#+title: MU VERIFY * NAME mu verify - verify message signatures and display information about them * SYNOPSIS *mu [common-options] verify [options] * * DESCRIPTION *mu verify* is the *mu* command for verifying message signatures (such as PGP/GPG signatures) and displaying information about them. The sub-command works on message files, and does not require the message to be indexed in the database. * VERIFY OPTIONS ** -r, --auto-retrieve attempt to find keys online (see the *auto-key-retrieve* option in the *gnupg(1)* documentation). ** decrypt attempt to decrypt the message #+include: "common-options.inc" :minlevel 1 * EXAMPLES To display aggregated (one-line) information about the verification status in a message: #+begin_example $ mu verify msgfile #+end_example To display information about all the signatures: #+begin_example $ mu verify --verbose msgfile #+end_example If you only want to use the exit code, you can use: #+begin_example $ mu verify --quiet msgfile #+end_example which does not give any output unless there is an error. #+include: "prefooter.inc" :minlevel 1 * SEE ALSO *mu(1)*