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;;; mu4e.el --- Mu4e, the mu mail user agent -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2011-2023 Dirk-Jan C. Binnema
;; Author: Dirk-Jan C. Binnema <>
;; Maintainer: Dirk-Jan C. Binnema <>
;; Keywords: email
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;; mu4e is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; mu4e is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with mu4e. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(require 'mu4e-obsolete)
(require 'mu4e-vars)
(require 'mu4e-window)
(require 'mu4e-helpers)
(require 'mu4e-folders)
(require 'mu4e-context)
(require 'mu4e-contacts)
(require 'mu4e-headers)
(require 'mu4e-search)
(require 'mu4e-view)
(require 'mu4e-compose)
(require 'mu4e-bookmarks)
(require 'mu4e-update)
(require 'mu4e-main)
(require 'mu4e-notification)
(require 'mu4e-server) ;; communication with backend
(when mu4e-speedbar-support
(require 'mu4e-speedbar)) ;; support for speedbar
(when mu4e-org-support
(require 'mu4e-org)) ;; support for org-mode links
;; We can't properly use compose buffers that are revived using
;; desktop-save-mode; so let's turn that off.
(with-eval-after-load 'desktop
(eval '(add-to-list 'desktop-modes-not-to-save 'mu4e-compose-mode)))
(defun mu4e (&optional background)
"If mu4e is not running yet, start it.
Then, show the main window, unless BACKGROUND (prefix-argument)
is non-nil."
(interactive "P")
(if (not (mu4e-running-p))
(mu4e--start (unless background #'mu4e--main-view)))
;; mu4e already running; show unless BACKGROUND
(unless background
(if (buffer-live-p (get-buffer mu4e-main-buffer-name))
(switch-to-buffer mu4e-main-buffer-name)
(defun mu4e-quit(&optional bury)
"Quit the mu4e session or bury the buffer.
If prefix-argument BURY is non-nil, merely bury the buffer.
Otherwise, completely quit mu4e, including automatic updating."
(interactive "P")
(if bury
(if mu4e-confirm-quit
(when (y-or-n-p (mu4e-format "Are you sure you want to quit?"))
;;; Internals
(defun mu4e--check-requirements ()
"Check for the settings required for running mu4e."
(unless (>= emacs-major-version 25)
(mu4e-error "Emacs >= 25.x is required for mu4e"))
(when (mu4e-server-properties)
(unless (string= (mu4e-server-version) mu4e-mu-version)
(mu4e-error "The mu server has version %s, but we need %s"
(mu4e-server-version) mu4e-mu-version)))
(unless (and mu4e-mu-binary (file-executable-p mu4e-mu-binary))
(mu4e-error "Please set `mu4e-mu-binary' to the full path to the mu
(dolist (var '(mu4e-sent-folder mu4e-drafts-folder
(unless (and (boundp var) (symbol-value var))
(mu4e-error "Please set %S" var))
(unless (functionp (symbol-value var)) ;; functions are okay, too
(let* ((dir (symbol-value var))
(path (mu4e-join-paths (mu4e-root-maildir) dir)))
(unless (string= (substring dir 0 1) "/")
(mu4e-error "%S must start with a '/'" dir))
(unless (mu4e-create-maildir-maybe path)
(mu4e-error "%s (%S) does not exist" path var))))))
;;; Starting / getting mail / updating the index
(defun mu4e--pong-handler (_data func)
"Handle \"pong\" responses from the mu server.
Invoke FUNC if non-nil."
(let ((doccount (plist-get (mu4e-server-properties) :doccount)))
(when func (funcall func))
(when (zerop doccount)
(mu4e-message "Store is empty; try indexing (M-x mu4e-update-index)."))
(when (and mu4e-update-interval (null mu4e--update-timer))
(setq mu4e--update-timer
(run-at-time 0 mu4e-update-interval
(lambda () (mu4e-update-mail-and-index
(defun mu4e--start (&optional func)
"Start mu4e.
If `mu4e-contexts' have been defined, but we don't have a context
yet, switch to the matching one, or none matches, the first. If
mu4e is already running, invoke FUNC (if non-nil).
Otherwise, check requirements, then start mu4e. When successful, invoke
FUNC (if non-nil) afterwards."
(unless (mu4e-context-current)
(mu4e--context-autoswitch nil mu4e-context-policy))
(setq mu4e-pong-func
(lambda (info) (mu4e--pong-handler info func)))
;; show some notification?
(when mu4e-notification-support
(add-hook 'mu4e-query-items-updated-hook #'mu4e--notification))
;; modeline support
(when mu4e-modeline-support
(mu4e--modeline-register #'mu4e--bookmarks-modeline-item 'global)
(add-hook 'mu4e-query-items-updated-hook #'mu4e--modeline-update))
(mu4e-modeline-mode (if mu4e-modeline-support 1 -1))
;; redraw main buffer if there is one.
(add-hook 'mu4e-query-items-updated-hook #'mu4e--main-redraw)
(mu4e--query-items-refresh 'reset-baseline)
;; ask for the maildir-list
(mu4e--server-data 'maildirs)
;; maybe request the list of contacts, automatically refreshed after
;; re-indexing
(unless mu4e--contacts-set
(defun mu4e--stop ()
"Stop mu4e."
(when mu4e--update-timer
(cancel-timer mu4e--update-timer)
(setq mu4e--update-timer nil))
(setq ;; clear some caches
mu4e-maildir-list nil
mu4e--contacts-set nil
mu4e--contacts-tstamp "0")
(remove-hook 'mu4e-query-items-updated-hook #'mu4e--main-redraw)
(remove-hook 'mu4e-query-items-updated-hook #'mu4e--modeline-update)
(remove-hook 'mu4e-query-items-updated-hook #'mu4e--notification)
(mu4e-modeline-mode -1)
;; kill all mu4e buffers
(lambda (buf)
;; the view buffer has the kill-buffer-hook function
;; mu4e--view-kill-mime-handles which kills the mm-* buffers created by
;; Gnus' article mode. Those have been returned by `buffer-list' but might
;; already be deleted in case the view buffer has been killed first. So we
;; need a `buffer-live-p' check here.
(when (buffer-live-p buf)
(with-current-buffer buf
(when (member major-mode
'(mu4e-headers-mode mu4e-view-mode mu4e-main-mode))
;;; Handlers
(defun mu4e--default-handler (&rest args)
"Dummy handler function with arbitrary ARGS."
(mu4e-error "Not handled: %s" args))
(defun mu4e--error-handler (errcode errmsg)
"Handler function for showing an error with ERRCODE and ERRMSG."
;; don't use mu4e-error here; it's running in the process filter context
(pcase errcode
('4 (mu4e-warn "No matches for this search query."))
('110 (display-warning 'mu4e errmsg :error)) ;; schema version.
(_ (mu4e-error "Error %d: %s" errcode errmsg))))
(defun mu4e--update-status (info)
"Update the status message with INFO."
(setq mu4e-index-update-status
`(:tstamp ,(current-time)
:checked ,(plist-get info :checked)
:updated ,(plist-get info :updated)
:cleaned-up ,(plist-get info :cleaned-up))))
(defun mu4e--info-handler (info)
"Handler function for (:INFO ...) sexps received from server."
(let* ((type (plist-get info :info))
(checked (plist-get info :checked))
(updated (plist-get info :updated))
(cleaned-up (plist-get info :cleaned-up)))
((eq type 'add) t) ;; do nothing
((eq type 'index)
(if (eq (plist-get info :status) 'running)
"Indexing... checked %d, updated %d" checked updated)
(progn ;; i.e. 'complete
(mu4e--update-status info)
"%s completed; checked %d, updated %d, cleaned-up %d"
(if mu4e-index-lazy-check "Lazy indexing" "Indexing")
checked updated cleaned-up)
;; index done; grab updated queries
(run-hooks 'mu4e-index-updated-hook)
;; backward compatibility...
(unless (zerop (+ updated cleaned-up))
(unless (and (not (string= mu4e--contacts-tstamp "0"))
(zerop (plist-get info :updated)))
(mu4e--server-data 'maildirs)) ;; update maildir list
((plist-get info :message)
(mu4e-index-message "%s" (plist-get info :message))))))
(defun mu4e--init-handlers()
"Initialize the server message handlers.
Only set set them if they were nil before, so overriding has a
(mu4e-setq-if-nil mu4e-error-func #'mu4e--error-handler)
(mu4e-setq-if-nil mu4e-update-func #'mu4e~headers-update-handler)
(mu4e-setq-if-nil mu4e-remove-func #'mu4e~headers-remove-handler)
(mu4e-setq-if-nil mu4e-view-func #'mu4e~headers-view-handler)
(mu4e-setq-if-nil mu4e-headers-append-func #'mu4e~headers-append-handler)
(mu4e-setq-if-nil mu4e-found-func #'mu4e~headers-found-handler)
(mu4e-setq-if-nil mu4e-erase-func #'mu4e~headers-clear)
(mu4e-setq-if-nil mu4e-sent-func #'mu4e--default-handler)
(mu4e-setq-if-nil mu4e-contacts-func #'mu4e--update-contacts)
(mu4e-setq-if-nil mu4e-info-func #'mu4e--info-handler)
(mu4e-setq-if-nil mu4e-pong-func #'mu4e--default-handler)
(mu4e-setq-if-nil mu4e-queries-func #'mu4e--query-items-queries-handler))
(provide 'mu4e)
;;; mu4e.el ends here