/* ** Copyright (C) 2008-2022 Dirk-Jan C. Binnema ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ** under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the ** Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any ** later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, ** Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ** */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "message/mu-message.hh" #include "mu-maildir.hh" #include "mu-query-match-deciders.hh" #include "mu-query.hh" #include "mu-bookmarks.hh" #include "message/mu-message.hh" #include "utils/mu-option.hh" #include "utils/mu-util.h" #include "mu-cmd.hh" #include "utils/mu-utils.hh" using namespace Mu; using Format = Options::Find::Format; struct OutputInfo { Xapian::docid docid{}; bool header{}; bool footer{}; bool last{}; Option match_info; }; constexpr auto FirstOutput{OutputInfo{0, true, false, {}, {}}}; constexpr auto LastOutput{OutputInfo{0, false, true, {}, {}}}; using OutputFunc = std::function& msg, const OutputInfo&, const Options&, GError**)>; using Format = Options::Find::Format; static Result print_internal(const Store& store, const std::string& expr, bool xapian, bool warn) { std::cout << store.parse_query(expr, xapian) << "\n"; return Ok(); } static Result run_query(const Store& store, const std::string& expr, const Options& opts) { Mu::QueryFlags qflags{QueryFlags::SkipUnreadable}; if (opts.find.reverse) qflags |= QueryFlags::Descending; if (opts.find.skip_dups) qflags |= QueryFlags::SkipDuplicates; if (opts.find.include_related) qflags |= QueryFlags::IncludeRelated; if (opts.find.threads) qflags |= QueryFlags::Threading; return store.run_query(expr, opts.find.sortfield, qflags, opts.find.maxnum.value_or(0)); } static bool exec_cmd(const Option& msg, const OutputInfo& info, const Options& opts, GError** err) { if (!msg) return true; gint status; char * cmdline, *escpath; bool rv; escpath = g_shell_quote(msg->path().c_str()); cmdline = g_strdup_printf("%s %s", opts.find.exec.c_str(), escpath); rv = g_spawn_command_line_sync(cmdline, NULL, NULL, &status, err); g_free(cmdline); g_free(escpath); return rv; } static Result resolve_bookmark(const Options& opts) { const auto bmfile = opts.runtime_path(RuntimePath::Bookmarks); auto bm = mu_bookmarks_new(bmfile.c_str()); if (!bm) return Err(Error::Code::File, "failed to open bookmarks file '%s'", bmfile.c_str()); const auto bookmark{opts.find.bookmark}; const auto val = mu_bookmarks_lookup(bm, bookmark.c_str()); if (!val) { mu_bookmarks_destroy(bm); return Err(Error::Code::NoMatches, "bookmark '%s' not found", bookmark.c_str()); } mu_bookmarks_destroy(bm); return Ok(std::string(val)); } static Result get_query(const Options& opts) { if (opts.find.bookmark.empty() && opts.find.query.empty()) return Err(Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "neither bookmark nor query"); std::string bookmark; if (!opts.find.bookmark.empty()) { const auto res = resolve_bookmark(opts); if (!res) return Err(std::move(res.error())); bookmark = res.value() + " "; } auto&& query{join(opts.find.query, " ")}; return Ok(bookmark + query); } static bool prepare_links(const Options& opts, GError** err) { /* note, mu_maildir_mkdir simply ignores whatever part of the * mail dir already exists */ if (auto&& res = maildir_mkdir(opts.find.linksdir, 0700, true); !res) { res.error().fill_g_error(err); return false; } if (!opts.find.clearlinks) return false; if (auto&& res = maildir_clear_links(opts.find.linksdir); !res) { res.error().fill_g_error(err); return false; } return true; } static bool output_link(const Option& msg, const OutputInfo& info, const Options& opts, GError** err) { if (info.header) return prepare_links(opts, err); else if (info.footer) return true; if (auto&& res = maildir_link(msg->path(), opts.find.linksdir); !res) { res.error().fill_g_error(err); return false; } return true; } static void ansi_color_maybe(Field::Id field_id, bool color) { const char* ansi; if (!color) return; /* nothing to do */ switch (field_id) { case Field::Id::From: ansi = MU_COLOR_CYAN; break; case Field::Id::To: case Field::Id::Cc: case Field::Id::Bcc: ansi = MU_COLOR_BLUE; break; case Field::Id::Subject: ansi = MU_COLOR_GREEN; break; case Field::Id::Date: ansi = MU_COLOR_MAGENTA; break; default: if (field_from_id(field_id).type != Field::Type::String) ansi = MU_COLOR_YELLOW; else ansi = MU_COLOR_RED; } fputs(ansi, stdout); } static void ansi_reset_maybe(Field::Id field_id, bool color) { if (!color) return; /* nothing to do */ fputs(MU_COLOR_DEFAULT, stdout); } static std::string display_field(const Message& msg, Field::Id field_id) { switch (field_from_id(field_id).type) { case Field::Type::String: return msg.document().string_value(field_id); case Field::Type::Integer: if (field_id == Field::Id::Priority) { return to_string(msg.priority()); } else if (field_id == Field::Id::Flags) { return to_string(msg.flags()); } else /* as string */ return msg.document().string_value(field_id); case Field::Type::TimeT: return time_to_string( "%c", static_cast<::time_t>(msg.document().integer_value(field_id))); case Field::Type::ByteSize: return to_string(msg.document().integer_value(field_id)); case Field::Type::StringList: return join(msg.document().string_vec_value(field_id), ','); case Field::Type::ContactList: return to_string(msg.document().contacts_value(field_id)); default: g_return_val_if_reached(""); return ""; } } static void print_summary(const Message& msg, const Options& opts) { const auto body{msg.body_text()}; if (!body) return; const auto summ{to_string_opt_gchar( mu_str_summarize(body->c_str(), opts.find.summary_len.value_or(0)))}; g_print("Summary: "); mu_util_fputs_encoded(summ ? summ->c_str() : "", stdout); g_print("\n"); } static void thread_indent(const QueryMatch& info, const Options& opts) { const auto is_root{any_of(info.flags & QueryMatch::Flags::Root)}; const auto first_child{any_of(info.flags & QueryMatch::Flags::First)}; const auto last_child{any_of(info.flags & QueryMatch::Flags::Last)}; const auto empty_parent{any_of(info.flags & QueryMatch::Flags::Orphan)}; const auto is_dup{any_of(info.flags & QueryMatch::Flags::Duplicate)}; // const auto is_related{any_of(info.flags & QueryMatch::Flags::Related)}; /* indent */ if (opts.debug) { ::fputs(info.thread_path.c_str(), stdout); ::fputs(" ", stdout); } else for (auto i = info.thread_level; i > 1; --i) ::fputs(" ", stdout); if (!is_root) { if (first_child) ::fputs("\\", stdout); else if (last_child) ::fputs("/", stdout); else ::fputs(" ", stdout); ::fputs(empty_parent ? "*> " : is_dup ? "=> " : "-> ", stdout); } } static void output_plain_fields(const Message& msg, const std::string& fields, bool color, bool threads) { size_t nonempty{}; for (auto&& k: fields) { const auto field_opt{field_from_shortcut(k)}; if (!field_opt || (!field_opt->is_value() && !field_opt->is_contact())) nonempty += printf("%c", k); else { ansi_color_maybe(field_opt->id, color); nonempty += mu_util_fputs_encoded( display_field(msg, field_opt->id).c_str(), stdout); ansi_reset_maybe(field_opt->id, color); } } if (nonempty) fputs("\n", stdout); } static bool output_plain(const Option& msg, const OutputInfo& info, const Options& opts, GError** err) { if (!msg) return true; /* we reuse the color (whatever that may be) * for message-priority for threads, too */ ansi_color_maybe(Field::Id::Priority, !opts.nocolor); if (opts.find.threads && info.match_info) thread_indent(*info.match_info, opts); output_plain_fields(*msg, opts.find.fields, !opts.nocolor, opts.find.threads); if (opts.view.summary_len) print_summary(*msg, opts); return true; } static bool output_sexp(const Option& msg, const OutputInfo& info, const Options& opts, GError** err) { if (msg) { if (const auto sexp{msg->sexp()}; !sexp.empty()) fputs(sexp.to_string().c_str(), stdout); else fputs(msg->sexp().to_string().c_str(), stdout); fputs("\n", stdout); } return true; } static bool output_json(const Option& msg, const OutputInfo& info, const Options& opts, GError** err) { if (info.header) { g_print("[\n"); return true; } if (info.footer) { g_print("]\n"); return true; } if (!msg) return true; g_print("%s%s\n", msg->sexp().to_json_string().c_str(), info.last ? "" : ","); return true; } static void print_attr_xml(const std::string& elm, const std::string& str) { if (str.empty()) return; /* empty: don't include */ auto&& esc{to_string_opt_gchar(g_markup_escape_text(str.c_str(), -1))}; g_print("\t\t<%s>%s\n", elm.c_str(), esc.value_or("").c_str(), elm.c_str()); } static bool output_xml(const Option& msg, const OutputInfo& info, const Options& opts, GError** err) { if (info.header) { g_print("\n"); g_print("\n"); return true; } if (info.footer) { g_print("\n"); return true; } g_print("\t\n"); print_attr_xml("from", to_string(msg->from())); print_attr_xml("to", to_string(msg->to())); print_attr_xml("cc", to_string(msg->cc())); print_attr_xml("subject", msg->subject()); g_print("\t\t%u\n", (unsigned)msg->date()); g_print("\t\t%u\n", (unsigned)msg->size()); print_attr_xml("msgid", msg->message_id()); print_attr_xml("path", msg->path()); print_attr_xml("maildir", msg->maildir()); g_print("\t\n"); return true; } static OutputFunc get_output_func(const Options& opts, GError** err) { if (!opts.find.exec.empty()) return exec_cmd; switch (opts.find.format) { case Format::Links: return output_link; case Format::Plain: return output_plain; case Format::Xml: return output_xml; case Format::Sexp: return output_sexp; case Format::Json: return output_json; default: g_return_val_if_reached(NULL); return NULL; } } static Result output_query_results(const QueryResults& qres, const Options& opts) { GError* err{}; const auto output_func{get_output_func(opts, &err)}; if (!output_func) return Err(Error::Code::Query, &err, "failed to find output function"); bool rv{true}; output_func(Nothing, FirstOutput, opts, {}); size_t n{0}; for (auto&& item : qres) { n++; auto msg{item.message()}; if (!msg) continue; if (msg->changed() < opts.find.after.value_or(0)) continue; rv = output_func(msg, {item.doc_id(), false, false, n == qres.size(), /* last? */ item.query_match()}, opts, &err); if (!rv) break; } output_func(Nothing, LastOutput, opts, {}); if (rv) return Ok(); else return Err(Error::Code::Query, &err, "error in query results output"); } static Result process_query(const Store& store, const std::string& expr, const Options& opts) { auto qres{run_query(store, expr, opts)}; if (!qres) return Err(qres.error()); if (qres->empty()) return Err(Error::Code::NoMatches, "no matches for search expression"); return output_query_results(*qres, opts); } Result Mu::mu_cmd_find(const Store& store, const Options& opts) { auto expr{get_query(opts)}; if (!expr) return Err(expr.error()); if (opts.find.format == Format::XQuery) return print_internal(store, *expr, true, false); else if (opts.find.format == Format::MQuery) return print_internal(store, *expr, false, opts.verbose); else return process_query(store, *expr, opts); }