/' This is a manual test for you to test different use-cases '/ Nobody -> [APIGateway] package APackage { A -> B B -> A } package "APP Stack" { [APIGateway] --> [Lambda] } package haha {} package "Streams Stack" { database Kinesis [Lambda] --> Kinesis } package foo { package bar { foo --> bar } package bar { foo --> bar } } package "Roles And Policies" { [Lambda] --> [IAM Roles] [APIGateway] --> [IAM Roles] } package "SharedResources" { [Lambda] ----> [LambdaCodeBucket] note as N1 This belongs to a separate set of resources we should clean up separately. end note } note right of Lambda This thing is end of life end note note left of Nobody There is no traffic coming into the service. end note @startuml participant API participant Instance alt deploy success Instance -> API: Deploy successful else deploy failure Instance -> API: Deploy failed else deploy timeout Instance -> API: Deploy failed end @enduml