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Author = {Wikipedia},
Note = {\url{}},
Title = {{RSA} (Cryptosystem) --- {W}ikipedia{,} {D}ie freie {E}nzyklop{\"a}die},
Year = {2016}}
Author = {Wikipedia},
Note = {\url{}},
Title = {{RSA}-{K}ryptosystem --- {W}ikipedia{,} {D}ie freie {E}nzyklop{\"a}die},
Year = {2016}}
Author = {L. Van Houtven},
Note = {\url{}},
Title = {Crypto 101},
Year = {2016}}
Author = {Whitfield Diffie und Martin Hellman},
Note = {\url{\%7Ehellman/publications/24.pdf}},
Title = {New Directions in Cryptographie},
Year = {1976}}
Author = {R.L. Rivest und A. Shamir und L. Adleman},
Note = {\url{}},
Title = {A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures and Public-Key Cryptosystems},
Year = {1978}}
Author = {Wikipedia},
Note = {\url{}},
Title = {{D}iffie-{H}ellman-{S}chl{\"u}sselaustausch --- {W}ikipedia{,} {D}ie freie {E}nzyklop{\"a}die},
Year = {2016}}
Author = {Wikipedia},
Note = {\url{}},
Title = {{H}ybride {V}erschl{\"u}sselung --- {W}ikipedia{,} {D}ie freie {E}nzyklop{\"a}die},
Year = {2016}}
Author = {Manuel P{\"o}ter},
Note = {\url{}},
Title = {Kryptographie - Public-Key Verfahren am Beispiel von RSA},
Year = {2001/2002 }}
Author = {Prof. Johannes Buchmann},
Note = {\url{}},
Title = {Faktorisierung grosser Zahlen},
Year = {1996}}
Author = {Adi Shamir, Eran Tromer},
Note = {\url{}},
Title = {Factoring Large Numbers with the TWIRL Device},
Year = {2003}}