using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Web; using EHEC_Server; namespace EHEC_Server { /// /// Class to convert object into json /// public class JsonConverter { // /// /// To Serialize a object /// /// object for serialization /// json string of object public static string Serialize(object obj) { ///// To parse base class object var json = ParsePreDefinedClassObject(obj); ///// Null means it is not a base class object if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(json)) { return json; } //// For parsing user defined class object //// To get all properties of object //// and then store object properties and their value in dictionary container var objectDataContainer = obj.GetType().GetProperties().ToDictionary(i => i.Name, i => i.GetValue(obj)); StringBuilder jsonfile = new StringBuilder(); jsonfile.Append("{"); foreach (var data in objectDataContainer) { jsonfile.Append($"\"{data.Key}\":{Serialize(data.Value)},"); } //// To remove last comma jsonfile.Remove(jsonfile.Length - 1, 1); jsonfile.Append("}"); return jsonfile.ToString(); } /// /// To Serialize C# Pre defined classes /// /// object for serialization /// json string of object private static string ParsePreDefinedClassObject(object obj) { if (obj is null) { return "null"; } if (IsJsonValueType(obj)) { return obj.ToString().ToLower(); } else if (IsJsonStringType(obj)) { return $"\"{obj.ToString()}\""; } else if (obj is IDictionary) { return SearlizeDictionaryObject((IDictionary)obj); } else if (obj is IList || obj is Array) { return SearlizeListObject((IEnumerable)obj); } return null; } /// /// To Serialize Dictionary type object /// /// object for serialization /// json string of object private static string SearlizeDictionaryObject(IDictionary dict) { StringBuilder jsonfile = new StringBuilder(); jsonfile.Append("{"); var keysAsJson = new List(); var valuesAsJson = new List(); foreach (var item in (IEnumerable)dict.Keys) { keysAsJson.Add(Serialize(item)); } foreach (var item in (IEnumerable)dict.Values) { valuesAsJson.Add(Serialize(item)); } for (int i = 0; i < dict.Count; i++) { ////To check whether data is under double quotes or not keysAsJson[i] = keysAsJson[i].Contains("\"") ? keysAsJson[i] : $"\"{keysAsJson[i]}\""; jsonfile.Append($"{keysAsJson[i]}:{valuesAsJson[i]},"); } jsonfile.Remove(jsonfile.Length - 1, 1); jsonfile.Append("}"); return jsonfile.ToString(); } /// /// To Serialize Enumerable (IList,Array..etc) type object /// /// object for serialization /// json string of object private static string SearlizeListObject(IEnumerable obj) { StringBuilder jsonfile = new StringBuilder(); jsonfile.Append("["); foreach (var item in obj) { jsonfile.Append($"{Serialize(item)},"); } jsonfile.Remove(jsonfile.Length - 1, 1); jsonfile.Append("]"); return jsonfile.ToString(); } private static bool IsJsonStringType(object obj) { return obj is string || obj is DateTime; } private static bool IsJsonValueType(object obj) { return obj.GetType().IsPrimitive; } } }