/* ** Copyright (C) 2023 Dirk-Jan C. Binnema ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ** under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the ** Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any ** later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, ** Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ** */ #include "config.h" #include "mu-query-parser.hh" #include #include #include #include #include "utils/mu-option.hh" #include #include "utils/mu-utils-file.hh" using namespace Mu; // backward compat #ifndef HAVE_XAPIAN_FLAG_NGRAMS #define FLAG_NGRAMS FLAG_CJK_NGRAM #endif /*HAVE_XAPIAN_FLAG_NGRAMS*/ /** * Expand terms for scripts without explicit word-breaks (e.g. * Chinese/Japanese/Korean) in the way that Xapian expects it - * use Xapian's built-in QueryParser just for that. */ static Result ngram_expand(const Field& field, const std::string& str) { Xapian::QueryParser qp; const auto pfx{std::string(1U, field.xapian_prefix())}; qp.set_default_op(Xapian::Query::OP_OR); return qp.parse_query(str, Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_NGRAMS, pfx); } static Option tail(Sexp&& s) { if (!s.listp() || s.empty()) return Nothing; s.list().erase(s.list().begin(), s.list().begin() + 1); return s; } Option head_symbol(const Sexp& s) { if (!s.listp() || s.empty() || !s.head() || !s.head()->symbolp()) return Nothing; return s.head()->symbol().name; } Option string_nth(const Sexp& args, size_t n) { if (!args.listp() || args.size() < n + 1) return Nothing; if (auto&& item{args.list().at(n)}; !item.stringp()) return Nothing; else return item.string(); } static Result phrase(const Field& field, Sexp&& s) { if (!field.is_phrasable_term()) return Err(Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "field {} does not support phrases", field.name); if (s.size() == 1 && s.front().stringp()) { auto&& words{split(s.front().string(), " ")}; std::vector phvec; phvec.reserve(words.size()); for(auto&& w: words) phvec.emplace_back(Xapian::Query{field.xapian_term(std::move(w))}); return Xapian::Query{Xapian::Query::OP_PHRASE, phvec.begin(), phvec.end()}; } else return Err(Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "invalid phrase for field {}: '{}'", field.name, s.to_string()); } static Result regex(const Store& store, const Field& field, const std::string& rx_str) { auto&& str{utf8_flatten(rx_str)}; auto&& rx{Regex::make(str, G_REGEX_OPTIMIZE)}; if (!rx) { mu_warning("invalid regexp: '{}': {}", str, rx.error().what()); return Xapian::Query::MatchNothing; } std::vector rxvec; store.for_each_term(field.id, [&](auto&& str) { if (auto&& val{str.data() + 1}; rx->matches(val)) rxvec.emplace_back(field.xapian_term(std::string_view{val})); return true; }); return Xapian::Query(Xapian::Query::OP_OR, rxvec.begin(), rxvec.end()); } static Result range(const Field& field, Sexp&& s) { auto&& r0{string_nth(s, 0)}; auto&& r1{string_nth(s, 1)}; if (!r0 || !r1) return Err(Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "expected 2 range values"); // in the sexp, we use iso date/time for human readability; now convert to // time_t auto iso_to_lexnum=[](const std::string& s)->Option { if (s.empty()) return s; if (auto&& t{parse_date_time(s, true, true/*utc*/)}; !t) return Nothing; else return to_lexnum(*t); }; if (field == Field::Id::Date || field == Field::Id::Changed) { // iso -> time_t r0 = iso_to_lexnum(*r0); r1 = iso_to_lexnum(*r1); } else if (field == Field::Id::Size) { if (!r0->empty()) r0 = to_lexnum(::atoll(r0->c_str())); if (!r1->empty()) r1 = to_lexnum(::atoll(r1->c_str())); } else return Err(Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "unsupported range field {}", field.name); if (r0->empty() && r1->empty()) return Xapian::Query::MatchNothing; // empty range matches nothing. else if (r0->empty() && !r1->empty()) return Xapian::Query(Xapian::Query::OP_VALUE_LE, field.value_no(), *r1); else if (!r0->empty() && r1->empty()) return Xapian::Query(Xapian::Query::OP_VALUE_GE, field.value_no(), *r0); else return Xapian::Query(Xapian::Query::OP_VALUE_RANGE, field.value_no(), *r0, *r1); } using OpPair = std::pair; static constexpr std::array LogOpPairs = {{ { "and", Xapian::Query::OP_AND }, { "or", Xapian::Query::OP_OR }, { "xor", Xapian::Query::OP_XOR }, { "not", Xapian::Query::OP_AND_NOT } }}; static Option find_log_op(const std::string& opname) { for (auto&& p: LogOpPairs) if (p.first == opname) return p.second; return Nothing; } static Result parse(const Store& store, Sexp&& s, Mu::ParserFlags flags); static Result parse_logop(const Store& store, Xapian::Query::op op, Sexp&& args, Mu::ParserFlags flags) { if (!args.listp() || args.empty()) return Err(Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "expected non-empty list but got", args.to_string()); std::vector qs; for (auto&& elm: args.list()) { if (auto&& q{parse(store, std::move(elm), flags)}; !q) return Err(std::move(q.error())); else qs.emplace_back(std::move(*q)); } switch(op) { case Xapian::Query::OP_AND_NOT: if (qs.size() != 1) return Err(Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "expected single argument for NOT"); else return Xapian::Query{op, Xapian::Query::MatchAll, qs.at(0)}; case Xapian::Query::OP_AND: case Xapian::Query::OP_OR: case Xapian::Query::OP_XOR: return Xapian::Query(op, qs.begin(), qs.end()); default: return Err(Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "unexpected xapian op"); } } static Result parse_field_matcher(const Store& store, const Field& field, const std::string& match_sym, Sexp&& args) { auto&& str0{string_nth(args, 0)}; if (match_sym == wildcard_sym.name && str0) return Xapian::Query{Xapian::Query::OP_WILDCARD, field.xapian_term(*str0)}; else if (match_sym == range_sym.name && !!str0) return range(field, std::move(args)); else if (match_sym == regex_sym.name && !!str0) return regex(store, field, *str0); else if (match_sym == phrase_sym.name) return phrase(field, std::move(args)); return Err(Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "invalid field '{}'/'{}' matcher: {}", field.name, match_sym, args.to_string()); } static Result parse_basic(const Field &field, Sexp &&vals, Mu::ParserFlags flags) { auto ngrams = any_of(flags & ParserFlags::SupportNgrams); if (!vals.stringp()) return Err(Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "expected string"); auto&& val{vals.string()}; switch (field.id) { case Field::Id::Flags: if (auto&& finfo{flag_info(val)}; finfo) return Xapian::Query{field.xapian_term(finfo->shortcut_lower())}; else return Err(Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "invalid flag '{}'", val); case Field::Id::Priority: if (auto&& prio{priority_from_name(val)}; prio) return Xapian::Query{field.xapian_term(to_char(*prio))}; else return Err(Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "invalid priority '{}'", val); default: { auto q{Xapian::Query{field.xapian_term(val)}}; if (ngrams) { // special case: cjk; see if we can create an expanded query. if (field.is_phrasable_term() && contains_unbroken_script(val)) if (auto&& ng{ngram_expand(field, val)}; ng) return ng; } return q; }} } static Result parse(const Store& store, Sexp&& s, Mu::ParserFlags flags) { auto&& headsym{head_symbol(s)}; if (!headsym) return Err(Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "expected (symbol ...) but got {}", s.to_string()); // ie., something like (or|and| ... ....) if (auto&& logop{find_log_op(*headsym)}; logop) { if (auto&& args{tail(std::move(s))}; !args) return Err(Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "expected (logop ...) but got {}", s.to_string()); else return parse_logop(store, *logop, std::move(*args), flags); } // something like (field ...) else if (auto&& field{field_from_name(*headsym)}; field) { auto&& rest{tail(std::move(s))}; if (!rest || rest->empty()) return Err(Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "expected field-value or field-matcher"); auto&& matcher{rest->front()}; // field-value: (field "value"); ensure "value" is there if (matcher.stringp()) return parse_basic(*field, std::move(matcher), flags); // otherwise, we expect a field-matcher, e.g. (field (phrase "a b c")) // ensure the matcher is a list starting with a symbol auto&& match_sym{head_symbol(matcher)}; if (!match_sym) return Err(Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "expected field-matcher"); if (auto&& args{tail(std::move(matcher))}; !args) return Err(Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "expected matcher arguments"); else return parse_field_matcher(store, *field, *match_sym, std::move(*args)); } return Err(Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "unexpected sexp {}", s.to_string()); } /* LCOV_EXCL_START */ // parse the way Xapian's internal parser does it; for testing. static Xapian::Query xapian_query_classic(const std::string& expr, Mu::ParserFlags flags) { Xapian::QueryParser xqp; // add prefixes field_for_each([&](auto&& field){ if (!field.is_searchable()) return; const auto prefix{std::string(1U, field.xapian_prefix())}; std::vector names = { std::string{field.name}, std::string(1U, field.shortcut) }; if (!field.alias.empty()) names.emplace_back(std::string{field.alias}); for (auto&& name: names) xqp.add_prefix(name, prefix); }); auto xflags = Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PHRASE | Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_BOOLEAN | Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_WILDCARD; if (any_of(flags & ParserFlags::SupportNgrams)) xflags |= Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_NGRAMS; xqp.set_default_op(Xapian::Query::OP_AND); return xqp.parse_query(expr, xflags); } /* LCOV_EXCL_STOP */ Result Mu::make_xapian_query(const Store& store, const std::string& expr, Mu::ParserFlags flags) noexcept { if (any_of(flags & Mu::ParserFlags::XapianParser)) return xapian_query_classic(expr, flags); return parse(store, Mu::parse_query(expr, true/*expand*/), flags); } #ifdef BUILD_XAPIANIZE_QUERY int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { mu_printerrln("expected: parse-query "); return 1; } auto store = Store::make(runtime_path(Mu::RuntimePath::XapianDb)); if (!store) { mu_printerrln("error: {}", store.error()); return 2; } std::string expr; for (auto i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { expr += argv[i]; expr += " "; } if (auto&& query{make_xapian_query(*store, expr)}; !query) { mu_printerrln("error: {}", query.error()); return 1; } else { mu_println("{}", query->get_description()); return 0; } } #endif /*BUILD_XAPIANIZE_QUERY*/ #if BUILD_TESTS /* * Tests. * */ #include "utils/mu-test-utils.hh" using TestCase = std::pair; static void test_xapian() { allow_warnings(); auto&& testhome{unwrap(make_temp_dir())}; auto&& dbpath{runtime_path(RuntimePath::XapianDb, testhome)}; auto&& store{unwrap(Store::make_new(dbpath, join_paths(testhome, "test-maildir")))}; // Xapian internal format (get_description()) is _not_ guaranteed // to be the same between versions auto&& zz{make_xapian_query(store, R"(subject:"hello world")")}; assert_valid_result(zz); /* LCOV_EXCL_START*/ if (zz->get_description() != R"(Query((Shello world OR (Shello PHRASE 2 Sworld))))") { mu_println("{}", zz->get_description()); if (mu_test_mu_hacker()) { // in the mu hacker case, we want to be warned if Xapian changed. g_critical("xapian version mismatch"); g_assert_true(false); } else { g_test_skip("incompatible xapian descriptions"); return; } } /* LCOV_EXCL_STOP*/ std::vector cases = { TestCase{R"(i:87h766tzzz.fsf@gnus.org)", R"(Query(I87h766tzzz.fsf@gnus.org))"}, TestCase{R"(subject:foo to:bar)", R"(Query((Sfoo AND Tbar)))"}, TestCase{R"(subject:"cuux*")", R"(Query(WILDCARD SYNONYM Scuux))"}, TestCase{R"(subject:"hello world")", R"(Query((Shello world OR (Shello PHRASE 2 Sworld))))"}, TestCase{R"(subject:/boo/")", R"(Query())"}, // ranges. TestCase{R"(size:1..10")", R"(Query(VALUE_RANGE 17 g1 ga))"}, TestCase{R"(size:10..1")", R"(Query(VALUE_RANGE 17 g1 ga))"}, TestCase{R"(size:10..")", R"(Query(VALUE_GE 17 ga))"}, TestCase{R"(size:..10")", R"(Query(VALUE_LE 17 ga))"}, TestCase{R"(size:10")", R"(Query(VALUE_RANGE 17 ga ga))"}, // change? TestCase{R"(size:..")", R"(Query())"}, }; for (auto&& test: cases) { auto&& xq{make_xapian_query(store, test.first)}; assert_valid_result(xq); assert_equal(xq->get_description(), test.second); } remove_directory(testhome); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { mu_test_init(&argc, &argv); Xapian::QueryParser qp; g_test_add_func("/query-parser/xapianizer", test_xapian); return g_test_run(); } #endif /*BUILD_TESTS*/