#+STARTUP:showall * IDEAS Ideas for future enhancements. We collect those here so they don't clutter up the Github issue list, i.e. without any clear plan for adding in the near future. - Support automatic handling for List-Unsubscribe headers https://github.com/djcb/mu/issues/2623 This seems useful, but probably requires a lot of testing to get right. - Allow for *muting* messages https://github.com/djcb/mu/issues/636 Useful; probably need to do this by *remembering* the thread-id of muted messages; and management (unmute etc.). Perhaps at the mu side, a list of thread-id to add to each query for what *not* to match. - Support *creating* calendar invitations. https://github.com/djcb/mu/issues/2308 Shouldn't be _too_ hard, for someone that uses the functionality.