#+title: mu4e: mu for emacs #+style: #+options: skip t Starting with version 0.9.8, [[http://www.djcbsoftware.nl/code/mu][mu]] provides an emacs-based e-mail client which uses =mu= for its back-end: *mu4e*. It's been in use (by the author) for a few months already, but 0.9.8 is the first public release. *mu4e* is designed to enable super-efficient handling of e-mail; searching, reading, replying, moving, deleting, ... For all the details, please see the [[file:mu4e/index.html][manual]]. Or check the screenshots below. ** Screenshots Here are some screenshots. *** The main view [[file:mu4e-1.png]] *** The headers view [[file:mu4e-2.png]] *** The message view [[file:mu4e-3.png]] ** License & Copyright *mu4e* was designed and implemented by Dirk-Jan C. Binnema, and is Free Software, licensed under the GNU GPLv3 #+html:
© 2011-2012 Dirk-Jan C. Binnema
#+begin_html #+end_html