/* ** Copyright (C) 2020 Dirk-Jan C. Binnema ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ** under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the ** Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any ** later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, ** Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ** */ #include "mu-indexer.hh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std::chrono_literals; #include "mu-scanner.hh" #include "utils/mu-async-queue.hh" #include "utils/mu-error.hh" #include "../mu-store.hh" using namespace Mu; struct IndexState { enum State { Idle, Scanning, Cleaning }; static const char* name(State s) { switch (s) { case Idle: return "idle"; case Scanning: return "scanning"; case Cleaning: return "cleaning"; default: return ""; } } bool operator==(State rhs) const { return state_ == rhs; } bool operator!=(State rhs) const { return state_ != rhs; } void change_to(State new_state) { g_debug("changing indexer state %s->%s", name((State)state_), name((State)new_state)); state_ = new_state; } private: std::atomic state_{Idle}; }; struct Indexer::Private { Private(Mu::Store& store) : store_{store}, scanner_{store_.properties().root_maildir, [this](auto&& path, auto&& statbuf, auto&& info) { return handler(path, statbuf, info); }}, max_message_size_{store_.properties().max_message_size} { g_message("created indexer for %s -> %s (batch-size: %zu)", store.properties().root_maildir.c_str(), store.properties().database_path.c_str(), store.properties().batch_size); } ~Private() { stop(); } bool dir_predicate(const std::string& path, const struct dirent* dirent) const; bool handler(const std::string& fullpath, struct stat* statbuf, Scanner::HandleType htype); void maybe_start_worker(); void item_worker(); void scan_worker(); bool cleanup(); bool start(const Indexer::Config& conf); bool stop(); Indexer::Config conf_; Store& store_; Scanner scanner_; const size_t max_message_size_; time_t dirstamp_{}; std::size_t max_workers_; std::vector workers_; std::thread scanner_worker_; struct WorkItem { std::string full_path; enum Type { Dir, File }; Type type; }; AsyncQueue todos_; Progress progress_; IndexState state_; std::mutex lock_, w_lock_; }; bool Indexer::Private::handler(const std::string& fullpath, struct stat* statbuf, Scanner::HandleType htype) { switch (htype) { case Scanner::HandleType::EnterDir: case Scanner::HandleType::EnterNewCur: { // in lazy-mode, we ignore this dir if its dirstamp suggest it // is up-to-date (this is _not_ always true; hence we call it // lazy-mode); only for actual message dirs, since the dir // tstamps may not bubble up. dirstamp_ = store_.dirstamp(fullpath); if (conf_.lazy_check && dirstamp_ >= statbuf->st_mtime && htype == Scanner::HandleType::EnterNewCur) { g_debug("skip %s (seems up-to-date: %s >= %s)", fullpath.c_str(), time_to_string("%FT%T", dirstamp_).c_str(), time_to_string("%FT%T", statbuf->st_mtime).c_str()); return false; } // don't index dirs with '.noindex' auto noindex = ::access((fullpath + "/.noindex").c_str(), F_OK) == 0; if (noindex) { g_debug("skip %s (has .noindex)", fullpath.c_str()); return false; // don't descend into this dir. } // don't index dirs with '.noupdate', unless we do a full // (re)index. if (!conf_.ignore_noupdate) { auto noupdate = ::access((fullpath + "/.noupdate").c_str(), F_OK) == 0; if (noupdate) { g_debug("skip %s (has .noupdate)", fullpath.c_str()); return false; } } g_debug("checked %s", fullpath.c_str()); return true; } case Scanner::HandleType::LeaveDir: { todos_.push({fullpath, WorkItem::Type::Dir}); return true; } case Scanner::HandleType::File: { ++progress_.checked; if ((size_t)statbuf->st_size > max_message_size_) { g_debug("skip %s (too big: %" G_GINT64_FORMAT " bytes)", fullpath.c_str(), (gint64)statbuf->st_size); return false; } // if the message is not in the db yet, or not up-to-date, queue // it for updating/inserting. if (statbuf->st_mtime <= dirstamp_ && store_.contains_message(fullpath)) { // g_debug ("skip %s: already up-to-date"); return false; } // push the remaining messages to our "todo" queue for // (re)parsing and adding/updating to the database. todos_.push({fullpath, WorkItem::Type::File}); return true; } default: g_return_val_if_reached(false); return false; } } void Indexer::Private::maybe_start_worker() { std::lock_guard lock{w_lock_}; if (todos_.size() > workers_.size() && workers_.size() < max_workers_) { workers_.emplace_back(std::thread([this] { item_worker(); })); g_debug("added worker %zu", workers_.size()); } } void Indexer::Private::item_worker() { WorkItem item; g_debug("started worker"); while (state_ == IndexState::Scanning) { if (!todos_.pop(item, 250ms)) continue; try { std::lock_guard lock{w_lock_}; switch (item.type) { case WorkItem::Type::File: store_.add_message(item.full_path, true /*use-transaction*/); ++progress_.updated; break; case WorkItem::Type::Dir: store_.set_dirstamp(item.full_path, ::time(NULL)); break; default: g_warn_if_reached(); break; } } catch (const Mu::Error& er) { g_warning("error adding message @ %s: %s", item.full_path.c_str(), er.what()); } maybe_start_worker(); std::this_thread::yield(); } } bool Indexer::Private::cleanup() { g_debug("starting cleanup"); size_t n{}; std::vector orphans; // store messages without files. store_.for_each_message_path([&](Store::Id id, const std::string& path) { ++n; if (::access(path.c_str(), R_OK) != 0) { g_debug("cannot read %s (id=%u); queueing for removal from store", path.c_str(), id); orphans.emplace_back(id); } return state_ == IndexState::Cleaning; }); if (orphans.empty()) g_debug("nothing to clean up"); else { g_debug("removing up %zu stale message(s) from store", orphans.size()); store_.remove_messages(orphans); progress_.removed += orphans.size(); } return true; } void Indexer::Private::scan_worker() { progress_.reset(); if (conf_.scan) { g_debug("starting scanner"); if (!scanner_.start()) { // blocks. g_warning("failed to start scanner"); goto leave; } g_debug("scanner finished with %zu file(s) in queue", todos_.size()); } // now there may still be messages in the work queue... // finish those; this is a bit ugly; perhaps we should // handle SIGTERM etc. if (!todos_.empty()) { const auto workers_size = std::invoke([this] { std::lock_guard lock{w_lock_}; return workers_.size(); }); g_debug("process %zu remaining message(s) with %zu worker(s)", todos_.size(), workers_size); while (!todos_.empty()) std::this_thread::sleep_for(100ms); } store_.commit(); if (conf_.cleanup) { g_debug("starting cleanup"); state_.change_to(IndexState::Cleaning); cleanup(); g_debug("cleanup finished"); } leave: state_.change_to(IndexState::Idle); } bool Indexer::Private::start(const Indexer::Config& conf) { stop(); conf_ = conf; if (conf_.max_threads == 0) { /* we're blocked mostly by a) filesystem and b) database; * so it's not very useful to start many threads */ max_workers_ = std::max( 4U, std::thread::hardware_concurrency()); } else max_workers_ = conf.max_threads; g_debug("starting indexer with <= %zu worker thread(s)", max_workers_); g_debug("indexing: %s; clean-up: %s", conf_.scan ? "yes" : "no", conf_.cleanup ? "yes" : "no"); state_.change_to(IndexState::Scanning); /* kick off the first worker, which will spawn more if needed. */ workers_.emplace_back(std::thread([this] { item_worker(); })); /* kick the disk-scanner thread */ scanner_worker_ = std::thread([this] { scan_worker(); }); g_debug("started indexer"); return true; } bool Indexer::Private::stop() { scanner_.stop(); todos_.clear(); if (scanner_worker_.joinable()) scanner_worker_.join(); state_.change_to(IndexState::Idle); for (auto&& w : workers_) if (w.joinable()) w.join(); workers_.clear(); return true; } Indexer::Indexer(Store& store) : priv_{std::make_unique(store)} { } Indexer::~Indexer() = default; bool Indexer::start(const Indexer::Config& conf) { const auto mdir{priv_->store_.properties().root_maildir}; if (G_UNLIKELY(access(mdir.c_str(), R_OK) != 0)) { g_critical("'%s' is not readable: %s", mdir.c_str(), g_strerror(errno)); return false; } std::lock_guard lock(priv_->lock_); if (is_running()) return true; return priv_->start(conf); } bool Indexer::stop() { std::lock_guard lock{priv_->lock_}; if (!is_running()) return true; g_debug("stopping indexer"); return priv_->stop(); } bool Indexer::is_running() const { return priv_->state_ != IndexState::Idle; } const Indexer::Progress& Indexer::progress() const { priv_->progress_.running = priv_->state_ == IndexState::Idle ? false : true; return priv_->progress_; }