using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using AirlineServer.Models; using AirlineServer.Helper; namespace AirlineServer { // NOTE: You can use the "Rename" command on the "Refactor" menu to change // the class name "AirlineService" in code, svc and config file together. // NOTE: In order to launch WCF Test Client for testing this service, please // select AirlineService.svc or AirlineService.svc.cs at the Solution // Explorer and start debugging. public class AirlineService : IAirlineService { public List flights = new List(); public Flight BookFlight(Flight flight, int numberOfSeats) { Flight flightToBook = => f == flight); if (flightToBook != null) { flightToBook.BookedSeats += numberOfSeats; return flightToBook; } else { return flight; } } public Flight CancelFlight(Flight flight, int numberOfSeats) { Flight flightToCancel = => f == flight); if (flightToCancel != null) { flightToCancel.BookedSeats -= numberOfSeats; return flightToCancel; } else { return flight; } } public Dictionary> GetFlights(DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, string destination, int numberOfSeats) { Dictionary> freeFlights = new Dictionary>(); freeFlights = FindFlight.Search(, startTime, endTime, destination, numberOfSeats); return freeFlights; } public AirlineService(){ List flights = new List(); Airline lufthansa = new Airline { Name = "Lufthansa" }; Airline easyjet = new Airline { Name = "Easyjet" }; City zurich = new City { Name = "Zurich", ZipCode = 9000 }; City basel = new City { Name = "Basel", ZipCode = 3000 }; City genf = new City { Name = "Genf", ZipCode = 1000 }; City belp = new City { Name = "Belp", ZipCode = 5000 }; Airport azurich = new Airport { ShortName = "ZRH", Name = "Zurich Airport", City = zurich }; Airport abasel = new Airport { ShortName = "BSL", Name = "Basel Airport", City = basel }; Airport agenf = new Airport { ShortName = "GNF", Name = "Geneva Airport", City = genf }; Airport abelp = new Airport { ShortName = "BLP", Name = "Belp Airport", City = belp }; DateTime zurichStartDate = new DateTime(2018, 08, 15, 12, 00, 00, 00); DateTime baselStartDate = new DateTime(2018, 08, 19, 12, 00, 00, 00); DateTime genfStartDate = new DateTime(2018, 08, 19, 12, 00, 00, 00); DateTime belpStartDate = new DateTime(2018, 08, 09, 12, 00, 00, 00); Flight zurich_basel = new Flight { Airline = lufthansa, Name = "LFH1206", StartTime = zurichStartDate, Duration = 2.50F, Origin = azurich, Destination = abasel, MaxSeats = 10, BookedSeats = 0 }; Flight basel_zurich = new Flight { Airline = easyjet, Name = "ESZ666", StartTime = baselStartDate, Duration = 7.20F, Origin = abasel, Destination = azurich, MaxSeats = 10, BookedSeats = 0 }; Flight genf_zurich = new Flight { Airline = easyjet, Name = "ESZ666", StartTime = genfStartDate, Duration = 7.20F, Origin = agenf, Destination = azurich, MaxSeats = 10, BookedSeats = 0 }; Flight belp_zurich = new Flight { Airline = easyjet, Name = "ESZ666", StartTime = belpStartDate, Duration = 7.20F, Origin = abelp, Destination = azurich, MaxSeats = 10, BookedSeats = 0 };;;;; } } }