/* ** Copyright (C) 2010-2020 Dirk-Jan C. Binnema ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ** under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the ** Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any ** later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, ** Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ** */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mu-config.hh" #include "mu-cmd.hh" #include "mu-maildir.hh" #include "mu-contacts-cache.hh" #include "mu-runtime.hh" #include "message/mu-message.hh" #include "message/mu-mime-object.hh" #include "utils/mu-util.h" #include "utils/mu-str.h" #include "utils/mu-error.hh" #include "utils/mu-utils.hh" #include "message/mu-message.hh" #include #define VIEW_TERMINATOR '\f' /* form-feed */ using namespace Mu; static Mu::Result view_msg_sexp(const Message& message, const MuConfig* opts) { ::fputs(message.to_sexp().to_sexp_string().c_str(), stdout); ::fputs("\n", stdout); return Ok(); } static std::string /* return comma-sep'd list of attachments */ get_attach_str(const Message& message, const MuConfig* opts) { std::string str; seq_for_each(message.parts(), [&](auto&& part) { if (auto fname = part.raw_filename(); fname) { if (str.empty()) str = fname.value(); else str += ", " + fname.value(); } }); return str; } #define color_maybe(C) \ do { \ if (color) \ fputs((C), stdout); \ } while (0) static void print_field(const std::string& field, const std::string& val, bool color) { if (val.empty()) return; color_maybe(MU_COLOR_MAGENTA); mu_util_fputs_encoded(field.c_str(), stdout); color_maybe(MU_COLOR_DEFAULT); fputs(": ", stdout); color_maybe(MU_COLOR_GREEN); mu_util_fputs_encoded(val.c_str(), stdout); color_maybe(MU_COLOR_DEFAULT); fputs("\n", stdout); } /* a summary_len of 0 mean 'don't show summary, show body */ static void body_or_summary(const Message& message, const MuConfig* opts) { gboolean color; //int my_opts = mu_config_get_msg_options(opts) | MU_MSG_OPTION_CONSOLE_PASSWORD; color = !opts->nocolor; const auto body{message.body_text()}; if (!body || body->empty()) { if (any_of(message.flags() & Flags::Encrypted)) { color_maybe(MU_COLOR_CYAN); g_print("[No body found; " "message has encrypted parts]\n"); } else { color_maybe(MU_COLOR_MAGENTA); g_print("[No body found]\n"); } color_maybe(MU_COLOR_DEFAULT); return; } if (opts->summary_len != 0) { gchar* summ; summ = mu_str_summarize(body->c_str(), opts->summary_len); print_field("Summary", summ, color); g_free(summ); } else { mu_util_print_encoded("%s", body->c_str()); if (!g_str_has_suffix(body->c_str(), "\n")) g_print("\n"); } } /* we ignore fields for now */ /* summary_len == 0 means "no summary */ static Mu::Result view_msg_plain(const Message& message, const MuConfig* opts) { const auto color{!opts->nocolor}; print_field("From", to_string(message.from()), color); print_field("To", to_string(message.to()), color); print_field("Cc", to_string(message.cc()), color); print_field("Bcc", to_string(message.bcc()), color); print_field("Subject", message.subject(), color); if (auto&& date = message.date(); date != 0) print_field("Date", time_to_string("%c", date), color); print_field("Tags", join(message.tags(), ", "), color); print_field("Attachments",get_attach_str(message, opts), color); body_or_summary(message, opts); return Ok(); } static Mu::Result handle_msg(const std::string& fname, const MuConfig* opts) { auto message{Message::make_from_path(fname, mu_config_message_options(opts))}; if (!message) return Err(message.error()); switch (opts->format) { case MU_CONFIG_FORMAT_PLAIN: return view_msg_plain(*message, opts); case MU_CONFIG_FORMAT_SEXP: return view_msg_sexp(*message, opts); default: g_critical("bug: should not be reached"); return Err(Error::Code::Internal, "error"); } } static Mu::Result view_params_valid(const MuConfig* opts) { /* note: params[0] will be 'view' */ if (!opts->params[0] || !opts->params[1]) return Err(Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "error in parameters"); switch (opts->format) { case MU_CONFIG_FORMAT_PLAIN: case MU_CONFIG_FORMAT_SEXP: break; default: return Err(Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "invalid output format"); } return Ok(); } static Mu::Result cmd_view(const MuConfig* opts) { if (!opts || opts->cmd != Mu::MU_CONFIG_CMD_VIEW) return Err(Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "invalid parameters"); if (auto res = view_params_valid(opts); !res) return res; for (auto i = 1; opts->params[i]; ++i) { if (auto res = handle_msg(opts->params[i], opts); !res) return res; /* add a separator between two messages? */ if (opts->terminator) g_print("%c", VIEW_TERMINATOR); } return Ok(); } static Mu::Result cmd_mkdir(const MuConfig* opts) { int i; if (!opts->params[1]) return Err(Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "missing directory parameter"); for (i = 1; opts->params[i]; ++i) { if (auto&& res = maildir_mkdir(opts->params[i], opts->dirmode, FALSE); !res) return res; } return Ok(); } static Result cmd_add(Mu::Store& store, const MuConfig* opts) { /* note: params[0] will be 'add' */ if (!opts->params[0] || !opts->params[1]) return Err(Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "expected some files to add"); for (auto u = 1; opts->params[u]; ++u) { const auto docid{store.add_message(opts->params[u])}; if (!docid) return Err(docid.error()); else g_debug("added message @ %s, docid=%u", opts->params[u], docid.value()); } return Ok(); } static Result cmd_remove(Mu::Store& store, const MuConfig* opts) { /* note: params[0] will be 'remove' */ if (!opts->params[0] || !opts->params[1]) return Err(Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "expected some files to remove"); for (auto u = 1; opts->params[u]; ++u) { const auto res = store.remove_message(opts->params[u]); if (!res) return Err(Error::Code::File, "failed to remove %s", opts->params[u]); else g_debug("removed message @ %s", opts->params[u]); } return Ok(); } template static void key_val(const Mu::MaybeAnsi& col, const std::string& key, T val) { using Color = Mu::MaybeAnsi::Color; std::cout << col.fg(Color::BrightBlue) << std::left << std::setw(18) << key << col.reset() << ": "; std::cout << col.fg(Color::Green) << val << col.reset() << "\n"; } static void print_signature(const Mu::MimeSignature& sig, const MuConfig *opts) { Mu::MaybeAnsi col{!opts->nocolor}; const auto created{sig.created()}; key_val(col, "created", created == 0 ? "unknown" : time_to_string("%c", sig.created()).c_str()); const auto expires{sig.expires()}; key_val(col, "expires", expires==0 ? "never" : time_to_string("%c", sig.expires()).c_str()); const auto cert{sig.certificate()}; key_val(col, "public-key algo", to_string_view_opt(cert.pubkey_algo()).value_or("unknown")); key_val(col, "digest algo", to_string_view_opt(cert.digest_algo()).value_or("unknown")); key_val(col, "id-validity", to_string_view_opt(cert.id_validity()).value_or("unknown")); key_val(col, "trust", to_string_view_opt(cert.trust()).value_or("unknown")); key_val(col, "issuer-serial", cert.issuer_serial().value_or("unknown")); key_val(col, "issuer-name", cert.issuer_name().value_or("unknown")); key_val(col, "finger-print", cert.fingerprint().value_or("unknown")); key_val(col, "key-id", cert.key_id().value_or("unknown")); key_val(col, "name", cert.name().value_or("unknown")); key_val(col, "user-id", cert.user_id().value_or("unknown")); } static bool verify(const MimeMultipartSigned& sigpart, const MuConfig *opts) { using VFlags = MimeMultipartSigned::VerifyFlags; const auto vflags{opts->auto_retrieve ? VFlags::EnableKeyserverLookups: VFlags::None}; auto ctx{MimeCryptoContext::make_gpg()}; if (!ctx) return false; const auto sigs{sigpart.verify(*ctx, vflags)}; Mu::MaybeAnsi col{!opts->nocolor}; if (!sigs || sigs->empty()) { if (!opts->quiet) g_print("cannot find signatures in part\n"); return true; } bool valid{true}; for (auto&& sig: *sigs) { const auto status{sig.status()}; if (!opts->quiet) key_val(col, "status", to_string(status)); if (opts->verbose) print_signature(sig, opts); if (none_of(sig.status() & MimeSignature::Status::Green)) valid = false; } return valid; } static Mu::Result cmd_verify(const MuConfig* opts) { if (!opts || opts->cmd != MU_CONFIG_CMD_VERIFY) return Err(Error::Code::Internal, "error in parameters"); if (!opts->params[1]) return Err(Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "missing message-file parameter"); auto message{Message::make_from_path(opts->params[1], mu_config_message_options(opts))}; if (!message) return Err(message.error()); if (none_of(message->flags() & Flags::Signed)) { if (!opts->quiet) g_print("no signed parts found\n"); return Ok(); } bool verified{true}; /* innocent until proven guilty */ for(auto&& part: message->parts()) { if (!part.is_signed()) continue; const auto& mobj{part.mime_object()}; if (!mobj.is_multipart_signed()) continue; if (!verify(MimeMultipartSigned(mobj), opts)) verified = false; } if (verified) return Ok(); else return Err(Error::Code::UnverifiedSignature, "failed to verify one or more signatures"); } static Result cmd_info(const Mu::Store& store, const MuConfig* opts) { using namespace tabulate; if (!locale_workaround()) return Err(Error::Code::User, "failed to find a working locale"); auto colorify = [](Table& table) { for (auto&& row: table) { if (row.cells().size() < 2) continue; row.cells().at(0)->format().font_style({FontStyle::bold}) .font_color(Color::green); row.cells().at(1)->format().font_color(Color::blue); } }; auto tstamp = [](::time_t t)->std::string { if (t == 0) return "never"; else return time_to_string("%c", t); }; Table info; info.add_row({"maildir", store.properties().root_maildir}); info.add_row({"database-path", store.properties().database_path}); info.add_row({"schema-version", store.properties().schema_version}); info.add_row({"max-message-size", format("%zu", store.properties().max_message_size)}); info.add_row({"batch-size", format("%zu", store.properties().batch_size)}); info.add_row({"created", tstamp(store.properties().created)}); for (auto&& c : store.properties().personal_addresses) info.add_row({"personal-address", c}); info.add_row({"messages in store", format("%zu", store.size())}); info.add_row({"last-change", tstamp(store.statistics().last_change)}); info.add_row({"last-index", tstamp(store.statistics().last_index)}); if (!opts->nocolor) colorify(info); std::cout << info << '\n'; return Ok(); } static Result cmd_init(const MuConfig* opts) { /* not provided, nor could we find a good default */ if (!opts->maildir) return Err(Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "missing --maildir parameter and could " "not determine default"); if (opts->max_msg_size < 0) return Err(Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "invalid value for max-message-size"); else if (opts->batch_size < 0) return Err(Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "invalid value for batch-size"); Mu::Store::Config conf{}; conf.max_message_size = opts->max_msg_size; conf.batch_size = opts->batch_size; Mu::StringVec my_addrs; auto addrs = opts->my_addresses; while (addrs && *addrs) { my_addrs.emplace_back(*addrs); ++addrs; } auto store = Store::make_new(mu_runtime_path(MU_RUNTIME_PATH_XAPIANDB), opts->maildir, my_addrs, conf); if (!store) return Err(store.error()); if (!opts->quiet) { cmd_info(*store, opts); std::cout << "\nstore created; use the 'index' command to fill/update it.\n"; } return Ok(); } static Result cmd_find(const MuConfig* opts) { auto store{Store::make(mu_runtime_path(MU_RUNTIME_PATH_XAPIANDB))}; if (!store) return Err(store.error()); else return mu_cmd_find(*store, opts); } static void show_usage(void) { g_print("usage: mu command [options] [parameters]\n"); g_print("where command is one of index, find, cfind, view, mkdir, " "extract, add, remove, script, verify or server\n"); g_print("see the mu, mu- or mu-easy manpages for " "more information\n"); } using ReadOnlyStoreFunc = std::function(const Store&, const MuConfig*)>; using WritableStoreFunc = std::function(Store&, const MuConfig*)>; static Result with_readonly_store(const ReadOnlyStoreFunc& func, const MuConfig* opts) { auto store{Store::make(mu_runtime_path(MU_RUNTIME_PATH_XAPIANDB))}; if (!store) return Err(store.error()); return func(store.value(), opts); } static Result with_writable_store(const WritableStoreFunc func, const MuConfig* opts) { auto store{Store::make(mu_runtime_path(MU_RUNTIME_PATH_XAPIANDB), Store::Options::Writable)}; if (!store) return Err(store.error()); return func(store.value(), opts); } Result Mu::mu_cmd_execute(const MuConfig* opts) try { if (!opts || !opts->params || !opts->params[0]) return Err(Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "error in parameters"); switch (opts->cmd) { case MU_CONFIG_CMD_HELP: /* already handled in mu-config.c */ return Ok(); /* * no store needed */ case MU_CONFIG_CMD_FIELDS: return mu_cmd_fields(opts); case MU_CONFIG_CMD_MKDIR: return cmd_mkdir(opts); case MU_CONFIG_CMD_SCRIPT: return mu_cmd_script(opts); case MU_CONFIG_CMD_VIEW: return cmd_view(opts); case MU_CONFIG_CMD_VERIFY: return cmd_verify(opts); case MU_CONFIG_CMD_EXTRACT: return mu_cmd_extract(opts); /* * read-only store */ case MU_CONFIG_CMD_CFIND: return with_readonly_store(mu_cmd_cfind, opts); case MU_CONFIG_CMD_FIND: return cmd_find(opts); case MU_CONFIG_CMD_INFO: return with_readonly_store(cmd_info, opts); /* writable store */ case MU_CONFIG_CMD_ADD: return with_writable_store(cmd_add, opts); case MU_CONFIG_CMD_REMOVE: return with_writable_store(cmd_remove, opts); case MU_CONFIG_CMD_INDEX: return with_writable_store(mu_cmd_index, opts); /* commands instantiate store themselves */ case MU_CONFIG_CMD_INIT: return cmd_init(opts); case MU_CONFIG_CMD_SERVER: return mu_cmd_server(opts); default: show_usage(); return Ok(); } } catch (const Mu::Error& er) { return Err(er); } catch (const std::runtime_error& re) { return Err(Error::Code::Internal, "runtime-error: %s", re.what()); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { return Err(Error::Code::Internal, "error: %s", ex.what()); } catch (...) { return Err(Error::Code::Internal, "caught exception"); }