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;;; mu4e-lists.el --- Get names for mailing lists -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2011-2023 Dirk-Jan C. Binnema
;; Author: Dirk-Jan C. Binnema <>
;; Maintainer: Dirk-Jan C. Binnema <>
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;; mu4e is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; mu4e is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with mu4e. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;; In this file, we create a table of list-id -> shortname for mailing lists.
;; The shortname (friendly) should a at most 8 characters, camel-case
;;; Code:
(require 'mu4e-message)
(require 'mu4e-helpers)
;;; Helpers
(defmacro mu4e-message-id-url(base-url)
"Construct lambda to get an archive URL for message.
This is based on some BASE-URL to which the message-id is concatenated;
e.g. public-inbox-based archives."
`(lambda (msg) (concat ,base-url "/" (plist-get msg :message-id))))
(defmacro mu4e-x-seq-url (base-url)
"Construct x-seq archive URL for MSG or nil if not found."
`(lambda (msg)
(when-let ((xseq (mu4e-fetch-field msg "X-Seq")))
(concat ,base-url "/" xseq))))
;;; Configuration
(defvar mu4e-mailing-lists
`( (:list-id "" :name "BBDB")
(:list-id "" :name "Boost")
(:list-id "" :name "Boost")
(:list-id "" :name "Curl")
(:list-id "" :name "DBus")
(:list-id "" :name "Gnome")
(:list-id "" :name "WebRTC")
(:list-id "" :name "EmacsDev"
:archive ,(mu4e-message-id-url ""))
(:list-id "" :name "Orgmode"
:archive ,(mu4e-message-id-url ""))
(:list-id "" :name "Emms")
(:list-id "" :name "Gcc")
(:list-id "" :name "GMime")
(:list-id "" :name "Gnome")
(:list-id "" :name "Emacs")
(:list-id "" :name "Gnupg")
(:list-id "" :name "GstDev")
(:list-id "" :name "GtkDev")
(:list-id "" :name "Guile"
:archive ,(mu4e-message-id-url ""))
(:list-id "" :name "Guile"
:archive ,(mu4e-message-id-url ""))
(:list-id "" :name "EmacsUsr"
:archive ,(mu4e-message-id-url ""))
(:list-id "" :name "Mu")
(:list-id "" :name "Nautilus")
(:list-id "" :name "Notmuch"
:archive ,(mu4e-message-id-url ""))
(:list-id "" :name "SQlite")
(:list-id "" :name "SQLite")
(:list-id "" :name "Xapian")
(:list-id "" :name "XDG")
(:list-id "" :name "WdrLust")
(:list-id "" :name "WdrLust")
(:list-id "" :name "Xapian")
(:list-id "" :name "Zsh"
:archive ,(mu4e-x-seq-url "")))
"List of plists with keys:
- `:list-id' - the mailing list id
- `:name' - the display name
- `:archive' - (optional) a function taking a MSG and
returning an URL to to the online-location of
the message.
After changes, use `mu4e-mailing-list-info-refresh' to update the
corresponding data-structures.")
(defgroup mu4e-lists nil "Configuration for mailing lists."
:group 'mu4e)
(defcustom mu4e-user-mailing-lists nil
"A list with plists like `mu4e-mailing-lists'.
These are used in addition to the built-in list
The older format, a list of cons cells,
is still supported for backward compatibility.
After changing, use `mu4e-mailing-list-info-refresh' to make mu4e
use the new values."
:group 'mu4e-headers
:type '(repeat (plist)))
(defcustom mu4e-mailing-list-patterns '("\\([^.]*\\)\\.")
"A list of regexps to capture a shortname out of a list-id.
For the first regex that matches, its first match-group will be
used as the shortname."
:group 'mu4e-headers
:type '(repeat (regexp)))
(defvar mu4e--lists-hash nil
"Hash-table of list-id => plist.
Based on `mu4e-mailing-lists' and `mu4e-user-mailing-lists'.")
(defun mu4e-mailing-list-info-refresh ()
"Refresh the mailing list info.
Based on the current value of `mu4e-mailing-lists' and
(setq mu4e--lists-hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(seq-do (lambda (item)
(if (mu4e-plistp item)
;; the new format
(puthash (plist-get item :list-id) item mu4e--lists-hash)
;; backward compatibility
(puthash (car item) (cdr item) mu4e--lists-hash)))
(append mu4e-mailing-lists
(defun mu4e-mailing-list-info (list-id)
"Get mailing list info for LIST-ID.
Return nil if not found."
(unless mu4e--lists-hash (mu4e-mailing-list-info-refresh))
(gethash list-id mu4e--lists-hash))
(defun mu4e-get-mailing-list-shortname (list-id)
"Get the shortname for a mailing-list with list-id LIST-ID.
Either we know about this mailing list, or otherwise
we guess one."
(or ;; 1. perhaps we have it in one of our lists?
(plist-get (mu4e-mailing-list-info list-id) :name)
;; 2. see if it matches some pattern
(if (seq-find (lambda (p) (string-match p list-id))
(match-string 1 list-id)
;; 3. otherwise, just return the whole thing
(defun mu4e-mailing-list-archive-url (&optional msg)
"Get the mailing-list archive URL for MSG.
If MSG is nil, use the message at point."
(when-let* ((msg (or msg (mu4e-message-at-point)))
(list-id (plist-get msg :list))
(list-info (and list-id (mu4e-mailing-list-info list-id)))
(func (plist-get list-info :archive)))
(when func
(funcall func msg))))
(provide 'mu4e-lists)
;;; mu4e-lists.el ends here