Ivan Hörler 9ec488b15a blop
2018-07-17 19:51:33 +02:00

3154 lines
112 KiB

(function() {
"Alchemy.js is a graph drawing application for the web.\nCopyright (C) 2014 GraphAlchemist, Inc.\n\nThis program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\nit under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by\nthe Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n(at your option) any later version.\n\nThis program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\nbut WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\nMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\nGNU Affero General Public License for more details.\n\nYou should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License\nalong with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.\nlets";
var Alchemy, Clustering, DrawEdge, DrawEdges, DrawNode, DrawNodes, Editor, EditorInteractions, EditorUtils, Layout, root, warnings,
__slice = [].slice,
__bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; };
Alchemy = (function() {
function Alchemy(userConf) {
if (userConf == null) {
userConf = null;
this.a = this;
this.version = "0.4.1";
this.get = new this.Get(this);
this.remove = new this.Remove(this);
this.create = new this.Create(this);
this.set = new this.Set(this);
this.drawing = {
DrawEdge: DrawEdge(this),
DrawEdges: DrawEdges(this),
DrawNode: DrawNode(this),
DrawNodes: DrawNodes(this),
EdgeUtils: this.EdgeUtils(this),
NodeUtils: this.NodeUtils(this)
this.controlDash = this.controlDash(this);
this.stats = this.stats(this);
this.layout = Layout;
this.clustering = Clustering;
this.models = {
Node: this.Node(this),
Edge: this.Edge(this)
this.utils = {
warnings: new warnings(this)
this.filters = this.filters(this);
this.exports = this.exports(this);
this.visControls = {};
this.styles = {};
this.editor = {};
this.log = {};
this.state = {
"interactions": "default",
"layout": "default"
this.startGraph = this.startGraph(this);
this.updateGraph = this.updateGraph(this);
this.generateLayout = this.generateLayout(this);
this.svgStyles = this.svgStyles(this);
this.interactions = this.interactions(this);
this.search = this.search(this);
this.plugins = this.plugins(this);
this._nodes = {};
this._edges = {};
this.getNodes = this.get.getNodes;
this.getEdges = this.get.getEdges;
this.allNodes = this.get.allNodes;
this.allEdges = this.get.allEdges;
if (userConf) {
Alchemy.prototype.begin = function(userConf) {
var conf;
conf = this.setConf(userConf);
switch (typeof this.conf.dataSource) {
case 'string':
d3.json(this.a.conf.dataSource, this.a.startGraph);
case 'object':
return this;
Alchemy.prototype.setConf = function(userConf) {
var key, val;
if (userConf.theme != null) {
userConf = _.merge(_.cloneDeep(this.defaults), this.a.themes["" + userConf.theme]);
for (key in userConf) {
val = userConf[key];
switch (key) {
case "clusterColors":
userConf["clusterColours"] = val;
case "backgroundColor":
userConf["backgroundColour"] = val;
case "nodeColor":
userConf[nodeColour] = val;
return this.a.conf = _.merge(_.cloneDeep(this.defaults), userConf);
Alchemy.prototype.instances = [];
Alchemy.prototype.getInst = function(svg) {
var instNumber;
instNumber = parseInt(d3.select(svg).attr("alchInst"));
return Alchemy.prototype.instances[instNumber];
return Alchemy;
root = typeof exports !== "undefined" && exports !== null ? exports : this;
root.Alchemy = Alchemy;
root.alchemy = {
begin: function(config) {
return root.alchemy = new Alchemy(config);
Alchemy.prototype.Create = (function() {
function Create(instance) {
this.a = instance;
Create.prototype.nodes = function() {
var a, n, nodeMap, nodeMaps, registerNode, _i, _len;
nodeMap = arguments[0], nodeMaps = 2 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 1) : [];
a = this.a;
registerNode = function(node) {
var aNode;
if (!a._nodes[node.id]) {
aNode = new a.models.Node(node);
a._nodes[node.id] = aNode;
return [aNode];
} else {
return console.warn("A node with the id " + node.id + " already exists.\nConsider using the @a.get.nodes() method to \nretrieve the node and then using the Node methods.");
nodeMaps = _.union(nodeMaps, nodeMap);
for (_i = 0, _len = nodeMaps.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
n = nodeMaps[_i];
if (this.a.initial) {
return this.a.updateGraph();
Create.prototype.edges = function() {
var a, allEdges, edgeMap, edgeMaps, registerEdge;
edgeMap = arguments[0], edgeMaps = 2 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 1) : [];
a = this.a;
registerEdge = function(edge) {
var aEdge, edgeArray;
if (edge.id && !a._edges[edge.id]) {
aEdge = new a.models.Edge(edge);
a._edges[edge.id] = [aEdge];
return [aEdge];
} else if (edge.id && a._edges[edge.id]) {
return console.warn("An edge with that id " + someEdgeMap.id + " already exists.\nConsider using the @a.get.edge() method to \nretrieve the edge and then using the Edge methods.\nNote: id's are not required for edges. Alchemy will create\nan unlimited number of edges for the same source and target node.\nSimply omit 'id' when creating the edge.");
} else {
edgeArray = a._edges["" + edge.source + "-" + edge.target];
if (edgeArray) {
aEdge = new a.models.Edge(edge, edgeArray.length);
return [aEdge];
} else {
aEdge = new a.models.Edge(edge, 0);
a._edges["" + edge.source + "-" + edge.target] = [aEdge];
return [aEdge];
allEdges = _.uniq(_.flatten(arguments));
_.each(allEdges, function(e) {
return registerEdge(e);
if (this.a.initial) {
return this.a.updateGraph();
return Create;
Alchemy.prototype.Get = function(instance) {
return {
a: instance,
_el: [],
_elType: null,
_makeChain: function(inp) {
var returnedGet;
returnedGet = this;
returnedGet.__proto__ = [].__proto__;
while (returnedGet.length) {
_.each(inp, function(e) {
return returnedGet.push(e);
return returnedGet;
nodes: function() {
var a, allIDs, id, ids, nodeList;
id = arguments[0], ids = 2 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 1) : [];
if (id != null) {
allIDs = _.map(arguments, function(arg) {
return String(arg);
a = this.a;
nodeList = (function(a) {
return _.filter(a._nodes, function(val, key) {
if (_.contains(allIDs, key)) {
return val;
this._elType = "node";
this._el = nodeList;
return this._makeChain(nodeList);
edges: function() {
var a, allIDs, edgeList, id, ids;
id = arguments[0], ids = 2 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 1) : [];
if (id != null) {
allIDs = _.map(arguments, function(arg) {
return String(arg);
a = this.a;
edgeList = (function(a) {
return _.flatten(_.filter(a._edges, function(val, key) {
if (_.contains(allIDs, key)) {
return val;
this._elType = "edge";
this._el = edgeList;
return this._makeChain(edgeList);
all: function() {
var a, elType;
a = this.a;
elType = this._elType;
this._el = (function(elType) {
switch (elType) {
case "node":
return a.elements.nodes.val;
case "edge":
return a.elements.edges.flat;
return this._makeChain(this._el);
elState: function(state) {
var elList;
elList = _.filter(this._el, function(e) {
return e._state === state;
this._el = elList;
return this._makeChain(elList);
state: function(key) {
if (this.a.state.key != null) {
return this.a.state.key;
type: function(type) {
var elList;
elList = _.filter(this._el, function(e) {
return e._nodeType === type || e._edgeType === type;
this._el = elList;
return this._makeChain(elList);
activeNodes: function() {
return _.filter(this.a._nodes, function(node) {
if (node._state === "active") {
return node;
activeEdges: function() {
return _.filter(this.a.get.allEdges(), function(edge) {
if (edge._state === "active") {
return edge;
state: function(key) {
if (this.a.state.key != null) {
return this.a.state.key;
clusters: function() {
var clusterMap, nodesByCluster;
clusterMap = this.a.layout._clustering.clusterMap;
nodesByCluster = {};
_.each(clusterMap, function(key, value) {
return nodesByCluster[value] = _.select(this.a.get.allNodes(), function(node) {
return node.getProperties()[this.a.conf.clusterKey] === value;
return nodesByCluster;
clusterColours: function() {
var clusterColoursObject, clusterMap;
clusterMap = this.a.layout._clustering.clusterMap;
clusterColoursObject = {};
_.each(clusterMap, function(key, value) {
return clusterColoursObject[value] = this.a.conf.clusterColours[key % this.a.conf.clusterColours.length];
return clusterColoursObject;
allEdges: function() {
return this.a.elements.nodes.flat;
allNodes: function(type) {
if (type != null) {
return _.filter(this.a._nodes, function(n) {
if (n._nodeType === type) {
return n;
} else {
return this.a.elements.nodes.val;
getNodes: function() {
var a, id, ids;
id = arguments[0], ids = 2 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 1) : [];
a = this.a;
return _.map(ids, function(id) {
return a._nodes[id];
getEdges: function(id, target) {
var a, edge_id;
if (id == null) {
id = null;
if (target == null) {
target = null;
a = this.a;
if ((id != null) && (target != null)) {
edge_id = "" + id + "-" + target;
return this.a._edges[edge_id];
} else if ((id != null) && (target == null)) {
return this.a._nodes[id]._adjacentEdges;
Alchemy.prototype.Remove = (function() {
function Remove(instance) {
this.a = instance;
Remove.prototype.nodes = function(nodeMap) {
return _.each(nodeMap, function(n) {
if (n._nodeType != null) {
return n.remove();
Remove.prototype.edges = function(edgeMap) {
return _.each(edgeMap, function(e) {
if (e._edgeType != null) {
return e.remove();
return Remove;
Alchemy.prototype.Set = function(instance) {
return {
a: instance,
state: function(key, value) {
return this.a.state.key = value;
Clustering = (function() {
function Clustering(instance) {
var clustering, conf, nodes, _charge, _friction, _gravity, _linkDistancefn, _linkStrength;
this.a = instance;
nodes = this.a._nodes;
conf = this.a.conf;
clustering = this;
this.clusterKey = conf.clusterKey;
_charge = -500;
_linkStrength = function(edge) {
var sourceCluster, targetCluster;
sourceCluster = nodes[edge.source.id]._properties[this.clusterKey];
targetCluster = nodes[edge.target.id]._properties[this.clusterKey];
if (sourceCluster === targetCluster) {
return 0.15;
} else {
return 0;
_friction = function() {
return 0.7;
_linkDistancefn = function(edge) {
nodes = edge.self.a._nodes;
if (nodes[edge.source.id]._properties.root || nodes[edge.target.id]._properties.root) {
return 300;
} else if (nodes[edge.source.id]._properties[this.clusterKey] === nodes[edge.target.id]._properties[this.clusterKey]) {
return 10;
} else {
return 600;
_gravity = function(k) {
return 8 * k;
this.layout = {
charge: _charge,
linkStrength: function(edge) {
return _linkStrength(edge);
friction: function() {
return _friction();
linkDistancefn: function(edge) {
return _linkDistancefn(edge);
gravity: function(k) {
return _gravity(k);
Clustering.prototype.identifyClusters = function(a) {
var clusters, nodes, _i, _ref, _results;
nodes = a.elements.nodes.val;
clusters = _.uniq(_.map(nodes, function(node) {
return node.getProperties()[a.conf.clusterKey];
return this.clusterMap = _.zipObject(clusters, (function() {
_results = [];
for (var _i = 0, _ref = clusters.length; 0 <= _ref ? _i <= _ref : _i >= _ref; 0 <= _ref ? _i++ : _i--){ _results.push(_i); }
return _results;
Clustering.prototype.getClusterColour = function(clusterValue) {
var index;
index = this.clusterMap[clusterValue] % this.a.conf.clusterColours.length;
return this.a.conf.clusterColours[index];
Clustering.prototype.edgeGradient = function(edges) {
var Q, defs, edge, endColour, gradient, gradient_id, id, ids, nodes, startColour, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
defs = this.a.vis.select("" + this.a.conf.divSelector + " svg");
Q = {};
nodes = this.a._nodes;
_ref = _.map(edges, function(edge) {
return edge._d3;
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
edge = _ref[_i];
if (nodes[edge.source.id]._properties.root || nodes[edge.target.id]._properties.root) {
if (nodes[edge.source.id]._properties[this.clusterKey] === nodes[edge.target.id]._properties[this.clusterKey]) {
if (nodes[edge.target.id]._properties[this.clusterKey] !== nodes[edge.source.id]._properties[this.clusterKey]) {
id = nodes[edge.source.id]._properties[this.clusterKey] + "-" + nodes[edge.target.id]._properties[this.clusterKey];
if (id in Q) {
} else if (!(id in Q)) {
startColour = this.getClusterColour(nodes[edge.target.id]._properties[this.clusterKey]);
endColour = this.getClusterColour(nodes[edge.source.id]._properties[this.clusterKey]);
Q[id] = {
'startColour': startColour,
'endColour': endColour
_results = [];
for (ids in Q) {
gradient_id = "cluster-gradient-" + ids;
gradient = defs.append("svg:linearGradient").attr("id", gradient_id);
gradient.append("svg:stop").attr("offset", "0%").attr("stop-color", Q[ids]['startColour']);
_results.push(gradient.append("svg:stop").attr("offset", "100%").attr("stop-color", Q[ids]['endColour']));
return _results;
return Clustering;
Alchemy.prototype.clusterControls = {
init: function() {
var changeClusterHTML;
changeClusterHTML = "<input class='form-control form-inline' id='cluster-key' placeholder=\"Cluster Key\"></input>";
this.a.dash.select("#clustering-container").append("div").attr("id", "cluster-key-container").attr('class', 'property form-inline form-group').html(changeClusterHTML).style("display", "none");
this.a.dash.select("#cluster_control_header").on("click", function() {
var display, element;
element = this.a.dash.select("#cluster-key-container");
return display = element.style("display");
element.style("display", function(e) {
if (display === "block") {
return "none";
} else {
return "block";
if (this.a.dash.select("#cluster-key-container").style("display") === "none") {
this.a.dash.select("#cluster-arrow").attr("class", "fa fa-2x fa-caret-right");
} else {
this.a.dash.select("#cluster-arrow").attr("class", "fa fa-2x fa-caret-down");
return this.a.dash.select("#cluster-key").on("keydown", function() {
if (d3.event.keyIdentifier === "Enter") {
this.a.conf.cluster = true;
this.a.conf.clusterKey = this.value;
return this.a.generateLayout();
Alchemy.prototype.controlDash = function(instance) {
var a;
a = instance;
return {
init: function() {
var divSelector;
if (this.dashIsShown()) {
divSelector = a.conf.divSelector;
a.dash = d3.select("" + divSelector).append("div").attr("id", "control-dash-wrapper").attr("class", "col-md-4 initial");
a.dash.append("i").attr("id", "dash-toggle").attr("class", "fa fa-flask col-md-offset-12");
a.dash.append("div").attr("id", "control-dash").attr("class", "col-md-12");
a.dash.select('#dash-toggle').on('click', a.interactions.toggleControlDash);
return a.controlDash.exports();
search: function() {
if (a.conf.search) {
a.dash.select("#control-dash").append("div").attr("id", "search").html("<div class='input-group'>\n <input class='form-control' placeholder='Search'>\n <i class='input-group-addon search-icon'><span class='fa fa-search fa-1x'></span></i>\n</div> ");
return a.search.init();
zoomCtrl: function() {
if (a.conf.zoomControls) {
a.dash.select("#control-dash-wrapper").append("div").attr("id", "zoom-controls").attr("class", "col-md-offset-12").html("<button id='zoom-reset' class='btn btn-defualt btn-primary'><i class='fa fa-crosshairs fa-lg'></i></button> <button id='zoom-in' class='btn btn-defualt btn-primary'><i class='fa fa-plus'></i></button> <button id='zoom-out' class='btn btn-default btn-primary'><i class='fa fa-minus'></i></button>");
a.dash.select('#zoom-in').on("click", function() {
return a.interactions.clickZoom('in');
a.dash.select('#zoom-out').on("click", function() {
return a.interactions.clickZoom('out');
return a.dash.select('#zoom-reset').on("click", function() {
return a.interactions.clickZoom('reset');
filters: function() {
if (a.conf.nodeFilters || a.conf.edgeFilters) {
a.dash.select("#control-dash").append("div").attr("id", "filters");
return a.filters.init();
stats: function() {
var stats_html;
if (a.conf.nodeStats || a.conf.edgeStats) {
stats_html = "<div id = \"stats-header\" data-toggle=\"collapse\" data-target=\"#stats #all-stats\">\n<h3>\n Statistics\n</h3>\n<span class = \"fa fa-caret-right fa-2x\"></span>\n</div>\n<div id=\"all-stats\" class=\"collapse\">\n <ul class = \"list-group\" id=\"node-stats\"></ul>\n <ul class = \"list-group\" id=\"rel-stats\"></ul> \n</div>";
a.dash.select("#control-dash").append("div").attr("id", "stats").html(stats_html).select('#stats-header').on('click', function() {
if (a.dash.select('#all-stats').classed("in")) {
return a.dash.select("#stats-header>span").attr("class", "fa fa-2x fa-caret-right");
} else {
return a.dash.select("#stats-header>span").attr("class", "fa fa-2x fa-caret-down");
return a.stats.init();
exports: function() {
var exports_html;
if (a.conf.exportSVG) {
exports_html = "<div id=\"exports-header\" data-toggle=\"collapse\" data-target=\"#all-exports\" style=\"padding:10px;\">\n <h3>\n Exports\n </h3>\n <span class=\"fa fa-caret-right fa-2x\"></span>\n</div>\n<div id=\"all-exports\" class=\"collapse\"></div>";
a.dash.select("#control-dash").append("div").attr("id", "exports").attr("style", "padding: 0.5em 1em; border-bottom: thin dashed #E89619; color: white;").html(exports_html).select("#exports-header");
return a.exports.init();
clustering: function() {
var clusterControl_html;
if (a.conf.clusterControl) {
clusterControl_html = "<div id=\"clustering-container\">\n <div id=\"cluster_control_header\" data-toggle=\"collapse\" data-target=\"#clustering #cluster-options\">\n <h3>Clustering</h3>\n <span id=\"cluster-arrow\" class=\"fa fa-2x fa-caret-right\"></span>\n </div>\n</div>";
a.dash.select("#control-dash").append("div").attr("id", "clustering").html(clusterControl_html).select('#cluster_control_header');
return a.clusterControls.init();
dashIsShown: function() {
var conf;
conf = a.conf;
return conf.showEditor || conf.captionToggle || conf.toggleRootNodes || conf.removeElement || conf.clusterControl || conf.nodeStats || conf.edgeStats || conf.edgeFilters || conf.nodeFilters || conf.edgesToggle || conf.nodesToggle || conf.search || conf.exportSVG;
Alchemy.prototype.filters = (function(_this) {
return function(instance) {
var a;
a = instance;
return {
init: function() {
var caption, edgeType, edgeTypes, nodeKey, nodeType, nodeTypes, types, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _ref;
if (a.conf.edgeFilters) {
if (a.conf.nodeFilters) {
if (a.conf.nodeTypes) {
nodeKey = Object.keys(a.conf.nodeTypes);
nodeTypes = '';
_ref = a.conf.nodeTypes[nodeKey];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
nodeType = _ref[_i];
caption = nodeType.replace('_', ' ');
nodeTypes += "<li class='list-group-item nodeType' role='menuitem' id='li-" + nodeType + "' name=" + nodeType + ">" + caption + "</li>";
if (a.conf.edgeTypes) {
if (_.isPlainObject(a.conf.edgeTypes)) {
types = _.values(a.conf.edgeTypes)[0];
} else {
types = a.conf.edgeTypes;
edgeTypes = '';
for (_j = 0, _len1 = types.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
edgeType = types[_j];
caption = edgeType.replace('_', ' ');
edgeTypes += "<li class='list-group-item edgeType' role='menuitem' id='li-" + edgeType + "' name=" + edgeType + ">" + caption + "</li>";
if (a.conf.captionsToggle) {
if (a.conf.edgesToggle) {
if (a.conf.nodesToggle) {
return a.filters.update();
show: function() {
var filter_html;
filter_html = "<div id = \"filter-header\" data-toggle=\"collapse\" data-target=\"#filters form\">\n <h3>Filters</h3>\n <span class = \"fa fa-2x fa-caret-right\"></span>\n</div>\n <form class=\"form-inline collapse\">\n </form>";
a.dash.select('#control-dash #filters').html(filter_html);
a.dash.selectAll('#filter-header').on('click', function() {
if (a.dash.select('#filters>form').classed("in")) {
return a.dash.select("#filter-header>span").attr("class", "fa fa-2x fa-caret-right");
} else {
return a.dash.select("#filter-header>span").attr("class", "fa fa-2x fa-caret-down");
return a.dash.select('#filters form');
showEdgeFilters: function() {
var rel_filter_html;
rel_filter_html = "<div id=\"filter-rel-header\" data-target = \"#rel-dropdown\" data-toggle=\"collapse\">\n <h4>\n Edge Types\n </h4>\n <span class=\"fa fa-lg fa-caret-right\"></span>\n</div>\n<ul id=\"rel-dropdown\" class=\"collapse list-group\" role=\"menu\">\n</ul>";
a.dash.select('#filters form').append("div").attr("id", "filter-relationships").html(rel_filter_html);
return a.dash.select("#filter-rel-header").on('click', function() {
if (a.dash.select('#rel-dropdown').classed("in")) {
return a.dash.select("#filter-rel-header>span").attr("class", "fa fa-lg fa-caret-right");
} else {
return a.dash.select("#filter-rel-header>span").attr("class", "fa fa-lg fa-caret-down");
showNodeFilters: function() {
var node_filter_html;
node_filter_html = "<div id=\"filter-node-header\" data-target = \"#node-dropdown\" data-toggle=\"collapse\">\n <h4>\n Node Types\n </h4>\n <span class=\"fa fa-lg fa-caret-right\"></span>\n</div>\n<ul id=\"node-dropdown\" class=\"collapse list-group\" role=\"menu\">\n</ul>";
a.dash.select('#filters form').append("div").attr("id", "filter-nodes").html(node_filter_html);
return a.dash.select("#filter-node-header").on('click', function() {
if (a.dash.select('#node-dropdown').classed("in")) {
return a.dash.select("#filter-node-header>span").attr("class", "fa fa-lg fa-caret-right");
} else {
return a.dash.select("#filter-node-header>span").attr("class", "fa fa-lg fa-caret-down");
captionsToggle: function() {
return a.dash.select("#filters form").append("li").attr({
"id": "toggle-captions",
"class": "list-group-item active-label toggle"
}).html("Show Captions").on("click", function() {
var isDisplayed;
isDisplayed = a.dash.select("g text").attr("style");
if (isDisplayed === "display: block" || null) {
return a.dash.selectAll("g text").attr("style", "display: none");
} else {
return a.dash.selectAll("g text").attr("style", "display: block");
edgesToggle: function() {
return a.dash.select("#filters form").append("li").attr({
"id": "toggle-edges",
"class": "list-group-item active-label toggle"
}).html("Toggle Edges").on("click", function() {
if (_.contains(_.pluck(_.flatten(_.values(a._edges)), "_state"), "active")) {
return _.each(_.values(a._edges), function(edges) {
return _.each(edges, function(e) {
if (e._state === "active") {
return e.toggleHidden();
} else {
return _.each(_.values(a._edges), function(edges) {
return _.each(edges, function(e) {
var source, target;
source = a._nodes[e._properties.source];
target = a._nodes[e._properties.target];
if (source._state === "active" && target._state === "active") {
return e.toggleHidden();
nodesToggle: function() {
return a.dash.select("#filters form").append("li").attr({
"id": "toggle-nodes",
"class": "list-group-item active-label toggle"
}).html("Toggle Nodes").on("click", function() {
var nodes;
nodes = _.values(a._nodes);
if (_.contains(_.pluck(nodes, "_state"), "active")) {
return _.each(nodes, function(n) {
if (a.conf.toggleRootNodes && n._d3.root) {
if (n._state === "active") {
return n.toggleHidden();
} else {
return _.each(_.values(a._nodes), function(n) {
if (a.conf.toggleRootNodes && n._d3.root) {
return n.toggleHidden();
update: function() {
return a.dash.selectAll(".nodeType, .edgeType").on("click", function() {
var element, tag;
element = d3.select(this);
tag = element.attr("name");
a.vis.selectAll("." + tag).each(function(d) {
var edge, node, source, target;
if (a._nodes[d.id] != null) {
node = a._nodes[d.id];
return node.toggleHidden();
} else {
edge = a._edges[d.id][0];
source = a._nodes[edge._properties.source];
target = a._nodes[edge._properties.target];
if (source._state === "active" && target._state === "active") {
return edge.toggleHidden();
return a.stats.nodeStats();
Alchemy.prototype.Index = function(instance, all) {
var a, edges, elements, nodes;
a = instance;
elements = {
nodes: {
val: (function() {
return _.values(a._nodes);
edges: {
val: (function() {
return _.values(a._edges);
nodes = elements.nodes;
edges = elements.edges;
elements.edges.flat = (function() {
return _.flatten(edges.val);
elements.nodes.d3 = (function() {
return _.map(nodes.val, function(n) {
return n._d3;
elements.edges.d3 = (function() {
return _.map(edges.flat, function(e) {
return e._d3;
a.elements = elements;
return function() {
a.elements.nodes.svg = (function() {
return a.vis.selectAll('g.node');
return a.elements.edges.svg = (function() {
return a.vis.selectAll('g.edge');
Alchemy.prototype.interactions = function(instance) {
var a;
a = instance;
return {
edgeClick: function(d) {
var edge;
if (d3.event.defaultPrevented) {
edge = d.self;
if (typeof a.conf.edgeClick === 'function') {
if (edge._state !== "hidden") {
edge._state = (function() {
if (edge._state === "selected") {
return "active";
return "selected";
return edge.setStyles();
edgeMouseOver: function(d) {
var edge;
edge = d.self;
if (edge._state !== "hidden") {
if (edge._state !== "selected") {
edge._state = "highlighted";
return edge.setStyles();
edgeMouseOut: function(d) {
var edge;
edge = d.self;
if (edge._state !== "hidden") {
if (edge._state !== "selected") {
edge._state = "active";
return edge.setStyles();
nodeMouseOver: function(n) {
var node;
node = n.self;
if (node._state !== "hidden") {
if (node._state !== "selected") {
node._state = "highlighted";
if (typeof a.conf.nodeMouseOver === 'function') {
return a.conf.nodeMouseOver(node);
} else if (typeof a.conf.nodeMouseOver === ('number' || 'string')) {
return node.properties[a.conf.nodeMouseOver];
nodeMouseOut: function(n) {
var node;
node = n.self;
a = node.a;
if (node._state !== "hidden") {
if (node._state !== "selected") {
node._state = "active";
if ((a.conf.nodeMouseOut != null) && typeof a.conf.nodeMouseOut === 'function') {
return a.conf.nodeMouseOut(n);
nodeClick: function(n) {
var node;
if (d3.event.defaultPrevented) {
node = n.self;
if (typeof a.conf.nodeClick === 'function') {
if (node._state !== "hidden") {
node._state = (function() {
if (node._state === "selected") {
return "active";
return "selected";
return node.setStyles();
zoom: function(extent) {
if (this._zoomBehavior == null) {
this._zoomBehavior = d3.behavior.zoom();
return this._zoomBehavior.scaleExtent(extent).on("zoom", function(d) {
a = Alchemy.prototype.getInst(this);
return a.vis.attr("transform", "translate(" + d3.event.translate + ") scale(" + d3.event.scale + ")");
clickZoom: function(direction) {
var scale, x, y, _ref;
_ref = a.vis.attr("transform").match(/(-*\d+\.*\d*)/g).map(function(a) {
return parseFloat(a);
}), x = _ref[0], y = _ref[1], scale = _ref[2];
a.vis.attr("transform", function() {
if (direction === "in") {
if (scale < a.conf.scaleExtent[1]) {
scale += 0.2;
return "translate(" + x + "," + y + ") scale(" + scale + ")";
} else if (direction === "out") {
if (scale > a.conf.scaleExtent[0]) {
scale -= 0.2;
return "translate(" + x + "," + y + ") scale(" + scale + ")";
} else if (direction === "reset") {
return "translate(0,0) scale(1)";
} else {
return console.log('error');
if (this._zoomBehavior == null) {
this._zoomBehavior = d3.behavior.zoom();
return this._zoomBehavior.scale(scale).translate([x, y]);
nodeDragStarted: function(d, i) {
d3.select(this).classed("dragging", true);
return d.fixed = true;
nodeDragged: function(d, i) {
var edges, node;
a = d.self.a;
d.x += d3.event.dx;
d.y += d3.event.dy;
d.px += d3.event.dx;
d.py += d3.event.dy;
node = d3.select(this);
node.attr("transform", "translate(" + d.x + ", " + d.y + ")");
edges = d.self._adjacentEdges;
return _.each(edges, function(edge) {
var selection;
selection = a.vis.select("#edge-" + edge.id + "-" + edge._index);
return a._drawEdges.updateEdge(selection.data()[0]);
nodeDragended: function(d, i) {
a = d.self.a;
"dragging": false
if (!a.conf.forceLocked) {
return a.force.start();
nodeDoubleClick: function(d) {
return null;
deselectAll: function() {
var _ref;
a = Alchemy.prototype.getInst(this);
if ((_ref = d3.event) != null ? _ref.defaultPrevented : void 0) {
if (a.conf.showEditor === true) {
_.each(a._nodes, function(n) {
n._state = "active";
return n.setStyles();
_.each(a._edges, function(edge) {
return _.each(edge, function(e) {
e._state = "active";
return e.setStyles();
if (a.conf.deselectAll && typeof (a.conf.deselectAll === 'function')) {
return a.conf.deselectAll();
Layout = (function() {
function Layout(instance) {
this.tick = __bind(this.tick, this);
this.linkStrength = __bind(this.linkStrength, this);
this.gravity = __bind(this.gravity, this);
var a, conf, nodes;
this.a = a = instance;
conf = this.a.conf;
nodes = this.a._nodes;
this.k = Math.sqrt(Math.log(_.size(this.a._nodes)) / (conf.graphWidth() * conf.graphHeight()));
this._clustering = new this.a.clustering(this.a);
this.d3NodeInternals = a.elements.nodes.d3;
if (conf.cluster) {
this._charge = function() {
return this._clustering.layout.charge;
this._linkStrength = function(edge) {
return this._clustering.layout.linkStrength(edge);
} else {
this._charge = function() {
return -10 / this.k;
this._linkStrength = function(edge) {
if (nodes[edge.source.id].getProperties('root') || nodes[edge.target.id].getProperties('root')) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0.9;
if (conf.cluster) {
this._linkDistancefn = function(edge) {
return this._clustering.layout.linkDistancefn(edge);
} else if (conf.linkDistancefn === 'default') {
this._linkDistancefn = function(edge) {
return 1 / (this.k * 50);
} else if (typeof conf.linkDistancefn === 'number') {
this._linkDistancefn = function(edge) {
return conf.linkDistancefn;
} else if (typeof conf.linkDistancefn === 'function') {
this._linkDistancefn = function(edge) {
return conf.linkDistancefn(edge);
Layout.prototype.gravity = function() {
if (this.a.conf.cluster) {
return this._clustering.layout.gravity(this.k);
} else {
return 50 * this.k;
Layout.prototype.linkStrength = function(edge) {
return this._linkStrength(edge);
Layout.prototype.friction = function() {
return 0.9;
Layout.prototype.collide = function(node) {
var conf, nx1, nx2, ny1, ny2, r;
conf = this.a.conf;
r = 2 * (node.radius + node['stroke-width']) + conf.nodeOverlap;
nx1 = node.x - r;
nx2 = node.x + r;
ny1 = node.y - r;
ny2 = node.y + r;
return function(quad, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
var l, x, y;
if (quad.point && (quad.point !== node)) {
x = node.x - Math.abs(quad.point.x);
y = node.y - quad.point.y;
l = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
r = r;
if (l < r) {
l = (l - r) / l * conf.alpha;
node.x -= x *= l;
node.y -= y *= l;
quad.point.x += x;
quad.point.y += y;
return x1 > nx2 || x2 < nx1 || y1 > ny2 || y2 < ny1;
Layout.prototype.tick = function(draw) {
var a, edges, node, nodes, q, _i, _len, _ref;
a = this.a;
nodes = a.elements.nodes.svg;
edges = a.elements.edges.svg;
if (a.conf.collisionDetection) {
q = d3.geom.quadtree(this.d3NodeInternals);
_ref = this.d3NodeInternals;
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
node = _ref[_i];
nodes.attr("transform", function(d) {
return "translate(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")";
this.drawEdge = a.drawing.DrawEdge;
return this.drawEdge.styleLink(edges);
Layout.prototype.positionRootNodes = function() {
var conf, container, i, n, rootNodes, _i, _len, _ref, _ref1, _results;
conf = this.a.conf;
container = {
width: conf.graphWidth(),
height: conf.graphHeight()
rootNodes = _.filter(this.a.elements.nodes.val, function(node) {
return node.getProperties('root');
if (rootNodes.length === 1) {
n = rootNodes[0];
_ref = [container.width / 2, container.width / 2], n._d3.x = _ref[0], n._d3.px = _ref[1];
_ref1 = [container.height / 2, container.height / 2], n._d3.y = _ref1[0], n._d3.py = _ref1[1];
n._d3.fixed = true;
} else {
_results = [];
for (i = _i = 0, _len = rootNodes.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
n = rootNodes[i];
n._d3.x = container.width / Math.sqrt(rootNodes.length * (i + 1));
n._d3.y = container.height / 2;
_results.push(n._d3.fixed = true);
return _results;
Layout.prototype.chargeDistance = function() {
return 500;
Layout.prototype.linkDistancefn = function(edge) {
return this._linkDistancefn(edge);
Layout.prototype.charge = function() {
return this._charge();
return Layout;
Alchemy.prototype.generateLayout = function(instance) {
var a;
a = instance;
return function(start) {
var conf;
if (start == null) {
start = false;
conf = a.conf;
a.layout = new Layout(a);
return a.force = d3.layout.force().size([conf.graphWidth(), conf.graphHeight()]).theta(1.0).gravity(a.layout.gravity()).friction(a.layout.friction()).nodes(a.elements.nodes.d3).links(a.elements.edges.d3).linkDistance(function(link) {
return a.layout.linkDistancefn(link);
}).linkStrength(function(link) {
return a.layout.linkStrength(link);
Alchemy.prototype.search = function(instance) {
var a;
a = instance;
return {
init: function() {
var searchBox;
searchBox = a.dash.select("#search input");
return searchBox.on("keyup", function() {
var input;
input = searchBox[0][0].value.toLowerCase();
a.vis.selectAll(".node").classed("inactive", false);
a.vis.selectAll("text").attr("style", function() {
if (input !== "") {
return "display: inline;";
return a.vis.selectAll(".node").classed("inactive", function(node) {
var DOMtext, hidden;
DOMtext = d3.select(this).text();
switch (a.conf.searchMethod) {
case 'contains':
hidden = DOMtext.toLowerCase().indexOf(input) < 0;
case 'begins':
hidden = DOMtext.toLowerCase().indexOf(input) !== 0;
if (hidden) {
a.vis.selectAll("[source-target*='" + node.id + "']").classed("inactive", hidden);
} else {
a.vis.selectAll("[source-target*='" + node.id + "']").classed("inactive", function(edge) {
var nodeIDs, sourceHidden, targetHidden;
nodeIDs = [edge.source.id, edge.target.id];
sourceHidden = a.vis.select("#node-" + nodeIDs[0]).classed("inactive");
targetHidden = a.vis.select("#node-" + nodeIDs[1]).classed("inactive");
return targetHidden || sourceHidden;
return hidden;
Alchemy.prototype.startGraph = function(instance) {
var a;
a = instance;
return function(data) {
var conf, d3Edges, d3Nodes, defs, editor, editorInteractions;
conf = a.conf;
if (d3.select(conf.divSelector).empty()) {
if (!data) {
data = {
nodes: [],
edges: []
if (data.edges == null) {
data.edges = [];
data.edges.forEach(function(e) {
return a.create.edges(e);
a.vis = d3.select(conf.divSelector).attr("style", "width:" + (conf.graphWidth()) + "px; height:" + (conf.graphHeight()) + "px; background:" + conf.backgroundColour + ";").append("svg").attr("xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg").attr("xlink", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink").attr("pointer-events", "all").attr("style", "background:" + conf.backgroundColour + ";").attr("alchInst", Alchemy.prototype.instances.length - 1).on('click', a.interactions.deselectAll).call(a.interactions.zoom(conf.scaleExtent)).on("dblclick.zoom", null).append('g').attr("transform", "translate(" + conf.initialTranslate + ") scale(" + conf.initialScale + ")");
a.index = Alchemy.prototype.Index(a);
d3Edges = a.elements.edges.d3;
d3Nodes = a.elements.nodes.d3;
if (conf.forceLocked) {
while (a.force.alpha() > 0.005) {
a._drawEdges = a.drawing.DrawEdges;
a._drawNodes = a.drawing.DrawNodes;
a.elements.nodes.svg.attr("transform", function(id, i) {
return "translate(" + id.x + ", " + id.y + ")";
console.log(Date() + ' completed initial computation');
if (!conf.forceLocked) {
a.force.on("tick", a.layout.tick).start();
if (conf.afterLoad != null) {
if (typeof conf.afterLoad === 'function') {
} else if (typeof conf.afterLoad === 'string') {
a[conf.afterLoad] = true;
if (conf.cluster) {
defs = d3.select("" + a.conf.divSelector + " svg").append("svg:defs");
if (conf.nodeStats) {
if (conf.showEditor) {
editor = new a.editor.Editor;
editorInteractions = new a.editor.Interactions;
d3.select("body").on('keydown', editorInteractions.deleteSelected);
return a.initial = true;
Alchemy.prototype.stats = function(instance) {
var a;
a = instance;
return {
init: function() {
return a.stats.update();
nodeStats: function() {
var activeNodes, allNodes, caption, inactiveNodes, nodeData, nodeGraph, nodeKeys, nodeNum, nodeStats, nodeType, nodeTypes, _i, _len, _ref;
nodeData = [];
allNodes = a.get.allNodes().length;
activeNodes = a.get.activeNodes().length;
inactiveNodes = allNodes - activeNodes;
nodeStats = "<li class = 'list-group-item gen_node_stat'>Number of nodes: <span class='badge'>" + allNodes + "</span></li> <li class = 'list-group-item gen_node_stat'>Number of active nodes: <span class='badge'>" + activeNodes + "</span></li> <li class = 'list-group-item gen_node_stat'>Number of inactive nodes: <span class='badge'>" + inactiveNodes + "</span></li></br>";
if (a.conf.nodeTypes) {
nodeKeys = Object.keys(a.conf.nodeTypes);
nodeTypes = '';
_ref = a.conf.nodeTypes[nodeKeys];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
nodeType = _ref[_i];
caption = nodeType.replace('_', ' ');
nodeNum = a.vis.selectAll("g.node." + nodeType)[0].length;
nodeTypes += "<li class = 'list-group-item nodeType' id='li-" + nodeType + "' name = " + caption + ">Number of <strong style='text-transform: uppercase'>" + caption + "</strong> nodes: <span class='badge'>" + nodeNum + "</span></li>";
nodeData.push(["" + nodeType, nodeNum]);
nodeStats += nodeTypes;
nodeGraph = "<li id='node-stats-graph' class='list-group-item'></li>";
nodeStats += nodeGraph;
return this.insertSVG("node", nodeData);
edgeStats: function() {
var activeEdges, allEdges, caption, edgeData, edgeGraph, edgeKeys, edgeNum, edgeStats, edgeType, edgeTypes, inactiveEdges, _i, _len;
edgeData = [];
allEdges = a.get.allEdges().length;
activeEdges = a.get.activeEdges().length;
inactiveEdges = allEdges - activeEdges;
edgeStats = "<li class = 'list-group-item gen_edge_stat'>Number of relationships: <span class='badge'>" + allEdges + "</span></li> <li class = 'list-group-item gen_edge_stat'>Number of active relationships: <span class='badge'>" + activeEdges + "</span></li> <li class = 'list-group-item gen_edge_stat'>Number of inactive relationships: <span class='badge'>" + inactiveEdges + "</span></li></br>";
if (a.conf.edgeTypes) {
edgeKeys = _.values(alchemy.conf.edgeTypes)[0];
edgeTypes = '';
for (_i = 0, _len = edgeKeys.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
edgeType = edgeKeys[_i];
if (!edgeType) {
caption = edgeType.replace('_', ' ');
edgeNum = _.filter(a.get.allEdges(), function(edge) {
if (edge._edgeType === edgeType) {
return edge;
edgeTypes += "<li class = 'list-group-item edgeType' id='li-" + edgeType + "' name = " + caption + ">Number of <strong style='text-transform: uppercase'>" + caption + "</strong> relationships: <span class='badge'>" + edgeNum + "</span></li>";
edgeData.push(["" + caption, edgeNum]);
edgeStats += edgeTypes;
edgeGraph = "<li id='node-stats-graph' class='list-group-item'></li>";
edgeStats += edgeGraph;
return this.insertSVG("edge", edgeData);
insertSVG: function(element, data) {
var arc, arcs, color, height, pie, radius, svg, width;
if (data === null) {
return a.dash.select("#" + element + "-stats-graph").html("<br><h4 class='no-data'>There are no " + element + "Types listed in your conf.</h4>");
} else {
width = a.conf.graphWidth() * .25;
height = 250;
radius = width / 4;
color = d3.scale.category20();
arc = d3.svg.arc().outerRadius(radius - 10).innerRadius(radius / 2);
pie = d3.layout.pie().sort(null).value(function(d) {
return d[1];
svg = a.dash.select("#" + element + "-stats-graph").append("svg").append("g").style({
"width": width,
"height": height
}).attr("transform", "translate(" + width / 2 + "," + height / 2 + ")");
arcs = svg.selectAll(".arc").data(pie(data)).enter().append("g").classed("arc", true).on("mouseover", function(d, i) {
return a.dash.select("#" + data[i][0] + "-stat").classed("hidden", false);
}).on("mouseout", function(d, i) {
return a.dash.select("#" + data[i][0] + "-stat").classed("hidden", true);
arcs.append("path").attr("d", arc).attr("stroke", function(d, i) {
return color(i);
}).attr("stroke-width", 2).attr("fill-opacity", "0.3");
return arcs.append("text").attr("transform", function(d) {
return "translate(" + arc.centroid(d) + ")";
}).attr("id", function(d, i) {
return "" + data[i][0] + "-stat";
}).attr("dy", ".35em").classed("hidden", true).text(function(d, i) {
return data[i][0];
update: function() {
if (a.conf.nodeStats) {
if (a.conf.edgeStats) {
return this.edgeStats();
Alchemy.prototype.updateGraph = function(instance) {
var a;
a = instance;
return function() {
while (a.force.alpha() > 0.005) {
a.force.on("tick", a.layout.tick).start();
return a.elements.nodes.svg.attr('transform', function(id, i) {
return "translate(" + id.x + ", " + id.y + ")";
Alchemy.prototype.defaults = {
plugins: null,
renderer: "svg",
graphWidth: function() {
return d3.select(this.divSelector).node().parentElement.clientWidth;
graphHeight: function() {
if (d3.select(this.divSelector).node().parentElement.nodeName === "BODY") {
return window.innerHeight;
} else {
return d3.select(this.divSelector).node().parentElement.clientHeight;
alpha: 0.5,
collisionDetection: true,
nodeOverlap: 25,
fixNodes: false,
fixRootNodes: false,
forceLocked: true,
linkDistancefn: 'default',
nodePositions: null,
showEditor: false,
captionToggle: false,
toggleRootNodes: false,
removeElement: false,
cluster: false,
clusterKey: "cluster",
clusterColours: d3.shuffle(["#DD79FF", "#FFFC00", "#00FF30", "#5168FF", "#00C0FF", "#FF004B", "#00CDCD", "#f83f00", "#f800df", "#ff8d8f", "#ffcd00", "#184fff", "#ff7e00"]),
clusterControl: false,
nodeStats: false,
edgeStats: false,
edgeFilters: false,
nodeFilters: false,
edgesToggle: false,
nodesToggle: false,
zoomControls: false,
nodeCaption: 'caption',
nodeCaptionsOnByDefault: false,
nodeStyle: {
"all": {
"radius": 10,
"color": "#68B9FE",
"borderColor": "#127DC1",
"borderWidth": function(d, radius) {
return radius / 3;
"captionColor": "#FFFFFF",
"captionBackground": null,
"captionSize": 12,
"selected": {
"color": "#FFFFFF",
"borderColor": "#349FE3"
"highlighted": {
"color": "#EEEEFF"
"hidden": {
"color": "none",
"borderColor": "none"
nodeColour: null,
nodeMouseOver: 'caption',
nodeRadius: 10,
nodeTypes: null,
rootNodes: 'root',
rootNodeRadius: 15,
nodeClick: null,
edgeCaption: 'caption',
edgeCaptionsOnByDefault: false,
edgeStyle: {
"all": {
"width": 4,
"color": "#CCC",
"opacity": 0.2,
"directed": true,
"curved": true,
"selected": {
"opacity": 1
"highlighted": {
"opacity": 1
"hidden": {
"opacity": 0
edgeTypes: null,
curvedEdges: false,
edgeWidth: function() {
return 4;
edgeOverlayWidth: 20,
directedEdges: false,
edgeArrowSize: 5,
edgeClick: null,
search: false,
searchMethod: "contains",
backgroundColour: "#000000",
theme: null,
afterLoad: 'afterLoad',
divSelector: '#alchemy',
dataSource: null,
initialScale: 1,
initialTranslate: [0, 0],
scaleExtent: [0.5, 2.4],
exportSVG: false,
dataWarning: "default",
warningMessage: "There be no data! What's going on?"
DrawEdge = function(instance) {
return {
a: instance,
createLink: function(edge) {
var conf;
conf = this.a.conf;
edge.append('path').attr('class', 'edge-line').attr('id', function(d) {
return "path-" + d.id;
edge.filter(function(d) {
return d.caption != null;
return edge.append('path').attr('class', 'edge-handler').style('stroke-width', "" + conf.edgeOverlayWidth).style('opacity', "0");
styleLink: function(edge) {
var a, conf, utils;
a = this.a;
conf = this.a.conf;
utils = this.a.drawing.EdgeUtils;
return edge.each(function(d) {
var curve, curviness, edgeWalk, endx, endy, g, midpoint, startx, starty;
edgeWalk = utils.edgeWalk(d);
curviness = conf.curvedEdges ? 30 : 0;
curve = curviness / 10;
startx = d.source.radius + (d["stroke-width"] / 2);
starty = curviness / 10;
midpoint = edgeWalk.edgeLength / 2;
endx = edgeWalk.edgeLength - (d.target.radius - (d.target["stroke-width"] / 2));
endy = curviness / 10;
g = d3.select(this);
g.attr('transform', "translate(" + d.source.x + ", " + d.source.y + ") rotate(" + edgeWalk.edgeAngle + ")");
g.select('.edge-line').attr('d', (function() {
var arrow, line, w;
line = "M" + startx + "," + starty + "q" + midpoint + "," + curviness + " " + endx + "," + endy;
if (conf.directedEdges) {
w = d["stroke-width"] * 2;
arrow = "l" + (-w) + "," + (w + curve) + " l" + w + "," + (-w - curve) + " l" + (-w) + "," + (-w + curve);
return line + arrow;
return line;
return g.select('.edge-handler').attr('d', function(d) {
return g.select('.edge-line').attr('d');
classEdge: function(edge) {
return edge.classed('active', true);
styleText: function(edge) {
var conf, curved, utils;
conf = this.a.conf;
curved = conf.curvedEdges;
utils = this.a.drawing.EdgeUtils;
return edge.select('text').each(function(d) {
var dx, edgeWalk;
edgeWalk = utils.edgeWalk(d);
dx = edgeWalk.edgeLength / 2;
return d3.select(this).attr('dx', "" + dx).text(d.caption).attr("xlink:xlink:href", "#path-" + d.source.id + "-" + d.target.id).style("display", function(d) {
if (conf.edgeCaptionsOnByDefault) {
return "block";
setInteractions: function(edge) {
var interactions;
interactions = this.a.interactions;
return edge.select('.edge-handler').on('click', interactions.edgeClick).on('mouseover', function(d) {
return interactions.edgeMouseOver(d);
}).on('mouseout', function(d) {
return interactions.edgeMouseOut(d);
DrawEdges = function(instance) {
return {
a: instance,
createEdge: function(d3Edges) {
var drawEdge, edge;
drawEdge = this.a.drawing.DrawEdge;
edge = this.a.vis.selectAll("g.edge").data(d3Edges);
edge.enter().append('g').attr("id", function(d) {
return "edge-" + d.id + "-" + d.pos;
}).attr('class', function(d) {
return "edge " + d.edgeType;
}).attr('source-target', function(d) {
return "" + d.source.id + "-" + d.target.id;
if (this.a.conf.directedEdges && this.a.conf.curvedEdges) {
return edge.select('.edge-line').attr('marker-end', 'url(#arrow)');
updateEdge: function(d3Edge) {
var drawEdge, edge;
drawEdge = this.a.drawing.DrawEdge;
edge = this.a.vis.select("#edge-" + d3Edge.id + "-" + d3Edge.pos);
return drawEdge.setInteractions(edge);
DrawNode = function(instance) {
return {
a: instance,
styleText: function(node) {
var conf, nodes, utils;
conf = this.a.conf;
utils = this.a.drawing.NodeUtils;
nodes = this.a._nodes;
return node.selectAll("text").attr('dy', function(d) {
if (nodes[d.id].getProperties().root) {
return conf.rootNodeRadius / 2;
} else {
return conf.nodeRadius * 2 - 5;
}).attr('visibility', function(d) {
if (nodes[d.id]._state === "hidden") {
return "hidden";
} else {
return "visible";
}).text(function(d) {
return utils.nodeText(d);
}).style("display", function(d) {
if (conf.nodeCaptionsOnByDefault) {
return "block";
createNode: function(node) {
node = _.difference(node, node.select("circle").data());
node.__proto__ = d3.select().__proto__;
node.append('circle').attr('id', function(d) {
return "circle-" + d.id;
return node.append('svg:text').attr('id', function(d) {
return "text-" + d.id;
styleNode: function(node) {
var utils;
utils = this.a.drawing.NodeUtils;
return node.selectAll('circle').attr('r', function(d) {
if (typeof d.radius === "function") {
return d.radius();
} else {
return d.radius;
}).each(function(d) {
return d3.select(this).style(utils.nodeStyle(d));
setInteractions: function(node) {
var conf, coreInteractions, drag, editorEnabled, editorInteractions, nonRootNodes, rootNodes;
conf = this.a.conf;
coreInteractions = this.a.interactions;
editorEnabled = this.a.get.state("interactions") === "editor";
drag = d3.behavior.drag().origin(Object).on("dragstart", null).on("drag", null).on("dragend", null);
if (editorEnabled) {
editorInteractions = new this.a.editor.Interactions;
return node.on('mouseup', function(d) {
return editorInteractions.nodeMouseUp(d);
}).on('mouseover', function(d) {
return editorInteractions.nodeMouseOver(d);
}).on('mouseout', function(d) {
return editorInteractions.nodeMouseOut(d);
}).on('dblclick', function(d) {
return coreInteractions.nodeDoubleClick(d);
}).on('click', function(d) {
return editorInteractions.nodeClick(d);
} else {
node.on('mouseup', null).on('mouseover', function(d) {
return coreInteractions.nodeMouseOver(d);
}).on('mouseout', function(d) {
return coreInteractions.nodeMouseOut(d);
}).on('dblclick', function(d) {
return coreInteractions.nodeDoubleClick(d);
}).on('click', function(d) {
return coreInteractions.nodeClick(d);
drag = d3.behavior.drag().origin(Object).on("dragstart", coreInteractions.nodeDragStarted).on("drag", coreInteractions.nodeDragged).on("dragend", coreInteractions.nodeDragended);
if (!conf.fixNodes) {
nonRootNodes = node.filter(function(d) {
return d.root !== true;
if (!conf.fixRootNodes) {
rootNodes = node.filter(function(d) {
return d.root === true;
return rootNodes.call(drag);
DrawNodes = function(instance) {
return {
a: instance,
createNode: function(d3Nodes) {
var drawNode, node;
drawNode = this.a.drawing.DrawNode;
node = this.a.vis.selectAll("g.node").data(d3Nodes, function(n) {
return n.id;
node.enter().append("g").attr("class", function(d) {
var nodeType;
nodeType = d.self._nodeType;
return "node " + nodeType + " active";
}).attr('id', function(d) {
return "node-" + d.id;
}).classed('root', function(d) {
return d.root;
return node.exit().remove();
updateNode: function(alchemyNode) {
var drawNode, node;
drawNode = this.a.drawing.DrawNode;
node = this.a.vis.select("#node-" + alchemyNode.id);
return drawNode.setInteractions(node);
Alchemy.prototype.EdgeUtils = function(instance) {
return {
a: instance,
edgeStyle: function(d) {
var clustering, conf, edge, nodes, styles;
conf = this.a.conf;
edge = this.a._edges[d.id][d.pos];
styles = this.a.svgStyles.edge.update(edge);
nodes = this.a._nodes;
if (this.a.conf.cluster) {
clustering = this.a.layout._clustering;
styles.stroke = (function(d) {
var clusterKey, gid, id, index, source, target;
clusterKey = conf.clusterKey;
source = nodes[d.source.id]._properties;
target = nodes[d.target.id]._properties;
if (source.root || target.root) {
index = source.root ? target[clusterKey] : source[clusterKey];
return "" + (clustering.getClusterColour(index));
} else if (source[clusterKey] === target[clusterKey]) {
index = source[clusterKey];
return "" + (clustering.getClusterColour(index));
} else if (source[clusterKey] !== target[clusterKey]) {
id = "" + source[clusterKey] + "-" + target[clusterKey];
gid = "cluster-gradient-" + id;
return "url(#" + gid + ")";
return styles;
triangle: function(edge) {
var height, hyp, width;
width = edge.target.x - edge.source.x;
height = edge.target.y - edge.source.y;
hyp = Math.sqrt(height * height + width * width);
return [width, height, hyp];
edgeWalk: function(edge) {
var curveOffset, edgeLength, edgeWidth, height, hyp, startPathX, width, _ref;
_ref = this.triangle(edge), width = _ref[0], height = _ref[1], hyp = _ref[2];
edgeWidth = edge['stroke-width'];
curveOffset = 2;
startPathX = edge.source.radius + edge.source['stroke-width'] - (edgeWidth / 2) + curveOffset;
edgeLength = hyp - startPathX - curveOffset * 1.5;
return {
edgeAngle: Math.atan2(height, width) / Math.PI * 180,
edgeLength: edgeLength
middleLine: function(edge) {
return this.curvedDirectedEdgeWalk(edge, 'middle');
startLine: function(edge) {
return this.curvedDirectedEdgeWalk(edge, 'linkStart');
endLine: function(edge) {
return this.curvedDirectedEdgeWalk(edge, 'linkEnd');
edgeLength: function(edge) {
var height, hyp, width;
width = edge.target.x - edge.source.x;
height = edge.target.y - edge.source.y;
return hyp = Math.sqrt(height * height + width * width);
edgeAngle: function(edge) {
var height, width;
width = edge.target.x - edge.source.x;
height = edge.target.y - edge.source.y;
return Math.atan2(height, width) / Math.PI * 180;
captionAngle: function(angle) {
if (angle < -90 || angle > 90) {
return 180;
} else {
return 0;
middlePath: function(edge) {
var midPoint, pathNode;
pathNode = this.a.vis.select("#path-" + edge.id).node();
midPoint = pathNode.getPointAtLength(pathNode.getTotalLength() / 2);
return {
x: midPoint.x,
y: midPoint.y
middlePathCurve: function(edge) {
var midPoint, pathNode;
pathNode = d3.select("#path-" + edge.id).node();
midPoint = pathNode.getPointAtLength(pathNode.getTotalLength() / 2);
return {
x: midPoint.x,
y: midPoint.y
Alchemy.prototype.NodeUtils = function(instance) {
var a;
a = instance;
return {
nodeStyle: function(d) {
var conf, node;
conf = a.conf;
node = d.self;
if (conf.cluster && (node._state !== "hidden")) {
d.fill = (function(d) {
var clusterMap, clustering, colour, colourIndex, colours, key, nodeProp;
clustering = a.layout._clustering;
nodeProp = node.getProperties();
clusterMap = clustering.clusterMap;
key = conf.clusterKey;
colours = conf.clusterColours;
colourIndex = clusterMap[nodeProp[key]] % colours.length;
colour = colours[colourIndex];
return "" + colour;
d.stroke = d.fill;
return d;
nodeText: function(d) {
var caption, conf, nodeProps;
conf = a.conf;
nodeProps = a._nodes[d.id]._properties;
if (conf.nodeCaption && typeof conf.nodeCaption === 'string') {
if (nodeProps[conf.nodeCaption] != null) {
return nodeProps[conf.nodeCaption];
} else {
return '';
} else if (conf.nodeCaption && typeof conf.nodeCaption === 'function') {
caption = conf.nodeCaption(nodeProps);
if (caption === void 0 || String(caption) === 'undefined') {
a.log["caption"] = "At least one caption returned undefined";
conf.caption = false;
return caption;
Alchemy.prototype.svgStyles = function(instance) {
return {
a: instance,
node: {
a: this.a,
populate: function(node) {
var conf, d, defaultStyle, fill, nodeType, nodeTypeKey, radius, stroke, strokeWidth, style, svgStyles, toFunc, typedStyle;
conf = this.a.conf;
defaultStyle = _.omit(conf.nodeStyle.all, "selected", "highlighted", "hidden");
d = node;
toFunc = function(inp) {
if (typeof inp === "function") {
return inp;
return function() {
return inp;
nodeTypeKey = _.keys(conf.nodeTypes)[0];
nodeType = node.getProperties()[nodeTypeKey];
if (conf.nodeStyle[nodeType] === void 0) {
nodeType = "all";
typedStyle = _.assign(_.cloneDeep(defaultStyle), conf.nodeStyle[nodeType]);
style = _.assign(typedStyle, conf.nodeStyle[nodeType][node._state]);
radius = toFunc(style.radius);
fill = toFunc(style.color);
stroke = toFunc(style.borderColor);
strokeWidth = toFunc(style.borderWidth);
svgStyles = {};
svgStyles["radius"] = radius(d);
svgStyles["fill"] = fill(d);
svgStyles["stroke"] = stroke(d);
svgStyles["stroke-width"] = strokeWidth(d, radius(d));
return svgStyles;
edge: {
a: this.a,
populate: function(edge) {
var color, conf, defaultStyle, edgeType, opacity, style, svgStyles, toFunc, typedStyle, width;
conf = this.a.conf;
defaultStyle = _.omit(conf.edgeStyle.all, "selected", "highlighted", "hidden");
toFunc = function(inp) {
if (typeof inp === "function") {
return inp;
return function() {
return inp;
edgeType = edge._edgeType;
if (conf.edgeStyle[edgeType] === void 0) {
edgeType = "all";
typedStyle = _.assign(_.cloneDeep(defaultStyle), conf.edgeStyle[edgeType]);
style = _.assign(typedStyle, conf.edgeStyle[edgeType][edge._state]);
width = toFunc(style.width);
color = toFunc(style.color);
opacity = toFunc(style.opacity);
svgStyles = {
"stroke": color(edge),
"stroke-width": width(edge),
"opacity": opacity(edge),
"fill": "none"
return svgStyles;
update: function(edge) {
var color, conf, opacity, style, svgStyles, toFunc, width;
conf = this.a.conf;
style = edge._style;
toFunc = function(inp) {
if (typeof inp === "function") {
return inp;
return function() {
return inp;
width = toFunc(style.width);
color = toFunc(style.color);
opacity = toFunc(style.opacity);
svgStyles = {
"stroke": color(edge),
"stroke-width": width(edge),
"opacity": opacity(edge),
"fill": "none"
return svgStyles;
Editor = (function() {
function Editor() {
this.nodeEditor = __bind(this.nodeEditor, this);
this.startEditor = __bind(this.startEditor, this);
this.utils = new alchemy.editor.Utils;
Editor.prototype.editorContainerHTML = "<div id=\"editor-header\" data-toggle=\"collapse\" data-target=\"#editor #element-options\">\n <h3>Editor</h3><span class=\"fa fa-2x fa-caret-right\"></span>\n</div>\n<div id=\"element-options\" class=\"collapse\">\n <ul class=\"list-group\"> \n <li class=\"list-group-item\" id=\"remove\">Remove Selected</li> \n <li class=\"list-group-item\" id=\"editor-interactions\">Editor mode enabled, click to disable editor interactions</li>\n </ul>\n</div>";
Editor.prototype.elementEditorHTML = function(type) {
return "<h4>" + type + " Editor</h4>\n<form id=\"add-property-form\">\n <div id=\"add-property\">\n <input class=\"form-control\" id=\"add-prop-key\" placeholder=\"New Property Name\">\n <input class=\"form-control\" id=\"add-prop-value\" placeholder=\"New Property Value\">\n </div>\n <input id=\"add-prop-submit\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Add Property\" placeholder=\"add a property to this node\">\n</form>\n<form id=\"properties-list\">\n <input id=\"update-properties\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Update Properties\">\n</form>";
Editor.prototype.startEditor = function() {
var divSelector, editor, editor_interactions, html, utils;
divSelector = alchemy.conf.divSelector;
html = this.editorContainerHTML;
editor = alchemy.dash.select("#control-dash").append("div").attr("id", "editor").html(html);
editor.select('#editor-header').on('click', function() {
if (alchemy.dash.select('#element-options').classed("in")) {
return alchemy.dash.select("#editor-header>span").attr("class", "fa fa-2x fa-caret-right");
} else {
return alchemy.dash.select("#editor-header>span").attr("class", "fa fa-2x fa-caret-down");
editor_interactions = editor.select('#element-options ul #editor-interactions').on('click', function() {
return d3.select(this).attr("class", function() {
if (alchemy.get.state() === 'editor') {
alchemy.set.state('interactions', 'default');
return "inactive list-group-item";
} else {
alchemy.set.state('interactions', 'editor');
return "active list-group-item";
}).html(function() {
if (alchemy.get.state() === 'editor') {
return "Disable Editor Interactions";
} else {
return "Enable Editor Interactions";
editor.select("#element-options ul #remove").on("click", function() {
return alchemy.editor.remove();
utils = this.utils;
return editor_interactions.on("click", function() {
if (!alchemy.dash.select("#editor-interactions").classed("active")) {
return alchemy.dash.select("#editor-interactions").classed({
"active": true,
"inactive": false
}).html("Editor mode enabled, click to disable editor interactions");
} else {
return alchemy.dash.select("#editor-interactions").classed({
"active": false,
"inactive": true
}).html("Editor mode disabled, click to enable editor interactions");
Editor.prototype.nodeEditor = function(n) {
var add_property, divSelector, editor, elementEditor, html, nodeProperties, node_property, options, property, property_list, updateProperty, val;
divSelector = alchemy.conf.divSelector;
editor = alchemy.dash.select("#control-dash #editor");
options = editor.select('#element-options');
html = this.elementEditorHTML("Node");
elementEditor = options.append('div').attr('id', 'node-editor').html(html);
elementEditor.attr("class", function() {
var active;
active = alchemy.dash.select("#editor-interactions").classed("active");
if (active) {
return "enabled";
return "hidden";
add_property = editor.select("#node-editor form #add-property");
add_property.select("#node-add-prop-key").attr("placeholder", "New Property Name").attr("value", null);
add_property.select("#node-add-prop-value").attr("placeholder", "New Property Value").attr("value", null);
alchemy.dash.select("#add-property-form").on("submit", function() {
var key, value;
key = alchemy.dash.select('#add-prop-key').property('value');
key = key.replace(/\s/g, "_");
value = alchemy.dash.select('#add-prop-value').property('value');
updateProperty(key, value, true);
alchemy.dash.selectAll("#add-property .edited-property").classed({
"edited-property": false
return this.reset();
nodeProperties = alchemy._nodes[n.id].getProperties();
alchemy.vis.select("#node-" + n.id).classed({
"editing": true
property_list = editor.select("#node-editor #properties-list");
for (property in nodeProperties) {
val = nodeProperties[property];
node_property = property_list.append("div").attr("id", "node-" + property).attr("class", "property form-inline form-group");
node_property.append("label").attr("for", "node-" + property + "-input").attr("class", "form-control property-name").text("" + property);
node_property.append("input").attr("id", "node-" + property + "-input").attr("class", "form-control property-value").attr("value", "" + val);
alchemy.dash.select("#properties-list").on("submit", function() {
var key, properties, selection, value, _i, _len, _ref;
properties = alchemy.dash.selectAll(".edited-property");
_ref = properties[0];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
property = _ref[_i];
selection = alchemy.dash.select(property);
key = selection.select("label").text();
value = selection.select("input").attr('value');
updateProperty(key, value, false);
alchemy.dash.selectAll("#node-properties-list .edited-property").classed({
"edited-property": false
return this.reset();
d3.selectAll("#add-prop-key, #add-prop-value, .property").on("keydown", function() {
if (d3.event.keyCode === 13) {
return d3.select(this).classed({
"edited-property": true
return updateProperty = function(key, value, newProperty) {
var drawNodes, nodeID;
nodeID = n.id;
if ((key !== "") && (value !== "")) {
alchemy._nodes[nodeID].setProperty("" + key, "" + value);
drawNodes = alchemy._drawNodes;
drawNodes.updateNode(alchemy.viz.select("#node-" + nodeID));
if (newProperty === true) {
alchemy.dash.select("#node-add-prop-key").attr("value", "property added/updated to key: " + key);
return alchemy.dash.select("#node-add-prop-value").attr("value", "property at " + key + " updated to: " + value);
} else {
return alchemy.dash.select("#node-" + key + "-input").attr("value", "property at " + key + " updated to: " + value);
} else {
if (newProperty === true) {
alchemy.dash.select("#node-add-prop-key").attr("value", "null or invalid input");
return alchemy.dash.select("#node-add-prop-value").attr("value", "null or invlid input");
} else {
return alchemy.dash.select("#node-" + key + "-input").attr("value", "null or invalid input");
Editor.prototype.editorClear = function() {
"editing": false
"editing": false
return alchemy.dash.select("#node-add-prop-submit").attr("placeholder", function() {
if (alchemy.vis.selectAll(".selected").empty()) {
return "select a node or edge to edit properties";
return "add a property to this element";
Editor.prototype.edgeEditor = function(e) {
var add_property, divSelector, edgeProperties, edge_property, editor, elementEditor, html, options, property, property_list, updateProperty, val;
divSelector = alchemy.conf.divSelector;
editor = alchemy.dash("#control-dash #editor");
options = editor.select('#element-options');
html = this.elementEditorHTML("Edge");
elementEditor = options.append('div').attr('id', 'edge-editor').html(html);
elementEditor.attr("class", function() {
if (alchemy.dash.select("#editor-interactions").classed("active")) {
return "enabled";
return "hidden";
add_property = editor.select("#edge-editor form #add-property");
add_property.select("#add-prop-key").attr("placeholder", "New Property Name").attr("value", null);
add_property.select("#add-prop-value").attr("placeholder", "New Property Value").attr("value", null);
edgeProperties = alchemy._edges[e.id].getProperties();
alchemy.vis.select("#edge-" + e.id).classed({
"editing": true
property_list = editor.select("#edge-editor #properties-list");
for (property in edgeProperties) {
val = edgeProperties[property];
edge_property = property_list.append("div").attr("id", "edge-" + property).attr("class", "property form-inline form-group");
edge_property.append("label").attr("for", "edge-" + property + "-input").attr("class", "form-control property-name").text("" + property);
edge_property.append("input").attr("id", "edge-" + property + "-input").attr("class", "form-control property-value").attr("value", "" + val);
alchemy.dash.selectAll("#add-prop-key, #add-prop-value, .property").on("keydown", function() {
if (d3.event.keyCode === 13) {
return d3.select(this).classed({
"edited-property": true
alchemy.dash.select("#add-property-form").on("submit", function() {
var key, value;
key = alchemy.dash.select("#add-prop-key").property('value');
key = key.replace(/\s/g, "_");
value = alchemy.dash.select("#add-prop-value").property('value');
updateProperty(key, value, true);
alchemy.dash.selectAll("#add-property .edited-property").classed({
"edited-property": false
return this.reset();
d3.select("#properties-list").on("submit", function() {
var key, properties, selection, value, _i, _len, _ref;
properties = alchemy.dash.selectAll(".edited-property");
_ref = properties[0];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
property = _ref[_i];
selection = alchemy.dash.select(property);
key = selection.select("label").text();
value = selection.select("input").property('value');
updateProperty(key, value, false);
alchemy.dash.selectAll("#properties-list .edited-property").classed({
"edited-property": false
return this.reset();
return updateProperty = function(key, value, newProperty) {
var drawEdges, edgeID, edgeSelection;
edgeID = e.id;
if ((key !== "") && (value !== "")) {
alchemy._edges[edgeID].setProperty("" + key, "" + value);
edgeSelection = alchemy.vis.select("#edge-" + edgeID);
drawEdges = new alchemy.drawing.DrawEdges;
drawEdges.updateEdge(alchemy.vis.select("#edge-" + edgeID));
if (newProperty === true) {
alchemy.dash.select("#add-prop-key").attr("value", "property added/updated to key: " + key);
return alchemy.dash.select("#add-prop-value").attr("value", "property at " + key + " updated to: " + value);
} else {
return alchemy.dash.select("#edge-" + key + "-input").attr("value", "property at " + key + " updated to: " + value);
} else {
if (newProperty === true) {
alchemy.dash.select("#add-prop-key").attr("value", "null or invalid input");
return alchemy.dash.select("#add-prop-value").attr("value", "null or invlid input");
} else {
return alchemy.dash.select("#edge-" + key + "-input").attr("value", "null or invalid input");
return Editor;
EditorInteractions = (function() {
function EditorInteractions() {
this.reset = __bind(this.reset, this);
this.deleteSelected = __bind(this.deleteSelected, this);
this.addNodeDragended = __bind(this.addNodeDragended, this);
this.addNodeDragging = __bind(this.addNodeDragging, this);
this.addNodeStart = __bind(this.addNodeStart, this);
this.edgeClick = __bind(this.edgeClick, this);
this.nodeClick = __bind(this.nodeClick, this);
this.nodeMouseUp = __bind(this.nodeMouseUp, this);
this.editor = new alchemy.editor.Editor;
EditorInteractions.prototype.nodeMouseOver = function(n) {
var radius;
if (!d3.select(this).select("circle").empty()) {
radius = d3.select(this).select("circle").attr("r");
d3.select(this).select("circle").attr("r", radius * 3);
return this;
EditorInteractions.prototype.nodeMouseUp = function(n) {
if (this.sourceNode !== n) {
this.mouseUpNode = true;
this.targetNode = n;
this.click = false;
} else {
this.click = true;
return this;
EditorInteractions.prototype.nodeMouseOut = function(n) {
var radius;
if (!d3.select(this).select("circle").empty()) {
radius = d3.select(this).select("circle").attr("r");
d3.select(this).select("circle").attr("r", radius / 3);
return this;
EditorInteractions.prototype.nodeClick = function(c) {
var selected;
if (!alchemy.vis.select("#node-" + c.id).empty()) {
selected = alchemy.vis.select("#node-" + c.id).classed('selected');
alchemy.vis.select("#node-" + c.id).classed('selected', !selected);
return this.editor.nodeEditor(c);
EditorInteractions.prototype.edgeClick = function(e) {
return this.editor.edgeEditor(e);
EditorInteractions.prototype.addNodeStart = function(d, i) {
this.sourceNode = d;
"hidden": false
return this;
EditorInteractions.prototype.addNodeDragging = function(d, i) {
var x2coord, y2coord;
x2coord = d3.event.x;
y2coord = d3.event.y;
alchemy.vis.select('#dragline').attr("x1", this.sourceNode.x).attr("y1", this.sourceNode.y).attr("x2", x2coord).attr("y2", y2coord).attr("style", "stroke: #FFF");
return this;
EditorInteractions.prototype.addNodeDragended = function(d, i) {
var dragline, targetX, targetY;
if (!this.click) {
if (!this.mouseUpNode) {
dragline = alchemy.vis.select("#dragline");
targetX = dragline.attr("x2");
targetY = dragline.attr("y2");
this.targetNode = {
id: "" + (_.uniqueId('addedNode_')),
x: parseFloat(targetX),
y: parseFloat(targetY),
caption: "node added"
this.newEdge = {
id: "" + this.sourceNode.id + "-" + this.targetNode.id,
source: this.sourceNode.id,
target: this.targetNode.id,
caption: "edited"
alchemy.editor.update(this.targetNode, this.newEdge);
return this;
EditorInteractions.prototype.deleteSelected = function(d) {
switch (d3.event.keyCode) {
case 8:
case 46:
if (!(d3.select(d3.event.target).node().tagName === ("INPUT" || "TEXTAREA"))) {
return alchemy.editor.remove();
EditorInteractions.prototype.reset = function() {
this.mouseUpNode = null;
this.sourceNode = null;
this.targetNode = null;
this.newEdge = null;
this.click = null;
"hidden": true
}).attr("x1", 0).attr("y1", 0).attr("x2", 0).attr("y2", 0);
return this;
return EditorInteractions;
EditorUtils = (function() {
function EditorUtils() {
this.enableEditor = __bind(this.enableEditor, this);
this.drawNodes = alchemy._drawNodes;
this.drawEdges = alchemy._drawEdges;
EditorUtils.prototype.enableEditor = function() {
var dragLine, editor, selectedElements;
alchemy.set.state("interactions", "editor");
dragLine = alchemy.vis.append("line").attr("id", "dragline");
selectedElements = alchemy.vis.selectAll(".selected");
editor = new alchemy.editor.Editor;
if ((!selectedElements.empty()) && (selectedElements.length === 1)) {
if (selectedElements.classed('node')) {
return alchemy.dash.select("#node-editor").attr("class", "enabled").style("opacity", 1);
} else if (selectedElements.classed('edge')) {
return alchemy.dash.select("#edge-editor").attr("class", "enabled").style("opacity", 1);
} else {
return selectedElements.classed({
"selected": false
EditorUtils.prototype.disableEditor = function() {
alchemy.setState("interactions", "default");
alchemy.dash.select("#node-editor").transition().duration(300).style("opacity", 0);
alchemy.dash.select("#node-editor").transition().delay(300).attr("class", "hidden");
return alchemy.vis.selectAll(".node").classed({
"selected": false
EditorUtils.prototype.remove = function() {
var edge, node, nodeID, node_data, selectedNodes, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _ref, _ref1, _results;
selectedNodes = alchemy.vis.selectAll(".selected.node");
_ref = selectedNodes[0];
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
node = _ref[_i];
nodeID = alchemy.vis.select(node).data()[0].id;
node_data = alchemy._nodes[nodeID];
if (node_data != null) {
_ref1 = node_data.adjacentEdges;
for (_j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
edge = _ref1[_j];
alchemy._edges = _.omit(alchemy._edges, "" + edge.id + "-" + edge._index);
alchemy.edge = alchemy.edge.data(_.map(alchemy._edges, function(e) {
return e._d3;
}), function(e) {
return e.id;
alchemy.vis.select("#edge-" + edge.id + "-" + edge._index).remove();
alchemy._nodes = _.omit(alchemy._nodes, "" + nodeID);
alchemy.node = alchemy.node.data(_.map(alchemy._nodes, function(n) {
return n._d3;
}), function(n) {
return n.id;
if (alchemy.get.state("interactions") === "editor") {
} else {
_results.push(void 0);
} else {
_results.push(void 0);
return _results;
EditorUtils.prototype.addNode = function(node) {
var newNode;
newNode = alchemy._nodes[node.id] = new alchemy.models.Node({
id: "" + node.id
newNode.setProperty("caption", node.caption);
newNode.setD3Property("x", node.x);
newNode.setD3Property("y", node.y);
return alchemy.node = alchemy.node.data(_.map(alchemy._nodes, function(n) {
return n._d3;
}), function(n) {
return n.id;
EditorUtils.prototype.addEdge = function(edge) {
var newEdge;
newEdge = alchemy._edges[edge.id] = new alchemy.models.Edge(edge);
return alchemy.edge = alchemy.edge.data(_.map(alchemy._edges, function(e) {
return e._d3;
}), function(e) {
return e.id;
EditorUtils.prototype.update = function(node, edge) {
if (!this.mouseUpNode) {
} else {
return alchemy.layout.tick();
return EditorUtils;
Alchemy.prototype.Edge = function(instance) {
var Edge;
return Edge = (function() {
function Edge(edge, index) {
var conf;
if (index == null) {
index = null;
this.allNodesActive = __bind(this.allNodesActive, this);
this.setProperties = __bind(this.setProperties, this);
this.getStyles = __bind(this.getStyles, this);
this.setProperties = __bind(this.setProperties, this);
this.getProperties = __bind(this.getProperties, this);
this._setID = __bind(this._setID, this);
this._setD3Properties = __bind(this._setD3Properties, this);
this.a = instance;
conf = this.a.conf;
this.id = this._setID(edge);
this._index = index;
this._state = "active";
this._properties = edge;
this._edgeType = this._setEdgeType();
this._style = conf.edgeStyle[this._edgeType] != null ? _.merge(_.clone(conf.edgeStyle["all"]), conf.edgeStyle[this._edgeType]) : _.clone(conf.edgeStyle["all"]);
this._d3 = _.merge({
'id': this.id,
'pos': this._index,
'edgeType': this._edgeType,
'source': this.a._nodes[this._properties.source]._d3,
'target': this.a._nodes[this._properties.target]._d3,
'self': this
}, this.a.svgStyles.edge.populate(this));
this._setCaption(edge, conf);
this.a._nodes["" + edge.source]._addEdge(this);
this.a._nodes["" + edge.target]._addEdge(this);
Edge.prototype._setD3Properties = function(props) {
return _.merge(this._d3, props);
Edge.prototype._setID = function(e) {
if (e.id != null) {
return e.id;
} else {
return "" + e.source + "-" + e.target;
Edge.prototype._setCaption = function(edge, conf) {
var cap, edgeCaption;
cap = conf.edgeCaption;
edgeCaption = (function(edge) {
switch (typeof cap) {
case 'string' || 'number':
return edge[cap];
case 'function':
return cap(edge);
if (edgeCaption) {
return this._d3.caption = edgeCaption;
Edge.prototype._setEdgeType = function() {
var conf, edgeType, lookup;
conf = this.a.conf;
if (conf.edgeTypes) {
if (_.isPlainObject(conf.edgeTypes)) {
lookup = Object.keys(this.a.conf.edgeTypes);
edgeType = this._properties[lookup];
} else if (_.isArray(conf.edgeTypes)) {
edgeType = this._properties["caption"];
} else if (typeof conf.edgeTypes === 'string') {
edgeType = this._properties[conf.edgeTypes];
if (edgeType === void 0) {
edgeType = "all";
this._setD3Properties('edgeType', edgeType);
return edgeType;
Edge.prototype.getProperties = function() {
var key, keys, query;
key = arguments[0], keys = 2 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 1) : [];
if (key == null) {
key = null;
if ((key == null) && (keys.length === 0)) {
return this._properties;
} else if (keys.length !== 0) {
query = _.union([key], keys);
return _.pick(this._properties, query);
} else {
return this._properties[key];
Edge.prototype.setProperties = function(property, value) {
if (value == null) {
value = null;
if (_.isPlainObject(property)) {
_.assign(this._properties, property);
if ('source' in property) {
'source': alchemy._nodes[property.source]._d3
if ('target' in property) {
'target': alchemy._nodes[property.target]._d3
} else {
this._properties[property] = value;
if ((property === 'source') || (property === 'target')) {
property: alchemy._nodes[value]._d3
return this;
Edge.prototype.getStyles = function() {
var edge, key, keys;
key = arguments[0], keys = 2 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 1) : [];
edge = this;
if (key === void 0) {
return edge._style;
return _.map(arguments, function(arg) {
return edge._style[arg];
Edge.prototype.setProperties = function(property, value) {
if (value == null) {
value = null;
if (_.isPlainObject(property)) {
_.assign(this._properties, property);
if ('source' in property) {
'source': this.a._nodes[property.source]._d3
if ('target' in property) {
'target': this.a._nodes[property.target]._d3
} else {
this._properties[property] = value;
if ((property === 'source') || (property === 'target')) {
property: this.a._nodes[value]._d3
return this;
Edge.prototype.setStyles = function(key, value) {
if (value == null) {
value = null;
if (key === void 0) {
key = this.a.svgStyles.edge.populate(this);
if (_.isPlainObject(key)) {
_.assign(this._style, key);
} else if (typeof key === "string") {
this._style[key] = value;
return this;
Edge.prototype.toggleHidden = function() {
this._state = this._state === "hidden" ? "active" : "hidden";
return this.setStyles();
Edge.prototype.allNodesActive = function() {
var sourceId, sourceNode, targetId, targetNode;
sourceId = this._properties.source;
targetId = this._properties.target;
sourceNode = alchemy.get.nodes(sourceId)[0];
targetNode = alchemy.get.nodes(targetId)[0];
return sourceNode._state === "active" && targetNode._state === "active";
Edge.prototype.remove = function() {
var edge, filteredLinkList;
edge = this;
delete this.a._edges[edge.id];
if (this.a._nodes[edge._properties.source] != null) {
_.remove(this.a._nodes[edge._properties.source]._adjacentEdges, function(e) {
if (e.id === edge.id) {
return e;
if (this.a._nodes[edge._properties.target] != null) {
_.remove(this.a._nodes[edge._properties.target]._adjacentEdges, function(e) {
if (e.id === edge.id) {
return e;
this.a.vis.select("#edge-" + edge.id + "-" + edge._index).remove();
filteredLinkList = _.filter(this.a.force.links(), function(link) {
if (link.id !== edge.id) {
return link;
return this.a.force.links(filteredLinkList);
return Edge;
Alchemy.prototype.Node = function(instance) {
var Node;
return Node = (function() {
function Node(node) {
this.getStyles = __bind(this.getStyles, this);
this.setProperty = __bind(this.setProperty, this);
this.getProperties = __bind(this.getProperties, this);
this._setD3Properties = __bind(this._setD3Properties, this);
this._setNodeType = __bind(this._setNodeType, this);
var conf;
this.a = instance;
conf = this.a.conf;
this.id = node.id;
this._properties = node;
this._d3 = _.merge({
'id': this.id,
'root': this._properties[conf.rootNodes],
'self': this
}, this.a.svgStyles.node.populate(this));
this._nodeType = this._setNodeType();
this._style = conf.nodeStyle[this._nodeType] ? conf.nodeStyle[this._nodeType] : conf.nodeStyle["all"];
this._state = "active";
this._adjacentEdges = [];
Node.prototype._setNodeType = function() {
var conf, lookup, nodeType, types;
conf = this.a.conf;
if (conf.nodeTypes) {
if (_.isPlainObject(conf.nodeTypes)) {
lookup = Object.keys(this.a.conf.nodeTypes);
types = _.values(conf.nodeTypes);
nodeType = this._properties[lookup];
} else if (typeof conf.nodeTypes === 'string') {
nodeType = this._properties[conf.nodeTypes];
if (nodeType === void 0) {
nodeType = "all";
this._setD3Properties('nodeType', nodeType);
return nodeType;
Node.prototype._setD3Properties = function(props) {
return _.merge(this._d3, props);
Node.prototype._addEdge = function(edge) {
return this._adjacentEdges = _.union(this._adjacentEdges, [edge]);
Node.prototype.getProperties = function() {
var key, keys, query;
key = arguments[0], keys = 2 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 1) : [];
if (key == null) {
key = null;
if ((key == null) && (keys.length === 0)) {
return this._properties;
} else if (keys.length !== 0) {
query = _.union([key], keys);
return _.pick(this._properties, query);
} else {
return this._properties[key];
Node.prototype.setProperty = function(property, value) {
if (value == null) {
value = null;
if (_.isPlainObject(property)) {
_.assign(this._properties, property);
} else {
this._properties[property] = value;
return this;
Node.prototype.removeProperty = function() {
var prop, properties, property, _i, _len;
property = arguments[0], properties = 2 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 1) : [];
for (_i = 0, _len = arguments.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
prop = arguments[_i];
delete this._properties[prop];
return this;
Node.prototype.getStyles = function() {
var key, keys, node;
key = arguments[0], keys = 2 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 1) : [];
node = this;
if (key === void 0) {
return node._style;
return _.map(arguments, function(arg) {
return node._style[arg];
Node.prototype.setStyles = function(key, value) {
if (value == null) {
value = null;
if (key === void 0) {
key = this.a.svgStyles.node.populate(this);
} else if (_.isPlainObject(key)) {
_.assign(this._style, key);
} else {
this._style[key] = value;
return this;
Node.prototype.toggleHidden = function() {
var a;
a = this.a;
this._state = this._state === "hidden" ? "active" : "hidden";
return _.each(this._adjacentEdges, function(e) {
var source, sourceState, target, targetState, _ref;
_ref = e.id.split("-"), source = _ref[0], target = _ref[1];
sourceState = a._nodes["" + source]._state;
targetState = a._nodes["" + target]._state;
if (e._state === "hidden" && (sourceState === "active" && targetState === "active")) {
return e.toggleHidden();
} else if (e._state === "active" && (sourceState === "hidden" || targetState === "hidden")) {
return e.toggleHidden();
Node.prototype.outDegree = function() {
return this._adjacentEdges.length;
Node.prototype.remove = function() {
while (!_.isEmpty(this._adjacentEdges)) {
delete this.a._nodes[this.id];
return this.a.vis.select("#node-" + this.id).remove();
return Node;
Alchemy.prototype.plugins = function(instance) {
return {
init: function() {
return _.each(_.keys(instance.conf.plugins), function(key) {
instance.plugins[key] = Alchemy.prototype.plugins[key](instance);
if (instance.plugins[key].init != null) {
return instance.plugins[key].init();
Alchemy.prototype.themes = {
"default": {
"backgroundColour": "#000000",
"nodeStyle": {
"all": {
"radius": function() {
return 10;
"color": function() {
return "#68B9FE";
"borderColor": function() {
return "#127DC1";
"borderWidth": function(d, radius) {
return radius / 3;
"captionColor": function() {
return "#FFFFFF";
"captionBackground": function() {
return null;
"captionSize": 12,
"selected": {
"color": function() {
return "#FFFFFF";
"borderColor": function() {
return "#349FE3";
"highlighted": {
"color": function() {
return "#EEEEFF";
"hidden": {
"color": function() {
return "none";
"borderColor": function() {
return "none";
"edgeStyle": {
"all": {
"width": 4,
"color": "#CCC",
"opacity": 0.2,
"directed": true,
"curved": true,
"selected": {
"opacity": 1
"highlighted": {
"opacity": 1
"hidden": {
"opacity": 0
"white": {
"theme": "white",
"backgroundColour": "#FFFFFF",
"nodeStyle": {
"all": {
"radius": function() {
return 10;
"color": function() {
return "#68B9FE";
"borderColor": function() {
return "#127DC1";
"borderWidth": function(d, radius) {
return radius / 3;
"captionColor": function() {
return "#FFFFFF";
"captionBackground": function() {
return null;
"captionSize": 12,
"selected": {
"color": function() {
return "#FFFFFF";
"borderColor": function() {
return "38DD38";
"highlighted": {
"color": function() {
return "#EEEEFF";
"hidden": {
"color": function() {
return "none";
"borderColor": function() {
return "none";
"edgeStyle": {
"all": {
"width": 4,
"color": "#333",
"opacity": 0.4,
"directed": false,
"curved": false,
"selected": {
"color": "#38DD38",
"opacity": 0.9
"highlighted": {
"color": "#383838",
"opacity": 0.7
"hidden": {
"opacity": 0
Alchemy.prototype.exports = function(instance) {
var a;
a = instance;
return {
init: function() {
return a.exports.show();
show: function() {
return a.dash.select("#all-exports").append("li").attr({
"class": "list-group-item active-label toggle"
}).html("SVG").on("click", function(e) {
var sanitizedUrl, str, svg, url, win;
svg = d3.select("" + a.conf.divSelector + " svg").node();
str = (new XMLSerializer).serializeToString(svg);
url = "data:image/svg+xml;utf8," + str;
sanitizedUrl = url.replace("xlink:", "");
win = window.open(sanitizedUrl);
return win.focus();
warnings = (function() {
function warnings(instance) {
this.dataWarning = __bind(this.dataWarning, this);
this.a = instance;
warnings.prototype.dataWarning = function() {
if (this.a.conf.dataWarning && typeof this.a.conf.dataWarning === 'function') {
return this.a.conf.dataWarning();
} else if (this.a.conf.dataWarning === 'default') {
return console.log("No dataSource was loaded");
warnings.prototype.divWarning = function() {
return "create an element that matches the value for 'divSelector' in your conf.\nFor instance, if you are using the default 'divSelector' conf, simply provide\n<div id='#alchemy'></div>.";
return warnings;
//# sourceMappingURL=alchemy.js.map