{2018-01-03}}, author = {Free Software Foundation}, title = {{GPLv3}}, year = {2018}, } @misc{usecase, month = {{01}}, note = {{\url{https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anwendungsfall}}}, Urldate = {{2018-01-04}}, author = {Wikipedia}, title = {{Anwendungsfall {--} Wikipedia}}, year = {2018}, } @misc{usecasediagramm, month = {{01}}, note = {{\url{https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anwendungsfalldiagramm}}}, Urldate = {{2018-01-04}}, author = {Wikipedia}, title = {{Anwendungsfalldiagramm {--} Wikipedia}}, year = {2018}, } @misc{django, month = {{01}}, note = {{\url{https://www.djangoproject.com/}}}, Urldate = {{2018-01-04}}, author = {Django Project}, title = {{Django Framework}}, year = {2018}, } @misc{apache, month = {{01}}, note = {{\url{https://httpd.apache.org/}}}, Urldate = {{2018-01-04}}, author = {Apache Foundation}, title = {{The Apache HTTP Server Project}}, year = {2018}, } @misc{mariadb, month = {{01}}, note = {{\url{https://mariadb.org/}}}, Urldate = {{2018-01-04}}, author = {Mariadb Foundation}, title = {{MariaDB}}, year = {2018}, } @misc{emacs, month = {{01}}, note = {{\url{https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/}}}, Urldate = {{2018-01-04}}, author = {GNU Project}, title = {{GNU Emacs}}, year = {2018}, } @misc{atom, month = {{01}}, note = {{\url{https://atom.io/}}}, Urldate = {{2018-01-04}}, author = {GitHub Inc.}, title = {{Atom Editor}}, year = {2018}, } @misc{mariadbgov, month = {{01}}, note = {{\url{https://mariadb.org/about/governance/}}}, Urldate = {{2018-01-04}}, author = {MariaDB Foundation}, title = {{Governance}}, year = {2018}, } @misc{inkscape, month = {{01}}, note = {{\url{https://inkscape.org/en/}}}, Urldate = {{2018-01-05}}, author = {Inkscape Developers}, title = {{Inkscape}}, year = {2018}, } @misc{orgmode, month = {{01}}, note = {{\url{https://orgmode.org/}}}, Urldate = {{2018-01-05}}, author = {Carsten Dominik}, title = {{Org mode for Emacs}}, year = {2018}, } @misc{virtualbox, month = {{01}}, note = {{\url{https://www.virtualbox.org/}}}, Urldate = {{2018-01-05}}, author = {Oracle}, title = {{Oracle VM VirtualBox}}, year = {2018}, } @misc{dia, month = {{02}}, note = {{\url{http://dia-installer.de/}}}, Urldate = {{2018-02-06}}, author = {Macke, Steffen}, title = {{Dia draws your structured diagrams: Free Windows, Mac OS X and Linux version of the popular open source program}}, year = {2018}, }