Fix #462. Replace only the first %s by reveal.js root path

This commit is contained in:
Yujie Wen 2021-11-07 19:17:35 +08:00
parent c06c88812b
commit 8dfb90e3cb
2 changed files with 50 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -591,6 +591,9 @@ plugin specifications of the same format as in
,#+REVEAL_EXTERNAL_PLUGINS: (plugin3 "ex/plugin3-1.js" "ex/plugin3-2.js")
At most one ~%s~ can be inserted into each plugin string, which will
be replaced by Reveal.js root path.
** Highlight Source Code
There are two ways to highlight source code.
@ -900,8 +903,9 @@ To disable the automatic TOC, add =toc:nil= to =#+OPTIONS=
** Custom JS
To pass custom JS code to ~Reveal.initialize~, state the code by
~#+REVEAL_EXTRA_INITIAL_JS~ (multiple statements are concatenated) or by
custom variable ~org-reveal-extra-initial-js~.
~#+REVEAL_EXTRA_INITIAL_JS~ (multiple statements are concatenated)
or by custom variable ~org-reveal-extra-initial-js~. The first
appearance of ~%s~ in the script will be replaced by Reveal.js root path.
If you want to add extra code outside of the ~Reveal.initialize~
block, then ~#+REVEAL_EXTRA_SCRIPT~ can be used. The code will be

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@ -616,10 +616,12 @@ holding contextual information."
(concat root-path file-path-0)
(concat root-path file-path-1)))
(defun org-reveal-root-path (info)
(file-name-as-directory (plist-get info :reveal-root)))
(defun org-reveal-stylesheets (info)
"Return the HTML contents for declaring reveal stylesheets
using custom variable `org-reveal-root'."
(let* ((root-path (file-name-as-directory (plist-get info :reveal-root)))
(let* ((root-path (org-reveal-root-path info))
(version (org-reveal--get-reveal-js-version info))
(reveal-css (org-reveal--choose-path root-path version "dist/reveal.css" "css/reveal.css"))
(theme (plist-get info :reveal-theme))
@ -714,11 +716,11 @@ dependencies: [
;; Global setting
(cl-loop for (key . value) in org-reveal-external-plugins
collect (format value root-path ))
collect (org-reveal--replace-first-%s value root-path ))
;; Local settings
(let ((local-plugins (plist-get info :reveal-external-plugins)))
(and local-plugins
(list (format local-plugins root-path))))))
(list (org-reveal--replace-first-%s local-plugins root-path))))))
(all-plugins (if external-plugins (append external-plugins builtin-codes) builtin-codes))
(extra-codes (plist-get info :reveal-extra-js))
@ -729,7 +731,7 @@ dependencies: [
(defun org-reveal-scripts (info)
"Return the necessary scripts for initializing reveal.js using
custom variable `org-reveal-root'."
(let* ((root-path (file-name-as-directory (plist-get info :reveal-root)))
(let* ((root-path (org-reveal-root-path info))
(version (org-reveal--get-reveal-js-version info))
(reveal-js (org-reveal--choose-path root-path version "dist/reveal.js" "js/reveal.js"))
;; Local files
@ -806,7 +808,7 @@ Reveal.initialize({
(list reveal-4-plugin-statement
(format extra-initial-js-statement root-path)
(org-reveal--replace-first-%s extra-initial-js-statement root-path)
;; Extra initialization scripts
@ -822,6 +824,40 @@ Reveal.initialize({
(and obj
(cons obj (org-reveal--read-sexps-from-string (substring s remain-index)))))))))
(defun org-reveal--search-first-%s-or-%% (s start)
"Search the first appearance of '%s' or '%%' in fmt from
start. Return the location (of the '%') if found, nil
(when (< start (length s))
(if (eq (aref s start) ?%)
(let ((next (1+ start)))
(when (< next (length s))
;; Only when % is not the last character
(let ((next-c (aref s next)))
(if (or (eq next-c ?s) (eq next-c ?%))
;; ^ Found the first %s or %%. Return the index
;; Not a %s or %%. Keep searching
(org-reveal--search-first-%s-or-%% s (1+ next))))))
;; Not a %. Keep search
(org-reveal--search-first-%s-or-%% s (1+ start)))))
(defun org-reveal--replace-first-%s (fmt str)
(let ((idx (org-reveal--search-first-%s-or-%% fmt 0)))
(if idx
;; Pre
(substring fmt 0 idx)
;; To be replaced
(if (eq ?% (aref fmt (1+ idx)))
"%" ;; %% -> %
str ;; %s -> str
;; Post
(substring fmt (+ 2 idx) nil))
;; nil, no %s or %% found
(defun org-reveal-plugin-scripts-4 (plugins info)
"Return scripts for initializing reveal.js 4.x builtin scripts"
;; Return a tuple (represented as a list), the first value is a list of script
@ -863,7 +899,7 @@ Reveal.initialize({
(if (not (null plugin-js))
;; First value of the tuple, a list of scripts HTML tags
(let ((root-path (file-name-as-directory (plist-get info :reveal-root))))
(let ((root-path (org-reveal-root-path info)))
(lambda (p)
;; when it is a list, create a script tag for every entry
@ -871,12 +907,12 @@ Reveal.initialize({
((listp p)
(mapconcat (lambda (pi)
(format "<script src=\"%s\"></script>\n"
(format pi root-path)))
(org-reveal--replace-first-%s pi root-path)))
;; when it is a single string, create a single script tag
(t (format "<script src=\"%s\"></script>\n"
(format p root-path)))))
(org-reveal--replace-first-%s p root-path)))))
;; Second value of the tuple, a list of Reveal plugin