--- name: Mu4e Bug Report about: Create a report to help us improve title: "[mu4e bug]" labels: bug, mu4e, new assignees: '' --- **Describe the bug** Please provide a clear and concise description of what you expected to happen and what actually happened. **How to Reproduce** Include the exact steps of what you were doing (commands executed etc.). Include any relevant logs and outputs. Best start with `emacs -Q` and a minimal `mu4e` setup. If this is about a specific (kind of) message, attach an example message. (Open the message, press `.` (`mu4e-view-raw-message`), then `C-x C-w` and attach. Anonymize as needed, all that matters is that the issue still reproduces. **Environment** Please describe the versions of OS, Emacs, mu/mu4e etc. you are using. **Checklist** - [ ] you are running either an 1.8.x/1.10.x release or `master` (otherwise please upgrade) - [ ] you can reproduce the problem without 3rd party extensions (including Doom/Evil, various extensions etc.) - [ ] you have read all of the above Please make sure you all items in the checklist are set/met before filing the ticket. Thank you!