%% Saved with string encoding Unicode (UTF-8) @misc{ref1, Author = {Pradeep Khodke}, Title = {Tutorial: PHP Login and Registration Script with PDO and OOP}, Note = {\url{http://www.codingcage.com/2015/04/php-login-and-registration-script-with.html}}, Date-Added = {2015-04-22 12:35:41 +0000}, Month = {April}, Year = {2015} } @misc{ref2, Author = {Richard Stibbard}, Title = {MySQL PDO Tutorial}, Note = {\url{https://youtu.be/e0ssKVEISbQ?list=PLz_6dB4PItBEQEbVSAt6vrTOACQZD1K1E}}, Date-Added = {2014-08-15 12:35:41 +0000}, Month = {August}, Year = {2014} } @misc{ref3, Author = {PHP Groupe}, Title = {XML DOM Manipulation}, Note = {\url{http://php.net/manual/en/book.dom.php}}, Date-Added = {unknown}, Month = {unknown}, Year = {unknown} } @misc{ref4, Author = {Virgilio Favero Neto}, Title = {How to save XML using PHP}, Note = {\url{http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3552755/how-to-save-xml-using-php#3552794}}, Date-Added = {2010-08-24}, Month = {August}, Year = {2010} } @misc{ref5, Author = {Jennifer Kyrnin}, Title = {How To Use PHP to Force a File Download}, Note = {\url{http://webdesign.about.com/od/php/ht/force_download.htm}}, Date-Added = {2017-01-00}, Month = {Januar}, Year = {2017} }