.TH MU 1 "November 2010" "User Manuals" .SH NAME mu \- a set of tools to deal with Maildirs; in particular to index and search e-mail messages. .SH SYNOPSIS .B mu [options] .B mu index [options] .B mu cleanup [options] .B mu find [options] .B mu view [] .B mu mkdir [options] [] .B mu extract [options] [] .SH DESCRIPTION \fBmu\fR is a set of tools for dealing with Maildirs and the e-mail messages in them. \fBmu\fRs main function is to enable searching of e-mail messages. It does so by scanning a Maildir directory tree and analyzing the e-mail messages found ('indexing'). The results of this analysis are stored in a database, which can then be queried. In addition to indexing and searching, \fBmu\fR also offers functionality for viewing messages, extracting attachments and creating maildirs. \fBmu\fR can be used from the command line or can be integrated with various e-mail clients. This manpage gives a general overview of the available commands (\fBindex\fR, \fBfind\fR, etc.); each of the \fBmu\fR commands has its own man-page as well. .SH COMMANDS \fBmu\fR offers the following commands: .TP \fBindex\fR for indexing (analyzing) the contents of your Maildirs, and storing the information in a database. See .BR mu-index(1) \. .TP \fBcleanup\fR for removing messages from the database for which there is no longer a corresponding message file in the file system. See .BR mu-cleanup(1) \. .TP \fBfind\fR for finding messages in your database, using certain search parameters. See .BR mu-find(1) \. .TP \fBview\fR for displaying e-mail messages. See .BR mu-view(1) \. .TP \fBmkdir\fR for creating Maildirs. See .BR mu-mkdir(1) \. .TP \fBextract\fR for extract MIME-parts (such as attachments) from messages. See .BR mu-extract(1) \. .SH COMMANDS Commands \fBmu index\fR, \fBfind\fR and \fBcleanup\fR work with the database, while the other ones work on invidual mail files. Hence, running \fview\fR, \fBmkdir\fR and \fBextract\fR does not require the mu database. The various commands are discussed in more detail in their own separate man-pages; here the general options are discussed. .SH OPTIONS \fBmu\fR offers a number of general options that apply to all commands, including \fBmu\fR without any command. .TP \fB\-\-muhome\fR causes \fBmu\fR to use an alternative directory to store and read its database and logs. By default, \fI~/.mu\fR is used. .TP \fB\-d\fR, \fB\-\-debug\fR makes \fBmu\fR generate extra debug information, useful for debugging the program itself. By default, debug information goes to the log file, \fI~/.mu/mu.log\fR. It can safely be deleted when \fBmu\fR is not running. When running with \fB--debug\fR option, the log file can grow rather quickly. See the note on logging below. .TP \fB\-q\fR, \fB\-\-quiet\fR causes \fBmu\fR not to output informational messages and progress information to standard output, but only to the log file. Error messages will still be sent to standard error. Note that \fBmu index\fR is \fBmuch\fR faster with \fB\-\-quiet\fR, so it is recommended you use this option when using \fBmu\fR from scripts etc. .TP \fB\-\-log-stderr\fR causes \fBmu\fR to \fBnot\fR output log messages to standard error, in addition to sending them to the log file. .TP \fB\-v\fR, \fB\-\-version\fR prints \fBmu\fR version and copyright information. .TP \fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR lists the various command line options, while \fB\-\-help\-index\fR, \fB\-\-help\-find\fR and \fB\-\-help\-all\fR list only the options for respectively the specified command or for all commands. .SH BUGS Please report bugs if you find them: .BR http://code.google.com/p/mu0/issues/list .SH AUTHOR Dirk-Jan C. Binnema .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR mu-index(1) mu-cleanup(1) mu-find(1) mu-mkdir(1) mu-view(1) .BR mu-extract(1) mu-easy(1) mu-bookmarks(5)