/* ** Copyright (C) 2022 Dirk-Jan C. Binnema ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ** under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the ** Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any ** later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, ** Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ** */ /** * @brief Command-line handling * * Here we implement mu's command-line parsing based on the CLI11 library. At * the time of writing, that library seems to be the best based on the criteria * that it supports the features we need and is available as a header-only * include. * * CLI11 can do quite a bit, and we're only scratching the surface here, * plan is to slowly improve things. * * - we do quite a bit of sanity-checking, but the errors are a rather terse * - the docs could be improved, e.g., `mu find --help` and --format/--sortfield * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "utils/mu-test-utils.hh" #include "mu-options.hh" #include "mu-script.hh" #include using namespace Mu; /* * helpers */ /** * Options-specific array-bases type that maps some enum to a pair */ template using InfoEnum = AssocPairs, N>; /** * Get the name (shortname) for some InfoEnum, based on the enum * * @param ie an InfoEnum * @param e an enum value * * @return the name if found, or Nothing */ template static constexpr Option to_name(const IE& ie, typename IE::value_type::first_type e) { if (auto&& s{to_second(ie, e)}; s) return s->first; else return Nothing; } /** * Get the enum value for some InfoEnum, based on the name * * @param ie an InfoEnum * @param name some name (shortname) * * @return the name if found, or Nothing */ template static constexpr Option to_enum(const IE& ie, std::string_view name) { for(auto&& item: ie) if (item.second.first == name) return item.first; else return Nothing; } /** * List help options for as a string, with the default marked with '(*)' * * @param ie infoenum * @param default_opt default option * * @return */ template static std::string options_help(const IE& ie, typename IE::value_type::first_type default_opt) { std::string s; for(auto&& item: ie) { if (!s.empty()) s += ", "; s += std::string{item.second.first}; if (item.first == default_opt) s += "(*)"; /* default option */ } return s; } /** * Get map from string->type */ template static std::unordered_map options_map(const IE& ie) { std::unordered_map map; for (auto&& item : ie) map.emplace(std::string{item.second.first}, item.first); return map; } /* * common */ template static void sub_crypto(CLI::App& sub, T& opts) { sub.add_flag("--auto-retrieve,-r", opts.auto_retrieve, "Attempt to automatically retrieve online keys"); sub.add_flag("--decrypt", opts.decrypt, "Attempt to decrypt"); } /* * subcommands */ static void sub_add(CLI::App& sub, Options& opts) { sub.add_option("files", opts.add.files, "Path(s) to message files(s)") ->required(); } static void sub_cfind(CLI::App& sub, Options& opts) { using Format = Options::Cfind::Format; static constexpr InfoEnum FormatInfos = {{ { Format::Plain, {"plain", "Plain output"} }, { Format::MuttAlias, {"mutt-alias", "Mutt alias"} }, { Format::MuttAddressBook, {"mutt-ab", "Mutt address book"} }, { Format::Wanderlust, {"wl", "Wanderlust"} }, { Format::OrgContact, {"org-contact", "org-contact"} }, { Format::Bbdb, {"bbdb", "BBDB"} }, { Format::Csv, {"csv", "comma-separated values"} }, { Format::Debug, {"debug", "debug output"} } }}; const auto fhelp = options_help(FormatInfos, Format::Plain); const auto fmap = options_map(FormatInfos); sub.add_option("--format,-o", opts.cfind.format, "Output format; one of " + fhelp) ->type_name("") ->default_str("plain") ->default_val(Format::Plain) ->transform(CLI::CheckedTransformer(fmap)); sub.add_option("pattern", opts.cfind.rx_pattern, "Regular expression pattern to match"); sub.add_flag("--personal,-p", opts.cfind.personal, "Only show 'personal' contacts"); sub.add_option("--maxnum,-n", opts.cfind.maxnum, "Maximum number of results") ->type_name("") ->check(CLI::PositiveNumber); } static void sub_extract(CLI::App& sub, Options& opts) { sub_crypto(sub, opts.extract); sub.add_flag("--save-attachments,-a", opts.extract.save_attachments, "Save all attachments"); sub.add_flag("--save-all", opts.extract.save_all, "Save all MIME parts") ->excludes("--save-attachments"); sub.add_flag("--overwrite", opts.extract.overwrite, "Overwrite existing files"); sub.add_flag("--play", opts.extract.play, "Attempt to open the extracted parts"); sub.add_option("--parts", opts.extract.parts, "Save specific parts (comma-sep'd list)") ->type_name("")->delimiter(','); sub.add_option("--target-dir", opts.extract.targetdir, "Target directory for saving") ->type_name("") ->default_str("")->default_val("."); sub.add_option("message", opts.extract.message, "Path to message file")->required() ->type_name(""); sub.add_option("filename-rx", opts.extract.filename_rx, "Regular expression for files to save") ->type_name("") ->excludes("--parts") ->excludes("--save-attachments") ->excludes("--save-all"); } static void sub_fields(CLI::App& sub, Options& opts) { // nothing to do. } static void sub_find(CLI::App& sub, Options& opts) { using Format = Options::Find::Format; static constexpr InfoEnum FormatInfos = {{ { Format::Plain, {"plain", "Plain output"} }, { Format::Links, {"links", "Maildir with symbolic links"} }, { Format::Xml, {"xml", "XML"} }, { Format::Sexp, {"sexp", "S-expressions"} }, { Format::XQuery, {"xquery", "Show Xapian query (for debugging)"} }, { Format::MQuery, {"mquery", "Show mu query for (for debugging)"} }, }}; sub.add_flag("--threads,-t", opts.find.threads, "Show message threads"); sub.add_flag("--skip-dups,-u", opts.find.skip_dups, "Show only one of messages with same message-id"); sub.add_flag("--include-related,-r", opts.find.include_related, "Include related messages in results"); const auto fhelp = options_help(FormatInfos, Format::Plain); const auto fmap = options_map(FormatInfos); sub.add_option("--format,-o", opts.find.format, "Output format; one of " + fhelp) ->type_name("") ->default_str("plain") ->default_val(Format::Plain) ->transform(CLI::CheckedTransformer(fmap)); sub.add_option("--maxnum,-n", opts.find.maxnum, "Maximum number of results") ->type_name("") ->check(CLI::PositiveNumber); sub.add_option("--fields,-f", opts.find.fields, "Fields to display") ->default_val("d f s"); std::unordered_map smap; std::string sopts; field_for_each([&](auto&& field){ if (field.is_sortable()) { smap.emplace(std::string(field.name), field.id); if (!sopts.empty()) sopts += ", "; sopts += format("%.*s|%c",STR_V(field.name), field.shortcut); } }); sub.add_option("--sortfield,-s", opts.find.sortfield, "Field to sort the results by; one of " + sopts) ->type_name("") ->default_str("date") ->default_val(Field::Id::Date) ->transform(CLI::CheckedTransformer(smap)); sub.add_flag("--reverse,-z", opts.find.reverse, "Sort in descending order"); sub.add_option("--bookmark,-b", opts.find.bookmark, "Use bookmarked query") ->type_name(""); sub.add_flag("--clearlinks", opts.find.clearlinks, "Clear old links first"); sub.add_option("--linksdir", opts.find.linksdir, "Use bookmarked query") ->type_name(""); sub.add_option("--summary-len", opts.find.summary_len, "Use up to so many lines for the summary") ->type_name("") ->check(CLI::PositiveNumber); sub.add_option("--exec", opts.find.exec, "Command to execute on message file") ->type_name(""); sub.add_option("query", opts.find.query, "Search query pattern(s)") ->type_name(""); } static void sub_help(CLI::App& sub, Options& opts) { sub.add_option("command", opts.help.command, "Command to request help for") ->type_name(""); } static void sub_index(CLI::App& sub, Options& opts) { sub.add_flag("--lazy-check", opts.index.lazycheck, "Skip based on dir-timestamps"); sub.add_flag("--nocleanup", opts.index.nocleanup, "Don't clean up database after indexing"); } static void sub_info(CLI::App& sub, Options& opts) { // nothing to do. } static void sub_init(CLI::App& sub, Options& opts) { sub.add_option("--maildir,-m", opts.init.maildir, "Top of the maildir") ->type_name(""); sub.add_option("--my-address", opts.init.my_addresses, "Personal e-mail addresses") ->type_name(""); sub.add_option("--max-message-size", opts.init.max_msg_size, "Maximum allowed message size in bytes"); sub.add_option("--batch-size", opts.init.max_msg_size, "Maximum size of database transaction"); } static void sub_mkdir(CLI::App& sub, Options& opts) { sub.add_option("--mode", opts.mkdir.mode, "Set the access mode (octal)") ->default_val(0755) ->type_name(""); sub.add_option("dirs", opts.mkdir.dirs, "Path to directory/ies") ->type_name("") ->required(); } static void sub_remove(CLI::App& sub, Options& opts) { sub.add_option("files", opts.remove.files, "Paths to message files to remove") ->type_name(""); } static void sub_server(CLI::App& sub, Options& opts) { sub.add_flag("--commands", opts.server.commands, "List available commands"); sub.add_option("--eval", opts.server.eval, "Evaluate mu server expression") ->excludes("--commands"); } static void sub_verify(CLI::App& sub, Options& opts) { sub_crypto(sub, opts.verify); sub.add_option("files", opts.verify.files, "Message files to verify") ->type_name("") ->required(); } static void sub_view(CLI::App& sub, Options& opts) { using Format = Options::View::Format; static constexpr InfoEnum FormatInfos = {{ { Format::Plain, {"plain", "Plain output"} }, { Format::Sexp, {"sexp", "S-expressions"} }, }}; const auto fhelp = options_help(FormatInfos, Format::Plain); const auto fmap = options_map(FormatInfos); sub.add_option("--format,-o", opts.view.format, "Output format; one of " + fhelp) ->type_name("") ->default_str("plain") ->default_val(Format::Plain) ->transform(CLI::CheckedTransformer(fmap)); sub_crypto(sub, opts.view); sub.add_option("--summary-len", opts.view.summary_len, "Use up to so many lines for the summary") ->type_name("") ->check(CLI::PositiveNumber); sub.add_flag("--terminate", opts.view.terminate, "Insert form-feed after each message"); sub.add_option("files", opts.view.files, "Message files to view") ->type_name("") ->required(); } using SubCommand = Options::SubCommand; using Category = Options::Category; struct CommandInfo { Category category; std::string_view name; std::string_view help; // std::function is not constexp-friendly typedef void(*setup_func_t)(CLI::App&, Options&); setup_func_t setup_func{}; }; static constexpr AssocPairs SubCommandInfos= {{ { SubCommand::Add, { Category::NeedsWritableStore, "add", "Add message(s) to the database", sub_add} }, { SubCommand::Cfind, { Category::NeedsReadOnlyStore, "cfind", "Find contacts matching pattern", sub_cfind} }, { SubCommand::Extract, {Category::None, "extract", "Extract MIME-parts from messages", sub_extract} }, { SubCommand::Fields, {Category::None, "fields", "Show a information about search fields", sub_fields} }, { SubCommand::Find, {Category::NeedsReadOnlyStore, "find", "Find messages matching query", sub_find } }, { SubCommand::Help, {Category::None, "help", "Show help information", sub_help } }, { SubCommand::Index, {Category::NeedsWritableStore, "index", "Store message information in the database", sub_index } }, { SubCommand::Info, {Category::NeedsReadOnlyStore, "info", "Show information about the message store database", sub_info } }, { SubCommand::Init, {Category::NeedsWritableStore, "init", "Initialize the database", sub_init } }, { SubCommand::Mkdir, {Category::None, "mkdir", "Create a new Maildir", sub_mkdir } }, { SubCommand::Remove, {Category::NeedsWritableStore, "remove", "Remove message from file-system and database", sub_remove } }, { SubCommand::Script, // Note: SubCommand::Script is special; there's no literal // "script" subcommand, there subcommands for all the scripts. {Category::None, "script", "Invoke a script", {}} }, { SubCommand::Server, {Category::NeedsWritableStore, "server", "Start a mu server (for mu4e)", sub_server} }, { SubCommand::Verify, {Category::None, "verify", "Verify cryptographic signatures", sub_verify} }, { SubCommand::View, {Category::None, "view", "View specific messages", sub_view} }, }}; static ScriptInfos add_scripts(CLI::App& app, Options& opts) { #ifndef BUILD_GUILE return {}; #else ScriptPaths paths = { MU_SCRIPTS_DIR }; auto scriptinfos{script_infos(paths)}; for (auto&& script: scriptinfos) { auto&& sub = app.add_subcommand(script.name)->group("Scripts") ->description(script.oneline); sub->add_option("params", opts.script.params, "Parameter to script") ->type_name(""); } return scriptinfos; #endif /*BUILD_GUILE*/ } static Result show_manpage(Options& opts, const std::string& name) { char *path = g_find_program_in_path("man"); if (!path) return Err(Error::Code::Command, "cannot find 'man' program"); GError* err{}; auto cmd{to_string_gchar(std::move(path)) + " " + name}; auto res = g_spawn_command_line_sync(cmd.c_str(), {}, {}, {}, &err); if (!res) return Err(Error::Code::Command, &err, "error running man command"); return Ok(std::move(opts)); } static Result cmd_help(const CLI::App& app, Options& opts) { if (opts.help.command.empty()) { std::cout << app.help() << "\n"; return Ok(std::move(opts)); } for (auto&& item: SubCommandInfos) { if (item.second.name == opts.help.command) return show_manpage(opts, "mu-" + opts.help.command); } for (auto&& item: {"query", "easy"}) if (item == opts.help.command) return show_manpage(opts, "mu-" + opts.help.command); return Err(Error::Code::Command, "no help available for '%s'", opts.help.command.c_str()); } static void add_global_options(CLI::App& cli, Options& opts) { static const auto default_no_color = !::isatty(::fileno(stdout)) || !::isatty(::fileno(stderr)) || ::getenv("NO_COLOR") != NULL; errno = 0; cli.add_flag("-q,--quiet", opts.quiet, "Hide non-essential output"); cli.add_flag("-v,--verbose", opts.verbose, "Show verbose output"); cli.add_flag("--log-stderr", opts.log_stderr, "Log to stderr"); cli.add_flag("--nocolor", opts.nocolor, "Don't show ANSI colors") ->default_val(default_no_color) ->default_str(default_no_color ? "" : ""); cli.add_flag("-d,--debug", opts.debug, "Run in debug mode") ->group(""/*always hide*/); } Result Options::make(int argc, char *argv[]) { Options opts{}; CLI::App app{"mu mail indexer/searcher", "mu"}; app.description(R"(mu mail indexer/searcher Copyright (C) 2008-2022 Dirk-Jan C. Binnema License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. )"); app.set_version_flag("-V,--version", PACKAGE_VERSION); app.set_help_flag("-h,--help", "Show help informmation"); app.set_help_all_flag("--help-all"); app.require_subcommand(0, 1); add_global_options(app, opts); /* * subcommands * * we keep around a map of the subcommand pointers, so we can * easily find the chosen one (if any) later. */ for (auto&& cmdinfo: SubCommandInfos) { //const auto cmdtype = cmdinfo.first; const auto name{std::string{cmdinfo.second.name}}; const auto help{std::string{cmdinfo.second.help}}; const auto setup{cmdinfo.second.setup_func}; const auto cat{category(cmdinfo.first)}; if (!setup) continue; auto sub = app.add_subcommand(name, help); setup(*sub, opts); /* allow global options _after_ subcommand as well; * this is for backward compat with the older * command-line parsing */ sub->fallthrough(true); /* store commands get the '--muhome' parameter as well */ if (cat == Category::NeedsReadOnlyStore || cat == Category::NeedsWritableStore) sub->add_option("--muhome", opts.muhome, "Specify alternative mu directory") ->envname("MUHOME") ->type_name(""); } /* add scripts (if supported) as semi-subscommands as well */ const auto scripts = add_scripts(app, opts); try { app.parse(argc, argv); // find the chosen sub command, if any. for (auto&& cmdinfo: SubCommandInfos) { if (cmdinfo.first == SubCommand::Script) continue; // not a _real_ subcommand. const auto name{std::string{cmdinfo.second.name}}; if (app.got_subcommand(name)) { opts.sub_command = cmdinfo.first; } } // otherwise, perhaps it's a script? if (!opts.sub_command) { for (auto&& info: scripts) { // find the chosen script, if any. if (app.got_subcommand(info.name)) { opts.sub_command = SubCommand::Script; opts.script.name = info.name; } } } // if nothing else, try "help" if (opts.sub_command.value_or(SubCommand::Help) == SubCommand::Help) return cmd_help(app, opts); } catch (const CLI::CallForHelp& cfh) { std::cout << app.help() << std::flush; } catch (const CLI::CallForAllHelp& cfah) { std::cout << app.help("", CLI::AppFormatMode::All) << std::flush; } catch (const CLI::CallForVersion&) { std::cout << "version " << PACKAGE_VERSION << "\n"; } catch (const CLI::ParseError& pe) { return Err(Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "%s", pe.what()); } catch (...) { return Err(Error::Code::Internal, "error parsing arguments"); } return Ok(std::move(opts)); } Category Options::category(Options::SubCommand sub) { for (auto&& item: SubCommandInfos) if (item.first == sub) return item.second.category; return Category::None; } /* * trust but verify */ static constexpr bool validate_subcommand_ids() { for (auto u = 0U; u != SubCommandInfos.size(); ++u) if (static_cast(SubCommandInfos.at(u).first) != u) return false; return true; } /* * tests... also build as runtime-tests, so we can get coverage info */ #ifdef BUILD_TESTS #define static_assert g_assert_true #endif /*BUILD_TESTS*/ [[maybe_unused]] static void test_ids() { static_assert(validate_subcommand_ids()); } #ifdef BUILD_TESTS int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { mu_test_init(&argc, &argv); g_test_add_func("/options/ids", test_ids); return g_test_run(); } #endif /*BUILD_TESTS*/