#!/usr/bin/make -f # -*- makefile -*- # ex: set tabstop=4 noexpandtab: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # SPDX-License: ISC # SPDX-License-URL: https://spdx.org/licenses/ISC.html default: help all @echo "# https://github.com/yjwen/org-reveal" srcs?=$(wildcard *.org | sort) objs?=${srcs:.org=.html} target?=$(shell echo ${srcs:.org=} | tr ' ' '\n' | head -n1) reveal_url?=https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js/ reveal_zip_url?=https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js/archive/master.zip reveal_dir?=./reveal.js sudo?=sudo deploy_branch?=gh-pages cache_dir?=./cache/url make?=make -f ${CURDIR}/Makefile help: @echo "# Usage:" @echo "# make help # Usage" @echo "# make setup # Install tools" @echo "# make all # Build html" @echo "# make start # View HTML in Web browser" @echo "# make download # Download deps" @echo "# make offline # Cache inlined resources and generate cached pages" @echo "# make upload # to build and publish" @echo "# make setup/debian setup download start # ..." @echo "# Config:" @echo "# srcs=${srcs}" @echo "# objs=${objs}" @echo "# target=${target}" all: ${objs} ls $^ download: ${reveal_dir} ls $^ start: ${target}.html x-www-browser $< clean: rm -rfv *~ */*/*~ tmp tmp.* cleanall: clean find . -iname "*.html" -exec rm -v "{}" \; setup/debian: /etc/debian_version -${sudo} apt-get update ${sudo} apt-get install -y \ emacs \ git \ sudo \ unzip \ wget \ # EOL setup: /etc/os-release @echo "# Please install tools, On debian: make setup/debian" emacs \ --no-init-file \ --user ${USER} \ --batch \ --eval="(require 'package)" \ --eval="(add-to-list 'package-archives \ '(\"melpa\" . \"https://melpa.org/packages/\"))" \ --eval='(setq gnutls-algorithm-priority "NORMAL:-VERS-TLS1.3")' \ --eval="(package-initialize)" \ --eval="(package-show-package-list)" \ --eval="(package-refresh-contents)" \ --eval="(package-list-packages)" \ --eval="(package-install 'org)" \ --eval="(package-install 'htmlize)" \ --eval="(package-install 'ox-reveal)" \ # EOL %.html: %.org Makefile cd ${ reveal.js.zip unzip reveal.js.zip mv reveal.js-master ${@} @rm -f reveal.js.zip deploy: -git commit -sam "WIP: About to deploy ${target}" git checkout ${deploy_branch} \ || git checkout -b ${deploy_branch} master make html git add -f ${target}.html -git commit -am "WIP: Generated html ${target}" git checkout master upload: git checkout master -git branch -D ${deploy_branch} git checkout -b ${deploy_branch} -git commit -sam "WIP: About to download" make download git add -f "${reveal_dir}" -git commit -sam "WIP: Add ${reveal_dir}" ${MAKE} all/deploy git checkout ${deploy_branch} echo "# About to push to origin in 5 secs ?" sleep 5 ; git push -f origin HEAD:gh-pages git checkout master %.lst: %.org Makefile echo "" > "$@" -grep -o -e 'https\?://[^]"]*' -- "$<" \ | grep -E ".**\.(gif|png|svg|jpg|jpeg|webm|mp4)"\ | sort -u >> "$@.tmp" mv "$@.tmp" "$@" %/curl: @mkdir -p http https @ln -fs http http: @ln -fs https https: ls "${@D}" > /dev/null 2>&1 \ || curl --create-dirs -o "./${@D}" -- "${@D}" find . -iname "*#*" | while read file; do \ basename=$$(basename -- "$${file}"); \ dirname=$$(dirname -- "$${file}"); \ dstname=$$(echo "$${basename}" | sed -e 's|#.|%23.|g'); \ ln -fs "$${basename}" "$${dirname}/$${dstname}"; \ dstname=$$(echo "$${basename}" | sed -e 's|#.||g'); \ ln -fs "$${basename}" "$${dirname}/$${dstname}"; \ done .PHONY: cache cache: ${target}.lst Makefile @mkdir -p "${ $@.tmp sort -u $< | while read url; do \ sed -e "s|$${url}|${cache_dir}/$${url}|g" \ -e "s|${cache_dir}/http://|${cache_dir}/http/|g" \ -e "s|${cache_dir}/https://|${cache_dir}/https/|g" \ -i "${@}.tmp" ; \ done mv "${@}.tmp" "$@" html-cache: ${target}.org ${target}._cache.org make html target="${target}._cache" sed -e "s|#./|/./|g" -i "${target}._cache.html" offline: all/cache all/html-cache sync offline/start: offline ${MAKE} ${@F} target="${target}._cache" commit/offline: -git branch -D ${@F}/master git checkout -b ${@F}/master ${MAKE} download -git add -f . -git commit -am 'deploy: Cache downloaded files' ${MAKE} cache -git add -f . -git commit -am 'deploy: Cache downloaded files, see lst file for sources' ${MAKE} ${@F} -git add -f . -git commit -am 'deploy: Render cached files'