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;;; mu4e-folders.el --- Dealing with maildirs & folders -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2021-2023 Dirk-Jan C. Binnema
;; Author: Dirk-Jan C. Binnema <>
;; Maintainer: Dirk-Jan C. Binnema <>
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;; mu4e is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; mu4e is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with mu4e. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;; Dealing with maildirs & folders
;;; Code:
(require 'mu4e-helpers)
(require 'mu4e-context)
(require 'mu4e-server)
;;; Customization
(defgroup mu4e-folders nil
"Special folders."
:group 'mu4e)
(defcustom mu4e-drafts-folder "/drafts"
"Folder for draft messages, relative to the root maildir.
For instance, \"/drafts\". Instead of a string, may also be a
function that takes a message (a msg plist, see
`mu4e-message-field'), and returns a folder. Note, the message
parameter refers to the original message being replied to / being
forwarded / re-edited and is nil otherwise. `mu4e-drafts-folder'
is only evaluated once."
:type '(choice
(string :tag "Folder name")
(function :tag "Function return folder name"))
:group 'mu4e-folders)
(defcustom mu4e-refile-folder "/archive"
"Folder for refiling messages, relative to the root maildir.
For instance \"/Archive\". Instead of a string, may also be a
function that takes a message (a msg plist, see
`mu4e-message-field'), and returns a folder. Note that the
message parameter refers to the message-at-point."
:type '(choice
(string :tag "Folder name")
(function :tag "Function return folder name"))
:group 'mu4e-folders)
(defcustom mu4e-sent-folder "/sent"
"Folder for sent messages, relative to the root maildir.
For instance, \"/Sent Items\". Instead of a string, may also be a
function that takes a message (a msg plist, see
`mu4e-message-field'), and returns a folder. Note that the
message parameter refers to the original message being replied to
/ being forwarded / re-edited, and is nil otherwise."
:type '(choice
(string :tag "Folder name")
(function :tag "Function return folder name"))
:group 'mu4e-folders)
(defcustom mu4e-trash-folder "/trash"
"Folder for trashed messages, relative to the root maildir.
For instance, \"/trash\". Instead of a string, may also be a
function that takes a message (a msg plist, see
`mu4e-message-field'), and returns a folder. When using
`mu4e-trash-folder' in the headers view (when marking messages
for trash). Note that the message parameter refers to the
message-at-point. When using it when composing a message (see
`mu4e-sent-messages-behavior'), this refers to the original
message being replied to / being forwarded / re-edited, and is
nil otherwise."
:type '(choice
(string :tag "Folder name")
(function :tag "Function return folder name"))
:group 'mu4e-folders)
(defcustom mu4e-maildir-shortcuts nil
"A list of maildir shortcuts.
This makes it possible to quickly go to a particular
maildir (folder), or quickly moving messages to them (e.g., for
archiving or refiling).
Each of the list elements is a plist with at least:
`:maildir' - the maildir for the shortcut (e.g. \"/archive\")
`:key' - the shortcut key.
Optionally, you can add the following:
`:name' - name of the maildir to be displayed in main-view.
`:hide' - if t, the shortcut is hidden from the main-view and
`:hide-unread' - do not show the counts of unread/total number
of matches for the maildir in the main-view, and is implied
from `:hide'.
For backward compatibility, an older form is recognized as well:
(maildir . key), where MAILDIR is a maildir (such as
\"/archive/\"), and key is a single character.
You can use these shortcuts in the headers and view buffers, for
example with `mu4e-mark-for-move-quick' (or \"m\", by default) or
`mu4e-jump-to-maildir' (or \"j\", by default), followed by the
designated shortcut character for the maildir.
Unlike in search queries, folder names with spaces in them must
NOT be quoted, since mu4e does this for you."
:type '(choice
(alist :key-type (string :tag "Maildir")
:value-type character
:tag "Alist (old format)")
(repeat (plist
:key-type (choice (const :tag "Maildir" :maildir)
(const :tag "Shortcut" :key)
(const :tag "Name of maildir" :name)
(const :tag "Hide from main view" :hide)
(const :tag "Do not count" :hide-unread))
:tag "Plist (new format)")))
:version "1.3.9"
:group 'mu4e-folders)
(defcustom mu4e-maildir-initial-input "/"
"Initial input for `mu4e-completing-completing-read' function."
:type 'string
:group 'mu4e-folders)
(defcustom mu4e-maildir-info-delimiter
(if (member system-type '(ms-dos windows-nt cygwin))
";" ":")
"Separator character between message identifier and flags.
It defaults to ':' on most platforms, except on Windows, where it
is not allowed and we use ';' for compatibility with mbsync,
offlineimap and other programs."
:type 'string
:group 'mu4e-folders)
(defcustom mu4e-attachment-dir (expand-file-name "~/")
"Default directory for attaching and saving attachments.
This can be either a string (a file system path), or a function
that takes a filename and the mime-type as arguments, and returns
the attachment dir. See Info node `(mu4e) Attachments' for
When this called for composing a message, both filename and
mime-type are nil."
:type 'directory
:group 'mu4e-folders
:safe 'stringp)
(defvar mu4e-maildir-list nil
"Cached list of maildirs.")
(defun mu4e-maildir-shortcuts ()
"Get `mu4e-maildir-shortcuts' in the (new) format.
Converts from the old format if needed."
(seq-map (lambda (item) ;; convert from old format?
(if (and (consp item) (not (consp (cdr item))))
`(:maildir ,(car item) :key ,(cdr item))
;; the standard folders can be functions too
(defun mu4e--get-folder (foldervar msg)
"Within the mu-context of MSG, get message folder FOLDERVAR.
If FOLDER is a string, return it, if it is a function, evaluate
this function with MSG as parameter which may be nil, and return
the result."
(unless (member foldervar
'(mu4e-sent-folder mu4e-drafts-folder
mu4e-trash-folder mu4e-refile-folder))
(mu4e-error "Folder must be one of mu4e-(sent|drafts|trash|refile)-folder"))
;; get the value with the vars for the relevants context let-bound
(with-mu4e-context-vars (mu4e-context-determine msg nil)
(let* ((folder (symbol-value foldervar))
((stringp folder) folder)
((functionp folder) (funcall folder msg))
(t (mu4e-error "Unsupported type for %S" folder)))))
(or val (mu4e-error "%S evaluates to nil" foldervar)))))
(defun mu4e-get-drafts-folder (&optional msg)
"Get the drafts folder, optionally based on MSG.
See `mu4e-drafts-folder'." (mu4e--get-folder 'mu4e-drafts-folder msg))
(defun mu4e-get-refile-folder (&optional msg)
"Get the folder for refiling, optionally based on MSG.
See `mu4e-refile-folder'." (mu4e--get-folder 'mu4e-refile-folder msg))
(defun mu4e-get-sent-folder (&optional msg)
"Get the sent folder, optionally based on MSG.
See `mu4e-sent-folder'." (mu4e--get-folder 'mu4e-sent-folder msg))
(defun mu4e-get-trash-folder (&optional msg)
"Get the trash folder, optionally based on MSG.
See `mu4e-trash-folder'." (mu4e--get-folder 'mu4e-trash-folder msg))
;;; Maildirs
(defun mu4e--guess-maildir (path)
"Guess the maildir for PATH, or nil if cannot find it."
(let ((idx (string-match (mu4e-root-maildir) path)))
(when (and idx (zerop idx))
(mu4e-join-paths path ".." ".."))))))
(defun mu4e-create-maildir-maybe (dir)
"Offer to create maildir DIR if it does not exist yet.
Return t if it already exists or (after asking) an attempt has been
to create it; otherwise return nil."
(let ((seems-to-exist (file-directory-p dir)))
(when (or seems-to-exist
(yes-or-no-p (mu4e-format "%s does not exist yet. Create now?" dir)))
;; even when the maildir already seems to exist, call mkdir for a deeper
;; check. However only get an update when the maildir is totally new.
(mu4e--server-mkdir dir (not seems-to-exist))
(defun mu4e-get-maildirs ()
"Get maildirs under `mu4e-maildir'."
(defun mu4e-ask-maildir (prompt)
"Ask the user for a maildir (using PROMPT).
If the special shortcut \"o\" (for _o_ther) is used, or
if (mu4e-maildir-shortcuts) evaluates to nil, let user choose
from all maildirs under `mu4e-maildir'."
(let* ((options
(seq-map (lambda (md)
(format "%c%s" (plist-get md :key)
(or (plist-get md :name)
(plist-get md :maildir)))
(plist-get md :maildir)))
(mu4e-filter-single-key (mu4e-maildir-shortcuts))))
(if (not options)
(mu4e-read-option prompt
(append options
'(("oOther..." . other)))))))
(if (eq response 'other)
(funcall mu4e-completing-read-function prompt
(mu4e-get-maildirs) nil nil
(defun mu4e-ask-maildir-check-exists (prompt)
"Like `mu4e-ask-maildir', PROMPT for existence of the maildir.
Offer to create it if it does not exist yet."
(let* ((mdir (mu4e-ask-maildir prompt))
(fullpath (mu4e-join-paths (mu4e-root-maildir) mdir)))
(unless (file-directory-p fullpath)
(and (yes-or-no-p
(mu4e-format "%s does not exist. Create now?" fullpath))
(mu4e--server-mkdir fullpath)))
;; mu4e-attachment-dir is either a string or a function that takes a
;; filename and the mime-type as argument, either (or both) which can
;; be nil
(defun mu4e-determine-attachment-dir (&optional fname mimetype)
"Get the target-directory for attachments.
This is based on the variable `mu4e-attachment-dir', which is either:
- if is a string, used it as-is
- a function taking two string parameters, both of which can be nil:
(1) a filename or a URL
(2) a mime-type (such as \"text/plain\"."
(let ((dir
((stringp mu4e-attachment-dir)
((functionp mu4e-attachment-dir)
(funcall mu4e-attachment-dir fname mimetype))
(mu4e-error "Unsupported type for mu4e-attachment-dir" )))))
(if dir
(expand-file-name dir)
(mu4e-error "Mu4e-attachment-dir evaluates to nil"))))
(provide 'mu4e-folders)
;;; mu4e-folders.el ends here