
20 lines
709 B
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#initialize the db
2017-12-25 22:34:38 +01:00
mysql < /vagrant/sql/04_remove_database.sql
mysql < /vagrant/sql/01_create_database.sql
#remove old migrations
2017-12-25 22:34:38 +01:00
rm /vagrant/django/didgeridoo/webshop/migrations/*.py
#create and insert the new migrations
2017-12-25 22:34:38 +01:00
python3 /vagrant/django/didgeridoo/manage.py makemigrations webshop
python3 /vagrant/django/didgeridoo/manage.py migrate
#insert some default data into the database
2017-12-25 22:34:38 +01:00
mysql < /vagrant/sql/02_insert_data.sql
#create an admin user
echo "from django.contrib.auth.models import User; \
User.objects.filter(email='admin@example.com').delete(); \
User.objects.create_superuser('admin', 'admin@example.com', 'password')" |
python3 /vagrant/django/didgeridoo/manage.py shell